Game Center Leaderboard Issues - iphone

I have successfully put game center leaderboards into my app with them updating the highscores correctly so I'm not worried about that.
The problem I am having is even though they are displaying and updating correctly in my app, when I view the leaderboards in the game center app it says there are no scores???
Anyone else has this trouble???

It seems there is just a delay between the gamecenter servers and the saving of highscores when developing.

While you develop your app all scores get submitted to the sandbox gamecenter servers.
Maybe you are logged in the live servers with the game center app ?


Game Center Mutliplayer

If I'd want to implement multiplayer checkers game using game center API, does it mean that I don't have to write a server, and I'll be using game center's servers?
I'm new to game center, and I'd like to know its use.
Here is a great tutorial that will get you up and running in a couple of hours!
Beginning Turn Based Gaming with iOS5
Yes, Obsolutely you don't want to write any servers. The apple's Game Center handles it. First of all you need to import GameKit framework. It will maintain game center servers.In Game Center you have Leaderboards (Where you can see the scores of all players who are using your app), and Achievements (You can setup some achievements that when a user crosses particular scores 1000, 2000, 3000.. etc. in your app). The Leaderboards and achievements are two different viewControllers you can show them through coding. For More Details You can visit the following link it is very clear. And if you have any doubts feel free to contact me. I have implemented Leaderboards and achievements recently, but not multiplayer features. And to perform all these you have to enable GameCenter in your iTunes account.
As matter of fact in order to have a good multiplayer game experience, you need to consider eventually writing server side code that saves the user data in your database.
I have experienced the same scenario and ended it up using Parse along with push notifications.
If you insist you can do the following with Game Center :
With Game Center services you can connect players to each others either by Real-Time Matches or Turn-Based Matches. Everything is fine as long as you don't care about the user data storage or the game experience!

Game Center achievements when not signed in to it

I am building a game which uses achievements currently.
Let's imagine the following situation:
The user starts the app the first time, does not sign in to GameCenter and gets a few achievements. But now he decides to use GameCenter and signs in some time later.
What happens to the gained achievements? Will they be sent to the GameCenter servers later on or do I need to program a check-for-gained-achievements method manually? What did you do?
Thanks for your help!
I stored the data locally in a plist and submit when they login.
In iOS 5 or newer iOS, you have another option to submit offline the achievements and scores when users are not logon to Game Center. This utility behaves as a local cache when users are offline, and it will submit the achievements and scores to Game Center next time the gamers logon to Game Center.
Here is the link a similar question to yours and the answer:
Offline Game Center iOS Achievements

problem in gamecenter

I am facing some problems, that is, In my application the gamecenter works fine , but when ever I run another application then the multiple player list not showing... when I click on the all month data (ie,. who is playing that game) it will give me only my info. not giving me the full detail
From Apple's Game Kit Programming Guide:
To help you test your application, Apple provides a sandbox environment for Game Center. This sandbox environment duplicates the live functionality of Game Center, but is separate from the live servers. The sandbox allows you to test your Game Center features without making your application visible to regular users.
When you log in to Game Center on the app you're developing, you're logged in to the sandboxed version of Game Center (for apps in development). To log back in to the standard Game Center environment, log yourself out and log back in from a different (i.e. released as opposed to in-development) game.

Best practice: Presenting Game Center options in iPhone game?

I'm more than halfway through development of my first iPhone game and I'm currently implementing Game Center features for devices that support it. I have successfully added leaderboard functionality, but have some questions on how to present the Game Center features to the user.
Should Game Center be on and active when the user first runs the app?
Or should Leaderboards and autosubmitting highscores be an option the user have to turn on?
Right now I only submit the score when the user gets a highscore to keep data transfers to a minimum. I just want to make sure the experience is as hassle-free as possible for both Game Center users and people who don't care about highscore/achievements.
I would love to hear from other developers how you chose to present these features!
I'm personally activating the Game Center immediately. If the user has opted in by logging in through Game Center application (or another game), why bug him? Turning off Game Center system-wide is easy. I'm also submitting leaderboard scores, since that allows me to see how many players (or at least Game Center users) enjoy playing the game continuously.
I don't think majority of users that are logged into Game Center would actually want choice. For comparison, OpenFeint provides the choice, but I find that annoying.
What about collecting all the data and only sending it when the users sends the application to the background or terminates it?
From my personal experience I like the Game Center Integration as intrusively as possible. A short notice while game boots and/or a small banner on the highscore table should avoid to much distraction away from your game experience.

What are some ways I can sync iPhone Game data between multiple devices?

From the Getting Started with Game Center doc
A player might have the same Game Center enabled game loaded on multiple devices. If your
app has reported progress on an achievement from one device, note that the same
achievement progress data will be provided by Game Center on other devices where the user
plays your game. However, other game state maintained by your app may not be in sync and
should be handled accordingly.
I'm relatively new to iOS development and about to begin researching how to sync local game state data (i.e. which levels the player has completed, which levels the player is currently on, etc.) between the different hardware (iPhone, iTouch, and iPad) running my game and I was hoping I could get some insight from the SO users on some good ways to do this. Do I need to build a web service for this? Can iTunes be used to sync this data? Is there an API specifically built for this?
Thanks for your wisdom!
I think using a web serivice and making a JSON post and request would be a good route.
One suggested method by Apple is to use the Application Preferences, which is backed up by iTunes when the user syncs the phone.
I use NSUserDefaults for this and and it works great!
iCloud is your ticket