cocos2d/box2d iPhone - Random circular paths - iphone

I am experimenting with some new ideas in Cocos2D/Box2D on iPhone.
I want to animate a small swarm of fireflies moving on circular (random?) paths... the idea is that the user can capture a firefly with a net..
I have considered using gravity simulations for this but I believe it is over complicating things... my previous experience with using Bezier curves tells me that this isn't the solution either..
Does anyone have any bright insights for me?
Thanks so much.

Do you need the fireflies to collide with each other?
I ask, as if this isn't a requirement, Box2D is probably overkill for your needs. Cocos2d is an excellent choice for this by the sounds of it, but I think you'd be better off looking into flocking algorithms like boids
Even that may be overly complicated. Mix a few sin and cosine terms together with some random scaling factors will likely be enough.
You could have one sin/cosine combination forming an ellipse nearly the size of the screen:
x = halfScreenWidth + cos (t) * halfScreenWidth * randomFactor;
y = halfScreenHeight + sin (t) * halfScreenHeight * randomFactor;
where randomFactor would be something in the realm of 0.6 to 0.9
This will give you broad elliptical motion around the screen, then you could add a smaller sin/cos factor to make them swirl around the point on that ellipse.
By multiplying your time delta (t) by different values (negative and positive) the path of the curve will move in a less geometric way. For example, if you use
x = halfScreenWidth + cos (2*t) * halfScreenWidth * randomFactor;
the ellipse will turn into a figure 8. (i think!)
Hope this helps get you started. Good luck.

One place to look for ideas would be in the domain of artificial life. They have been simulating swarms of entities for a long time. Here is a link for some simple swarm code written in Java that should give you some ideas.


Cover polygons with the minimum number of circles of a given diameter

The following problem:
Given is an arbitrary polygon. It shall be covered 100% with the minimum number of circles of a given radius.
1) Naturally the circles have to overlap.
2) I try to solve the problem for ARBITRARY polygons. But also solutions for CONVEX polygons are appreciated.
3) As far as Im informed, this problem is NP-hard ( an algorithm to find the minimum size set cover for the Set-cover problem )
Choose: U = polygon and S1...Sk = circles with arbitrary centers.
My solution:
Ive already read some papers and tried a few things on my own. The most promising idea that I came up with was in fact one already indicated in Covering an arbitrary area with circles of equal radius.
So I guess it’s best I quickly try to describe my own idea and then refine my questions.
The picture gives you already a pretty good idea of what I do
IDEA and Problem Formulation
1. I approximate the circles with their corresponding hexagons and tessellate the whole R2, i.e. an sufficiently large area; keyword hexagonally closest packaging. (cyan … tessellation, red dotted, centers of the cyan hexagons)
2. I put the polygon somewhere in the middle of this tessellated area and compute the number of hexagons that are needed to cover the polygon.
In the following Im trying to minimize N, which is number ofhexagons needed to cover the polygon, by moving the polygon around step by step, after each step “counting” N.
Solving the problem:
So that’s when it gets difficult (for me). I don’t know any optimizers that solve this problem properly, since they all terminate after moving the polygon around a bit and not observing any change.
My solution is the following:
First note that this is a periodic problem:
1. The polygon can be moved in horizontal direction x with a period of 3*r (side length = radius r) of the hexagon.
2. The polygon can be moved in vertical direction y with a period of r^2+r^2-2*rrcos(2/3*pi) of the hexagon.
3. The polygon can be rotated phi with a period of 2/3*pi.
That means, one has to search a finite area of possible solutions to find the optimal solution.
So what I do is, I choose a stepsize for (x,y,phi) and simply brute force compute all possible solutions, picking out the optimum.
Refining my questions
1) Is the problem formulated intelligently? Right now im working on an algorithm that only tessellates a very small area, so that as little hexagons as possible have to be computed.
2) Is there a more intelligent optimizer to solve the problem?
3) FINALLY: I also have difficulties finding appropriate literature, since I don’t guess I don’t know the right keywords to look for. So if anybody can provide me with literature, it would also be appreciated a lot.
Actually I could go on about other things ive tried but I think no one of u guys wants to spend the whole afternoon just reading my question.
Thx in advance to everybody who takes the time to think about it.
PS i implement my algorithms in matlab
I like your approach! When you mention your optimization I think a good way to go about it is by rotating the hexagonal grid and translating it till you find the least amount of circles that cover the region. You don't need to rotate 360 since the pattern is symmetric so just 360/6.
I've been working on this problem for a while and have just published a paper that contains code to solve this problem! It uses genetic algorithms and BFGS optimization. You can find a link to the paper here:
Edit: Answer rewritten (there's no limitation that circles couldn't go outside the polygon).
You might be interested in Covering a simple polygon with circles. I think the algorithm works or is extendable also to complex polygons.
1.Inscribe the given polygon in a minimum sized rectangle
2.Cover the rectangle optimally by circles (algorithm is available)

Is there any way to remove the small bias along the gravity axis in the accelerometer data

Similar to this question:
CMDeviceMotion userAcceleration drift
I'm using CMDeviceMotion.userAcceleration in iOS5 SDK to plot its x, y, z components over time. Like the above post, I see z acceleration component shows always small positive values (0.005 - 0.015) while x and y components are centering along zero (-0.005 - 0.005) when my iPhone 4s is sitting on a flat surface.
This small bias keeps adding up to the estimated velocity (which I compute by integrating the acceleration data) even when my phone is not moving a bit. Is there any known way to remove this bias from the accelerometer data? I cannot simply subtract the bias from z component because it seems that the bias spreads over x y and z along the gravity axis if the device is in some arbitrary orientation.
I know that the data in CMDeviceMotion.userAcceleration has already factored out the gravity using Gyro data but wonder if there is any effective way to remove this residual bias?
First, you need some external reference that does not drift such as GPS. Then you have to perform sensor fusion (Kalman filter comes to mind). Otherwise you cannot remove the bias and the integration error will grow indefinitely.
UPDATE: You cannot get relative displacement just by integrating the acceleration, see my answer to Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation). However, I give some examples there what you actually can do.
If you check my answer you will see that it is the gyro white noise that makes the integration hopeless.
Old question, but I wanted to share some insight. Part of the bias in the accelerometers actually does not come from any inaccuracies in the sensors, but from an oversight in the calculations that Apple does. The calculations assume that gravity always is 1 G (which is by definition 9.80665 m/s2). Any left-over must then be user acceleration.
However, gravity varies slightly all over the world. If the gravity in your area is not exactly 9.80665 m/s2, then there will be a small bias in the user acceleration, which is detectable with a low-pass filter. Such a bias can removed with the following calculation:
- (void) handleDeviceMotion:(CMDeviceMotion *)m atTime:(NSDate *)time
// calculate user acceleration in the direction of gravity
double verticalAcceleration = m.gravity.x * m.userAcceleration.x +
m.gravity.y * m.userAcceleration.y +
m.gravity.z * m.userAcceleration.z;
// update the bias in low pass filter (bias is an object variable)
double delta = verticalAcceleration - bias;
if (ABS(delta) < 0.1) bias += 0.01 * delta;
// remove bias from user acceleration
CMAcceleration acceleration;
acceleration.x = m.userAcceleration.x - bias * m.gravity.x;
acceleration.y = m.userAcceleration.y - bias * m.gravity.y;
acceleration.z = m.userAcceleration.z - bias * m.gravity.z;
// do something with acceleration
Mind you, even with that bias removed, there is still a lot of noise, and there could also be a manufacturing bias different for each accelerometer chip. Therefore, you will still have a hard time deriving velocity and certainly position from this.
Thanks Ali for updating your answer and other references. They certainly helped my understanding on this issue (and I was surprised to see how many people are interested in this issue). I may sound a bit stubborn but I still think I didn't find the answer for my original question from anywhere. Let's forget about integration now. With more experiments I see some constant biases (though even smaller) on x and y axes as well when I averaged the user acceleration data over time. I was just wondering if there's any way to remove these biases from "user" acceleration data which I get from iOS5 CMDeviceMotion. If they were caused by the white noise of the gyroscope in the process of filtering out the gravity, I guess we may see random noise in the user accelerometer data but not those biases. But based on my impression so far, it seems that those biases were caused by the limited "accuracy" of both accelerometer and gyroscope and there's nothing we can do about that although I'm not 100% sure. I was trying to put my impression in comment (not in answer section) but SO didn't allow because it was too long but I was wondering how many people would back up my impression by voting so I decided to put it in answer section... Sorry if I was rambling a bit.

How many pixels is an impulse in box2d

I have a ball that you blow on with air. I want the ball to be blown more if it is close to the blower and blown less if it is farther away from the blower. I am using box2d and I am using the impulse function."body->ApplyLinearImpulse(force, body->GetPosition())". I can't seem to find a formula or a way to accomplish this. If I want the ball to blow to a total distance of 300 pixels right, how could I accomplish this? Please help.
If you want to calculate the distance before simulation you have to take a look at box2d sources. When simulating the velocity of the body is modified according to gravity, extra applied forces, linear damping, angular damping and possibly something more. Also velocity relies on velocity iterations.
But I think if you want a really smooth motion (like from a blow) you'd better use applyForce function instead of impulse. But be sure you are applying the force each simulation step.
Also you can simulate the air resistance as:
Fa = -k*V*V. I've simulated movement in the pipe this way. Worked great.
So each step you can make something like this:
BlowForce = k1 / distance; // k1 - coefficient
Resistance = -k2 * V * V; //k2 - another coefficient
TotalForce = BlowForce + Resistance;
I am not a box 2d expert but what i would do is create a small box which is actually invisible and let the ball hit the box...if the blower is blowing more i would give more speed to the box in opposite direction. As far as 300 pixel length is concerned you have to adjust the forces and velocity such that the ball goes
in physical world.
Force = mass * acceleration, so take the mass you set your body to, calculate the acceleration you want (remember to divide 300px by PTM_RATIO) and then multiply the two together.

Jelly physics 3d

I want to ask about jelly physics ( ), where I can find some good place to start making things like that ? I want to make simulation of cars crash and I want use this jelly physics, but I can't find a lot about them. I don't want use existing physics engine, I want write my own :)
Something like what you see in the video you linked to could be accomplished with a mass-spring system. However, as you vary the number of masses and springs, keeping your spring constants the same, you will get wildly varying results. In short, mass-spring systems are not good approximations of a continuum of matter.
Typically, these sorts of animations are created using what is called the Finite Element Method (FEM). The FEM does converge to a continuum, which is nice. And although it does require a bit more know-how than a mass-spring system, it really isn't too bad. The basic idea, derived from the study of continuum mechanics, can be put this way:
Break the volume of your object up into many small pieces (elements), usually tetrahedra. Let's call the entire collection of these elements the mesh. You'll actually want to make two copies of this mesh. Label one the "rest" mesh, and the other the "world" mesh. I'll tell you why next.
For each tetrahedron in your world mesh, measure how deformed it is relative to its corresponding rest tetrahedron. The measure of how deformed it is is called "strain". This is typically accomplished by first measuring what is known as the deformation gradient (often denoted F). There are several good papers that describe how to do this. Once you have F, one very typical way to define the strain (e) is:
e = 1/2(F^T * F) - I. This is known as Green's strain. It is invariant to rotations, which makes it very convenient.
Using the properties of the material you are trying to simulate (gelatin, rubber, steel, etc.), and using the strain you measured in the step above, derive the "stress" of each tetrahdron.
For each tetrahedron, visit each node (vertex, corner, point (these all mean the same thing)) and average the area-weighted normal vectors (in the rest shape) of the three triangular faces that share that node. Multiply the tetrahedron's stress by that averaged vector, and there's the elastic force acting on that node due to the stress of that tetrahedron. Of course, each node could potentially belong to multiple tetrahedra, so you'll want to be able to sum up these forces.
Integrate! There are easy ways to do this, and hard ways. Either way, you'll want to loop over every node in your world mesh and divide its forces by its mass to determine its acceleration. The easy way to proceed from here is to:
Multiply its acceleration by some small time value dt. This gives you a change in velocity, dv.
Add dv to the node's current velocity to get a new total velocity.
Multiply that velocity by dt to get a change in position, dx.
Add dx to the node's current position to get a new position.
This approach is known as explicit forward Euler integration. You will have to use very small values of dt to get it to work without blowing up, but it is so easy to implement that it works well as a starting point.
Repeat steps 2 through 5 for as long as you want.
I've left out a lot of details and fancy extras, but hopefully you can infer a lot of what I've left out. Here is a link to some instructions I used the first time I did this. The webpage contains some useful pseudocode, as well as links to some relevant material.
The following link is also very useful:
This is a really fun topic, and I wish you the best of luck! If you get stuck, just drop me a comment.
That rolling jelly cube video was made with Blender, which uses the Bullet physics engine for soft body simulation. The bullet documentation in general is very sparse and for soft body dynamics almost nonexistent. You're best bet would be to read the source code.
Then write your own version ;)
Here is a page with some pretty good tutorials on it. The one you are looking for is probably in the (inverse) Kinematics and Mass & Spring Models sections.
Hint: A jelly can be seen as a 3 dimensional cloth ;-)
Also, try having a look at the search results for spring pressure soft body model - they might get you going in the right direction :-)
See this guy's page Maciej Matyka, topic of soft body
Unfortunately 2d only but might be something to start with is JellyPhysics and JellyCar

Calculating displacement moved in MATLAB

I need to compare two or more images to calculate how much a point shifted in the x and y direction. How do I go about doing this in MATLAB?
What you are looking for is an "Optical Flow" algorithm. There are many around, some faster but less accurate, some slower and more accurate.
Click here to find a MATLAB optical flow implementation (Lucas Kanade).
Gilads suggestion about a Lucas-Kanade tracker/optical flow calculator is really good, and is what I would use. It does however have the drawback of not working very well if the scene has changed too much.
If the scenes are indeed very different (say you moved and rotated the camera quite a lot) you would have to find your corresponding points in some other way. One example could be to use a SIFT descriptor to find image features in the two images and then determine which points correspond to each other. If you know the camera matrices of the two images then it becomes quite easy.