UITransitionView, UIAlertSheet - iphone

I'm trying to update an iOS open-source project that has been abandoned in 2008. I've found some references to UITransitionView and UIAlertSheet in the code, but I can't find any documentation on Apple dev center about that. Are they simply deprecated?
Thanks !

They are both internal views used by Apple and not published in the SDK.
It's difficult to say exactly what Apple will or won't do however, adding a view to an undocumented view you retrieve from a superView message is not contentious. What you should not do (or be careful if you do do) is make assumptions about the view you are adding to. Specifically its class but even basic things like the fact that it even exists.
What are you trying to do? There may be a simpler way - like adding your view directly to the app's UIWindow.
UITransitionView and UILayoutContainerView
UIAlertSheet Class Reference

UITransitionView is internal apple framework and not published in SDK..See this thread
UIAlertSheet I never heard about..:(


Aspect Oriented Programming in Objective-C for iPhone

Could anyone help me first when I can use AOP, and what is it exactly in an iphone programming.
I need to access to the app project source code and call some of the functions and be notified their views loaded from outside like a library.
I found these so far, but looks very complicated to follow. Some doesnt build or the source code removed.
ACAspect on cocoadev
If you have a specific view in a view controller and want to be notified when it is loaded, you can register for a KVO notification when that instance variable (the outlet) changes.
You'll want to read up on Key Value Observing in Cocoa. There are several methods you will need to learn how to use.
Do a search on "Introduction to Key-Value Observing Programming Guide" in the XCode docs and read that section.
Make sure you balance each call to addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context: with a call to removeObserver:forKeyPath:, or your app may crash after the observing object is deallocated.

official alternative to implement Splitview as a subview for an IPad App?

I'm developing an app in IOS using Storyboard for the Ipad. I want to add UISplitViewController as a subview of my app. I want to generate this kind of output (see below image). when user click on FirstView's 'Next' button, a second view-splitview should appear.
But Apple's guidelines says that we can't push UISplitViewController as a subview of module. if we use a UISplitViewController, it has to be visible at all the times in our app.
when i tried to add any splitviewcontroller directly into the storyboard, it generated the error .
Split View Controllers cannot be pushed to a Navigation Controller
I dig around the net but unfortunately couldn't find any proper help.
is there any official alternative to use such a kind of facility by Apple itself?
or any link to the working code or samples to implement such a kind of functionality.
If i'm using third party solution, will my app get banned by Apple App store as they don't allow to do so?
I think this is a very basic kind of functionality which many people needs to implement in their app as a submodule. So there must be a inbuilt facility by apple. may b i don't know about it.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
This isn't an answer to your exact question, but may help in part.
I have an app that uses a UISplitViewController that is a subview of a UITabBarController.
This goes against Apple guidelines, but was desirable for my design that started originally as an iPhone app, and that I wanted to convert to a Universal app. I also wanted to maintain the UI convention of my app that the iPhone users were familiar with.
Unsurprisingly, there were problems with the notification of the orientation to the various UISplitViewControllers that weren't visible (though it would seem that Apple could support this if they chose to).
The workaround was to use the new API added in iOS 5.0,
...and always return NO. Not the ideal UI arrangement, but it works, and was accepted by Apple as an app update.
So, (clearly) you'll need to do this programmatically, rather than use Storyboards, but I think if you can get it working, Apple may approve. I wouldn't recommend you risk this if you can avoid it, however.

How mvc pattern is implemented in iOS user interface? (view-based XCode temlpate)

I'm new to iphone development. There's a lot of books on this topic available. But most of the beginner's guides are mostly concerned with Interface Builder usage and lack the information about existing built in XCode code templates or something that could help me in understanding MVC implementation in code. I found that it is possible to write working iOS program without ViewController at all. Well, it seems to me like that after working with the sample code called ViewTransitions.
So, the question is - why is that possible to avoid ViewController implementation in a program that has an interface with a button? If the answer is going to be too long, could you please recommend kind of tutorial or manual covering this topic.
Thanks in advance.
#user697562's answer is essentially correct: in the case of ViewTransitions, the role of the controller is played by the app delegate. The app does next to nothing -- it just switches betweeen two views to demonstrate several possible transition effects -- so a UIViewController isn't really needed there.
Notice that there's also nothing in ViewTransitions that you could really call a model object. If you're looking for a strong example of MVC, ViewTransitions isn't the best project to look at. Other sample projects, such as TheElements, give a better demonstration of MVC in action.
There is a concept called delegation. A concept which helps maintain MVC. It helps to keep the model separate from controllers. For eg: - UITableView/UICollectionView , which knows how to display the data and other ui stuff.
But it does not know which cell to display or what data to display at a particular index. And this is where delegation and the delegate object comes into place. UICollectionView handles all the view part whereas all the non view part is handled by the delgate object, which gives the required data for the view. This way a delegate(usually a separate view controller) acts as a data source and UICollectionView as a ui renderer.
in ViewTransitions, there IS an App Delegate, which is kind of your sole "controller". Even ViewTransitions has:
transition.delegate = self;
IOS is a bit different from some frameworks in that you aren't as "in control" of what is going on. It often uses a delegation model where you set your code as the delegate, but it (IOS) is in control. Still, you can write in MVC style, it's just your "C" isn't fully in charge.

How to detect application préference changes

I created a Settings.bundle in my app where the user can change some properties like font size. It works.
But when I leave my App, and I change my setting, I don't know how I can get notified of the change.
For the moment, I create a function call each time a view is loaded that check for app settings.
But I wonder if there is an other and proper way to do this.
You should use your app delegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, or an equivalent location, to check your NSUserDefaults values, or just read them in a UIViewController viewDidLoad method.
While there is no multi-tasking, this is more than adequate. On MacOS X Cocoa we use KVO and bindings to check for changes during the execution of an application; no doubt something similar will work for 4.0 if required.
I finally found the solution. Like you said Paul, for 4.0 sdk version, there is something similar and I found it in "UIApplicationDelegate protocol".
Thank you for helping me. ;)

iPhone development - app design patterns

There are tons of resources concerning coding on the iPhone. Most of them concern "how do I do X", e.g. "setup a navigation controller", or "download text from a URL". All good and fine.
What I'm more interested in now are the questions that follow the simpler stuff - how to best structure your complex UI, or your app, or the common problems that arise. To illustrate: a book like "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" tells you how to set up a multi viewcontroller app with an top 'switcher' viewcontroller that switches between views owned by other view controllers. Fine, but you're only told how to do that, and nothing about the problems that can follow: for example, if I use their paradigm to switch to a UINavigationViewController, the Navigation bar ends up too low on the screen, because UINavigationViewController expects to be the topmost UIViewController (apparently). Also, delegate methods (e.g. relating to orientation changes) go to the top switcher view controller, not the actual controller responsible for the current view. I have fixes for these things but they feel like hacks which makes me unhappy and makes me feel like I'm missing something.
One productive thing might be to look at some open source iPhone projects (see this question). But aside from that?
To clarify: I suppose what I'm asking about could be summarised as "Recipes and Gotchas for iPhone development". The sort of things that are of interest to developers, but aren't covered in any of the iPhone books etc. that I've seen, such as:
I'm writing an iPad app and want a UISplitViewController presented to the user only some of the time, which Apple seem to be saying I can't do. Is it possible? How?
Apple don't give me a way to stylise my app in a convenient, across the board way (e.g. font tweaks, or colours). How can I approach styling my app?
Memory management isn't made any easier by some of the inconsistencies in UIViewController method names (e.g. viewDidUnload is not the opposite of viewDidLoad, despite the name). Is there a consistent easy way to tidy that up and make view controller memory management less error prone?
How can I consistently and easily test my view controllers for behaving correctly when a memory warning comes in? It's easy to simulate a memory warning in the Simulator, but if the UI I want to test is showing (and is a 'leaf level' view controller), it won't get its view unloaded because it is currently visible.
N.B. I'm not actually asking the above questions here -- I think I have decent answers to them! -- just giving examples of 'good' questions that illustrate this stackoverflow question.
The WWDC talks available on iTunes U (at http://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2010/) have some great information about structuring, especially in the Application Frameworks section.
If you're talking about code, use the Model/View/Controller pattern like in most Web applications:
The model code defines the objects that your program represents. A time tracker app, for example, might have model objects like Task, TimeSlice, and User (especially in a network setting).
The view code is provided for "free" with the iOS SDK, unless you need specialised view code. These are UIImageView, UIButton, etc.
The controller code bridges the 'gap' between the model and view. The controller will change the views to reflect the model selected by the user and facilitate the selection of model objects.
This is the base design pattern for any iPhone app, and it's the one that most will use.
If, on the other hand, you refer to what we in my company call UX (user experience) design, however, you can't beat the Apple HIG guidelines in the Apple iOS SDK documentation set, available online or in Xcode from the Help menu.
The other thing I recommend quite highly is to play around with some test/dummy code. Nothing can top experience. Experimenting with the iOS SDK and getting your hands dirty will allow you to truly learn the best ways to design apps.
Also, delegate methods (e.g. relating to orientation changes) go to the top switcher view controller, not the actual controller responsible for the current view.
Can you clarify? In all of the apps I've written, the currently shown view controller receives the orientation change methods. Note that there are two methods. shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: allows you to decide if the view should rotate, and didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: allows you to re-layout the view if necessary.
Please go through this link. In this they have explained clearly about design patterns.
You might want to consider watching videos like the CS193p course from Stanford on iTunes U. They go through the most important parts of iOS development in deep, and give some source code.
As far as I can tell, there isn't a book or resource which deals with the sort of advanced gotchas and recipes that I was looking for. Loads of useful resources exist, but just not addressing the stuff I'm thinking about.