iOS -- get pointer from NSString containing address - iphone

If I have a pointer to an object foo with address (say) 0x809b5c0, I can turn that into an NSString by calling
NSString* fooString = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%p", foo].
This will give me the NSString #"0x809b5c0".
What is the easiest way to reverse the process? That is, start with fooString, and get back my pointer to foo.

In its completeness...
To address-string
NSString *foo = #"foo";
NSString *address = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%p", foo];
And back
NSString *fooAgain;
sscanf([address cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], "%p", &fooAgain);

This snippet worked for me:
NSString *pointerString = #"0x809b5c0";
NSObject *object;
sscanf([pointerString cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], "%p", &object);

Convert it to an integer, then cast it to whatever type it's supposed to be...
NSUInteger myInt = [ myStr integerValue ];
char * ptr = ( char * )myInt;
That said, I really don't understand why you will need this...

In my experience its easier to convert the pointer's address to an NSInteger, like this:
MyObject *object=[[MyObject alloc]init];
NSInteger adress=(NSInteger)object;
Now reverse:
MyObject *otherObject=(MyObject*)adress;
Now: object==otherObject

Use an NSMapTable instead:
MyClass* p = [[MyClass alloc]init];
NSMapTable* map = [NSMapTable mapTableWithKeyOptions:NSMapTableStrongMemory valueOptions:NSMapTableStrongMemory];
[map setObject:whateverValue forKey:p];
// ...
for(MyClass* key in map) {
// ...


objective c: passing a char argument to function crashes the app

I wrote a singleton called SomeValues where I initialize a foo NSMutableArray. I then tried to write a function SetBFSV to set the values of this array from different control views.
#interface SomeValues : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *foo;}
+ (SomeValues *) sharedInstance;
- (void) SetBFSV:(char)lbl ToVal:(long)BFSvl{
NSNumber *ValueBFSvl = [NSNumber numberWithLong:BFSvl];
NSString *Strlbl = [[NSString alloc] stringWithFormat:#"%s",lbl];
[foo setValue:ValueBFSvl forKey:Strlbl];
I know that setValue requires a NS object for both the value and the key, but I cannot declare my function as
(void) SetBFSV:(NSString)lbl ToVal:(NSNumber)BFSvl
because it doesn't compile with the error: "Can not use an object as parameter to a method".
In one ControlView I wrote then this piece of code:
SomeValues *myBFSV = [SomeValues sharedInstance];
const unsigned char *Bar = (unsigned char *)[#"Label1" UTF8String];
NSLog(#"The string %s", Bar);
[myBFSV SetBFSV:Bar ToVal:2.5];
When compiling I get a warning on the last line:
warning: passing argument 1 of 'SetBFSV:ToVal:' makes integer from pointer without a cast
Which integer? I'm getting stupid looking around for it. When running I get the print out from the NSLog, but right afterwards the program obviously crashes with this error:
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSPlaceholderString stringWithFormat:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4e03280'
Clearly I'm passing something wrong to stringWithFormat but I cannot understand what.
Thanks for any help. Have a nice day!
Possible problems with your code (unless you have typos in it):
- (void) SetBFSV:(char)lbl ToVal:(long)BFSvl function expects char as its 1st parameter but you pass it a char* - your 1st warning probably comes from here
stringWithFormat is a class method so your code should look either:
NSString *Strlbl = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%s",lbl];
[foo setValue:ValueBFSvl forKey:Strlbl]
NSString *Strlbl = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s",lbl];
[foo setValue:ValueBFSvl forKey:Strlbl]
since you try to use -stringWithFormat instead of +stringWithFormat you get a crash
If you pass char to a function then correct format specifier for it will be %c, not %s
You probably must release your Strlbl variable if you create it with alloc/init otherwise it will leak (but you must not release it if you use +stringWithFormat:)
For one, you can't use an object as a paramter:
(void) SetBFSV:(NSString)lbl ToVal:(NSNumber)BFSvl
You need to pass them as pointers, using the asterisk.
(void) SetBFSV:(NSString*)lbl ToVal:(NSNumber*)BFSvl
Furthermore, if you need to pass them as (char) and (long) your bit of code:
SomeValues *myBFSV = [SomeValues sharedInstance];
const unsigned char *Bar = (unsigned char *)[#"Label1" UTF8String];
NSLog(#"The string %s", Bar);
[myBFSV SetBFSV:Bar ToVal:2.5]; // in either case, this is a long. why are you passing a double here?
Passes *Bar as a pointer. You should really read up on the pointers and objects. IF you need to pass them in as (const char*) and (long) do it like this:
- (void) SetBFSV:(const char*)lbl ToVal:(long)BFSvl{
NSNumber *ValueBFSvl = [NSNumber numberWithLong:BFSvl];
NSString *Strlbl = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: lbl]; // your old code had a memory leak here. you need to either create an autorelease object, or release it after adding to `foo`
[foo setValue:ValueBFSvl forKey:Strlbl];
My Recommendation is to do the following:
- (void) SetBFSV:(NSString*)key ToVal:(long)val{
NSNumber *value = [NSNumber numberWithLong:val];
[foo setValue:value forKey:key];
And call it like the following (from your example):
SomeValues *myBFSV = [SomeValues sharedInstance];
NSString *Bar = [NSString stringWithString:#"Label1"];// this may not be necessary...
NSLog(#"The string %#", Bar);
[myBFSV SetBFSV:Bar ToVal:25]; // don't pass a decimal for a (long)

How to convert a NSObject from NSDictionary into NSString?

NSObject *url = [item objectForKey:#"link"];
This is a NSObject from NSDictionary "item". I need to convert NSObject to NSString.
Because I should use url to string.
How can I do that?
Thank you for replying.
Max has the correct casting syntax, but to be safe you'll want to do some kind of instance check at runtime, since it's not possible at compile-time in Objective-C to ensure that the type of an object in an array or dictionary is what you're expecting:
NSObject *obj = [item objectForKey:#"link"];
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSString *stringValue = (NSString *)obj;
// Do something with the NSString
} else {
// You can alternatively raise an NSException here.
NSLog(#"Serious error, we expected %# to be an NSString!", obj);
NSString *url = (NSString*)[item objectForKey:#"link"];

Convert char to int to NSString

I am writing some code to allow users to answer multiple choice questions. So I have an NSArray of values [#"value1", #"value2", ..]
I want to display them as:
A) value1
B) value2
The code I have is
for(int i = i; i < [values count]; i = i+1) {
NSString *displayValue = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:<NEED HELP HERE>];
displayValue = [displayValue stringByAppendingString:#") "];
displayValue = [displayValue stringByAppendingString:[values objectAtIndex:i];
The question I have is if there is where I have put , how could I convert i to the right ASCII character (A, B, C, etc) and initialize the string with that value
NSString *displayValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c",'A'-1+i];
and to get the whole string at once, use:
NSString *displayValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c) %#",'A'-1+i,
[values objectAtIndex:i]];
(ps. if you alloc an object, you must also release or autorelease, or you will "leak" memory)
Look at NSString:initWithFormat method, along with the String Programming Guide.

How to include a C array in -description

I'm trying to include the elements of an array in the NSString that's returned by the -description method in my class. No clue how to do this in Java there's string concatenation or StringBuilder, what's the equivalent in Obj-C?
Just use NSArray's componentsJoinedByString: method with whatever you want between them as the argument.
NSString *elementsSquishedTogether = [myArray componentsJoinedByString:#""];
NSString *connectedByACommaAndSpace = [myArray componentsJoinedByString:#", "];
If you have a C array, you can turn it into an NSArray with NSArray *converted = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:yourCArray count:yourArrayCount].
The title of your thread talks about C arrays, so here's a modification of jsumners' answer that will deal wiith C arrays.
myArray is assumed to be an ivar declared thusly:
int* myArray;
storage for myArray is assumed to be malloc'd at some point and the size of it is in an ivar declared:
int myArraySize;
The code for description goes something like
- (NSString *)description
NSMutableString *returnString = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease];
for (int i = 0 ; i < myArraySize ; i++)
if (i > 0)
[returnString appendString: #", "];
[returnString appendFormat: #"%d", myArray[i]];
return [NSString stringWithFormat: #"[%#]", returnString];
There are variations. The above version formats the string with bracket delimiters and commas between elements. Also, it returns an NSString instead of an NSMutableString which is not a big deal, but I feel that if you say you are returning an immutable object, you probably should.
The following could should "build" a string representation of your array. Notice that it is using the -description method of the objects in the array. If you want something different you will have to make the necessary change.
- (NSString *)description: (id) myArr {
NSMutableString *returnString = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease];
for (int i = 0, j = [myaArr count]; i < j; i++) {
[returnString appendString: [[myArr objectAtIndex: i] description]];
return [NSString stringWithString: returnString];
As JeremyP said, I answered this using Objective-C arrays. I guess I just forgot the question when I started writing my code. I'm going to leave my answer as an alternative way to do it, though. I've also fixed the return string type from a mutable string to an immutable string (as it should be).

method with 2 return values

I want to call a method which returns two values
basically lets say my method is like the below (want to return 2 values)
NSString* myfunc
NSString *myString = #"MYDATA";
NSString *myString2 = #"MYDATA2";
return myString;
return myString2;
So when i call it, i would use??
NSString* Value1 = [self myfunc:mystring];
NSString* Value2 = [self myfunc:mystring2];
I guess im doing something wrong with it, can anyone help me out?
You can only return 1 value. That value can be a struct or an object or a simple type. If you return a struct or object it can contain multiple values.
The other way to return multiple values is with out parameters. Pass by reference or pointer in C.
Here is a code snippet showing how you could return a struct containing two NSStrings:
typedef struct {
NSString* str1;
NSString* str2;
} TwoStrings;
TwoStrings myfunc(void) {
TwoStrings result;
result.str1 = #"data";
result.str2 = #"more";
return result;
And call it like this:
TwoStrings twoStrs = myfunc();
NSLog(#"str1 = %#, str2 = %#", twoStrs.str1, twoStrs.str2);
You need to be careful with memory management when returning pointers even if they are wrapped inside a struct. In Objective-C the convention is that functions return autoreleased objects (unless the method name starts with create/new/alloc/copy).
You have a few options:
NSArray: Just return an array. Pretty simple.
Pointers: Pass in two pointers, and write to them instead of returning anything. Make sure to check for NULL!
Structure: Create a struct that has two fields, one for each thing you want to return, and return one of that struct.
Object: Same a structure, but create a full NSObject subclass.
NSDictionary: Similar to NSArray, but removes the need to use magic ordering of the values.
As you can only return one value/object, maybe wrap them up in an array:
-(NSArray*) arrayFromMyFunc
NSString *myString = #"MYDATA";
NSString *myString2 = #"MYDATA2";
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:myString,myString2,nil];
You can then use it like this:
NSArray *arr = [self arrayFromMyFunc];
NSString *value1 = [arr objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *value2 = [arr objectAtIndex:1];
You could pass results back by reference, but this is easy to get wrong (syntactically, semantically, and from memory management point of view).
Edit One more thing: Make sure that you really need two return values. If they are quite independent, two separate function are often the better choice - better reusabilty and mentainable. Just in case you are making this as a matter of premature optimization. :-)
You can only directly return one value from a function. But there is a way of doing it.
-(void) myfuncWithVal1:(NSString**)val1 andVal2:(NSString**)val2
*val1 = #"MYDATA";
*val2 = #"MYDATA2";
Then to call it outside the method you'd use:
NSString* a;
NSString* b;
[self myfuncWithVal1:&a andVal2:&b];
void myfunc(NSString **string1, NSString **string2)
*string1 = #"MYDATA";
*string2 = #"MYDATA2";
NSString *value1, *value2;
myfunc(&value1, &value2);
Remember that you need to pass a pointer to a pointer when working with strings and other objects.
Wrap the two strings in an NSArray:
- (NSArray*)myFunc
NSString *myString = #"MYDATA";
NSString *myString2 = #"MYDATA2";
return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:myString, myString2, nil];
NSArray *theArray = [self myFunc]
NSString *value1 = [theArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *value2 = [theArray] objectAtIndex:1];
I see everyone has mentioned an NSArray but I'd go with an NSDictionary so the values don't have to be added in order or even at all. This means it is able to handle a situation where you only want to return the second string.
- (NSDictionary*)myFunction {
NSString *myString1 = #"string1";
NSString *myString2 = #"string2";
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: myString1, #"key1", myString2, #"key2", nil];
NSDictionary *myDictionary = [self myFunction]
NSString *string1 = [myDictionary objectForKey:#"key1"];
NSString *string2 = [myDictionary objectForKey:#"key2"];