Stop Paypal recurring payment in Paypal Standard - paypal

I am using paypal recurring payment for my site when user select a checkbox for recurring paymet, but if after some time if user want to remove recurring payment and need regular payment option then we are thinking to provide facility to uncheck checkbox..
At that time its directly unsubscribe recurring payment from the paypal(Using Paypal standard) without need to visit paypal site.
please let me know how to do that. Is there any API for unsubscribe recurring payment from our side.???

Refer to Page 136 of PayPal "Name-Value Pair API Developer Guide" - it details the required variables to execute a Recurring Payment Cancellation.


Paypal Express Checkout : Creating subscriptions / recurring payments

Using my Paypal account, I would like to add the following functionality to my new website
A checkout process that allows for payments via Paypal, Paypal Credit, or credit card (Google and Apple Pay would be nice)
The user should not leave my website
The checkout process should create a subscription / recurring payment
I would like to be notified if they cancel their sub or their payment is declined in subsequent months. (I'm assuming I can use IPN for this?)
I've played around with the Express Checkout form builder, but I don't see a way to specify "payment type". i.e. "Subscription"
Is this possible?

Express checkout with payflow pro and recurring payment

i am using Paypal manager for the payment i successfully done with credit card payment with recurring payment profile from my website using PayPal manager. but now i want do recurring payment with express checkout using Paypal manager with recurring payment. i am able to do simple direct payment with express checkout using PayPal manager. i found some solution from google that we need to pass two variable
L_BILLINGTYPE0 = "RecurringPayments"
But i am not able to do recurring payment. I am not getting any error. but my payment have done simple payment not recurring.
Thanks in advance..
There are two things with Express Checkout. First you need to let know the whole process that you will also create some recurring payment profiles.
For that you set BillingType as RecurringPayments when you do doExpressCheckout request.
You will get the Token from paypal and later when user will be back on your site to confirm payment after signing in to Paypal you can use this token to create recurring payment profile the same way as you have done that with credit card.
So after confirming instead of sending doExpressCheckoutPayment you send createRecurringPaymentProfile request.
Of course you can also send doExpressCheckoutPayment if you want also to do some additional payment that is not recurring.

recurring payment with paypal advanced NOT paypal pro

I am trying to make recurring payment work with PAYPAL ADVANCED
My script works in case of SALE transactions but there are issues when i try to create recurring profile.
When i am posting my request with CREATESECURETOKEN set to Y. It returns Invalid transaction type: Invalid Transaction Type for secure token creation request
Here is the string. Note i have changed user and pass here
PARTNER[6]=PayPal&VENDOR[10]=#####&USER[11]=#####&PWD[9]=#####&CREATESECURETOKEN[1]=Y&TRXTYPE[1]=R&RECURRING[1]=Y&TENDER[1]=C&ACTION[1]=A&PROFILENAME[6]=Gautam&ACCT[16]=4012888888881881&EXPDATE[4]=1214&AMT[5]=10.00&START[8]=06132013&PAYPERIOD[4]=MONT&TERM[1]=0&OPTIONALTRX[1]=S&OPTIONALTRXAMT[4]=2.00&EMAIL[20]=#####&SECURETOKENID[26]=MySecTokenID-51b93e0830f70&RETURNURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&CANCELURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&ERRORURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&BILLTOFIRSTNAME[4]=John&BILLTOLASTNAME[3]=Doe&BILLTOSTREET[12]=123 Main St.&BILLTOCITY[8]=San Jose&BILLTOSTATE[2]=CA&BILLTOZIP[5]=95101&BILLTOCOUNTRY[2]=US&SHIPTOFIRSTNAME[4]=Jane&SHIPTOLASTNAME[5]=Smith&SHIPTOSTREET[13]=1234 Park Ave&SHIPTOCITY[8]=San Jose&SHIPTOSTATE[2]=CA&SHIPTOZIP[5]=95101&SHIPTOCOUNTRY[2]=US
if i set CREATESECURETOKEN to N i receive Invalid merchant information: 10002-You do not have permissions to make this API call
I searched for documentation on recurring payment with paypal advanced but every where i found details about payflow pro. With no information about recurring payment with paypal advanced its not easy to make things work.
Any idea about what is wrong with my post data?.
I posted my query on a week back but have no reply.
NOTE: I have subscribed to paypal advanced and paypal recurring payment.
With paypal advanced the transactions are completed on the client website itself and user is never taken to paypal site. Yes it uses iframe for the purpose.
It works for SALE type transaction but not in case of recurring payment.
Payments Pro and Advanced don't support the Recurring Payment API calls. You would be using the Recurring Billing API calls through Payflow. The new Advanced and Pro accounts use Payflow Pro or Link.
Are you setting a billing type in the Secure Token call?
What is the ticket number you submitted? I'd to look up the account to see if the account is setup to use Recurring Billing and was created correctly.
Also, Advanced accounts shouldn't be using the Recurring Billing API calls. It is possible to create Recurring Billing profiles with an Advanced account but they have to be done through the PayPal Manager site.

Detecting cancellation of a paypal billing agreement setup with reference transactions

I am using the 'reference transactions' of the Paypal express checkout api to set up a recurring billing scenario for our customers. I have chosen this method since the amount billed per month will vary and there is no initial payment when entering into the billing agreement.
My question is, can I use the paypal IPN to detect when the user cancels this? I know that if the customer enters into this agreement they have the power to log into their own Paypal account and cancel the agreement. What variables should I be listening for through the IPN?
Whilst I see mention of recurring payments and recurring payment profiles in the IPN documentation these are not actually the same as setting up a recurring billing scenario via reference transactions (recurring payments and reference transactions are in two different parts of the general paypal api documentation).
Enable IPN in your PayPal account , then PayPal will notify you via IPN about the Billing agreement cancel from the customer.
If you include IPN with SetExpressCheckout, it will not work with Reference Transaction. You need to Enable IPN on PayPal site.

Paypal Express Checkout Subscription using Credit Card Payment

Is it possible to set up a subscription via Paypal api Express Checkout, so you can pay via Credit card and Paypal login. The Paypal login works no problem, but I can not get it to work with credit cards at the moment.
I have set the NVP SOLUTIONTYPE = Sole
I know you can set up a paypal subscription button, but the client want to sell a product (single payment or instalments) and add a subscription if user wants to sign up.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone else who has this problem I got this response back from Paypal:
With subscriptions and Express Checkout, they will be PayPal only. Any time you specify a billing type in your SetExpressCheckout call, it turns it into a PayPal only transaction. The only way you would be able to set up a recurring payment via credit card (without a button) is to use the Website Payments Pro and Pro Recurring Payments. Website Payments Pro would allow the customer to enter their credit card directly on the website for one-time payments and also you can set it up to accept the credit card information for recurring payments. You wouldn't be able to turn that one-time payment into a recurring payment at a later time but if you wanted to set them both up at the start that's certainly possible. Also, you would be able to use reference transactions with your Pro payments as well.
Here is a link to the paypal manual for Paypal Pro.
Be warned, with Paypal Pro you can not accept American Express cards, if your paypal account is not American - which sadly is what I'm trying to do :(
No, this is not possible with Express Checkout Recurring Payments.
You must purchase Direct Payment Recurring Payments (an addon to Website Payments Pro) in order to set up profiles direct via credit card.
Note that Direct Payment Recurring Payments is only available in the US, UK and Canada at the moment.
This is not possible to make direct payment with Express Checkout,for this you have got create and account on paypal and please set only two options to working credit/debit card with Express Checkout.
solutiontype = Sole
landingpage = billing