iPhone Footer like functionality - iphone

I am having trouble with designing my App.
I am having a button and a label in every page, required functionality is when user clicks a button, it will fetch the last tweet of application's tweeter account and will display it in label.
I know how to fetch and display it in one page.
My question is, can't I create something like custom control, which i just need to place in every page.
Hope, i was able to explain my question.
Any help will be appreciated.. thanks in advance.

you create this footer view and place it in the first view (or a base view) and add all the subsequent views below it.. or you could even add it directly to the window..


Swift show button to refresh table like in twitter

Please can someone tell me how I get a button to appear if there are new information like in twitter 'more tweets'
Just would like to know the coding to show the button and make the button disappear
Thanks in advance
This approach called "Pull to Refresh". Adding the button is one of many steps you will need to take in order to apply this functionality. There are many good tutorials over the web for how to do it, here are few:

AngularJS tab-like behavior for list/detail view on same page where form needs to change based on selected list item

I have a list/detail page which I've based off of this question.
It works perfectly for displaying the information, however, my detail view in this case needs to be a form.
So my question (which I really hope some of you smart folks can help with) is two-fold:
How can I add an active class on the list item I clicked, and remove it once I've "closed" the detail view, or clicked on another list item?
How can I update the form in the detail view, and have the user potentially make changes to that form, and still have it update the correct item in my model?
Imagine a list of phones on the left, with an edit form on the right. The user would choose a phone on the left, change the number in the form on the right, and hit save.
I come from a jQuery background, and I'm still trying to get my head around AngularJS.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How would I go about detecting links in TTTAttributedLabel?

I have a table view and in some of the cells there are links, I want to be allow the user to click on these links and view them in a webView (which I have already made). I don't want to use the row selection event because there may be more than one link in the cell. I came across TTTAttributedLabel and think it will be ideal. I don't need to add any style to the text in the cell, I only need to detect the links and capture the click event to open up my webview.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like you can assign a TTTAttributedLabelDelegate to a TTTAttributedLabel that will get call backs for when a user selects different link types, but no opportunity for you to capture them and open your own web view (which I think is what you're trying to accomplish).
Instead, you might wanna check out OHAttributedLabel. It's similar in functionality, but when a user clicks on one of the links in the label, it calls -(BOOL)attributedLabel:(OHAttributedLabel*)attributedLabel shouldFollowLink:(NSTextCheckingResult*)linkInfo on it's OHAttributedLabelDelegate, which gives you the opportunity to handle the link tap yourself if you return NO.

How do I get a pop-up to display on my iphone application?

I would like to know how to display a pop-up with some text, in an iphone application that I am developing. The part of the app I am talking about consists of some text pulled in from a plist file, all this happens in a view controller object which also consists of a button. When the user presses the button, I would like to show a pop-up window (not a small alert like the one obtained using UIAlertView but one similar to the pop-up ads that appear when you launch certain apps on the iphone, with the background dim and a window with a close button etc etc..), ya so anyway I would like to know how to achieve this, mainly if there is any pre-defined class that can make this happen. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You could use MBProgressHUD for this. You can add custom views in it and it also has the dimBackground property to dim the containing view and many other useful things.

Make clickable text to another UIViewController

I have a block of text shown like:
What I am trying to accomplish is that when I add the test to this table view cell, I want to make a specific word or group of words clickable. Lets take the group of words Grand Turk Lighthouse for example. Is there a way to add a href to the word that when I click it, it will send me to say View2 which is in the app. I am building an app that will not go to the internet and so I want a way for the link to be clickable to send to another page within the app. Thanks for any help provided.
I can't give you specific answer, but you may try this :
it also could give different style, color, and href in one label.
another alternative, is to use UIWebView, and listen / delegate to it. load html within the app.
hope it helps.