can compile c++ in eclipse - Cannot run program "autoreconf": Launching failed - eclipse

I installed eclipse Helios a week ago. First I installed it without the CDT.
Today I installed the CDT along with the autotool (this it what can be seen in the list of possible updates). Afterwards, I installed also the minGW (Wascana) as written in the manual of CDT.
but after I create an Hello World project in eclipse I get this error (blinking non stopable) in the console tab:
Invoking autoreconf in build directory: D:/eclipse/proj/workspace/testcpp
Configuration failed with error
(Cannot run program "autoreconf": Launching failed)
Can anyone help me with this? What else do I need to install or config so my CDT will work?

The autotools plug-in doesn't work on Windows yet. There is a fix in place for the upcoming Indigo Eclipse release.
The main problem is that Windows doesn't know how to run shell scripts (which is what autoreconf is). You have to launch the shell manually and ask it to run it. And that's what the fix is.


Eclipse IDE suddenly gone after installation?

I tried installing the Eclipse IDE, installation is successful. After installation, it runs and I successfully run a simple Hello World program.
I closed the IDE, and later I tried to open it but I couldn't find the application either on my startup menu and desktop. I tried to open my Control Panel but I couldn't find it there too.
I reinstall the IDE and the same thing happened. Am I missing something here? I'm using Windows 10.

Fix "The Eclipse Installer executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library."

I'm trying to install Eclipse Neon on a 64 bit Windows 7 computer. I download the file "eclipse-inst-win64.exe" and run as administrator. Immediately I get the following error:
The Eclipse Installer executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.
Note the "Installer" keyword. When searching on Google and StackOverflow, I find solutions only for when receiving this error launching Eclipse itself after it is installed. The solutions that worked for people in those situations usually involve editing the "eclipse.ini" file and removing absolute paths or references to uninstalled plugins. However, Eclipse has never been installed on this computer, therefore an "eclipse.ini" file does not exist and the installer does not appear to create one in any obvious place before throwing this error. There does not appear to be any "companion shared library" downloads on the Eclipse website. Any ideas on what could be going on?
Download and install the JDK and then try to install Eclipse again.
According to
Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) was released on June 22, 2016. See Neon schedule.
Consider using the Installer. Please see 5 Steps to Install Eclipse.
A Java 8 JRE/JDK is required to run all Neon packages based on
Eclipse 4.6, including the Installer. The reasoning behind
requiring Java 8 are discussed here.
I found another reason for this error message. I got it when I tried to install Eclipse from the compressed installer. I extracted the installer into a folder and ran it from there. It then installed.
Try to extracted all the installer files before you run the installer.

Qt application made in Eclipse doesn't start

I've been trying for a few hours now to make eclipse, mingw and Qt work, and I can't manage to.
No matter what I try, when I try to run the qt application (using Run or Debug, same thing), no window appears, and after a few seconds, Eclipse says 'program terminated'. Another time I tried (using some different configurations), windows would give that "Program has stopped" error.
If I try to launch the application from outside eclipse, I get a missing .dll error.
I have Qt 4.8.1 installed, latest version of eclipse, and I just installed the latest version of MinGW. I am also using the Qt plugin for Eclipse. I'm running Windows 7.
There are also some other minor problems:
For some reason I have to rebuild the index after opening/creating a project, or I'll get 'undefined include' errors.
The build (hammer) icon in the toolbar is grayed/disabled, why could that be?
For every new project, I need to change the make application to mingw32-make, is it possible to make the toolchain use this make executable or something?
I can't understand why Microsoft Visual Studio just works, I didn't have to set up anything other than install the Qt add-in, and Eclipse is so hard to configure...

Eclipse and Pydev plugin

After installing and configuring PyDev plugin on Eclipse it works fine.
BUT when I close Eclipse IDE and open it again and want to run python program I cannot because there is no Python Run.
What should I do, is there anyone who has encountered such type of error ?
I found the problem, I do not know why but the eclipse always changes the default workspace and this is creating a problem.
When I set my workspace back to a needed location the error gone and I was able to compile and run the python program.

'(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed) .' in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse for Windows and have this error:
Build of configuration Debug for project helloworld
(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed)
What do I do to solve this?
Eclipse CDT on Windows depends on 3rd party tools.
You may find this useful: Setting up a compiler
I faced the same problem while installing Eclipse for c/c++ applications .I downloaded Mingw GCC ,put its bin folder in your path ,used it in toolchains while making new C++ project in Eclipse and build which solved my problem. Referred to this video