I was wondering if anyone knew how to change the font size of a flextable in GWT? I've tried numerous attempts and looked online everywhere but no solution seems to work. I have a flexTable in GWT, and a number of labels like...
user_info.setText(5, 0, "Organization:");
Currently I've been trying to write a style in a CSS page with the code
font-size: 6pt;
background-color: #66ff66;
I set the flexTable to that style and the background of the table changes, but the font does not. Any help would greatly be appreciated. I've looked online everywhere. I've even tried changing the default styling page for each component by doing ...
font-size: 6pt;
background-color: #66ff66;
but to no avail...
So discouraging = (
I used firebug to find out the CSS styles of GWT, then in my CSS file I used "!important" to override the existing CSS styles. There is an example below.
.gwt-TabPanelBottom {
border-width: 1px !important;
background: none no-repeat scroll center center #F6F6FF !important;
padding: 0 !important;
border: 2px solid #BFCC99 !important;
Override the CSS imported via your XML with the !important statement.
Or if needed, you can just download those base css files, manually include a copy of them, comment out everything in the xml, and have full style control.
Here's the clean.css file for example:
Specifically, to change the font in a GWT Flex Table (assuming you are importing clean.css), add this example to your custom css file and override the table td style you imported:
table td{
font: 18px Arial, sans-serif !important;
I have a custom theme for CM, important part is just this:
.CodeMirror, .CodeMirror * {
font-family: "Roboto Mono" !important;
font-size: 14px;
Using this theme causes the text to be measured incorrectly at first render, but it looks good after the editor updates:
Is there any way I could force the Editor/Doc to re-measure the text? Couldn't find any API methods.
I've added the CSS that you provided and it works very fine.
Just you don't need to use the .CodeMirror *
I think that your problem may be due to something else.
Try to call editor.refresh(); after the page loaded.
I 've tried to give css to scrollpanel in GWT. But its not working.
The problem is I want to change the foregroung and background colors and also the width of scrollers.
Is it possible? can any1 suggest?
Generally it is based on the browser user agent.
For example : For Chrome You need to do something like,
::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 3px; height: 3px;}
::-webkit-scrollbar-button { background-color: #666; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #999;}
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { background-color: #ffffff;}
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { height: 50px; background-color: #666; border-radius: 3px;}
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background-color: #999;}}
::-webkit-resizer { background-color: #666;}
Please refer this Link
GWT scrollbars are simply html ones, so you can style them in the same way you would do with plain html: using css.
Add a class to your ScrollPanel and set the styles in your .css files, or set styles to it using java methods.
But you have to be aware that styling scroll-bars is not a standard thing, webkit supports it via vendor-css-properties and the same with IE, but unfortunately you will not be able to style FF.
As #Andrea suggest in the comment below, if you can change in your app ScrollPanel by CustomScrollPanel you have much more options to customize bars.
In this case you have to provide your own bars because by default it uses browser native ones. This response can help you.
I am in learning phase of GWT GXT,
I my project some of the css are working fine , but some are showing me a strange behavior .
for login button.
logonBtn = new TextButton("Connect");
.Project-Button {
color: Black;
border: thin outset #FF6600;
font-family: Courier New, Century Gothic, Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial;
vertical-align: middle;
background-position: left center;
background-color: White;
cursor: pointer;
But when i run the project , this css is not showing any effect on connect button.
In my Project i have i have 6 or 7 TextButton.
But this css is showing effect in only one of these buttons
I tried to use Firebug to see the problem. I see there is no Project-Button css attached with this textButton.
Attached is the Image of fireBug.
If somebody understand this , please explain and give the solution.
Thanks in Advance.
If tou change GXT Text button style you have to write your ButtonCellAppereance. GXT button styles too complex as other gxt widgets. example link about appereance
1: http://www.slideshare.net/senchainc/ext-gwt-30-theming-and-appearances i started a project on gwt projects as theme project link
but i have no more time to develop. good hacking...
I am just wondering how can I change RichTextArea inner font-family or font-size for example?
I tried to modify its CSS something as a
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: white;
font-family: verdana;
... but it doesn't work :( The font is still something like times new roman or something this way :S
So is there a way manually set its font attributes?
Create a Formatter, documented here: http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/2.4/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/RichTextArea.Formatter.html#setFontName(java.lang.String).
It abstracts all the styling stuff so you don't have to manually write CSS.
In my web app, I want to have a table where every other row is colored with a different background. I am using GWT and so in my UiBinder file I have some style information like this:
.productlist {
cursor: pointer;
width: 50em;
padding: 10px 10px 0px 10px;
.productlist tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: silver;
I believe this is the correct CSS as it works in the browser. However, when running the app in dev mode, I get a crash saying the CSS cannot be interpreted. If I replace "even" with "5", I get an error saying the Uibinder expected <IDENT>.
Has anyone used the nth-child CSS selector with GWT before?
This is a known issue.
You can work around this problem by escaping the parenthesis to avoid confusing the poor GWT CSS parser:
.productlist tr:nth-child\(even\) {
background-color: silver;