Is there a way to make a UITableViews sections handle touch events? - iphone

Is there a simple way or methods for allowing touches to be handled in sections(headings) and to track which section(heading) was touched?
I only want to draw the cells for a section when the user presses that section. But i want all the sections to always be visible.
I know i can hack that by make the headings be represented as cells and then draw extra cells below that cell when its touched. But its kinda hacky i guess.

An easy way is to provide a custom section header view for your table view that contains some control, like a button, that can handle those touches for you.
Take a look at UITableViewDelegate's viewForHeaderInSection: method. You can use the section number that comes from that method to identify which section of cells to reveal as the user touches a button in that section header view.


Drawing UITableViewCells for fast scrolling, but what about links?

I read this great article from Twitter about fast scrolling and how to draw cells. I have implemented this fine, but now the hard part - the links in the tweet. Is there any way to use this approach and draw links in the cell as well? I know this is possible using a number of different label extensions, but the article specifically mentions not using UILabels and UIImageViews. If I have to use UILabels to achieve this that's fine. I just want to be sure this is the only way. Thanks.
Because detection of touch events is done in UIViews, one method might be to override the UITapGestureRecognizer on the UITableViewCell, and in the action it fires upon a touch, check to see if the tap is within the bounds of your link that was drawn. If it was, handle it accordingly, if not, handle it as a cell selection.
If you don't need cell selection, you could always have selection of a table cell perform the action you want for the link as well.

custom uitablviewcell does not call didSelectRowAtIndexPath in the controller

I have a custom UITableViewCell completely written in code (no IB), it has an accessory button that simply calls didSelectRowAtIndexPath on the table view, and it works correctly and the method is called without problems.
However, when I tap on the cell itself (not on the accessory view) nothing being called, why ?
EDIT: the code is huge to put here ... however, the custom cell contains a ton of labels, couple images and scroll view ...
This is a shot in the dark, but if each cell has many different objects on it (i.e. images, labels, etc) then it may not be working because those objects are what the user is hitting when they try to click a cell. Does the cell turn blue (indicate selection) at all? If not, try hiding/removing those objects for now and see if it works.
If that is the case, then what you may want to do is create an invisible cell or button that sits on top of the other objects and calls didSelectRowAtIndexPath from behind the scenes.
This should solve your problem:
Raise selection event (didSelectRowAtIndexPath) when subview of UITableViewCell is tapped
Try setting your view's userInteractionEnabled property to NO.
This will make it ignore all touch events, and then the views under it will be able to catch these events. - Felipe Sabino
I'd partially answer my question: the wide scroll view is preventing the cell from calling didSelectRowAtIndexPath, removing the scrollView will solve the problem, however, I want to call this method with the existence of the scrollView ... anyone got ideas would be highly appreciated ...
You must post your code to understand what have you done...You have to check out this example to understand whether your code is correct or not...

Delete cells in table view Iphone with edit button

I have a table view with different cells and basically I would like an edit button which would then make those red circle appear in each cell and be able to delete them. I already know how to make the "Edit" button appear and also I have overridden the commitEditingStyle method for the table view so I would like to know how to link the button to the action which trigers the red circle and how to make them appear and finally how to actually delete the cells thankyou :)
The editing style on your table view cells should be set to UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete, and then you just need to make sure to call setEditing:animated: on your table view. UITableViewController can help provide a lot of this functionality pre-baked.
That's actually done through an undocumented API (though I'm not quite sure why) - using it would probably get your app rejected.
However, lots of apps simulate this functionality with their own code - you'd basically define a custom UITableViewCell subclass which changed its background color / toggled that extra red circle image when tapped, keep track of which cells had been tapped, and finally delete them all by calling deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: on the table with the collected list of rows.

TableVIew Problem

i i want to activate scrolling vertically through programming for 2 UITableview at sametime?(one table view length 160,another one has 160).is it possible ?In one Viewcontroller's view i have scrollview, on that i have two tableviews(instead of one,like two column) can i scroll vertically both at same time?any help please?
If you want to implement 2 separated and round-rected columns then it might make some sense.
In any other case just use one UITableView and separate each cell visually (the left half will display the data for the first column and the right - for the second).
If you still want to have 2 separate table views and have them both scrolled simultaneously then get rid of the containing scroll view and implement the UIScrollViewDelegate as was already suggested.
Something like this:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
self.leftTableView.contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset;
self.rightTableView.contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset;
I think that this code should do the magic...
Don't forget to set the view controller to be the delegate of both table views.
I don't really get it but a table View on top of a scroll View will create problems. Because, when users scroll, both of the views will try to get the interaction of the user, and they can take turn to get that interaction randomly.
Can you post a picture, or clearer description of what you want?
If your next question is "how do I make the scroll views stay at the same offset?" -- i.e. you want them to sync vertically -- than I would advise that you abandon the idea of using two UITableViews.
Instead, define a two-column UITableViewCell, which can easily be done with Interface Builder, and use that to give the appearance of two columns.
I think that doing away with neither UITableView’s userInteractionEnabled set to YES, and implementing your own touchesMoved:withEvent: method (maybe also try UIGestureRecognizers) would prove fruitful.
I am guessing that these UITableViews are not used to show plain tabular data but images or other content, and have a different interaction paradigm (e.g., when the two fingers slide separately the two table views scroll in separate velocity & direction). If that is the case you might ultimately want to use custom controls.
But if you just want a 2-column UITableView then as Jonathan said, simply use a two-column cell.

How to add UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark in the middle of the cell in iphone?

In my iPhone application I have used (UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark) to add the checkmarks in the cells, - it is added to the cell at the right side of the cell.
I want the checkmarks to display in the middle of the cell and after that a string should display. So that the user can set the cell item as checked or unchecked.
Please provide any solution or any code for adding the (UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark) in the middle of the cell.
There is no built in way to do this. You will have to create a cell, then in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: you will need to either add a custom subview, or return a custom cell and tell it to display the custom checkmark you added based on the data state.
The accessory view of the cell is always on the right side, outside of the cell's content view (see the Table View Programming Guide for more on this). If you want to do something like this, you really need to create your own cell class, and draw the checks yourself.
Speaking as a user, this design seems sort of confusing, and definitely not what I'd expect. What's the string you're displaying to the right of the check? Maybe something like the UITableViewCellStyleValue1 style cell would work, instead? (See Standard Styles for Table-View Cells for more.)