NetBeans curly braces auto-closing - netbeans

In the last time I often initialize arrays in this form :
int[] test = new int[]{1,2,3};
When I type '[', NetBeans immediately put the closing brace.
The question is - which is the macro to do the same job with curly braces ?

Select from menu Tools > Options, select Editor in toolbar, go for Code Completion tab.
You will see that Insert Closing Brackets Automatically is already automatically checked by default.
There was a guy, who asked an analogical question a while ago. There was no helpful answer. I guess that means that we should look for that in future versions.

I looked for solution too, for NetBeans 8.5 check answer,, in same window is option: Completition Selectors For Java add: {, autocomplete by hiting enter in editor. (classically)

This macro work to me:
Shortcut: Shift + {
Macro code: "}" caret-backward


Reset formatting of code to default

I am using NetBeans for my C++ development.
Previously there was nice formatting of code but it has changed.
This is the format that I want
This is the format that I am getting
Note the two closing braces in one line after connection line and also the closing braces after semicolon in else statement.
if you press crtl + a then right click, you will find a "format" option. I hope this helped!

Parentheses over selected words in Eclipse

A few days back I felt this question to be dumb and dint post it here, but after even after searching a lot I dint find a proper solution.
For those of you who used TextEdit (on Mac), they will perfectly know what I am talking about.
While coding I just want to put quotes or parentheses over a word or a line.To do this I'll have to move back to the starting of the word, open the quote and then go to the ending of the word and close it.
Is there a plugin or so in eclipse where I can just surround the current selection with quotes or parenthesis ?? I am not talking about quick fix (Ctrl + 1). It can be used for much complex templates.
You can do that with a custom template, so for example if you want to create this template for java, you can do :
Preferences ---> Java ---> Templates
Create a new template and call it quote, then type this as pattern :
Save it and Apply.
After that you can use that template selecting the text you want to quote then press CTRL + SPACE and then chose quote.
Same thing for parenthesis :

Netbeans Auto-Indentation and Curly Braces }{

Is it possible to set up the NetBeans editor to automatically unindent closing curly braces?
I want this:
if (something){
do thing one;
do thing two;
Netbeans gives me this:
if (something){
do thing one;
do thing two;
and then I have to delete the four preceding spaces which is annoying. It would be nice if it would automatically unindent after typing the closing brace.
Any ideas?
Is it possible to do this with a macro?
I ended up asking this on the netbeans forums and it turns out that it's a bug. If you have 'auto-insert braces' turned off, the braces won't align automatically, but everything works fine with 'auto-insert braces' turned on.
NetBeans, as any other IDE, formats automatically the code (by default).
So, when you insert the closing } it will remove the unnecessary spaces automatically.
Anyway, you can select Source → Format or press Alt+Shift+F to re-format the code.

Is there a way to fold eclipse sub-blocks like an "if" statement?

Currently Eclipse only fold the java doc and at function level, but when reading long methods, there could be quite a lot of if/else etc, is there a way to fold them?
I found the Coffee-Bytes plugin. I downloaded it from this link and found this guide by the author, for using it.
You can find more details in these references:
What code folding plugins work on Eclipse 3.6?
How to use Coffee-Bytes code folding
in updated versions of Eclipse
Change folding preferences at:
Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Editor -> Folding -> Enable folding of preprocessor branches (#if/#else)
Enable folding using ctrl + shift + /
No, in the Preferences Dialog (Menu Window/Prefernces): Java/Editor/Folding you may choose,
Head Comments
Inner Types
Members and Imports
if Enable Folding is checked.
If you wan't to do this because the blocks are so long that can't reconize the structure
you should consider to split if/else blocks into methods using Alt-Shift-M (Extract Method)
It appears Eclipse does not have built-in support for folding if/else statements but allows folding for other more complex cases like Anonymous inner classes. Try looking for plugins like this one (last modified 2007, try it if it supports your Eclipse version).
Ok, this is a little bit older, but maybe someone could find this useful:
In most cases you can surround the piece of code by an additional pair of scope brackets, and to remember what you folded you can add a line comment.
For example, if you want to collapse the following:
int SectionA_var1;
int SectionA_var2;
int SectionA_var3;
int SectionA_var4;
int SectionA_var5;
int SectionB_var1;
just add the brackets an the comment:
{ // SectionA
int SectionA_var1;
int SectionA_var2;
int SectionA_var3;
int SectionA_var4;
int SectionA_var5;
int SectionB_var1;
Then you get the (-) sign and you can collapse the whole section to this:
{ // SectionA[...]
int SectionB_var1;
No plugin necessary, and until now I had no situation where this gave me any downsides, except that you cannot use it on a top level declaration to collapse methods.
For now, there is built-in function.
Click "Window->Preferences->C/C++->Editor->Folding" and then enable appropriate option you want.
Apply, close and either refresh project or reopen eclipse.
As weird as it looks like, sounds like developers never thought about that. if you have a big if statement or any switch/loop ... just use notepad++ to be able to fold/unfold
For Python, i.e. Eclipse/PyDev, go to Windows > Preferences > PyDev > Editor > Code Folding and check all the boxes.
Fold java source code like "if else for" statement
install pluins com.cb.eclipse.folding
restart your Eclipse make sure the pluins enabled
Click "Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Folding"
Select folding: select "Coffee Bytes Java Folding"
Switch to "User Defined Regions"
"Start Identifier" = { ; End Identifier = }
click "Apply and Close"
Reopen java source editor you will see "if" or "for" block is collapsable

Is there an Eclipse command to surround the current selection with parentheses?

Is there an Eclipse command to surround the current selection with parentheses?
Creating a template is a decent workaround; it doesn't work with the "Surround With" functionality, because I want to parenthesize an expression, not an entire line, and that requires ${word_selection} rather than ${line_selection}.
Is there a way that I can bind a keyboard shortcut to this particular template? Ctrl-space Ctrl-space arrow arrow arrow isn't as slick as I'd hoped for.
Maybe not the correct answer, but at least a workaround:
define a Java template with the name "parenthesis" (or "pa") with the following :
once the word is selected, ctrl-space + p + use the arrow keys to select the template
I used this technique for boxing primary types in JDK 1.4.2 and it saves quite a lot of typing.
Easy, Window->Prefs, then select Java->Editor->Templates
Create a new template with : (${line_selection}${cursor})
The "line_selection" means you have to select more than one line.
You can try creating another one with "word_selection", too.
Then, select text, right click, Surround With... and choose your new template.