How to access variables of a ViewController in a subclass? - iphone

I guess this is basic, but I can't get my head around this.
I used to have only one ViewController in which all my variables were defined, e.g. an UITextView named myTextView. I also had methods in this ViewController for handling events that relate to myTextView, such as - ()hideKeyboard { // do something with myTextView or - (void)keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification { // do something with myTextView.
As my program became bigger and bigger, I thought about using subclasses, especially for other views. So I started a subclass, eg. mySubClass.h and mySubClass.m, in which I had another UITextView (for argument's sake myOtherTextView). In order to incorporate mySubClass, I #imported it into my ViewController and added a #class mySubClass; and could then produce instances of this class so as to use it in my App.
So far so good. As you can imagine, all the nice methods I defined in my ViewController for what should happen when an UITextView is edited (such as hiding keyboard etc.) didn't work for the UITextView in mySubClass.
It was then suggested to me that I should make another class in which I had all the keyboard events and subclass my ViewController and mySubView to it:
#interface ViewController : MyKeyboardEventsViewController
Now, the problem I am seeing is that I won't be able to access all the views, textviews, textfields etc. that I have created in my ViewController (e.g. myTextView which I mentioned earlier).
How can I achieve that all the variables that I have defined in my ViewController will also be available for MyKeyboardEventsViewController? Or is there another way to handle this?
Basically, I don't get how MyKeyboardEventsViewController will be able to access variables in my ViewController which it will need (e.g. the UITextView in question, or the accessoryView which will pop up etc. etc.).
Any suggestions would be very much welcome.

Class A contains a ivar UITextField textField
Class B subclasses Class A and thus it already contains ivar textField
Note: it's not the other way around. Class A does not "see" what ever is created in Class B.
When ever you subclass a class you give your new class the same ivars end methods of that subclassed class.
I hope this is what you were asking for.
So for your example I would do the follwing:
Create a class "MyUIKeybordEventResponder"
Implement all the responder methods like - (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
Subclass your ViewController from "MyUIKeybordEventResponder"
Note method textFieldSHouldReturn has a parameter UITextField so it knows which textfield was pressed. So in a way it receives your textField from the subclass.

If I'm understanding this correctly, you have a UIViewController with MyKeyboardEventsViewController as an instance variable and you want to communicate between the two? If that is the case, one option would be to create a protocol.
#protocol MyKeyboardDelegate
- (void)closeAccessoryView;
(Note - make whatever methods in the protocol that you need, this is simply an example)
In your MyKeyboardEventsViewController you then include the protocol file, and create an ivar
id <MyKeyboardDelegate> delegate;
Also make it a property and synthesize it.
Whatever class that is going to create the keyboardviewcontroller should delcare themselves as conforming to the protocol.
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <MyKeyboardDelegate>
When you create the MyKeyboardEventsViewController, set the delegate.
MyKeyboardEventsViewController *eventsVC = [[MyKeyboardEventsViewController alloc] init];
[eventsVC setDelegate:self];
Now just implement the delegate method and perform whatever action that is necessary.


Calling views from subclasses

I have an iPhone app primarily made of two views, let's call them fullScreen and cardViews (the cardViews are presented as subViews of the full screen views). I've handled all of the animations in presenting the card Views by having a masterCardViewClass and a masterFullScreenViewClass. All specific cardViews are subclasses of the masterCardView, all specific fullScreenViews are subclasses of the masterFullScreenView.
I present a cardView with a method from the masterFullScreenViewClass. I dismiss the cardView with a delegate method from the masterCardView. However, I'm having a problem calling a method to present a cardView from another cardView. All cardView presenting methods are contained in the masterFullScreenViewController class.
How do I access these methods without copying a pasting them locally where I need them.
One way of doing it is by using protocols.
In a nutshell, your masterCardView class would implement a protocol method that presents a cardView (for the sake of simplicity, let's say that you invoke cardViews with a certain index):
#protocol CardPresenterDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)presentCardViewWithIndex:(int)index;
#interface MasterCardView:UIViewController <CardPresenterDelegate>
- (void)presentCardViewWithIndex:(int)index
// Code for presenting a cardView
You would also need to create a delegate (weak) property in your cardView:
#property (weak) id<CardPresenterDelegate> cardPresenterDelegate;
And then by accessing that property in your cardView, you can tell the masterCardView to do something for you:
[self.cardPresenterDelegate presentCardViewWithIndex:5];
Oh, and, don't forget to set the delegate property on your cardViews when creating them in your masterCardView:
back in masterCardView.m:
cardView.cardPresenterDelegate = self;

Subclass a Delegate?

I have a class called ToolbarView which is a subclass of UIView and basically creates a UIView that has a disappearing / reappearing UIToolbar on top. I also have a subclass of ToolbarView called DraggableToolbarView which enables the user to drag the view around the screen.
I need to create a delegate for ToolbarView so it can notify another object / class of when the toolbar reappears and disappears. I also need to create a delegate for DraggableToolbarView so I can notify another object / class when the view is dragged.
Currently, I have create a separate delegate for each, but I am wondering if there is a better pattern for this? Maybe implement one delegate for ToolbarView, and list the delegate methods from DraggableToolbarView as optional? Or is there a way to subclass a delegate?
What is the best / cleanest way to accomplish this?
If you create a protocol for your delegate methods (always a good idea anyway), you can have another protocol adopt the first. That sets up an inheritance-like relationship:
#protocol ToolbarViewDelegate
// some methods
#protocol DraggableToolbarViewDelegate <ToolBarViewDelegate>
// additional methods
Yes, you can have inheriting protocols:
#protocol Proto1
-(void) somethingHappened:(id) sender;
-(void) somethingElseHappened:(id) sender;
#protocol Proto2<Proto1>
// this now contains all of the method signatures found in proto1, with the addition of new ones!
-(void) somethingSpecialHappened:(id) sender;
I think you're doing it right.
Consider UITextView which is a subclass of UIScrollView. Each has its own delegate protocol that's responsible for reacting to a specific set of messages. As long as you think of visibility and dragging as separate concerns, allowing different objects to handle their delegation seems logical.

Objective-C -- Subclass of delegate in subclass

This is a fairly complicated inheritance hierarchy, so bear with me (I've tried to simplify things rather than state the exact case I am using which is even more complex):-
Let's say I create a subclass of UITextField called TextField which is my own custom enhanced general-purpose textfield. Now, in order to provide this enhanced functionality, in the init method of TextField, I set super.delegate = self so that all the delegate methods from UITextField are sent to TextField. TextField implements the UITextFieldDelegate protocol and receives those delegate methods to do something interesting.
However, in turn, I want to make it so that TextField has it's own delegate. So I create a new protocol called TextFieldDelegate (note the lack of UI-prefix!) and give TextField an ivar id<TextFieldDelegate> __weak delegate with corresponding property so that other classes can receive delegate methods from TextField.
I hope you're still with me, because I haven't done anything too complex so far. But let's say that now, I create another custom subclass of TextField, let's call it PasswordTextField (in real life, one probably wouldn't need to create a subclass just to implement a password functionality, but let's assume that there is some fairly sophisticated implementation that would require this).
Let's also assume that I want to make it so that PasswordTextField (which like TextField has a delegate property) is able to send an enhanced set of delegate methods. For example, maybe it can send a method passwordIsSecure which is sent once a password has reached a required level of complexity. Now since this behaviour that wouldn't be found in the regular TextField, I create a new protocol: PasswordTextFieldDelegate <TextFieldDelegate> which defines the new delegate methods for PasswordTextField and inherits all of the delegate methods sent by TextField.
The problem is: how do I do implement this in PasswordTextField? Things that don't work:
I cannot simply inherit the delegate from TextField, because TextField's delegate conforms only to TextFieldDelegate and not PasswordTextFieldDelegate, so I can't send methods like [delegate passwordIsSecure] because TextFieldDelegate has no such method.
Overriding ivar
I could try declaring an ivar in PasswordTextField called delegate, but the compiler complains that this is a duplicate declaration, because of course there is already an ivar called delegate in the superclass, so this doesn't work either*.
Modifying the superclass
I could go back to the TextField class and redefine the delegate to implement both TextFieldDelegate and PasswordTextFieldDelegate, but this seems messy and tells TextField that it can send PasswordTextFieldDelegate methods, which of course, it can't!
I haven't tried this one, simply because it seems to break every sensible coding rule in the book.
In summary, there must be some way of doing this such that a subclass of a class can have it's own delegate that's a sub-delegate of the superclass's delegate and for all of this to fit together nicely, but I just can't figure it out! Any ideas?
(* As a side issue, I don't understand why the compiler complains when PasswordTextField declares a "duplicate" ivar named delegate, but doesn't complain when TextField declares an ivar named delegate which is presumably a duplicate of UITextField's property called delegate!)
UITextField delegate ivar is named _delegate, not delegate. Hence why you get away with declaring it again in TextField, but not in PasswordTextField.
As for your delegate inheritance problem. I'm not sure ObjectiveC supports what you want.
You may just have to type your delegate 'id', instead of 'id<TextFieldDelegate>'. Then you could override setDelegate and ensure that the delegate passed in conformsToProtocol. However, you would lose your compile time checks here and only have the runtime check of conformsToProtocol
So, there! works.. and manages to have the compile-time warnings as well..
#protocol Parentprotocol <NSObject>
#interface SimpleParent : NSObject {
id<Parentprotocol> obj;
#property (retain) id<Parentprotocol> obj;
#import "SimpleParent.h"
#implementation SimpleParent
#synthesize obj;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SimpleParent.h"
#protocol SimpleChildProtocol <Parentprotocol>
#interface SimpleChild : NSObject
#property (assign) id<SimpleChildProtocol> obj;
#import "SimpleChild.h"
#implementation SimpleChild
#synthesize obj;
It is a quite confusing question, so forgive me if I'm missing the point, but it seems like your three different inheritance levels each have different requirements from their delegate, ergo each delegate would have to conform to a different protocol, so would it be a solution to hold each level's delegate as a differently named ivar, and as a different reference?
For example, your base class would have its delegate, which you have decided will be assigned to the first inheriting subclass. This has it's own delegate, called level1delegate, and the next level down has another delegate, called level2delegate. You could of course set all three of these to the same object if that object conformed to all three protocols.
Basically, there's no rule that says a delegate has to be called "delegate", so don't tear yourself apart trying not to break it.

How do runtime-created sub views communicate with the view controller?

In my iPhone project I have a UIViewController in which I add an instance of a subclass of UIView. From this instance I need to communicate back an integer to my view controller. My current solution is to send a message from my instance to my App Delegate which sends a message to the view controller. It works, but it feels a bit messy.
Is there anyway I can send a message straight back to the view controller?
I would love to be able to do something like [super doSomething:123];
Any ideas?
This is the kind of thing that NSNotificationCenter was provided for. Once you get handy with sending and receiving notifications, your message-passing gets a WHOLE lot simpler.
One of the classic things people confront is how to get a pointer to the object they want, in order to tell it about something. How do I, for instance, tell the ViewController two slots back up the UINavigationController stack that the user just changed this data field? So you dig into the stack, offset back by some magic number of elements in the stack, build public setters on the fields you want talk to... It's super cumbersome.
Compared to registering as a notification receiver in one place, and then firing a notification in some complete other place when the data changes. It's kind of magical, after doing all the "dig through the view hierarchy" work.
Um, I'm not sure I understand your problem correctly. You have a class derived from UIView which needs to send a message to another class derived from a UIViewController. It sounds like you are creating the UIView instance programmatically. Is there any reason my you could not have a property on the UIView which refers to the UIVIewController and just use that to send it a message directly.
You cannot use [super ...] because the super of your UIView derived class would be UIView.
Or am I miss-understanding the issue :-)
If I understand correctly, you want to send a message from your subclass of UIView to the view controller.
That means your subclass of UIView needs to have a property or ivar which is the view controller. The easiest way to do this is to add it as an outlet and connect it to the view controller in the nib file.
Generally you should not go via the app delegate. Having a typed pointer link is also less than ideal.
The optimal way of communicating - Apple does it like this as well - is to create a delegate protocol. When creating the view controller you pass a pointer to the delegate as id . Then when it gets to sending the message you ask the delegate:
if ([delegate respondsToSelector(didFinishSomething:)])
[delegate didFinishSomething:info_to_pass];
If you want to be extra-sophisticated then you can also add a pointer to the calling class instance. Like:
[delegate myViewController:self didFinishSomething:info_to_pass];
This way you always know what kind of class the message is coming from.
If there is more than one place that needs to be notified of a change, then instead of delegation you will use notifications.
In my iPhone project I have a
UIViewController in which I add an
instance of a subclass of UIView.
This implies that you have both a reference to the instance of the UIView subclass and the UIViewController in the same scope. I.e. something equivalent to:
UIViewControllerSubclass *myViewController;
UIViewSubclass *myView;
(It doesn't matter if they are actually instance variables or, even, globals)
And once those two variables are initialized, somewhere you do something like:
myViewController.view = myView;
In your UIViewSubclass, add a property that points back to your UIViewControllerSubclass:
#property(assign) UIViewControllerSubclass *myController;
Then, when you do the above assignment, add:
myView.myController = myViewController;
From there, messaging your controller from your view is easy:
[self.myController yoManHereIsAnInt: 42];
Note that I used assign instead of retain because the controller already retains the view. If the view were to also retain the controller, you would have a cycle that would eventually lead to a leak.
No super about it. super is entirely related to the inheritance hierarchy of your Objective-C classes. What you are asking has nothing to do with inheritance and everything to do with how the various instances of objects in your application are connected together.
Simply add an outlet to your UIView subclass, connect it to its view controller in Interface Builder, and call your method on that. Here’s how that might look:
#interface MyUIView : UIView
UIViewController *viewController;
#property (assign) IBOutlet UIViewController *viewController;
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
[[self viewController] setTitle:#"Hello from MyUIView"];

iPhone: Switching Views From Outside Root Controller

I am using a UINavigationController to switch between views. What I would like is for each view to have the ability to control when it is swapped out for another view by having buttons within the view. All of the samples I've seen thus far have placed buttons on a toolbar, which is located on the root view containing the Switch View Controller rather than the views, them self. Is it possible to do what I want? I can't figure how to wire up the connection back to the UINavigationController.
I'm having a difficult time wording this, so please feel free to let me know if you need additional clarification.
Read about delegates. Delegates are a common method to signal stuff from objects to their "parents" or any other objects.
You should have a "delegate" property (can really be called anything, this is just a convention) on your child views. You can have buttons in your child views.
You declare the delegate like this:
interface ChildView : UIViewController {
id delegate;
#property (assign) id delegate;
implementation ChildView
#synthesize delegate;
Then, when you set up your child views inside your UINavigationController, you do:
ChildView *childView = [[ChildView alloc] init...]
childView.delegate = self;
Inside your child view, you have a button method:
- (IBAction) didPressButton:(id)sender {
[self.delegate didPressButtonToSwapView];
Inside your UINavigationController, you have a method:
- (void) didPressButtonToSwapView {
[self popViewController]; // use the right names, I made these up :)
[self pushAnotherViewController];
You should also read about protocols which would make the above code more robust and would help you make sure you only call the right methods on delegate, but I did not want to complicate this example.
EDIT: yes, the cleanest way to get rid of the warning is to use a protocol. Just put this in a separate .h file:
#protocol SwitchingDelegate
- (void) didPressButtonToSwapView;
Include this .h in the UINavController header, and say the UINavController implements the protocol:
#interface MyNav: UINavController <SwitchingDelegate> { ...
Implement the method in the implementation (you don't need anything more in the interface).
In your ChildView, say that the delegate must implement the protocol: change all the declarations to:
id<SwitchingDelegate> delegate;
The compiler then helps you by checking whether the delegate objects really implement the protocol. You should not get any warnings when you have completed all of this correctly.