Should you necessarily be page admin to post on a Facebook Page - facebook

I would like to post data to a Facebook Page using Graph API even if I do not have Admin rights on the page.
I am familiar with pages with stricter permissions.
For example, is a page where I cannot post data even if I 'Like' it.
My questions are,
Can one create such a page with permissions so that any one can post data on it?
What is the minimum criteria to post data on a Page? ( Should I be the Page Admin / I Like Page / Anyone with a Facebook login)
If I cannot post to a page without admin permission, can I use public groups to post data via Graph API?
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated?
Disclaimer: I asked this on Facebook Developer forum also. Seems like the average response time is too slow.

Page admins can specify if Users can or cannot post on its wall, even if they are fans already.
The criteria is:
You like the page
The admin settings for "users can post on page wall" is checked
No you cannot use groups to publish to a page.
The questions might be irrelevant if you really wanted to post to a page. Your questions mean that you will post on the page as yourself. There is another way to do this, but you will be posting as the page itself.
Get an admin of the specific page to allow your app with these permissions "offline_access,publish_stream,manage_pages". Get his access token, query "me/accounts" in graph API, get access_token of the page, publish to wall using the page's access_token.


Tag persons in Facebook page post

I've written a Facebook web application, which is able to post links to the app page feed (as the page) by requesting the page token and doing a post request to the /PAGE_ID Graph REST endpoint. So far, so good, but I'd like to tag the links with their authors as well. When I add the tags parameter to this request with a value of my user id (I am an admin of the page), this works fine. But when I enter another user id (even one that likes the app page), no tagging is done. Does anyone have any experience with this? Some blog post suggest this is not possible using the Graph API, even though this is possible when done manually.
If I understand correctly what you want to do, it is no longer possible with the new version of the Facebook's API (v.2.0).
Refer to this page for more informations.

facebook post to app page as another app, or give our app permission?

I don't know if this is possible through reading the docs, we have an app that we want to post on other businesses pages that we work with but doesn't show up as posts by others, we effectively want to auto post to their pages.
My first idea would be to give our app editor permission for their page manually, but you can only add users to page roles.
My second idea would be to get "manage_pages" permission when they log in to OUR app, then save the access_token
for example
will list the pages you manage, but can that access token be used by another app to post?
Or is there a service out there that will allow us to do this?
You cannot give permission to an app to post to pages. What you need to do is give permission for all your pages to a User and get that user to login to your application with the manage_pages permission. Your app should then find the access_tokens for all the pages and then post to each page.
The posts would appear as coming from the Page/App itself, but can be posted from a completely different application, providing you have a valid access_token for each page.
Have a look at this tutorial for how to post to a single page, then adapt it to work with multiple pages.

How can I get the details of all fans of a Facebook page?

Suppose that I am the administrator of a Facebook page, I want to get all of the profile details of a the people who "liked" my page. Is this possible? How?
So far, I have only been able to get aggregated data through the Graph API. For example, "number of like in the past week".
There are posts that claim that I can do this with the FQL API, but the documentation for the FQL seems to have been hidden on FB developer site.
FQL reference is not "hidden", it's here: But there's no current official way to get the profile details of your Page's liker, because you'd need the permission to query the user data from the users.
There are some "hacks" as denoted at Facebook API: Get fans of / people who like a page for example, but it's strongly advised that you don't use these. Facebook forbids scraping for example, and once Facebook changes its website, those methods are likely to stop working.

Link or connect facebook comments plugin to comments on fan page wall posts

Facebook comments plugin - as far as I understand, if I have put the facebook comments plugin on a post web page, and the permalink of the post being commented on matches the base URL, then comments are stored via facebook using my post permalink.
Lets say if I post the permalink onto my facebook page wall (which I am the admin of), the open graph tags come into play, all the relavant data is pulled in, fb:admins, fb:app etc.
But is it possible to connect my facebook page (using my facebook page ID) to that permalink - so that comments posted on the page using comment plugin, connect/link with the post comments on my facebook page wall?
This is currently not possible. We've implemented custom solution using Facebook Application and Facebook Javascript SDK on the website itself. You need to query the comments table of a specific Page post via FQL using your app access token from your server to retrieve all comments and render them on the page.
Then you need to provide user with several entry points for several states in order to enable posting for them. You need to solve four cases:
User doesn't like the page and didn't authorize your app
User doesn't like the page and authorized your app
User likes the page and didn't authorize your app
User likes the page and authorized your app
User needs to like your page and authorize your app with publish_stream permission in order to be able to comment on your page posts via your website. Of course you need to maintain reference between posts on your page and posts on your website.
The website where we did this a few years ago is BIGGBOSS click on "Komentáře" and find the same post on Facebook with the same comments.
As far as I understand your question its not possible to connect the comments from the commentbox, integrated in your non-facebook page (e.g a blog of yours), to the comments which are posted to a post on your fanpage.
The only solution would be to build an custom commentbox with the open-graph and publish the comments to the fanpagepost and additionally extract the comments out of the fanpage to display them on your blog.
But this requires accepting permission dialog before people are able to comment on your blog which would probably decrease the comments made. You would lose the benefit of the built-in commentbox.

How to post to a users Facebook Pages or Tabs

We are looking at the Facebook C# API and have a question on how to go about posting to a persons specific pages, and/ore to a specific tab on their profile.
in the documentation, they show how to post to ("me/feed") ... but I can't find any documentation on how we would post to a specifci page owned by that user or a tab on their facebook profile. We've tried /me/, but that didn't work
could someone share how we go about posting to a specifci page or tab?
hello michel user after authenticates Your application with manage_pages permission
this will return pages information with page tokens
use the following to post messages
if u want Any further information let me know