seek to time in AVQueuePlayer - iphone

Merged with seek to time in AVQueuePlayer.
Can any one help me to seek at particular time in AVQueuePlayer,
I have use this controller to play video in iPhone because i need to play two video at the same time.
But my problem is to navigate in video and jump to at particular time , I am not able to do that.
I Know the method the That is [controller seekToTime:(CMTime)], But it is not moving the video at exact position of the video.
Can any one know the solution and have sample code then please reply me . I am try to solve this problem since last week,
Thanks in advance


AVAudioRecorder setting recording start time

I am using AVAudioRecorder for recording sound in my ios app. I want that if user moves the UISlider object to 2 seconds and press Record button then after saving the recording file and playing it, user should hear the recording after a pause of 2 seconds. How can I achieve this functionality? Can anyone please help?
Best Regards
You can add 2 second silence (please consider slider value is 2) to your Audio file starting section
To do this please go through this link
The below links also may help you to achieve the goal.

Playing a real time video stream from iPhone camera on a 20 second delay

I am trying to see if it is possible to record a video from the iPhone's camera and write this to a file. I then want the video to start playing on the screen a set time after. This all needs to happen continuously. For example, I want the video on the screen to always be 20 seconds behind what the camera is recording.
Some background:
I have a friend who is a coach and would like for his players to be able to see their last play. This could be accomplished by a feed going to a TV from an iPad always 20 seconds behind what is recorded. This needs to continually run until practice is over. (I would connect the iPad to the TV either with a cable or AirPlay to an Apple TV). The video would never need to be saved and should just be discarded after playing.
Is this even possible with the APIs AVFoundation offers? Will the iPhone let you write to a file and read from a file at the same time to accomplish this? Any other better way to accomplish this?
Thanks for your time.
Instead of writing to a file, how about saving your frames in a circular buffer big enough to hold X seconds of video?
The way I would start to do this would be to look at what's provided in AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and its delegate methods (where you can get the frame data from).

set seek time in AVQueuePlayer in iphone

I am developing an application in that I want to play two video at the same time, That is not possible using MPMoviePlayer. So I have used AVQueuePlayer To play video. As I am success to play video but the problem is in jumping to particular time. For that we have method call seekToTime and we need to variable of the CMTime datatype.
I am able to jump at time in 1,2,3 seconds etc, My problem that I want to jump at Time 1.2, 1.3 , 1.4 second etc. but I am not able to move the video at that time.
Can any one know the solution of this problem than please help me to solve the problem.
The seekToTime: method, however, is tuned for performance rather than precision. If you need to move the playhead precisely, instead you use seekToTime:toleranceBefore:toleranceAfter Reference
toleranceBefore: The accuracy of the time before to which you would like to move the playback cursor.
toleranceAfter: The accuracy of the time after to which you would like to move the playback cursor.
Lets say both parameters represents the margin of in-accuracy.
I have seen other Question on SO using self.player.currentItem.asset.duration to get the duration.
Good Luck.

How do i pause video recording with iPhone SDK?

I see there is an app called iFile with a pause feature while recording video. How do they do this? I tried using AVMutableComposition classes and when the user pauses i cut a new video and then merge the video at the end, however the processing time to merge the videos is not desirable.
Can someone give me other good ideas on how to do this? I noticed the iFile way is very seamless.
Here are some ideas. I have not tried either of these.
If you are using an AVAssetWriter to write your captured image then you can simply drop the frames while paused. You will need to keep track of the last presentation time stamp (PTS) that was used. Then you need to calculate the next image PTS based on this last time stamp when you start recording again. Doing this with audio as well might be a little trickier.
An alternate method would be to use empty edits. I am not sure how you would insert an empty edit in the middle of a track using AVAssetWriter. I know you can insert them at the beginning and end. Using AVMutableCompositionTrack you could use insertEmptyTimeRange: where the time range is constructed like
CMTime delta = CMTimeSubtract(new_sample_time, last_sample_time)
CMTimeRangeMake(last_sample_time, delta)
Where new_sample_time is the time of the first sample after un-pausing, and last_sample_time is the time of the last sample before pausing. Again with audio this may be a little tricky as the buffer for audio generally contains 1024 samples. The CMTime returned by CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp is the time of the first sample.
Hope this helps or leads you to a solution.

MPMovie player how to get the amount of time played?

I was trying to go through the iPhone's sample code for mediaplayer.
I want to be able to capture the amount of time the media player has played the video. The duration at which the media player has stopped. Is there a method or property that will tell me the duration of play of the media??
Unfortunately the current API for MPMoviePlayerController allows basically no control. You can tell it to play and stop... otherwise where's a delegate method so you can be notified when the movie finishes playing and that's it, there's no additional controls. (a real bummer)
However, while we cant discuss the new 3.2 SDK yet, I'll give you a tip and say go look at the documentation of MPMoviePlayer in 3.2 and I think you'll be happy.
It's not possible to do KVO on it but you could do like me and create an scheduledTimer which updates every second to check what the current playbacktime is and update your graphics accordingly :)
Yes, You can use the property "duration" defined by MPMediaPlayerController. Plese try it out and check the output. U can refer the here duration property