iphone draw over UIScrollView with MultiTouch - iphone

I'm creating methods to use multi-touch taps to draw shapes on top of an image inside a UIScrollView. I'm thinking that I should just create a new UIView subclass for the shapes and add them as a subView to the main controller that contains the scrollView.
If so, can I simply use touchesBegan, touchesMoved, ... with the new UIView subclass? And if not how do I connect the touches to the drawing logic.

To get the touch method in UIScrollView you need to make your own class for Scrollview which is sub class of the UIscollview and use that class in place of the UIScrollView. As you class is Sub class of UIScrollView you can get all the method of the UIScrollView through object of you class.
Now for getting touch method you will get in you class and using custom delegate you can call in any class.


How to draw something on UIImageView in UIViewController Class

I know a method to draw on iPhone using UIView class and UIImage method. But can i draw inUIViewController class on UIImageView?
As UIImageView is a subclass of UIView, you should be able to use the exact same method to do what you want.
You might also add a custom view (inherit from UIView) above any other view and draw anything you want on that view.

Create a scrollable menu with UIImages representing each possible selection. These UIImages must be able to snap to the grid one by one

I'm trying to create a menu (using UIScrollView) where the user can select images (using UIImageViews).
I intend to have at least 3 images visible at anytime. When I scroll, the images will be able to snap into position.
However, if I am to use a UIScrollView which is large enough to display 3 images at anyone time, and I enable paging, the paging will move all 3 images together and snap only at the next 3 images.
And if I am to use UIScrollView that fits just 1 image, and I enable clipsToBounds (which helps me draw the images beyond the boundary of the UIScrollView). My figure gestures can only be detected within UIScrollView itself, I want my figure gestures to be detected as long as any of the images are touched.
You can use following method of UIScrollView to scroll it from code as much as you want.
- (void)scrollRectToVisible:(CGRect)rect animated:(BOOL)animated
you can call this from following method of UIScrowViewDelegate.
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
Thus, you can manage how much you scroll view will call.
And for getting touches, implement a separate class that display images(inherit it from UIImageView or UIView) and implement touchesBegin or touchesEnded in that. Here when you get the touch in your custom view call some method of parent view and notify it with proper arguments(you can assign tag property and pass it to scroll view to find exactly which image was tapped).
.....I am not sure weather I am solving your problem or not.....so post here if you need any further assistance.
I wrote a custom UIView class which overrides the hitTest method of UIView.
In the header of the custom UIView class, declare a UIScrollView, later you will need to assign the UIScrollView which is displaying the menu to this variable.
UIScrollView *thatScrollView;
In the implementation, remember to synthesize the variable and overwrite hitTest
#synthesize thatScrollView;
- (UIView*)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if ([self pointInside:point withEvent:event]) {
return thatScrollView;
return nil;
Then in the UIViewController class, create an instance of the class and assign the scrollview you want to scroll:
hiddenView.underneathButton = scrollView1;

how does a subview of a scrollview know the scrollview is being scrolled

I placed a few uiimageview objects into a scrollview. How can the imageview know the scrollview is being scrolled? Since the imageview is a subview of the scrollview i can't set the scrollview delegate to the imageview.
I want to create something similar to the apps view on the iphone. Where you can hold down an app and then drag it, but if you hold and move your finger too far to the left or right the action is stopped and scrolling takes over.
"Since the imageview is a subview of the scrollview i can't set the scrollview delegate to the imageview."
And why not?
You have viewcontroller which shows the particular scrollview correct? this viewcontroller should be the delegate of the scrollview, and viewcontroller should also hold pointers (either explicitly in an array or through tag of some sort) to the uiimageviews.
Then, whenever scrollview notifies viewcontroller (through scrollviewdidscroll type of delegate method), implement your logic to update uiimageview.
To implement the exact touch sequence, you can subclass UIGestureRecognizer or write your own touch handler.. take a look at Apple's documentation on Event Handling Guide :
It doesn't, it just draws and draws. The scrollView makes sure you only see the part you really want to see
You might want to look at three20, they have a class that is very similar to the springboard. -- Used in facebook.app
Thanks Everyone, but I found out that UIScrollView sends the touchesCancelled message to the subview when scrolling starts.

Drawing a line in a UIView subview

I have a UIView subclass. This subclass has multiple subviews. Is it possible to draw a line using core graphics inside a subview that is part of the uiview subclass?
For example, I have a SampleView class, which is a subclass of UIView. Inside this class's header file is the property for UIView *sampleSubView, which is a subview of SampleView. Is it possible to draw a line inside of sampleSubView from the SampleView class implementation?
Thanks for your help!
If you are asking how a UIView subclass can draw a line on itself, then see the Quartz demo sample code. Basically, you'll override the view's drawRect: method, get the current graphics context, then draw whatever you like onto it.
If you are asking how one view can draw a line on another view, perhaps you need to rethink your architecture.

UIScrollview with two images - Keeping 1 image zoomable and 1 image static (fixed size)

I have a UIView which contains a zoomable UIImageView and also another semitransparent UIView on top of that.
What I am trying to achieve is to be able to zoom the UIImageView while keeping the semitransparent view static and not zoomed.
If I add the semitransparent UIView on top of the UIImageView (which is added to the UIScrollView), everything zooms. However, if I add both as subviews to the base UIView, the touches only get tracked is the semitransparent UIView since its the last one added.
I do need control to reside first at the semitransparent UIView for the touches since I may want to resize the semitransparent view. However, I'd like to pass control of the touches to the UIScrollView if two fingers are used. Is there anyway for me to achieve this? The nextresponder doesn't seem to work. I also tried to use hittest in addition to subclassing UIWindow, but the base UIView needs to push/pop navigation controlling ability so I don't think I can subclass UIWindow to push onto the navigation stack.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hm.. you can try this hierarchy (possibly subclasses):
UIView (container)
> UIView (semitransparent overlay)
> UIScrollview
- UIView (zoomable content)
Like this, the overlay does not scale.
The tricky thing then is the user interaction on multiple layers. Its easy if there are areas in your overlay that should not detect user touches, for that you just set the UIView property 'userInteractionEnabled' to 'NO' for the view parts where touches should be 'forwarded' to the underlaying layers.
But if I get you right, you need something more complicated. You probably could set up some kind of master-touch-controller in the container UIView, that finds out what is happening and then calls certain methods of its subviews / forwards the events.
I don't know all the exact methods you need to override/implement in the container, but check out the tapZoom demo from the ScrollView Suite sample code. It's a pretty nice example there.
Just out of curiosity, may I ask what this interaction model is used for?