Removing quotes from string - perl

So I thought this would just be a simple issue however I'm getting the incorrect results. Basically I am trying to remove the quotes around a string. For example I have the string "01:00" and I want 01:00, below is the code on how I thought I would be able to do this:
$expected_start_time = $conditions =~ m/(\"[^\"])/;
Every time this runs it returns 1, so I'm guessing that it is just returning true and not actually extracting the string from the quotes. This happen no matter what is in the quotes "02:00", "02:20", "08:00", etc.

All you forgot was parens for the LHS to put the match into list context so it returns the submatch group(s). The normal way to do this is:
($expected_start_time) = $condition =~ /"([^"]*)"/;

It appears that you know that the first and last character are quotes. If that is the case, use
$expected_start_time = substr $conditions, 1, -1;
No need for a regexp.

The brute force way is:
$expected_start_time = $conditions;
$expected_start_time =~ s/"//g;
Note that the original regex:
would capture the opening quote and the following non-quote character. To capture the non-quote characters between double quotes, you'd need some variant on:
This being Perl (and regexes), TMTOWTDI - There's More Than One Way Do It.

In scalar context a regex returns true if the regex matches the string. You can access the match with $1. See perlre.


How to trim the last part of string using Perl?

I need to trim the last part of the string here. The string i have is : abc|bcd|cde|.
I need to get rid of the last |... The trim() command is not helping for some reason may be i am using it wrong, please help... thank you.
This can be done with a simple substitution.
my $string = "abc|bcd|cde|";
$string =~ s/\|$//;
Use chop:
my $string = "abc|bcd|cde|";
say $string;
From the doc:
Chops off the last character of a string and returns the character
chopped. It is much more efficient than s/.$//s because it neither
scans nor copies the string. If VARIABLE is omitted, chops $_ . If
VARIABLE is a hash, it chops the hash's values, but not its keys.

Why does split not return anything?

I am trying to get that Perl split working for more than 2 hours. I don't see an error. Maybe some other eyes can look at it and see the issue. I am sure its a silly one:
print $versionsplit[0];
print $versionsplit[1];
print $versionsplit[2];
I just get an empty array. Any idea why?
You need:
The first argument to split is a regular expression, not a string. And . is the regex symbol which means ‘match any character’. So all the characters in your input string were being treated as separators, and split wasn't finding anything between them to return.
the "." represents any character.You need to escape it for split function to recognise as a field separator.
change your line to

Split by dot using Perl

I use the split function by two ways. First way (string argument to split):
my $string = "chr1.txt";
my #array1 = split(".", $string);
print $array1[0];
I get this error:
Use of uninitialized value in print
When I do split by the second way (regular expression argument to split), I don't get any errors.
my #array1 = split(/\./, $string); print $array1[0];
My first way of splitting is not working only for dot.
What is the reason behind this?
"\." is just ., careful with escape sequences.
If you want a backslash and a dot in a double-quoted string, you need "\\.". Or use single quotes: '\.'
If you just want to parse files and get their suffixes, better use the fileparse() method from File::Basename.
Additional details to the information provided by Mat:
In split "\.", ... the first parameter to split is first interpreted as a double-quoted string before being passed to the regex engine. As Mat said, inside a double-quoted string, a \ is the escape character, meaning "take the next character literally", e.g. for things like putting double quotes inside a double-quoted string: "\""
So your split gets passed "." as the pattern. A single dot means "split on any character". As you know, the split pattern itself is not part of the results. So you have several empty strings as the result.
But why is the first element undefined instead of empty? The answer lies in the documentation for split: if you don't impose a limit on the number of elements returned by split (its third argument) then it will silently remove empty results from the end of the list. As all items are empty the list is empty, hence the first element doesn't exist and is undefined.
You can see the difference with this particular snippet:
my #p1 = split "\.", "thing";
my #p2 = split "\.", "thing", -1;
print scalar(#p1), ' ', scalar(#p2), "\n";
It outputs 0 6.
The "proper" way to deal with this, however, is what #soulSurfer2010 said in his post.

How to get a perfect match for a regexp pattern in Perl?

I've to match a regular-expression, stored in a variable:
#!/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my $expr = qr/\s*(\w+(\[\d+\])?)\s+(\w+(\[\d+\])?)/sx;
$str = "abcd[3] xyzg[4:0]";
if ($str =~ m/$expr/) {
print "\n%%%%%%%%% $`-----$&-----$'\n";
else {
print "\n********* NOT MATCHED\n";
But I'm getting the outout in $& as
%%%%%%%%% -----abcd[3] xyzg-----[4:0]
But expecting, it shouldn't go inside the if clause.
What is intended is:
if $str = "abcd xyzg" => %%%%%%%%% -----abcd xyzg----- (CORRECT)
if $str = "abcd[2] xyzg" => %%%%%%%%% -----abcd[2] xyzg----- (CORRECT)
if $str = "abcd[2] xyzg[3] => %%%%%%%%% -----abcd[2] xyzg[3]----- (CORRECT)
if $str = "abcd[2:0] xyzg[3] => ********* NOT MATCHED (CORRECT)
if $str = "abcd[2:0] xyzg[3:0] => ********* NOT MATCHED (CORRECT)
if $str = "abcd[2] xyzg[3:0]" => ********* NOT MATCHED (CORRECT/INTENDED)
but output is %%%%%%%%% -----abcd[2] xyzg-----[3:0] (WRONG)
OR better to say this is not intended.
In this case, it should/my_expectation go to the else block.
Even I don't know, why $& take a portion of the string (abcd[2] xyzg), and $' having [3:0]?
It should match the full, not a part like the above. If it didn't, it shouldn't go to the if clause.
Can anyone please help me to change my $expr pattern, so that I can have what is intended?
By default, Perl regexes only look for a matching substring of the given string. In order to force comparison against the entire string, you need to indicate that the regex begins at the beginning of the string and ends at the end by using ^ and $:
my $expr = qr/^\s*(\w+(\[\d+\])?)\s+(\w+(\[\d+\])?)$/;
(Also, there's no reason to have the /x modifier, as your regex doesn't include any literal whitespace or # characters, and there's no reason for the /s modifier, as you're not using ..)
EDIT: If you don't want the regex to match against the entire string, but you want it to reject anything in which the matching portion is followed by something like "[0:0]", the simplest way would be to use lookahead:
my $expr = qr/^\s*(\w+(\[\d+\])?)\s+(\w+(\[\d+\]|(?=[^[\w])|$ ))/x;
This will match anything that takes the following form:
beginning of the string (which your example in the comments seems to imply you want)
zero or more whitespace characters
one or more word characters
optional: [, one or more digits, ]
one or more whitespace characters
one or more word characters
one of the following, in descending order of preference:
[, one or more digits, ]
an empty string followed by (but not including!) a character that is neither [ nor a word character (The exclusion of word characters is to keep the regex engine from succeeding on "a[0] bc[1:2]" by only matching "a[0] b".)
end of string (A space is needed after the $ to keep it from merging with the following ) to form the name of a special variable, and this entails the reintroduction of the /x option.)
Do you have any more unstated requirements that need to be satisfied?
The short answer is your regexp is wrong.
We can't fix it for you without you explaining what you need exactly, and the community is not going to write a regexp exactly for your purpose because that's just too localized a question that only helps you this one time.
You need to ask something more general about regexps that we can explain to you, that will help you fix your regexp, and help others fix theirs.
Here's my general answer when you're having trouble testing your regexp. Use a regexp tool, like the regex buddy one.
So I'm going to give a specific answer about what you're overlooking here:
Let's make this example smaller:
Your pattern is a(bc+d)?. It will match: abcd abccd etc. While it will not match bcd nor bzd in the case of abzd it will match as matching only a because the whole group of bc+d is optional. Similarly it will match abcbcd as a dropping the whole optional group that couldn't be matched (at the second b).
Regexps will match as much of the string as they can and return a true match when they can match something and have satisfied the entire pattern. If you make something optional, they will leave it out when they have to including it only when it's present and matches.
Here's what you tried:
First, s and x aren't needed modifiers here.
Second, this regex can match:
Any or no whitespace followed by
a word of at least one alpha character followed by
optionally a grouped square bracketed number with at least one digit (eg [0] or [9999]) followed by
at least one white space followed by
a word of at least one alpha character followed by
optionally a square bracketed number with at least one digit.
Clearly when you ask it to match abcd[0] xyzg[0:4] the colon ends the \d+ pattern but doesn't satisfy the \] so it backtracks the whole group, and then happily finds the group was optional. So by not matching the last optional group, your pattern has matched successfully.

Perl string sub

I want to replace something with a path like C:\foo, so I:
But that is invalid.
Do I need to escape some chars?
Two problems that I can see.
Your first problem is that your s/// replacement is not terminated:
s/hello/c:\foo # fatal syntax error: "Substitution replacement not terminated"
s/hello/c:\foo/ # syntactically okay
s!hello!c:\foo! # also okay, and more readable with backslashes (IMHO)
Your second problem, the one you asked about, is that the \f is taken as a form feed escape sequence (ASCII 0x0C), just as it would be in double quotes, which is not what you want.
You may either escape the backslash, or let variable interpolation "hide" the problem:
s!hello!c:\\foo! # This will do what you want. Note double backslash.
my $replacement = 'c:\foo' # N.B.: Using single quotes here, not double quotes
s!hello!$replacement!; # This also works
Take a look at the treatment of Quote and Quote-like Operators in perlop for more information.
If I understand what you're asking, then this might be something like what you're after:
$path = "hello/there";
$path =~ s/hello/c:\\foo/;
print "$path\n";
To answer your question, yes you do need to double the backslash because \f is an escape sequence for "form feed" in a Perl string.
The problem is that you are not escaping special characters:
would solve your problem. \ is a special character so you need to escape it. {}[]()^$.|*+?\ are meta (special) characterss which you need to escape.
Additional reference: