Security of string resources - iphone

Recently i've asked about the security implications of storing sensitive info in the xml string resources in Android: the answer? Heavy security implications, is really easy to get the contents of every xml file with a simple command line tool, so it is almost mandatory to have important info encrypted.
Now, how is it like in iOS? How secure it is to have a certain data in a plist or a .strings localizable file, in plain text, non encrypted?

Still not very secure.
There is nothing stopping a user from unzipping an application stored on their computer in iTunes and viewing the contents. Its very easy to do, even without a jail broken phone. Any strings resources, plist files etc will be immediately accessible.
Even hard coded string literals are visible in the compiled binary when one views it with the strings utility. And going a set further, using the nm utility one can see all your applications symbols, such as method names, constants, etc.
I would recommend against storing anything that could be considered sensitive in plain text.

You can access any file on a jailbroken iPhone, so you'll need to encrypt sensitive data.

If your app ships with a .plist file, then the end user can unzip the .ipa app file and see the .plist file and do whatever they want with it.

The exact same problems, a plist is a very common file for Mac OSX and iOS and it is just a XML file. Secure your sensitive data on ALL platforms!
I would like to add that apple does provide a way to securely store sensitive information in the Keychain.


itms-services // action=download-manifest url as local file

I am trying to utilize:
itms-services // action=download-manifest url as local file, is there any standard way of utilizing plist file via that?
I've seen this done in an app that aided with OTA app updating for developers; what I saw in the source code was that a file:// link was used. If you want to do this, you'd have to know the location of the file in the filesystem. Then, you'd use a standard plist file, but in the url key, you'd put file://location/to/your/ipa/file and it would essentially be the same.
Though, that isn't the best way of doing things, because it is an unknown whether the user has the ipa file on their device or not.

Xcode: hide / protect resource files in final iOS app?

I plan to develop an app for iOS and want to use HTML5, CSS and Javascript. The final app should be implemented as a native app using Xcode and UIWebView.
Can I hide or protect my html files in the final app? I have to put the files in the folder called "Supporting Files" in Xcode. Therefore, everyone can view the plain files after purchasing the app by extracting the .ipa file, right?
There's many ways to protect your data, depending on how good you want the protection to be. For very minimal protection against only casual hackers, you could use a string obfuscation algorithm to obfuscate and de-obfuscate the HTML content as NSStrings. Here's an example of doing that. I haven't used that particular code, but I'm also not really recommending obfuscation as a technique, unless the data really isn't very sensitive.
The better solution is to encrypt the HTML content, although that's more work, and may involve some export control issues, depending on where you are, and where you're distributing your app.
For encryption, you have lots of options.
1) Here is an open source implementation that provides a secure version of something like NSUserDefaults. I don't see an equivalent to registerDefaults: in that code, though, so it's possible that the first time your app runs, you may have to download the content from the web. But, then you could encrypt and store it in PDKeychainBindings as a string value. On subsequent runs, you could then extract stored HTML "files" like this:
NSString* webPageContent =
[[PDKeychainBindings sharedKeychainBindings] valueForKey: #"index.html"];
2) Here's another open source project that provides AES encryption wrappers. You would write some non-production code before releasing your app to encrypt the HTML content into encrypted data files that would be bundle resources. When your app runs, it opens the files and decrypts them into NSString objects which can be given to your UIWebView via loadHTMLString: baseURL:.
3) Finally, here's another example of using the underlying CommonCrypto APIs to protect bundle resources. This example uses a custom build step to automatically encrypt resources in a particular folder, which would save you some time if your protected HTML content is going to change reasonably often.
You can encrypt the files and decrypt them at runtime or you can not include them in your bundle and have a compile time script that reads them and converts them into encoded data in your app that you can just load into your UIWebView with:
- (void)loadData:(NSData *)data MIMEType:(NSString *)MIMEType textEncodingName:(NSString *)encodingName baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
You could create all your HTML and so on also within your code and then use UIWebView's
- (void)loadHTMLString:(NSString *)string baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL
to manually load every HTML string as plain text. I advice you, however, not to do so. If somebody really wants to isolate every string from your compiled source code, this is possible for him (unless you really do demanding stuff).
Most of the users simply don't care about what's inside the ipa file. If you can live with < 1% who inspects it, don't worry too much about this topic.
Another aspect would be possible as well (even if this is not a fantastic idea): You could point your UIWebView to a secret website only you and your app know. This is absolutely not advisable.

Prevent application cache from extracting files on iOS

I have an iOS application, which stores all downloaded *.pdf files in its cache. Is there a way to prevent this data from extracting? Encryption or something else? Thanks in advance.
There are quite a few ways to encrypt files, and I'm sure everyone will have an opinion on the best way to do so.
In a project I've recently been working on, we've been using CommonCrypto ( Just take any NSData, encrypt it, and save it to a file, and vice versa. You can even write an easy Transformer by subclassing NSValueTransformer, which abstracts all of the encryption to one spot and you will never have to worry about it again.
You can protect PDF files with a password. I assume you create the PDF files not within the application but externally. For example you can use in Mac OS X to secure existing PDF files with a password (Hit Cmd-P, then select PDF in the print menu and there you can set security options. Or even more simple: in the menu choose Export...).
In iOS you can then open the PDF files like this:
CGPDFDocumentRef documentRef = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]);
if (!CGPDFDocumentIsUnlocked(documentRef))
CGPDFDocumentUnlockWithPassword(documentRef, password);
There are actually 2 Documents folders in which your app can store content. One can be extracted, and one is private. Check the accepted answer in this ticket.
Access files in "private Documents" folder transferred with iTunes
Assuming you want the PDF files from getting extracted on jailbroken devices, the most straight forward approach would be along the following lines:
generate a random string during the first launch of the app
save the random string either in NSUserDefaults in state file inside your own app's sandbox
using this random string create a secret key using a deterministic but hard to figure out algorithm
use this secret key, which you don't store anywhere but always generate on demand, symmetrically encrypt your buffer with AES or something similar
You would probably find the source code here very helpful.

Saving, reading, exchanging own file format?

any recommendations for saving four strings into an own file format that is read by the application and can be shared?
In my app, you will be able to enter some text in some boxes and the app shows a view with an background image and those strings. Now, I am already able to save this as a picture, but I actually want to save it to an own file format so that you can save different files that can be modified afterwards as well or even exchanged via email and opened from another iphone with the app.
Now, I wrote the code for accessing the documents folder of the app, as well as saving and deleting. Thing is, i dont know how to store those strings in a file (perhaps in a xml?) and read them easily afterwards from my application.
For the exchanging part, I found that link which would be a nice feature indeed:
Parsing xml seems not that difficult (never done it before):
If it's only a small bit of infomation then the easiest way to store your data in a file would be using a plist - there's a good tutorial here -
In addition to the plist, you could also do the following approaches:
1) simplest - open a file in your documents directory, write the 4 strings (using whatever delimiter/end of string marker is useful - carriage return?) and overwrite them each time through. (i.e. it's your file, you can format it how you like)
2) mildly harder - use Apple's NSArchive to pack and unpack the strings.
3) possible overkill - store them directly in a SQLite database
4) major overkill - store them in CoreData.
Of course, the "overkill" options also provide you with extra features which may be of use if your app functionality extends beyond what you've outlined.
By sharing, I would think that simple copy and paste might be enough, but there's also sending it via email, or tripping another app's URL scheme to make it open it and sending the strings as part of the URL. You'd have to know that the other app would be able to interpret your strings as part of the URL, so you might have to write it yourself.
Okay guys I found that very nice method in the NSString documentation:
I think I am gonna separate my strings by /n and save them to a .txt. When I am gonna read the file afterwards, i am getting the string, divide it to substrings. That will do it, I guess.
One last question: Is it possible to replace the content of my file so that I won't need to create a new file every time i want to change something?

Xcode iPhone binaries

I got curious what my binary iphone files contained, so I opened some in a text editor. To my surprise, there are a lot of methods and stuff being mentioned, even in the binaries that are code signed (I thought they got encrypted?). Not that it is a problem, I'm just curios. Why are there so many things in plain text?
There are all sorts of plain text strings in executables, such as string table entries, string constants, and so on. An Objective-C, being very dynamic, uses method names at runtime also (hence the need for names in the binary). While the executable image may be signed, the contents is not necessarily encrypted. The signature will be applied to some form of hash of the file's contents, which can be used for verification.
The encryption is only on a portion of the binary when it is encrypted by Apple - so even in the released version of your binary, some things are visible as plain text.