Locking two scrollviews together with UISwitch - iphone

I'm looking for a little help. I'm usually pretty good at finding what I need, but this one's tricky.
Here's the scene for my test app: I have 2 scrollviews that are 1024x85 and they only move horizontal. I also have a UISwitch below them. Above the scrollviews I have two labels that display the content offset of each scrollview as it moves (so I can see what's going on).
What I want to do: After the user slides each of the views side to side I would like to use the UISwitch to lock those scrollviews together wherever they may be sitting.
This is the updated code:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
CGPoint p = scrollOne.contentOffset;
CGPoint r = scrollTwo.contentOffset;
// Print the contentOffset labels
scrollOneLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f", p.x];
scrollTwoLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.2f", r.x];
// If lock is on, the distance between offsets is locked (but limited to max and min)
if (lockSwitch.on) {
NSInteger offset = scrollOne.contentOffset.x - scrollTwo.contentOffset.x;
if (scrollView == scrollOne) {
NSInteger maxOffset = scrollTwo.contentSize.width - scrollTwo.frame.size.width;
[scrollTwo setContentOffset: CGPointMake(MIN(MAX(0.0,scrollOne.contentOffset.x - offset), maxOffset), 0.0)];
} else if (scrollView == scrollTwo) {
NSInteger maxOffset = scrollOne.contentSize.width - scrollOne.frame.size.width;
[scrollOne setContentOffset: CGPointMake(MIN(MAX(0.0,scrollTwo.contentOffset.x + offset), maxOffset), 0.0)];
// If the lock is not on, both move independently
It locks the scrollviews together, but as soon as I move one of the scrollviews the second scrollview jumps to the same content offset as the first. I'm trying to lock them where they are at that moment instead of lining them up when the user touches one of them.
Thank is in advance for any help.

So basically you want to keep the offset between the two constant? In that case you need a variable, let's call it offset, which would be scrollOne.contentOffset.x - scrollTwo.contentOffset.x and after locking them just react to the delegate method
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
// If lock is on, the distance between offsets is locked (but limited to max and min)
if (lockSwitch.on) {
if (scrollView == scrollOne) {
NSInteger maxOffset = scrollTwo.contentSize.width - scrollTwo.frame.size.width;
[scrollTwo setContentOffset: CGPointMake(MIN(MAX(0.0,scrollOne.contentOffset.x - offset), maxOffset), 0.0)];
} else if (scrollView == scrollTwo) {
NSInteger maxOffset = scrollOne.contentSize.width - scrollOne.frame.size.width;
[scrollOne setContentOffset: CGPointMake(MIN(MAX(0.0,scrollTwo.contentOffset.x + offset), maxOffset), 0.0)];
// If the lock is not on, both move independently
EDIT: You have to set the offset when the UISwitch changes state, not on every scrolling event. Have something like this tied to your UISwitch with the [addTarget:selector:forControlEvents:] method. Remember, the offset has to be a global variable in your class.
- (void)lockChanged:(id)sender {
UISwitch *lock = sender;
if (lock.on) {
offset = (int)(scrollOne.contentOffset.x - scrollTwo.contentOffset.x);
} else {
offset = 0;


Quartz 2D MVC Drawing

all. I'm trying to follow a tutorial on making a ball bounce around the screen of an iPhone. The tutorial constructs the application in a MVC scheme. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this concept when it comes to the drawRect method in the View implementation.
This is my Model header file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "TestView.h"
#define BALL_SIZE 20.0
#define VIEW_WIDTH 320.0
#define VIEW_HEIGHT 460.0
#interface TestModel : NSObject
TestView* ball;
CGPoint ballVelocity;
CGFloat lastTime;
CGFloat timeDelta;
- (void) updateModelWithTime:(CFTimeInterval) timestamp;
- (void) checkCollisionWithScreenEdges;
#property (readonly) TestView* ball;
The tutorial instructs me the user to override the init method of NSObject. I've also included the methods for controlling the "animation" logic:
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
ball = [[TestView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE)];
// Set the initial velocity for the ball
ballVelocity = CGPointMake(200.0, -200.0);
// Initialize the last time
lastTime = 0.0;
return self;
- (void) checkCollisionWithScreenEdges {
// Left Edge
if (ball.frame.origin.x <= 0) {
ballVelocity.x = abs(ballVelocity.x);
// Right Edge
if (ball.frame.origin.x >= VIEW_WIDTH - BALL_SIZE) {
ballVelocity.x = -1 * abs(ballVelocity.x);
// Top Edge
if (ball.frame.origin.y <= 0) {
ballVelocity.y = abs(ballVelocity.y);
// Bottom Edge
if (ball.frame.origin.y >= VIEW_HEIGHT - BALL_SIZE) {
ballVelocity.y = -1 * abs(ballVelocity.y);
- (void) updateModelWithTime:(CFTimeInterval) timestamp {
if (lastTime == 0.0) {
// initialize lastTime if first time through
lastTime = timestamp;
} else {
// Calculate time elapsed since last call
timeDelta = timestamp - lastTime;
// Update the lastTime
lastTime = timestamp;
[self checkCollisionWithScreenEdges];
// Calculate the new position of the ball
CGFloat x = ball.frame.origin.x + ballVelocity.x * timeDelta;
CGFloat y = ball.frame.origin.y + ballVelocity.y * timeDelta;
ball.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, BALL_SIZE, BALL_SIZE);
The View implementation file is the following:
#import "TestView.h"
#implementation TestView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
return self;
// Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
// An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect) rect {
Finally, my View Controller:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
gameModel = [[TestModel alloc] init];
[self.view addSubview:gameModel.ball];
// Set up the CADisplayLink for the animation
gameTimer = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:#selector(updateDisplay:)];
// Add the display link to the current run loop
[gameTimer addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
- (void) updateDisplay:(CADisplayLink *) sender {
[gameModel updateModelWithTime:sender.timestamp];
OK, so now that I've provided a look at the structure of the code (hopefully I've given enough) I can get to my question. So when I add anything to drawRect a new object is drawn and does not get "animated" by the model logic methods.
Right now I have a bouncing square. When I try to fill the square with an ellipse in drawRect, I get a new object, drawn how I want, that just sits at 0,0 while the bouncing square is still active.
I'm sure I'm missing something really big here, but I've been banging my head against the wall for hours and can't figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
A couple of things here:
1- Have you overriden the view class in SB to TestView?
2- Looking at your code, I do not see how your model is connected to your View through your controller. Recall from the MVC model, that the Controller is on top and talks down (pyramid style) to the model and the view and so, somewhere in your view controller:
a) you need to instantiate your model
b) get values from your model and pass them to your view variables - which would be called in drawrect
Last but not least, lookup setNeedsDisplay which is the way to call and refresh the view.
Hope this helps without spoiling the assignment.

Make scrollbar always visible on UIScrollView?

I need to make a scrollbar always visible on viewDidLoad so that the user can understand that there is content to scroll. I did the following:
[myscrollView flashScrollIndicators];
But then the scrollbars only appear for some time after viewDidLoad and disappear again only to reappear when the user touches the screen..
I need to make scrollbars always visible. How can I do it?
Apple indirectly discourage constantly displaying scroll indicators in their iOS Human Interface Guidelines but guidelines are just guidelines for a reason, they don't account for every scenario and sometimes you may need to politely ignore them.
The scroll indicators of any content views are UIImageView subviews of those content views. This means you can access the scroll indicators of a UIScrollView as you would any of its other subviews (i.e. myScrollView.subviews) and modify the scroll indicators as you would any UIImageView (e.g. scrollIndicatorImageView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];).
The most popular solution appears to be the following code:
#define noDisableVerticalScrollTag 836913
#define noDisableHorizontalScrollTag 836914
#implementation UIImageView (ForScrollView)
- (void) setAlpha:(float)alpha {
if (self.superview.tag == noDisableVerticalScrollTag) {
if (alpha == 0 && self.autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin) {
if (self.frame.size.width < 10 && self.frame.size.height > self.frame.size.width) {
UIScrollView *sc = (UIScrollView*)self.superview;
if (sc.frame.size.height < sc.contentSize.height) {
if (self.superview.tag == noDisableHorizontalScrollTag) {
if (alpha == 0 && self.autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin) {
if (self.frame.size.height < 10 && self.frame.size.height < self.frame.size.width) {
UIScrollView *sc = (UIScrollView*)self.superview;
if (sc.frame.size.width < sc.contentSize.width) {
[super setAlpha:alpha];
Which is originally credited to this source.
This defines a category for UIImageView that defines a custom setter for the alpha property. This works because at some point in the underlying code for the UIScrollView, it will set its scroll indicator's alpha property to 0 in order to hide it. At this point it will run through our category and, if the hosting UIScrollView has the right tag, it will ignore the value being set, leaving it displayed.
In order to use this solution ensure your UIScrollView has the appropriate tag e.g.
If you want to display the scroll indicator from the moment its UIScrollView is visible simply flash the scroll indicators when the view appears .e.g
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animate
[super viewDidAppear:animate];
[self.scrollView flashScrollIndicators];
Additional SO references:
UIScrollView - showing the scroll bar
UIScrollView indicator always show?
Scroll Indicators Visibility
Make scrollbars always visible in uiscrollview
I want to offer my solution. I don't like the most popular variant with category (overriding methods in category can be the reason of some indetermination what method should be called in runtime, since there is two methods with the same selector).
I use swizzling instead. And also I don't need to use tags.
Add this method to your view controller, where you have scroll view (self.categoriesTableView in my case)
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
// Do swizzling to turn scroll indicator always on
// Search correct subview with scroll indicator image across tableView subviews
for (UIView * view in self.categoriesTableView.subviews) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) {
if (view.alpha == 0 && view.autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin) {
if (view.frame.size.width < 10 && view.frame.size.height > view.frame.size.width) {
if (self.categoriesTableView.frame.size.height < self.categoriesTableView.contentSize.height) {
// Swizzle class for found imageView, that should be scroll indicator
object_setClass(view, [AlwaysOpaqueImageView class]);
// Ask to flash indicator to turn it on
[self.categoriesTableView flashScrollIndicators];
Add new class
#interface AlwaysOpaqueImageView : UIImageView
#implementation AlwaysOpaqueImageView
- (void)setAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha {
[super setAlpha:1.0];
The scroll indicator (vertical scroll indicator in this case) will be always at the screen.
Update November, 2019
Starting from iOS 13 UIScrollView subclasses are changed. Now scroll indicators are inherited from UIView and has their own private class called _UIScrollViewScrollIndicator. This means, that they are not subclasses of UIImageView now, so old method won't work anymore.
Also we are not able to implement subclass of _UIScrollViewScrollIndicator because it is private class and we don't have access to it. So the only solution is to use runtime. Now to have support for iOS 13 and earlier implement the next steps:
Add this method to your view controller, where you have scroll view (self.categoriesTableView in my case)
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
// Do swizzling to turn scroll indicator always on
// Search correct subview with scroll indicator image across tableView subviews
for (UIView * view in self.categoriesTableView.subviews) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) {
if (view.alpha == 0 && view.autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin) {
if (view.frame.size.width < 10 && view.frame.size.height > view.frame.size.width) {
if (self.categoriesTableView.frame.size.height < self.categoriesTableView.contentSize.height) {
// Swizzle class for found imageView, that should be scroll indicator
object_setClass(view, [AlwaysOpaqueImageView class]);
} else if ([NSStringFromClass(view.class) isEqualToString:#"_UIScrollViewScrollIndicator"]) {
if (view.frame.size.width < 10 && view.frame.size.height > view.frame.size.width) {
if (self.categoriesTableView.frame.size.height < self.categoriesTableView.contentSize.height) {
// Swizzle class for found scroll indicator, (be sure to create AlwaysOpaqueScrollIndicator in runtime earlier!)
// Current implementation is in AlwaysOpaqueScrollTableView class
object_setClass(view, NSClassFromString(#"AlwaysOpaqueScrollIndicator"));
// Ask to flash indicator to turn it on
[self.categoriesTableView flashScrollIndicators];
Add new class (this is for iOS earlier than 13)
#interface AlwaysOpaqueImageView : UIImageView
#implementation AlwaysOpaqueImageView
- (void)setAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha {
[super setAlpha:1.0];
Add these methods somewhere in you code (either the same view controller as in step 1, or to the desired UIScrollView subclass).
+ (void)load {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
// Create child class from _UIScrollViewScrollIndicator since it is private
Class alwaysOpaqueScrollIndicatorClass = objc_allocateClassPair(NSClassFromString(#"_UIScrollViewScrollIndicator"), "AlwaysOpaqueScrollIndicator", 0);
// Swizzle setAlpha: method of this class to custom
Class replacementMethodClass = [self class];
SEL originalSelector = #selector(setAlpha:);
SEL swizzledSelector = #selector(alwaysOpaque_setAlpha:);
Method originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(alwaysOpaqueScrollIndicatorClass, originalSelector);
Method swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(replacementMethodClass, swizzledSelector);
BOOL didAddMethod =
if (didAddMethod) {
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod);
#pragma mark - Method Swizzling
- (void)alwaysOpaque_setAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha {
[self alwaysOpaque_setAlpha:1.0];
This step creates the subclass of _UIScrollViewScrollIndicator called AlwaysOpaqueScrollIndicator in runtime and swizzle setAlpha: method implementation to alwaysOpaque_setAlpha:.
Do not forget to add
#import <objc/runtime.h>
to the files you've inserted this code. Thanks to #Smartcat for reminder about this
I dont know whether this will work or not. But just a hint for you.
Scrollbar inside the Scrollview is a Imageview. Which is a subview of UIScrollview
So get the Scrollbar Imageview of the UIscrollview. Then try to set that image property hidden to NO or Change Alpha value
static const int UIScrollViewHorizontalBarIndexOffset = 0;
static const int UIScrollViewVerticalBarIndexOffset = 1;
-(UIImageView *)scrollbarImageViewWithIndex:(int)indexOffset
int viewsCount = [[yourScrollview subviews] count];
UIImageView *scrollBar = [[yourScrollview subviews] objectAtIndex:viewsCount - indexOffset - 1];
return scrollBar;
-(void) viewDidLoad
//Some Code
//Get Scrollbar
UIImageView *scrollBar = [self scrollbarImageViewWithIndex: UIScrollViewVerticalBarIndexOffset];
//The try setting hidden property/ alpha value
Got reference from here
This is Swift version of #Accid Bright's answer:
class AlwaysOpaqueImageView: UIImageView {
override var alpha: CGFloat {
didSet {
alpha = 1
static func setScrollbarToAlwaysVisible(from scrollView: UIScrollView) {
// Do swizzling to turn scroll indicator always on
// Search correct subview with scroll indicator image across tableView subviews
for view in scrollView.subviews {
if view.isKind(of: UIImageView.self),
view.alpha == 0 && view.autoresizingMask == UIView.AutoresizingMask.flexibleLeftMargin,
view.frame.size.width < 10 && view.frame.size.height > view.frame.size.width,
scrollView.frame.size.height < scrollView.contentSize.height {
// Swizzle class for found imageView, that should be scroll indicator
object_setClass(view, AlwaysOpaqueImageView.self)
// Ask to flash indicator to turn it on
One difference is that setting scrollbar is extracted out as a static method.

-[CustomWindow hitTest:withEvent:] implementation to forward events

I have a custom window (that should be on top of everything, including the keyboard) to show an overlay thing, something like the overlay you see when pressing the volume up/down buttons in the device.
So I made a custom window OverlayWindow so far everything works fine and windows in the back are receiving their events normally. However hitTest:withEvent: is called several times and sometimes it even returns nil. I wonder if that is normal/correct? If not how can I fix that?
// A small (WIDTH_MAX:100) window in the center of the screen. If it matters
const CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
const CGRect rect = CGRectMake(((int)(screenSize.width - WIDTH_MAX)*0.5),
       ((int)(screenSize.height - WIDTH_MAX)*0.5), WIDTH_MAX, WIDTH_MAX);
overlayWindow = [[CustomWindow alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
overlayWindow.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelStatusBar; //1000.0
overlayWindow.hidden = NO; // I don't need it to be the key (no makeKeyAndVisible)
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
// Find the front most window (with the highest window level) and
// call this method on that window. It should will make the event be
// forwarded to it
// Situation1: This method is called twice (or even more, it depend
// on the number of windows the app has) per event: Why? Is this the
// *normal* behaviour?
NSLog(#" ");
NSLog(#"Point: %# Event: %p\n", NSStringFromCGPoint(point), event);
UIView *view = nil;
if (CGRectContainsPoint(self.bounds, point)) {
NSLog(#"inside window\n");
NSArray *wins = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];
__block UIWindow *frontMostWin = nil;
[wins enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(#"win: %#\n", obj);
if ([obj windowLevel] >= [frontMostWin windowLevel] && obj != self) {
frontMostWin = obj;
NSLog(#"frontMostWindow:%#\n finding a new view ...\n", frontMostWin);
CGPoint p = [frontMostWindow convertPoint:point fromWindow:self];
view = [frontMostWindow hitTest:p withEvent:event];
// Situation2: sometimes view is nil here, Is that correct?
NSLog(#"resultView: %#\n", view);
return view;
Also I've noticed that
if hitTest:withEvent: always returns nil it works too. This is only when I call overlayWindow.hidden = NO;
if I call [overlayWindow makeKeyAndVisible] returning nil in hitTest:withEvent: does not always work. It looks like a key window requires a proper implementation of the hit testing method?
Am I missing something about event forwarding here?
Do frontMostWindow means frontMostWin?
It looks like even if we use only one UIWindow, hitTest:withEvent: will be executed on it at least 2 times. So, I guess it is normal.
You can receive null at
view = [frontMostWindow hitTest:p withEvent:event];
due to following reasons:
frontMostWindow is null itself (as example, if you have only one window)
p is ouside frontMostWindow bounds (as example, when frontMostWindow is keyboard and your touch is somewhere else)
frontMostWindow have property userInteractionEnabled set to NO;
hitTest:withEvent: being call several times is normal. This is probably because you only display a UILabel or UIImageView on the overlayed window and thus touches are automatically forwareded.
However I think you don't really need another OverlayWindow, instead you might consider a UIView on the top of the keyWindow. This should make your application cleaner...
I did face the same problem.
I tried to solve it based your post and another solution was found.
This code implemented in uiwindow overlaying on the top.
This code will pass events through the under window when area has no view.
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
NSLog(#" ");
NSLog(#"Point: %# Event: %p\n", NSStringFromCGPoint(point), event);
UIView *view = nil;
UIView *resultView = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];
if (resultView == self) {
NSLog(#"touched in transparent window !!");
return nil;
NSLog(#"touched in view!!");
return resultView;
After all, Thanks. Your post is very helpful.

flowCover - find out which item is in the centre (being displayed) iPhone

I am using http://www.chaosinmotion.com/flowcover.m and would like to know how I may display a label for each image when it is displayed in the flowcover (the current image)
I suggest reading the documentation before posting questions. With no familiarity with this library at all, in 30 seconds, I downloaded the source, found the docs, and skimmed until I found - (void)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view didSelect:(int)cover, which appears to be a delegate method.
At a glance, it looks like you're not meant to know what's front and center, only what the user picked (which may very well mean "what just became front and center"). Test it and see.
You can easily get this notification by changing the Delegate Protocol in FlowCoverView.h like this:
#protocol FlowCoverViewDelegate
- (int)flowCoverNumberImages:(FlowCoverView *)view;
- (UIImage *)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view cover:(int)cover;
- (void)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view didSelect:(int)cover;
- (void)flowCover:(FlowCoverView *)view highlighted:(int)cover; //<-- Added
And replacing your -[FlowCoverView driveAnimation] method in FlowCoverView.m with this:
- (void)driveAnimation
double elapsed = CACurrentMediaTime() - startTime;
if (elapsed >= runDelta) [self endAnimation];
else [self updateAnimationAtTime:elapsed];
* Change by Uppfinnarn <uppfinnarn#gmail.com>.
* This will give the Delegate a message every time the highlighted cover (eg. the one in the center) changes.
* Can be used to display subtitles for example.
if (delegate) [delegate flowCover:self highlighted:(int)floor(offset + 0.01)]; // make sure .99 is 1
Create a UILabel somewhere and place it on top of the FlowCoverView (make sure it's opaque is NO so that it doesn't create a black box behind it), then monitor -[flowCover:highlighted:] to know which cover is currently in the center and change the text accordingly.
Note that this won't give you a notification for when the view is first created, only once the animation moves. You have to figure out the first title yourself.
Also, this won't give you notifications while the user is dragging with their finger, only when it's "gliding freely".
Replace your -[FlowCoverView touchesMoved:withEvent:] method with this to get callbacks when the user is dragging with their fingers too:
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
CGRect r = self.bounds;
UITouch *t = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint where = [t locationInView:self];
double pos = (where.x / r.size.width) * 10 - 5;
if (touchFlag) {
// determine if the user is dragging or not
int dx = fabs(where.x - startTouch.x);
int dy = fabs(where.y - startTouch.y);
if ((dx < 3) && (dy < 3)) return;
touchFlag = NO;
int max = [self numTiles]-1;
offset = startOff + (startPos - pos);
if (offset > max) offset = max;
if (offset < 0) offset = 0;
* Change by Uppfinnarn <uppfinnarn#gmail.com>.
* Based on Ilkka Pirttimaa <ilkka.pirttimaa#gmail.com>'s solution for notifications.
* when the animation stops.
* This will give the Delegate a message every time the highlighted cover (eg. the one in the center) changes.
* Can be used to display subtitles for example.
if(delegate) [delegate flowCover:self highlighted:(int)floor(offset + 0.01)];
[self draw];
double time = CACurrentMediaTime();
if (time - startTime > 0.2) {
startTime = time;
lastPos = pos;

Allowing user to select a UIPickerView row by tapping

I'm trying to use a UIPicker View with a behavior somehow different of what's usually seen in iPhone code examples.
What I want to do is to allow users to scroll through the picker contents, but not to select a picker's row automatically (using the "didSelectRow" method from picker's delegate). Instead, I want to allow the user to touch the center row of the picker, which gets highlighted, and becomes the selection.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Add a gesture recogniser to the UIPickerView which triggers a target method in your object:
myGR = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(pickerTapped:)];
[myPicker addGestureRecognizer:myGR];
// target method
// your code
make a new UIControl
same position as the UIPickerView
[yourcontrol setBackGroundColor: [UIColor clearColor]];
make a method
- (IBAction) pickerControlTapped
[yourpicker selectRow: rand()% yourpickersize
inComponent: 0
animated: YES];
.3. make a connection between 1 and 2
[yourcontrol addTarget: self
action: #selector(pickerControlTapped)
forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInsied];
Building on Martin Linklater's answer to support tapping on the pickers other rows:
Has some magic numbers but works for me.
- (void) pickerTapped:(UITapGestureRecognizer*)gestureRecognizer
CGPoint location = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.pickerView];
CGFloat halfViewHeight = self.pickerView.frame.size.height / 2;
NSInteger row = -1;
if (location.y < halfViewHeight - 22
&& location.y > halfViewHeight - 66)
row = [self.pickerView selectedRowInComponent:0] - 1;
else if (location.y < halfViewHeight + 22
&& location.y > halfViewHeight - 22)
row = [self.pickerView selectedRowInComponent:0];
else if (location.y < halfViewHeight + 66
&& location.y > halfViewHeight + 22)
row = [self.pickerView selectedRowInComponent:0] + 1;
if (row >= 0 && row < [self.content count])
id element = [self.content objectAtIndex:row];
if (element)
[self.pickerView selectRow:row inComponent:0 animated:YES];
// do more stuff
I have a relatively simple solution to this problem that has worked well for me. Using a hidden custom button you can achieve the tap functionality without a gesture recogniser. This solution works for a picker with one component, however I'm sure it could be adapted to work with more.
Firstly add a button, either in the Interface Builder or programatically. Make it hidden and as wide as the picker then place it so that it sits exactly in the centre of the picker and also in front of it in the view hierarchy.
I'm using an IBAction like this to show my picker. However it's really up to you how you show and hide the picker.
- (IBAction)showPicker:(id)sender
_picker.hidden = NO;
_buttonPicker.hidden = NO;
All the action for choosing the picker value happens in an IBAction for the UIControlEventTouchUpInside event, something like this.
- (IBAction)selectPicker:(id)sender
//Hide the button so that it doesn't get in the way
_buttonPicker.hidden = YES;
//Make sure we're within range
NSInteger max = _values.count;
NSInteger row = [_picker selectedRowInComponent:0];
if(row >= 0 && row < max) {
NSString *value = [_values objectAtIndex:row];
//Set the label value and hide the picker
_label.text = value;
_picker.hidden = YES;
I've slightly modified the code for this answer from working code so apologies if it's broken at all.
There are only 2 delegates for UIPickerView.
So, we can use only 7 methods to control UIPickerView by delegate.
– pickerView:rowHeightForComponent:
– pickerView:widthForComponent:
– pickerView:titleForRow:forComponent:
– pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView:
– pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:
– numberOfComponentsInPickerView:
– pickerView:numberOfRowsInComponent:
In UITableViewDelegate case, there are more methods for UITableView for managing selections.
such as,
– tableView:willSelectRowAtIndexPath:
– tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
– tableView:willDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
– tableView:didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:
In UIPickerViewDelegate case, there is only 1 method for responding to row selection.
– pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: