Execute powershell script inside batch file [duplicate] - powershell

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How to execute powershell commands from a batch file?
I want to execute the below powershell statement from a batch file with out creating a ps1 file
if([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("dfgdjg") -eq $false){[System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource("dfgdjg","dfgdjgLogs");}
else{write("Event Log already exists");}
Is it possible to do so?

In general you can do:
#powershell -command "yourpowershellcommand"
You can use powershell.exe directly, but I would recomment you to use the above form of #powershell

The command line help powershell.exe /? covers this:
Executes the specified commands (and any parameters) as though they were
typed at the Windows PowerShell command prompt, and then exits, unless
NoExit is specified. The value of Command can be "-", a string. or a
script block.
If the value of Command is "-", the command text is read from standard
If the value of Command is a script block, the script block must be enclosed
in braces ({}). You can specify a script block only when running PowerShell.exe
It shows an example at the end:
PowerShell -PSConsoleFile SqlSnapIn.Psc1
PowerShell -version 1.0 -NoLogo -InputFormat text -OutputFormat XML
PowerShell -Command {Get-EventLog -LogName security}
PowerShell -Command "& {Get-EventLog -LogName security}"


Cannot access $Profile.CurrentUserAllHosts using pwsh.exe?

I want to read the automatic variable $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts, using a Deno script.
I already know how to execute pwsh.exe from Deno.
But would like to know how to invoke pwsh.exe to get the $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts value.
For example, I expect that two commands below yields the same results rather than different results:
PS> $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts
PS> pwsh.exe -noprofile -Command "{$profile.CurrentUserAllHosts}"
Note: I'm using Powershell 7.2.5, on Windows 10 and I can guarantee that pwsh.exe is the same version for all instances.
There's two things to keep in mind here:
You're running the command in PowerShell itself, so $profile is actually expanded in your parent-session due to the double-quotes in your -Command argument.
You're passing a string with a scriptblock as the -Command argument. It's not actually executed - you're just getting the result of {$profile.CurrentUserAllHosts}.ToString() which is the content of the scriptblock.
Add a call operator to invoke the scriptblock in the string, ex -Command '& { $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts }'. If invoking pwsh from PowerShell you can also use pwsh.exe -noprofile -Command { $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts }.
Or provide the command as a simple string, ex. -Command '$profile.CurrentUserAllHosts'
In both alternatives, remember single quotes OR escaping the dollar-sign with backtick.

Open a powershell window from an existing powershell window, and keep it open after running code

I can open a powershell window from an existing one and provide it code to run here
But I can't get the second window to stay open once the code has run
Here's what I want to run in the first powershell window, and I would like the powershell window that opens to stay open after running the code (currently, it closes immediately)
start powershell { ECHO "hi" }
I tried some suggestions here but not having any luck
Also, I got a fix (of sorts) using something like start powershell { ECHO "hi"; TIMEOUT 20 } but that's not going to keep the window permanently open
PowerShell -Command {Write-Host "Test" } -NoExit
from about Powershell. To start the Powershell in a new window you can use:
start-process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-noExit", "-command","Write-host 'TEST'; Write-Host 'Test2'"
Important -Command must be the last parameter (about Powershell):
When the value of Command is a string, Command must be the last parameter specified because any characters typed after the command are interpreted as the command arguments.
If you pass a command (-Command) or script file (-File) to execute to PowerShell's CLI (powershell.exe in Windows PowerShell, pwsh.exe in PowerShell [Core] v6+), PowerShell by default executes the command / script and then exits.
With a command or script specified for execution, you need to add the -NoExit switch if you want the new session to remain open.
Caveat: (Unless you call directly from within PowerShell with a script block), a positional argument - i.e., one neither preceded by -Command nor -File - is implicitly bound to:
-Command in Windows PowerShell
-File in PowerShell [Core] v6+.
Therefore, it's advisable to use the target parameter name explicitly.
With Start-Process (whose built-in alias on Windows - but not on Unix - is start):
Note: The primary use of Start-Process is to launch an independent process asynchronously in a new window. However, the latter isn't supported on Unix-like platforms, where Start-Process's utility is therefore limited.
start powershell { ECHO "hi" } happens to work from PowerShell (except that the window closes right after executing the command), but it's important to note that you cannot actually pass script blocks to Start-Process, only strings.
Start-Process accepts an executable name (implied -FilePath parameter), and an array of string arguments (implied -ArgumentList / -Args parameter).
If you pass a script block ({ ... }), it is automatically stringified, meaning that its literal string contents are used (stripped of the { and }) as the (only) -ArgumentList string value.
Thus, bypassing the unnecessary script-block creation, your command - with -NoExit applied as desired - should be (with explicitly named parameters; note that -Command and its argument must come last):
Start-Process -FilePath powershell -ArgumentList '-NoExit -Command ECHO "hi"'
While passing arguments individually, as an array to -ArgumentList is arguably conceptually cleaner, it is actually better to pass all arguments as a single string, using embedded quoting as necessary, due to a longstanding bug - see GitHub issue #5576.
Trying to open an interactive shell in a new window as a different user, via the -Credential parameter, is broken up to at least PowerShell 7.1, resulting in keyboard input getting blocked both in the new window and in the caller's window - see this answer for a workaround with runas.exe and GitHub issue #12129.

Call program from powershell.exe command and manipulate parameters

I'm trying to call an EXE file program that accepts command line parameters from PowerShell. One of the parameters I'm required to send is based on the string length of the parameters.
For example,
app.exe /param1:"SampleParam" /paramLen:"SampleParam".length
When I run the above, or for example:
notepad.exe "SampleParam".length
Notepad opens with the value 11 as expected.
I would like to achieve the same result when calling PowerShell from cmd / task scheduler.
For example,
powershell notepad.exe "SampleParam".length
But when I do that I get "SampleParam".length literally instead of the "SampleParam".length calculated value.
The expected result was:
running notepad.exe 11
Use the -Command parameter for powershell.exe:
powershell -Command "notepad.exe 'SampleParam'.length"
Be careful with the "'s since they can be picked up by the Windows command processor. This will also work:
powershell -Command notepad.exe 'SampleParam'.length
But this will not:
powershell -Command notepad.exe "SampleParam".length
I'd suggest using variables to store your string, etc.
$Arg1 = 'SampleParam'
## This will try to open a file named 11.txt
powershell notepad.exe $Arg1.Length
In your specific example:
app.exe /param1:$Arg1 /paramLen:$Arg1.Length
Utilizing splatting:
## Array literal for splatting
$AppArgs = #(
app.exe #AppArgs

Need to call powershell script from batch file

I have a batch file which is in a folder called script. The script folder also contains folder called powershell which has a script called IE-Settings.ps1.
I want to execute the powershell script from the batch file and I am unable to give powershell script path in the command. What I tried is
call %windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -File "& '%~dp0IESettings\IE-Settings.ps1'"
But it doesn't recognize the path
call is for running other batch files in a way that they return to the current batch file after they terminate, and per your question the subdirectory name is powershell, not IESettings. Also, when using the parameter -File you just specify the path to the file.
powershell.exe -File "%~dp0powershell\IE-Settings.ps1"
The call operator (&) is used when running PowerShell code via the -Command parameter, e.g.:
powershell.exe -Command "& { Write-Host 'foo' }"

Calling powershell function with parameter from .cmd or .bat file

I have written a powershell script which is a complete function taking parameters (e.g. function name (param) { } ) and below this is a call to the function, with the parameter.
I want to be able to call this function in its .ps1 file, passing in the parameter. How would I be able to package a call to the function via a .bat or .cmd file? I am using Powershell v2.0.
You should use so called "dot-sourcing" of the script and the command with more than one statement: dot-sourcing of the script + call of the function with parameters.
The test script Test-Function.ps1:
function Test-Me($param1, $param2)
"1:$param1, 2:$param2"
The calling .bat file:
powershell ". .\Test-Function.ps1; Test-Me -Param1 'Hello world' -Param2 12345"
powershell ". .\Test-Function.ps1; Test-Me -Param1 \"Hello world\" -Param2 12345"
Notes: this is not a requirement but I would recommend enclosing the entire command text with double quotation marks escaping, if needed, inner quotation marks using CMD escape rules.
I believe all you have to do is name the parameters in the call to the script like the following:
powershell.exe Path\ScripName -Param1 Value1 -Param2 Value2
Param1 and Param2 are actual parameter names in the function signature.
To call a PowerShell function from cmd or batch with arguments you need to use the -Commmand Parameter or its alias -C.
Romans answer will work with PowerShell 5.1 for example but will fail for PowerShell 7.1.
Quote from an issue I left on GitHub on why the same command didn't work is:
So as to support Unix shebang lines, pwsh's CLI now defaults to the -File parameter (which expects only a script-file path), whereas powershell.exe default to -Command / -c.
To make your commands work with pwsh, you must use -Command / -C explicitly.
So if you have a PowerShell file test.ps1 with:
function Get-Test() {
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The test string.')]
Write-Host $stringTest
And the batch file will then be:
rem Both commands are now working in both v5.1 and v7.1.
rem v7.1
"...pathto\pwsh.exe" -NoExit -Command ". '"...pathto\test.ps1"'; Get-Test ""help me"""
rem v5.1
powershell.exe -NoExit -Command ". '"...pathto\test.ps1"'; Get-Test ""help me"""
The quotes around ...pathto\test.ps1 are a must if your .ps1 contains spaces.
The same goes for ...pathto\pwsh.exe
Here's the Github issue I posted in full: