Creating an Eclipse plug-in with its own folder structure - eclipse

I want to develop an Eclipse plug-in with my own project structure. So in detail, where can I define the folders which should be created when creating my own project after installing the plugin?

Here's an example of how one would create a bare bones project with two folders:
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
IProject project = root.getProject("MyProject");
try {
IFolder firstFolder = project.getFolder("firstfolder");
firstFolder.create(true, true, progressMonitor);
IFolder secondFolder = project.getFolder("secondfolder");
secondFolder.create(true, true, progressMonitor);
} catch (CoreException e) {
You can modify this code to suit your needs and execute it from your "New Project" wizard.
Mind you, the code I posted is just an example, I strongly suggest you look at Workspace and Resource API to learn more about this topic, find out how you can add your own project nature and so on.


Gradle DSL - Eclipse Equivalent for IDEA Module Property

Good localtime,
I am in the process of updating legacy (4.8.1) Gradle build files for a big-McLarge-huge, multimodule project. We utilize an intellij.gradle file which has the following line (marked by comment):
idea {
module {
inheritOutputDirs = true // <-- HOW DO I DO THIS
downloadJavadoc = true
downloadSources = true
workspace.iws.withXml { provider ->
def node = provider.asNode()
def dynamicClasspath = node.component.find { it."#name" == "dynamic.classpath" }
if (dynamicClasspath != null) {
dynamicClasspath."#value" = "true"
From the 4.8.1 DSL docs:
If true, output directories for this module will be located below the
output directory for the project; otherwise, they will be set to the
directories specified by IdeaModule.getOutputDir() and
Any ideas on what the Eclipse DSL equivalent of inheritOutputDirs? Should this be handled using the eclipseClasspath API? Right now everything is building fine, but the Eclipse Java builder is is flagging things.
Usually this would have been picked up through sourceSets but I can't see what your project looks like...
If your subproject uses Gradle to generate sources into /build/cxf/generated-sources directory, then you can tell Eclipse via Gradle DSL to include that as a source folder like this:
plugins { id 'eclipse' }
eclipse.classpath.file.whenMerged {
// this is the brute-force approach; there is likely a better way to add a source folder
entries << new org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.SourceFolder('build/cxf/generated-sources', null)
Once this is run (via gradle eclipseClasspath) you should see a build/cxf/generated-sources folder under your project node in the Package Explorer or Project Explorer. Sort of like this:
NOTE: This is untested because I don not have a sample project to work with.
There is more discussion here: How to add gradle generated source folder to Eclipse project?

Eclipse PlugIn Project get existing Projects of the workspace

I am totally confused with the plugin procedures.
To be more precise: I am struggling to access the classes/projects of my workspace. I wrote an Eclipse PlugIn Project that is supposed to access my workspace and to parse one of the projects. I actually took the code from here [Link]!
My problem is that do not receive my projects on my workspace. With this code only the RemoteSystemsTempFiles are returned:
public class SampleHandler {
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
// Get the root of the workspace
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IWorkspaceRoot root = workspace.getRoot();
// Get all projects in the workspace
IProject[] projects = root.getProjects();
// Loop over all projects
for (IProject project : projects) {
return null;
Do I access the right workspace? I want to access the workspace of my plugIn project (c:/workspace) and not the workspace of the eclipse instance that is opening when I run the project.
I also tried
IPath path = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation();
This returns C:/runtime-EclipseApplication
File file = new File("C://workspace");
URI location = file.toURI();
IFile[] files=ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findFilesForLocationURI(location);
The files Array's length is 0.
How can I get all of my projects?

How to get resources path from an Eclipse plugin

I am developing an Eclipse plugin using Eclipse Plugin-in-project where it will add a menu item in the toolbar.
My plugin project is depending on one file which is located in the same plugin project I want the path of that file.
Below is the sample code I have used to get the path:
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle("com.feat.eclipse.plugin");
URL fileURL = bundle.getEntry("webspy/lib/file.txt");
File file = null;
String path=null;
try {
file = new File(FileLocator.resolve(fileURL).toURI());
path = file.getAbsolutePath();
} catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
} catch (IOException e1) {
While running from Eclipse Run as > Eclipse Application it is giving me the correct path. But when I export my plugin as jar and add it in my Eclipse plugins folder its not giving me the correct path.
Please help me to resolve this!
URL url = FileLocator.find(bundle, new Path("webspy/lib/file.txt"), null);
url = FileLocator.toFileURL(url);
File file = URIUtil.toFile(URIUtil.toURI(url));
When your files are packed in a jar FileLocator.toFileURL will copy them to a temporary location so that you can access them using File.
Files in jars have no as they are in the JAR file.
You probably want FileLocator.openStream(...) to read the file contents.
If you really want a, then you can consider using Eclipse EFS and its IFileStore.toLocalFile(...) to extract the file for you to a temporary directory. Something like EFS.getStore(fileURL).toLocalFile(EFS.CACHE, null) should do what you want, but remember that will put the file in the temp directory and delete it on Eclipse exit.

Eclipse how to reference file in a different src under the same project

My current setup in eclipse is like this:
I have a java file inside a package under working/src and I am trying to retrieve a file in the resources. The path I am using is "../resources/file.txt". However I am getting an error saying that the file does not exist.
Any help would be appreciated thanks!
Considering your structure
I have package like
resources/name list.txt
Following Code might solve your problem
package working.src;
public class FileRead {
public FileRead() {
URL url = getClass().getResource("/resources/name list.txt");
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
String nameList;
while ((nameList = in.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new FileRead();
Files will be referenced relative to your project path, so use "resources/file.txt" to reference the file.
However, if you want the file to be accessible when you export the program as a JAR, the path "resources/file.txt" must exist relative to your JAR.
It depends on how you have specified your Java Build Path inside eclipse. I have tested two setups with different results:
Define the directory working/src only as build path. You can get the information what is in your build path through: Select project > Properties > Java Build Path > Tab Source. There are all source folders listed. You see there that there is a default output folder defined. All resources that are contained in a build path are copied to the default output folder, and are then available for the eclipse classes there. You can check that in the resource perspective in your bin folder if the resource is copied there. In this setup, only the classes are generated, resources are not copied (and therefore not found).
Define the directory working/src and resources as build path. Then the resource is copied and may then found by the path "file.txt"
So eclipse has a simple build process included and hides that from the developer, but it is a build process nonetheless.

Programmatically adding a library to an Eclipse project

How can I create a new build path entry for any *.jar file and add this classpath entry to the build path of an Eclipse project.
I have a plugin that should automatically setup my target project. So this project needs to have some library imports and I want to add this imports automatically using a wizard. The user just selects the location of a certain SDK and then some libraries have to be linked with the target project.
However, I found some references:
Importing libraries in Eclipse programmatically
How to add a folder to java build path as library, having multiple jars or entries in it?
Unfortunately, I failed to implement the second solution as I cannot find the classes IClasspathContainer, JavaCore and IJavaProject.
I'm using Eclipse Helios and JDK. Do I need any additional libraries to make changes to the build path or is there a simpler solution to import a jar library programmatically?
I'm assuming that you are creating a plugin and need your plugin to manage the extra jars added to the classpath.
As you mention, you need to create a custom classpath container. First, create the classpath container extension by exending this extension point:
Then, you create a class that implements org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathContainer and associate it with the extension point you just created.
You mention that you cannot find the org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathContainer interface. You need to make sure that your plugin references the org.eclipse.jdt.core plugin in its MANIFEST.MF.
Here you can find some examples, how to define new classpath entries and classpath containers to java projects. I think it would handy for someone reading this question.
In order to get access to IJavaProject etc, goto your plugin.xml and add org.eclipse.jdt.core to the classpath. Thereafter you can import those packages into your project.
String projectName = "MyProject"; // project to add a library to
IProject project = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(projectName);
IJavaProject jProject = JavaCore.create(project);
for(File file : new File("path-to-some-directory-of-libraries-to-add").listFiles()){
if(file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".jar")){
addProjectLibrary(jProject, file);
private static void addProjectLibrary(IJavaProject jProject, File jarLibrary) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException, CoreException {
// copy the jar file into the project
InputStream jarLibraryInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarLibrary));
IFile libFile = jProject.getProject().getFile(jarLibrary.getName());
libFile.create(jarLibraryInputStream, false, null);
// create a classpath entry for the library
IClasspathEntry relativeLibraryEntry = new org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathEntry(
IClasspathEntry.CPE_LIBRARY, libFile.getLocation(),
ClasspathEntry.INCLUDE_ALL, // inclusion patterns
ClasspathEntry.EXCLUDE_NONE, // exclusion patterns
null, null, null, // specific output folder
false, // exported
ClasspathEntry.NO_ACCESS_RULES, false, // no access rules to combine
// add the new classpath entry to the project's existing entries
IClasspathEntry[] oldEntries = jProject.getRawClasspath();
IClasspathEntry[] newEntries = new IClasspathEntry[oldEntries.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(oldEntries, 0, newEntries, 0, oldEntries.length);
newEntries[oldEntries.length] = relativeLibraryEntry;
jProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null);
Note that as Andrew Eisenberg mentioned, you need to include the org.eclipse.jdt.core plugin dependency in your plugin's MANIFEST.MF.
Note that you may also need to programmatically refresh the project too.