Couldn't register com.XXXXX.deviceapp with the bootstrap server - iphone

I am getting this error while running in device please do need full help to solve this;
Couldn't register com.XXXXX.deviceapp with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Program received signal: “SIGABRT”.

I have had this happen where I needed to restart the phone before error would go away.
Deleteing the app, restarting Xcode, clean build, didn't do anything. I shut the phone down and bought it back up and the error went away.

Most annoying bug.
Only solution at this point:
If you're trying to run on a device: Shut off and restart device
If you're trying to run in simulator on Mac: restart your Mac
You can also do a Force Quit on the process via the Activity Monitor.

I've run into that with the simulator and the only solution I've found is to reboot the computer running Xcode.

kill all Simulator processes, that can cause this error as well.
using following terminal command
kill -9 `ps ax | grep Simulator | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`

This seems to happen with the LLDB debugger when an app is paused at a breakpoint and the app is run again from xcode. The result is a zombie process on either the device or the development machine (when debugging in the simulator).
Only way to resolve seems to be a restart of the iDevice or the machine running the simulator.
Stopping the app completely before running it again in the debugger appears to prevent the problem from happening.

I managed to solve the issue by deleting my device form the Xcode 4.4 Organizer:
disconnect your device from your computer.
in Xcode: Window => Organizer
Choose the first tab ("Devices") from the top panel
Right click your device from the list at the left side of the Organizer, and choose "remove from organizer"


Why terminal becomes unresponsive after Parcel build?

I am following Parcel's "Building a web app with Parcel" to learn how to use it. The problem arises after I type in npx parcel src/index.html. The build runs fine and I can see the development server results just fine. The terminal becomes unresponsive afterwards. I can't type, quit, or anything. The only workaround is killing the terminal and restarting...which is very annoying. I've looked for answers, I've updated Node to the latest version, but to no avail. This doesn't happen when I use Webpack or any other time. Here is a screen shot just in case that helps. Could someone please help this unworthy noob out? Screen shot of terminal and VSCode
When you just run npx parcel, it starts a development server that will continue to run until you exit. This development server will watch for changes that you make as you develop and will reload your project, so you don't need to restart/rebuild every time you make changes.
The reason you can't type anything into the terminal (or, at least, that the terminal doesn't respond when you do) is that the development server is still running in that terminal. You have to exit the development server before the terminal prompt will re-appear and you can use it as normal.
To exit any program running in a terminal, you can type Control+C (hold down the Control key and hit the "c" key). This works for any terminal program, not just parcel. This will exit the development server program and you'll get your terminal prompt back.
There are other things you can do with programs (or "jobs") in the terminal window. You can read more about them here and here.
But you should use the development server to your advantage. Keep it running while you work. If you need to use the terminal while it's running, just open up another terminal window.
When you finally want to build your app/site, run parcel build instead.
You can read more about all of this here:

Gdb debug "terminated exit value: 0" error eclipse on mac

I've been trying to install gdb to debug using eclipse on my mac with no luck, I followed both of those guides with no success:
[second guide in other comment - can't add more than two links due to new user limitations]
I'm attaching a screenshot to demonstrate:
Gdb "terminated exit value: 0" eclipse on mac
Each time I hit the Debug button I get the same "treminated exit value: 0" error (the code runs perfectly when I hit the run button). Gdb does respond to terminal command "gdb"
I've been researching for quite long and it seems that no one has experienced the same problem I do. (Macbook pro 2016 10.12 Sierra)
I've heard from a friend that I might need to configure my Mac to "developer" mode, I have xcode up and running, but I have no idea what else should I do. Anyway I'm my friend could not guarantee that it is the cause of the problem.
I had issue with terminated exit value: 0 while using older gdb 7.11 because my 7.12.1 does not work on Sierra 10.12.4. There was no solution for my case.
Easy WA is to use LLDB as a debugger for now. Sample instructions here
Another LLDB instruction here

Emulator: ERROR: unexpected qemud char. channel close

Whenever I try to launch an Android app it will cause this error:
emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling
'com.hellos.ArithmaticCalculatorActivity activity launch'!
that is a known emulator bug. Do you happen to be running Ubuntu?
Try deleting and recreating your AVD. If you're still having problems, try the following:
Try launching in several ways: by starting the AVD first from your
list of AVDs, by right-clicking the project in your workspace, etc.
Click on Window-->Show View-->Other-->Devies, and click on the
launched device, highlighting it. There is a known issue that
sometimes robs your AVD of focus unless you do this.

iPhone GDB Segmentation fault when attaching to running process

I have a jailbroken iPhone 5 running iOS 6.0.1. I installed gdb using pod2g's tutorial here:
All of the steps worked, and I copied gdb over to my jailbroken iPhone so I could use it there. gdb starts just fine, but when i try to attach to SpringBoard (or any other running process like Twitter) using
(gdb) attach SpringBoard
this happens:
Attaching to process 7366.
Segmentation fault:11
and I'm returned to the MobileTerminal or ssh prompt (not the gdb prompt). It looks like gdb has crashed, not SpringBoard, because my iPhone does not respring (as it normally does when SpringBoard crashes or is killed). I have tried attaching to SpringBoard using the gdb from the source as well, and the exact same thing happens each time. About a week ago, the gdb from the source worked just fine, but now both the gdb from pod2g's tutorial and the one from the Cydia source produce the above output. I've tried running gdb as root and the same thing happens. I've googled, and I can't seem to find anything like this. What's wrong and how do I fix it?
Apple has added a PTrace option to prevent debuggers (like GDB) from attaching to processes. Fortunately, you can use GDB to circumvent this as well.
Here is an excellent description:

Eclipse: Blackberry simulator output console is not showing any entry

Suddenly the console is showing no output while I run my programs on the simulator(even when on debug mode).
The console remains all empty while I start the simulator and run the programs.
How to fix it?
This might sound stupid, but have you restarted Eclipse? I've seen this happen before and I've just restarted