How to handle backslash(\) in ENCRYPE/DECRYPT - postgresql

I m using a update Query.
UPDATE tbl_ecpuser
SET ecpuser_fullname = 'Operator',
ecpuser_password = encrypt(E'Op1111/1\1/1\1' , 'ENCRYPE_KEY', 'ENCRYPE_ALGORITHM'),
where ecpuser_key = '0949600348'
Query is Executing Successfully.
But when I m trying to retrive the value for the Column ecpuser_password, it
returns with some extra character (i.e-00)
The Query for the Retrive the Password is:-
FROM tbl_ecpuser
ecpuser_key = '0949600348'
This query returens
but it should return "Op1111/1\1/1\1" and I need this.
So can any body help me about this.

One place where PostgreSQL was not conforming to the SQL standard was the treatment of a backslash in string literals.
Since 8.2 a configuration property standard_conforming_strings is available that configures PostgreSQL to comply with the standard here.
If you set that to "on" '\1' is treated correctly as a string with two characters (one backslash and the character 1).
However if that is turned on, the prefix E enables escape sequences again.
So (if I understand your problem correctly) you should set standard_conforming_strings = on and specify the string literal without the leading E.

Seems like E'\1' is treated as chr(1) and returned accordingly.
You probably want: E'\\1'.


Why single quote escape cannot be used in QuestDB, Error: dangling expression

I'm trying to use Query Variables in Grafana, the panel query source is PostgreSQL for QuestDB.
I have added the variable without any issue, but I'm unable to use the variable in Panel query since the variable values contains the spaces (SENSOR01 ON_OFF), also I'm unable to figure-out how to add single quote escape.
Following are the scenarios I tried:
Scenario1: this indicates due to space in the Variable value, on_off considered as separate word
where sensor_name = $sensor
db query error: pq: unexpected token: on_off
Scenario2: tried to add single quotes explicitly for the variable value, but there is generic error from source DB (QuestDB)
where sensor_name = concat('''', $sensor, '''')
db query error: pq: dangling expression
When tried Scenario2 approach directly in query of Variable, getting the same error
Scenario3: Hard-coded the variable value with space and with single quotes, but this giving me error with first part of the variable, looks like the hard-coded single quotes not passed here!
Error (Scenario3):
Is there any way/workaround to tackle this issue?
Could you just add the quotes directly in the query?
where sensor_name = '$sensor'
I have a similar grafana panel querying a questDB database using a variable and it works for me. This is my query:
select device_type, avg(duration_ms) as avg_duration_ms, avg(speed) as avg_speed, avg(measure1) as avg_m1, avg(measure2) as avg_m2 from ilp_test
$__timeFilter(timestamp) and device_type = '$deviceType'
A rather hacky workaround would be to do:
where sensor_name = concat(cast(cast('&' as int) + 1 as char), $sensor, cast(cast('&' as int) + 1 as char))
This should work, but I'm pretty sure there is a better solution. Let me find it and get back to you.
Update. We may support Postgres syntax (which is '' escaping for a single quote char) in one of upcoming versions. For now, you'd have to use the above workaround.

What function do I use in a Salesforce apex trigger to trim a text field?

I'm new to writing apex triggers. I've looked through a lot of the apex developer documentation, and I can't seem to find the combination of functions that I should use to automatically trim characters from a text field.
My org has two text fields on the Case object, which automatically store the email addresses that are included in an email-to-case. The text fields have a 255 character limit each. We are seeing errors pop up because the number of email addresses that these fields contain often exceeds 255 characters.
I need to write a trigger that can trim these text fields to the last ".com" before it hits the 255 character limit.
Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong. Any advice?
You can use replace() function in Apex.
String s1 = 'abcdbca';
String target = 'bc';
String replacement = 'xy';
String s2 = s1.replace(target, replacement);
If you need to use regular expression to find the pattern, then you can use replaceAll()
String s1 = 'a b c 5 xyz';
String regExp = '[a-zA-Z]';
String replacement = '1';
String s2 = s1.replaceAll(regExp, replacement);
For more information please refer Apex Reference Guide
The following code I think that covers what you are searching:
String initialUrl = '';
Integer comPosition = initialUrl.indexOf('.com');
System.debug(initialUrl.left(comPosition + 4));
The main problems that I see are that other extensions are not covered (like ".net" urls) and that urls that have a ".com" appearing previous to the last one (something like ""). But I think that this covers most of the use cases.
Why not increasing the length of that specific field? Trimming the text might cause data loss or unusable. Just go to object manager find that object and that specific field. Edit field and increase the length.

Input string was not in correct formate while inserting data to postgresql through entityframework in .net core using dynamic query

I am getting error while inserting data to pgsql with .net core entity framework
error is Input string was not in correct format
this is my query executing
INSERT INTO public."MedQuantityVerification"("Id","MedId","ActivityBy","ActivityOn","Quantity","ActivityType","SupposedOn","Note") Values(7773866,248953,8887,'7/14/2018 10:43:43 PM','42.5 qty',5,NULL,'I counted forty two {point} five.')
anyhow when I run that query directly to postgresql browser it works fine
looks like issue on c# side it is but not know what?
also issue is with {point}
this is how I executing the dynamic query
You have to escape the curly brackets:
{point} should be {{point}}
ExecuteSqlRaw utilizes curly braces to parameterize the raw query so if your query naturally includes them like OP's does the function is going to try and parse them. Doubling up the braces like in Koen Schepens' answer acts as an escape sequence and tells the function not to parse it as a parameter.
The documentation for the function uses the following example as to the purpose of why it does what it does:
var userSuppliedSearchTerm = ".NET";
context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("UPDATE Blogs SET Rank = 50 WHERE Name = {0}", userSuppliedSearchTerm);
Note that you'll want to use this to your advantage any time you're accepting user-input and passing it to ExecuteSqlRaw. If the curly brace is in a parameter instead of the main string it doesn't need to be escaped.

How to specify potentially reserved words as strings in Postgres query?

I've been using MySQL for close to 10 years, but have recently jumped into a project that's exposed me to Postgres for the first time. Most of the differences aren't a bit deal, but I have been running into some small issues along the way that are throwing me off.
My latest one just has me stuck. I'm sure it's a simple work-around, but I haven't been able to find it. I need to update a set of records and the column name is, "view" - which is more than likely the cause of this issue, and my own dump fault. But I can't figure out how to get around it.
Here's my query:
UPDATE rv_template_fields SET view = "display_type_1"
WHERE rv_template_fields.view = "display_type_2"
It's causing the error:
ERROR: column "display_type_1" does not exist
It's clearly jumping past the column named "view". I'm not sure how to specify that as a string and not a reserved word.
For string literals, you should you single quote instead of double quote:
UPDATE rv_template_fields SET view = 'display_type_1' WHERE rv_template_fields.view = 'display_type_2'
Double quotes are for quoting identifiers of fields and relations, like, for instance view, so that you could write also:
UPDATE rv_template_fields SET "view" = 'display_type_1' WHERE "view" = 'display_type_2'
It has nothing to do with view: In postgres, double quotes (") are like backticks in mysql - if you code "display_type_1", you're telling postgres to use the identifier display_type_1.
Use single quotes for string literals:
UPDATE rv_template_fields SET view = 'display_type_1'
WHERE rv_template_fields.view = 'display_type_2'
Use double quotes when you have a (poorly named) identifier that's reserved word, like select * from "join" if your table name is literally join etc.

Setting application_name on Postgres/SQLAlchemy

Looking at the output of select * from pg_stat_activity;, I see a column called application_name, described here.
I see psql sets this value correctly (to psql...), but my application code (psycopg2/SQLAlchemy) leaves it blank.
I'd like to set this to something useful, like web.1, web.2, etc, so I could later on correlate what I see in pg_stat_activity with what I see in my application logs.
I couldn't find how to set this field using SQLAlchemy (and if push comes to shove - even with raw sql; I'm using PostgresSQL 9.1.7 on Heroku, if that matters).
Am I missing something obvious?
the answer to this is a combination of:
Any other connection parameter supported by the client library/server can be passed either in the connection string or as keywords. The PostgreSQL documentation contains the complete list of the supported parameters. Also note that the same parameters can be passed to the client library using environment variables.
where the variable we need is:
The application_name can be any string of less than NAMEDATALEN characters (64 characters in a standard build). It is typically set by an application upon connection to the server. The name will be displayed in the pg_stat_activity view and included in CSV log entries. It can also be included in regular log entries via the log_line_prefix parameter. Only printable ASCII characters may be used in the application_name value. Other characters will be replaced with question marks (?).
combined with :
String-based arguments can be passed directly from the URL string as query arguments: (example...) create_engine() also takes an argument connect_args which is an additional dictionary that will be passed to connect(). This can be used when arguments of a type other than string are required, and SQLAlchemy’s database connector has no type conversion logic present for that parameter
from that we get:
e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger#localhost/test?application_name=myapp")
e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger#localhost/test",
If you're using asyncpg driver, you should use
conn = await asyncpg.connect(server_settings={'application_name': 'foo'})
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