It is possible to develop a facebook application using PhoneGap? - facebook

Basically, I'm doing some thesis.
A facebook application that is playable on Mobile Devices.
The idea is,
1. I'll create an application.
2. It will be playable on Facebook.[name]
3. It will be accessible and playable on Mobile Web Browser through[name]
If you have any idea on developing an application on facebook that is playable on Mobile Web Browser as well. It will be much appreciated if you shared it with me.
Things that I've researched so far:
1. Not all flash game are playable on Mobile Devices.
Flash-lite can't handle all apps, like Farmville.
2. Server-side games work pretty well. Mafia Wars and the like..
Solution I think so far:
HTML5 Canvas.
I don't know what kind of framework that will work pretty well for the Desktop browser and Mobile Web Browser as well.
Thanks for reading.. ><

You can't run game or any other mobile web app on url[name] because facebook will load you app in iframe and currenty facebook layout when displaying canvas apps is't made for phones only desktop.
I had the same problem recentry but it wasn't the game but some forum like app. My solution was to have the mobile app on domain and when it's load I detect if device is mobile or desktop.
If it's a desktop browser I redirect user to fb canvas app on which runs the same app from the same domain but uses different visual templates for displaying it self.
And if it's a mobile phone I leave user on and display app with visual templates for mobile version.
So I have same app with two visual interfaces, one for desktop that runs inside facebook and one on mobile. And mobile version uses facebook connect to login user. Database in background is the same and basically everything is the same except interface.
And it work really well.


FB mobile canvas app/game redirection to external website

I have a Facebook app built with canvas. We have made the app playable thru the Gamesroom via browser. I am aware that FB has deprecated support for Canvas applications on the mobile FB native app. I would like for when people click my app via mobile FB native app (android for now) to be redirected to a certain domain (web browser version of the game). Is it possible to do this, if so how can we?

Configuring AIR for desktop as Facebook Application

Creating an AIR desktop application that has the ability to upload images to a Facebook user's account.
Even though this is a desktop application, in order to integrate with Facebook you need to embed a 'webview'. So I am confused as to how I should define this on Facebook? From Facebook's point of view, is this a web application or a desktop application?
“Desktop apps should submit a Web platform and include detailed screenshots or a screencast of the integration.”
Choose a dummy address for the Website platform (such as http://localhost/), and mention the fact that this is not actually a website app, but a desktop app, very explicitly in your review instructions.

Facebook app development on mobile devices

I've created a company page on Facebook to which I've added some iframe apps that we've developed. These work great on PC and I can see the tabs to these apps under the cover image. All well and good.
In the development area I've entered a Mobile Site URL under the Mobile Web section, but when I view the Facebook page on a mobile phone, there is no sign of a link (like the tabs on the desktop version). Should there be some kind of link on the mobile version or am I missing something?
To answer my own question.
Seems this is not possible.
Is it possible to show a Facebook app as a Page Tab on mobile devices?

Possible to use the native facebook app to log into a mobile html5 app? On the iPhone

I'm trying to have my html5 site open the native iPhone Facebook app to authenticate users.
The site currently uses OAuth 2 on the server side - so it redirects everyone to the web version of Facebook. This is a problem because I dont want to force people to log in on a tiny keyboard.
Can you get the html5 app to open in Safari and authenticate through the native FB app?
If this is not possible with Facebook is it possible with Twitter apps? What is the experience like on android?
I do know that you can authenticate between a native iPhone app and the native Facebook app.
Yes you can do this just use the boilerplate code in facebook developers section of the site and following the guide exactly... I have tried this and it worked for me you just need to find a way to connect your oAuth to this...

integrate app with native facebook iOS without using an iOS app

Im wondering if its possible to link my app with the native facebook iphone-app without using iOS at all.
It was pretty easy to create a mobile version and connect it with the (so it appears in the broswer) through the Developer > Mobile Web URL but it doesnt work/recognize with the native app of facebook.
Is there a way to connect the native iOS FB to my app without creating an app? So it redirects automatically to the browser?
Im trying to avoid to create an iOS app.
Thanks a lot!
If the Application is linked to in news story or post then the App will open in in a browser.
For full integration you'll need a App.
(I don't have a iOS app to test, only pure web app and after posting the link to a wall, that link in App opened in the in built web browser).