how to login user by facebook in smartfoxserver? - smartfoxserver

i want my user to login by facebook login ,i am using this code in client side
sfsClient.login("myext", param1, ""); and in extension response i want
if (event.params.dataObj.success)
sfsClient.myUserId = event.params.dataObj.userId;
currentUser.userId = event.params.dataObj.userId;;
sfsClient.myUserName = event.params.dataObj.userName;
currentUser.userName = event.params.dataObj.userName;
dispatchEvent(new myEvent(myEvent.onLogMessage, "Getting Room List"));
can anybody explain how should be my extensionside code,ADVANCE THANK YOU

i think you should use the facebook Api for java , here's a usefull link :
Java Facebook Api


Connect to Facebook Event Search via Google App Engine and restfb

I want to try Facebook Event search by using restfb - see . My app resides on google app engine. Unfortunately I am not able to figure out what methods I need to call and how to get the right token (accessToken), which is needed for authentication and for the query.
Here is my snippet:
ScopeBuilder scopeBuilder = new ScopeBuilder();
String accessToken = ""; // How to get?
FacebookClient facebookClient = new DefaultFacebookClient(accessToken, Version.LATEST);
Page page = facebookClient.fetchObject("cocacola", Page.class);
System.out.println("Page likes: " + page.getLikes());

restfb api not support when user logout from facebook & access key generate every time

I am using RESTFb api to post a message on facebook wall
my code is:
val facebookClient: FacebookClient = new DefaultFacebookClient("access_key")
def publishMessage(msg:Mesage): String = {
val publishMessageResponse: FacebookType = facebookClient.publish("me/feed", classOf[FacebookType],
Parameter.`with`("message", msg))
But this code is working only when I am login in my facebook account.If I am not login it give me the error of "user session logout". and it told me to generate the access token every time.
Thats because you are trying to post to your own Wall.. thats why, OAuth needs to validate you are logged otherwise it wont post anything... if you where posting to a PAGE... well that's diferent you could use APP and SECRET ID's to generate AccessTokens on your website.

Facebook c# sdk get user id from signed request

I have a minor problem in facebook c# sdk
I just want to get the facebook user id without asking for permissions , just from the signed request. Up to now i have written the code below:
var current = new DefaultFacebookApplication { AppId ="***", AppSecret = "***" };
dynamic signedRequest = FacebookSignedRequest.Parse(current, Request);
var UserId = (string);
My first question is :is that is possible? Is it possible to get the user id without oauth?
Secondly , if it is possible is the (string) statement correct?;
You cannot get the Facebook user id from the signed_request unless they've authenticated your app. It is a privacy issue.

How to get AppID based on valid AccessToken and/or Facebook.FacebookClient object

I'm logged in using to my own Application using C# Facebook SDK and I can read/write/delete all data I need.
However for validation purposes I'd like to get AppID that I'm currently using (the one I used when generating login Uri) based on existing valid Access-token and Facebook.FacebookClient object.
In a similar way like in Facebook PHP SDK: $appId = Facebook->getAppId();
My access token is not like string.Concat(appId, "|", appSecret)
If I use Facebook C# Sdk I may use following code to retrieve appID I used when loging in - if at the moment I have in memmory only AccessToken available:
string myAccessToken = "...";
FacebookClient fc = new FacebookClient(myAccessToken);
IDictionary<string, object> resultContainer =
(IDictionary<string, object>)fc.Get("/app");
string retrievedAppID = resultContainer["id"] as string;
The same result can be obtained directly from Graph Api Explorer via:
If desired Facebook application is selected at top right part of the Graph Api Explorer page.
In the Facebook C# SDK, there is no where that access_token parses(or decoded).
Naturally, Facebook C# SDK api, it takes appId from Web.Config through the FacebookSettings class.
access_token as string property of FacebookSignedRequest class.
So you may follow this link to do it yourself:
You should be able to get the AppId like this:
var appId = Facebook.FacebookApplication.Current.AppId;

Facebook status update with PHP

My requirement was to update members status from my site, i am also thinking about displaying their friends photos and their last status update.
I have looked all over the docs and cant decide which works for my need. RESTful API, JavaScript API, FQL, XFBML, FBML, FBJS ?? whcin one works best? or best way?
It should be like, when they first go to the page,there will be nothing but a login option. when they click on it, a pop up should appear and when they are authorized, we display a text area to post update. Here, i wanted to show their friends pics too
when they came back later, they should able to post right away, must not ask for login again.
Can some one help me with the code?? I dont expect you to write everything, get the friends pic and their last update into a PHP array would be nice.
Many thanks
If u need to update users data stored at ur database so u will use the facebook API to check user signed in and get his data. i have an ifram application at facebook and i am using C# code ( application) and when the user request the application i authenticate that he is signed in to facebook and check if he is already exist in my database? if not so i get his information(by using facebook API) and add the user in my data base and each time he visits the application i update his information.
With respect to his friends i get all facebook ids of the user friends and then loop these IDs and get the pic of each ID.
Download Facebook Developer Toolkit that enables u communicate with facebook and use facebook API to get user information.
hope that is will help u
Visit my application in facebook and u will see these features at the following link :
Getting the session Key :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Facebook code for integration with facebook users:
_fbService.ApplicationKey = "Application Key";
_fbService.Secret = "Secret Key";
_fbService.IsDesktopApplication = false;
string sessionKey = (string)Session["Facebook_session_key"];
if (Session["Facebook_userId"] != null)
userId = (long)Session["Facebook_userId"];
// When the user uses the Facebook login page, the redirect back here will will have the auth_token in the query params
string authToken = Request.QueryString["auth_token"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionKey))
_fbService.SessionKey = sessionKey;
_fbService.uid = userId;
else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authToken))
Session["Facebook_session_key"] = _fbService.SessionKey;
Session["Facebook_userId"] = _fbService.uid;
Session["Facebook_session_expires"] = _fbService.SessionExpires;
Response.Redirect(#"" + _fbService.ApplicationKey + #"&v=1.0");
userId = _fbService.uid;
//End of Facebook code