scala: override implicit parameter to constructor - scala

I have a class that takes an implicit parameter which is used by functions called inside class methods. I want to be able to either override that implicit parameter, or alternatively, have the implicit argument be copied from its source. As an example:
def someMethod()(implicit p: List[Int]) {
// uses p
class A()(implicit x: List[Int]) {
implicit val other = List(3) // doesn't compile
def go() { // don't want to put implicit inside here since subclasses that override go() have to duplicate that
The behavior I want is that someMethod() gets an implicit parameter that is some changed version of x, which was the class's implicit parameter. I want to be able to either mutate x without changing it for whatever passed it into A's constructor, or otherwise override it to a new value of my choosing. Both approaches don't seem to work. That is, it doesn't copy the list in the former case, and the compiler finds an ambiguous implicit value for the latter case. Is there a way to do this?
I realize that I can redefine the implicit value within go(), but this is not a good choice in my case because this class is subclassed numerous times, and I'd like to handle this implicit change in the base class only. So it doesn't necessarily need to go in the constructor, but it must be in a method other than go().

Introduce another wrapper type, simply to disambiguate:
// badly named, choose something domain-specific
case class ListHolder(theList: List[Int])
def someMethod()(implicit holder: ListHolder) {
val xs = holder.theList
// uses xs ...
class A()(implicit xs: List[Int]) {
implicit val other = ListHolder(42 :: xs) // compiles
def go() {
// xs is never considered for the implicit param to someMethod()
// because it's now the wrong type
This also makes the code more self-documenting, as it becomes blindingly obvious that the two implicits are not one and the same.

If you want to have zillions of implicits floating around that don't collide with each other, you can create a wrapper class that you can tag with marker traits for implicit usage. There are a variety of syntaxes you could use; here's one example:
object Example {
class Implication[A,B](val value: A) {
def apply[C](c: C) = new Implication[C,B](c)
object Implication {
def mark[B] = new Implication[Unit,B](())
implicit def implication_to_value[A,B](i: Implication[A,B]) = i.value
trait One {}
trait Two {}
implicit val x = Implication.mark[One]("Hello")
implicit val y = Implication.mark[Two]("Hi")
def testOne(implicit s: Implication[String,One]) = println(s: String)
def testTwo(implicit s: Implication[String,Two]) = println(s: String)
def testThree(s: String) = println("String is " + s)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
Which works as you would hope:
scala> Example.main(Array())
String is Hello
String is Hi
Since you have to use a wrapper object, it's not super-efficient, but it can be very effective. (Or very confusing, given how much happens implicitly.)

This modification compiles. I changed x into a var:
class A()(implicit var x: List[Int]) {
def someMethod()(implicit p: List[Int]) {
// uses p
x = List(3)
def go() { // don't want to put implicit inside here since subclasses that override go() have to duplicate that


Class type required but E found (scala macro)

I'm trying to remove some of the boilerplate in an API I am writing.
Roughly speaking, my API currently looks like this:
def toEither[E <: WrapperBase](priority: Int)(implicit factory: (String, Int) => E): Either[E, T] = {
val either: Either[String, T] = generateEither() => factory(s, priority))
Which means that the user has to generate an implicit factory for every E used. I am looking to replace this with a macro that gives a nice compile error if the user provided type doesn't have the correct ctor parameters.
I have the following:
object GenericFactory {
def create[T](ctorParams: Any*): T = macro createMacro[T]
def createMacro[T](c: blackbox.Context)(ctorParams: c.Expr[Any]*)(implicit wtt: WeakTypeType[T]): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
c.Expr[T](q"new $wtt(..$ctorParams)")
If I provide a real type to this GenericFactory.create[String]("hey") I have no issues, but if I provide a generic type: GenericFactory.create[E]("hey") then I get the following compile error: class type required by E found.
Where have I gone wrong? Or if what I want is NOT possible, is there anything else I can do to reduce the effort for the user?
Sorry but I don't think you can make it work. The problem is that Scala (as Java) uses types erasure. It means that there is only one type for all generics kinds (possibly except for value-type specializations which is not important now). It means that the macro is expanded only once for all E rather then one time for each E specialization provided by the user. And there is no way to express a restriction that some generic type E must have a constructor with a given signature (and if there were - you wouldn't need you macro in the first place). So obviously it can not work because the compiler can't generate a constructor call for a generic type E. So what the compiler says is that for generating a constructor call it needs a real class rather than generic E.
To put it otherwise, macro is not a magic tool. Using macro is just a way to re-write a piece of code early in the compiler processing but then it will be processed by the compiler in a usual way. And what your macro does is rewrites
with something like
new E("hey")
If you just write that in your code, you'll get the same error (and probably will not be surprised).
I don't think you can avoid using your implicit factory. You probably could modify your macro to generate those implicit factories for valid types but I don't think you can improve the code further.
Update: implicit factory and macro
If you have just one place where you need one type of constructors I think the best you can do (or rather the best I can do ☺) is following:
Sidenote the whole idea comes from "Implicit macros" article
You define StringIntCtor[T] typeclass trait and a macro that would generate it:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros._
trait StringIntCtor[T] {
def create(s: String, i: Int): T
object StringIntCtor {
implicit def implicitCtor[T]: StringIntCtor[T] = macro createMacro[T]
def createMacro[T](c: blackbox.Context)(implicit wtt: c.WeakTypeTag[T]): c.Expr[StringIntCtor[T]] = {
import c.universe._
val targetTypes = List(typeOf[String], typeOf[Int])
def testCtor(ctor: MethodSymbol): Boolean = {
if (ctor.paramLists.size != 1)
else {
val types = ctor.paramLists(0).map(sym => sym.typeSignature)
(targetTypes.size == types.size) && => tp._1 =:= tp._2)
val ctors = wtt.tpe.decl(c.universe.TermName("<init>"))
if (!ctors.asTerm.alternatives.exists(sym => testCtor(sym.asMethod))) {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Type ${wtt.tpe} has no constructor with signature <init>${targetTypes.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}")
// Note that using fully qualified names for all types except imported by default are important here
val res = c.Expr[StringIntCtor[T]](
(new so.macros.StringIntCtor[$wtt] {
override def create(s:String, i: Int): $wtt = new $wtt(s, i)
//println(res) // log the macro
You use that trait as
class WrapperBase(val s: String, val i: Int)
case class WrapperChildGood(override val s: String, override val i: Int, val float: Float) extends WrapperBase(s, i) {
def this(s: String, i: Int) = this(s, i, 0f)
case class WrapperChildBad(override val s: String, override val i: Int, val float: Float) extends WrapperBase(s, i) {
object EitherHelper {
type T = String
import scala.util._
val rnd = new Random(1)
def generateEither(): Either[String, T] = {
if (rnd.nextBoolean()) {
else {
def toEither[E <: WrapperBase](priority: Int)(implicit factory: StringIntCtor[E]): Either[E, T] = {
val either: Either[String, T] = generateEither() => factory.create(s, priority))
So now you can do:
val x1 = EitherHelper.toEither[WrapperChildGood](1)
println(s"x1 = $x1")
val x2 = EitherHelper.toEither[WrapperChildGood](2)
println(s"x2 = $x2")
//val bad = EitherHelper.toEither[WrapperChildBad](3) // compilation error generated by c.abort
and it will print
x1 = Left(WrapperChildGood(left,1,0.0))
x2 = Right(right)
If you have many different places where you want to ensure different constructors exists, you'll need to make the macro much more complicated to generate constructor calls with arbitrary signatures passed from the outside.

Scala context bounds

Using context bounds in scala you can do stuff like
trait HasBuild[T] {
def build(buildable: T): Something
object Builders {
implict object IntBuilder extends HasBuild[Int] {
override def build(i: Int) = ??? // Construct a Something however appropriate
import Builders._
def foo[T: HasBuild](input: T): Something = implicitly[HasBuild[T]].build(1)
val somethingFormInt = foo(1)
Or simply
val somethingFromInt = implicitly[HasBuild[Int]].build(1)
How could I express the type of a Seq of any elements that have an appropriate implicit HasBuild object in scope? Is this possible without too much magic and external libraries?
Seq[WhatTypeGoesHere] - I should be able to find the appropriate HasBuild for each element
This obviously doesn't compile:
val buildables: Seq[_: HasBuild] = ???
Basically I'd like to be able to handle unrelated types in a common way (e.g.: build), without the user wrapping them in some kind of adapter manually - and enforce by the compiler, that the types actually can be handled. Not sure if the purpose is clear.
Something you can do:
case class HasHasBuild[A](value: A)(implicit val ev: HasBuild[A])
object HasHasBuild {
implicit def removeEvidence[A](x: HasHasBuild[A]): A = x.value
implicit def addEvidence[A: HasBuild](x: A): HasHasBuild[A] = HasHasBuild(x)
and now (assuming you add a HasBuild[String] for demonstration):
val buildables: Seq[HasHasBuild[_]] = Seq(1, "a")
compiles, but
val buildables1: Seq[HasHasBuild[_]] = Seq(1, "a", 1.0)
doesn't. You can use methods with implicit HasBuild parameters when you have only a HasHasBuild:
def foo1[A](x: HasHasBuild[A]) = {
import x.ev // now you have an implicit HasBuild[A] in scope
val somethings: Seq[Something] =
First things first, contrary to some of the comments, you are relying on context bounds. Requesting an implicit type class instance for a T is what you call a "context bound".
What you want is achievable, but not trivial and certainly not without other libraries.
import shapeless.ops.hlist.ToList
import shapeless._
import shapeless.poly_
object builder extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseGeneric[T : HasBuilder] = {
at[T](obj => implicitly[HasBuilder[T]].build(obj))
class Builder[L <: HList](mappings: L) {
def build[HL <: HList]()(
implicit fn: Mapper.Aux[builder.type, L, HL],
lister: ToList[Something]
) = lister(mappings map fn)
def and[T : HasBuilder](el: T) = new Builder[T :: L](el :: mappings)
object Builder {
def apply[T : HasBuilder](el: T) = new Builder(el :: HNil)
Now you might be able to do stuff like:
This will call out the build methods from all the individual implcit type class instances and give you a list of the results, where every result has type Something. It relies on the fact that all the build methods have a lower upper bound of Something, e.g as per your example:
trait HasBuild[T] {
def build(buildable: T): Something

Call a "static" method belonging to a generic type in scala

Is there a way in scala to call a method belonging to a type? For example, suppose I have a trait called Constructable that describes types than can construct a default instance of themselves. Then, I can write the following code:
trait Constructable[A] {
def construct: A
class Foo(x: Int) extends Constructable[Foo] {
def construct = new Foo(0)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val f = new Foo(4)
This is ok, but what I really want is to be able to construct a default object given only the type of object. For example, suppose I want to accept a list of constructables and prepend a default object at the beginning of the list:
def prependDefault1[A <: Constructable[A]](c: List[A]): List[A] = {
val h = c.head
h.construct :: c
The above code works, but only if c is not empty. What I'd really like is to write something like the following:
def prependDefault2[A <: Constructable[A]](c: List[A]): List[A] = {
A.construct :: c
Is there any way to achieve this, possibly by changing the definition of a Constructable so that the construct method belongs to the "class" rather than the "instance" (to use Java terminology)?
You can't do this way, but you can do this using typeclasses:
trait Constructable[A] {
def construct: A
// 'case' just so it's printed nicely
case class Foo(x: Int)
// implicit vals have to be inside some object; omitting it here for clarity
implicit val fooConstructable = new Constructable[Foo] {
def construct = new Foo (0)
def prependDefault2[A : Constructable](c: List[A]): List[A] = {
implicitly[Constructable[A]].construct :: c
And then:
scala> prependDefault2(Nil: List[Foo])
res7: List[Foo] = List(Foo(0))
Some final remarks:
Implicits have to live inside an object. There are three places it can be located:
object Constructable { implicit val fooConstructable = ... (companion object of the typeclass trait)
object Foo { implicit val fooConstructable = ... (companion object of the class we implement typeclass for)
object SomethingElse { implicit val fooConstructable = ... (some random unrelated object)
Only in the last case you need to use import SomethingElse._ in order to be able to use the implicit.

Is it possible to define a function return type based on a defined mapping from the type of a function argument?

Ideally I'd like to be able to do the following in Scala:
import Builders._
val myBuilder = builder[TypeToBuild] // Returns instance of TypeToBuildBuilder
val obj = myBuilder.methodOnTypeToBuildBuilder(...).build()
In principle the goal is simply to be able to 'map' TypeToBuild to TypeToBuildBuilder using external mapping definitions (i.e. assume no ability to change these classes) and leverage this in type inferencing.
I got the following working with AnyRef types:
import Builders._
val myBuilder = builder(TypeToBuild)
object Builders {
implicit val typeToBuildBuilderFactory =
new BuilderFactory[TypeToBuild.type, TypeToBuildBuilder]
def builder[T, B](typ: T)(implicit ev: BuilderFactory[T, B]): B = ev.create
class BuilderFactory[T, B: ClassTag] {
def create: B = classTag[B].runtimeClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[B]
Note that the type is passed as a function argument rather than a type argument.
I'd be supremely happy just to find out how to get the above working with Any types, rather than just AnyRef types. It seems this limitation comes since Singleton types are only supported for AnyRefs (i.e. my use of TypeToBuild.type).
That being said, an answer that solves the original 'ideal' scenario (using a type argument instead of a function argument) would be fantastic!
A possible solution that requires classOf[_] (would really love not needing to use classOf!):
import Builders._
val myBuilder = builder(classOf[TypeToBuild])
object Builders {
implicit val typeToBuildBuilderFactory =
new BuilderFactory[classOf[TypeToBuild], TypeToBuildBuilder]
def builder[T, B](typ: T)(implicit ev: BuilderFactory[T, B]): B = ev.create
class BuilderFactory[T, B: ClassTag] {
def create: B = classTag[B].runtimeClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[B]
Being able to just use builder(TypeToBuild) is really just a win in elegance/brevity. Being able to use builder[TypeToBuild] would be cool as perhaps this could one day work (with type inference advancements in Scala):
val obj: TypeToBuild = builder.methodOnTypeToBuildBuilder(...).build();
Here is a complete, working example using classOf:
Yes, Scala supports return types based on the parameters types. An example of this would be methods in the collections API like map that use the CanBuildFrom typeclass to return the desired type.
I'm not sure what you are trying to do with your example code, but maybe you want something like:
trait Builder[-A, +B] {
def create(x: A): B
object Builders {
implicit val int2StringBuilder = new Builder[Int, String] {
def create(x: Int) = "a" * x
def buildFrom[A, B](x: A)(implicit ev: Builder[A, B]): B = ev.create(x)
import Builders._
The magic with newInstance only works for concrete classes that have a constructor that takes no parameters, so it probably isn't generic enough to be useful.
If you're not afraid of implicit conversions, you could do something like this:
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait BuilderMapping[TypeToBuild, BuilderType] {
def create: BuilderType
case class BuilderSpec[TypeToBuild]()
def builder[TypeToBuild] = BuilderSpec[TypeToBuild]
implicit def builderSpecToBuilder[TypeToBuild, BuilderType]
(spec: BuilderSpec[TypeToBuild])
(implicit ev: BuilderMapping[TypeToBuild, BuilderType]) = ev.create
case class Foo(count: Int)
case class FooBuilder() {
def translate(f: Foo) = "a" * f.count
implicit val FooToFooBuilder = new BuilderMapping[Foo, FooBuilder] {
def create = FooBuilder()
val b = builder[Foo]
The implicit conversions aren't too bad, since they're constrained to these builder-oriented types. The conversion is needed to make b.translate valid.
It looked like wingedsubmariner's answer was most of what you wanted, but you didn't want to specify both TypeToBuild and BuilderType (and you didn't necessarily want to pass a value). To achieve that, we needed to break up that single generic signature into two parts, which is why the BuilderSpec type exists.
It might also be possible to use something like partial generic application (see the answers to a question that I asked earlier), though I can't put the pieces together in my head at the moment.
I'll resort to answering my own question since a Redditor ended up giving me the answer I was looking for and they appear to have chosen not to respond here.
trait Buildable[T] {
type Result
def newBuilder: Result
object Buildable {
implicit object ABuildable extends Buildable[A] {
type Result = ABuilder
override def newBuilder = new ABuilder
implicit object BBuildable extends Buildable[B] {
type Result = BBuilder
override def newBuilder = new BBuilder
def builder[T](implicit B: Buildable[T]): B.Result = B.newBuilder
class ABuilder {
def method1() = println("Call from ABuilder")
class BBuilder {
def method2() = println("Call from BBuilder")
Then you will get:
scala> builder[A].method1()
Call from ABuilder
scala> builder[B].method2()
Call from BBuilder
You can see the reddit post here:
And a full working version here:

A case class as a "wrapper" class for a collection. What about map/foldLeft/

What I try to do is to come up with a case class which I can use in pattern matching which has exactly one field, e.g. an immutable set. Furthermore, I would like to make use of functions like map, foldLeft and so on which should be passed down to the set. I tried it as in the following:
case class foo(s:Set[String]) extends Iterable[String] {
override def iterator = s.iterator
Now if I try to make use of e.g. the map function, I get an type error:
var bar = foo(Set() + "test1" + "test2")
bar = => x)
found : Iterable[String]
required: foo
bar = => x)
The type error is perfectly fine (in my understanding). However, I wonder how one would implement a wrapper case class for a collection such that one can call map, foldLeft and so on and still receive an object of the case class. Would one need to override all these functions or is there some other way around?
I'm inclined to accept the solution of Régis Jean-Gilles which works for me. However, after Googling for hours I found another interesting Scala trait named SetProxy. I couldn't find any trivial examples so I'm not sure if this trait does what I want:
come up with a custom type, i.e. a different type than Set
the type must be a case class (we want to do pattern matching)
we need "delegate" methods map, foldLeft and so on which should pass the call to our actual set and return the resulting set wrapped arround in our new type
My first idea was to extend Set but my custom type Foo already extends another class. Therefore, the second idea was to mixin the trait Iterable and IterableLike. Now I red about the trait SetProxy which made me think about which is "the best" way to go. What are your thoughts and experiences?
Since I started learning Scala three days ago, any pointers are highly appreciated!
Hmm this sounds promissing to me but Scala says that variable b is of type Iterable[String] and not of type Foo, i.e. I do not see how IterableLike helps in this situation
You are right. Merely inheriting from IterableLike as shown by mpartel will make the return type of some methods more precise (such as filter, which will return Foo), but for others such as map of flatMap you will need to provide an appopriate CanBuildFrom implicit.
Here is a code snippet that does just that:
import collection.IterableLike
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import collection.mutable.Builder
case class Foo( s:Set[String] ) extends Iterable[String] with IterableLike[String, Foo] {
override def iterator = s.iterator
override protected[this] def newBuilder: scala.collection.mutable.Builder[String, Foo] = new Foo.FooBuilder
def +(elem: String ): Foo = new Foo( s + elem )
object Foo {
val empty: Foo = Foo( Set.empty[String] )
def apply( elems: String* ) = new Foo( elems.toSet )
class FooBuilder extends Builder[String, Foo] {
protected var elems: Foo = empty
def +=(x: String): this.type = { elems = elems + x; this }
def clear() { elems = empty }
def result: Foo = elems
implicit def canBuildFrom[T]: CanBuildFrom[Foo, String, Foo] = new CanBuildFrom[Foo, String, Foo] {
def apply(from: Foo) = apply()
def apply() = new FooBuilder
And some test in the repl:
scala> var bar = Foo(Set() + "test1" + "test2")
bar: Foo = (test1, test2)
scala> bar = => x) // compiles just fine because map now returns Foo
bar: Foo = (test1, test2)
Inheriting IterableLike[String, Foo] gives you all those methods such that they return Foo. IterableLike requires you to implement newBuilder in addition to iterator.
import scala.collection.IterableLike
import scala.collection.mutable.{Builder, SetBuilder}
case class Foo(stuff: Set[String]) extends Iterable[String] with IterableLike[String, Foo] {
def iterator: Iterator[String] = stuff.iterator
protected[this] override def newBuilder: Builder[String, Foo] = {
new SetBuilder[String, Set[String]](Set.empty).mapResult(Foo(_))
// Test:
val a = Foo(Set("a", "b", "c"))
val b =
println(b.toList.sorted.mkString(", ")) // Prints A, B, C