Listbox selectionmode=Extended binding to a datatable. Need to get selected items on button click using MVVM light - mvvm

I have a listbox
<ListBox x:Name="lbFamilies" Margin="41,45,38.25,111" ToolTip="Select the tables to seed" ItemsSource="{Binding ManTntFmly.FmlyList}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource listBoxTemplate}" SelectionMode="Extended"/>
The FmlyList is a Datatable which is bound using DataBinding.
I need to find out all the items
which have been selected from the
listbox. How do I do that using the
view model?
Additionally, how do I get key's to
be passed instead of the values
during the selection?

Here's a link to a post which should answer your question:Multi Select Listbox


Select single row with checkbox in sap.ui.table

I am trying select single row of sap.ui.table with checkbox.
There are 2 modes for this table
In multi selection mode there are checkboxes for each row and multiple rows can be selected - but I want only a single row to be selected
In single selection mode, it allows only a row to be selected - but there are no check boxes.
How to achieve a table with checkboxes with only one selectable row?
It is possible with sap.m.table, but my requirement is to make it work with sap.ui.table.
Why I wouldn't recommend doing this:
Checkboxes (selectionMode="MultiToggle") are usually used to signal the user that he's able to select no, one or more options, while radio buttons (selectionMode="Single") tell the user that he's only able to choose one option.
See:, nngroup, uxplanet-radio, uxplanet-checkbox
In your case, I'd recommend using the selectionMode="Single" and either set the selectionBehavior attribute to Row, RowOnly or RowSelector (SelectionBehaviour).
As #jasbir pointed out, you could use the rowSelectionChange event in order to invoke a function that grabs the index (getSelectedIndex) of the row that was just selected. You can then call the setSelectedIndex function on the sap.ui.table.Table and pass it the grabbed index. This will remove previously selected rows and set the currently selected row as selected.
<Table id="yourTableId"
And in the controller.
onSelectionChange: function(oEvent) {
var oYourTable = this.getView().byId("yourTableId"),
iSelectedIndex = oEvent.getSource().getSelectedIndex();
Note: Since the setSelectedIndex function triggers a rowSelectionChange the above function gets triggered twice (another indicator that this solution isn't intended behaviour).
Check the SAP Fiori Guidelines for the sap.ui.table.Table for further information.
You can use rowSelectionChange event whenever a selection is changed you can unselect other rows and keep the selected one.
Hope this helps

Not able add combobox as edittor for a combobox cell GXT 3.1.2

I want to add a combobox in my grid, which would populate its store(of grid) as user provide the word.
If i am adding a custom abstract cell in to grid, I can able to add combobox as edittor to it. But when i am trying to use combobox cell (need to display text in a input tag/ Editable), Combobox is not adding to Grid.
Mean to say when I click on that column, it's not converting to combobox.
Tried with adding keyuphandler to addHandler method. But It's not coming to that handler.

Tooltip on combox Item

I want a tool tip on the drop down list for combox items. I have a combobox and showing combobox item in that combobox on selected index change of drop down, but it is note helping me too much.
Since my dropdown size is small, and items in the dropdown are very big, it's become difficult for users to select the proper value by seeing this.
If tooltip shown on the individual item, it could be very useful.
If any budy knows answer , Please reply.
Use the ToolTip class for this. An example in code would be:
ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip();
toolTip.Show(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(), comboBox1);
You can then tie this code to the comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged event handler.
NOTE: Your ComboBox name may differ from mine.

EXTJS Combobox : show only NONselected values in dropdownlist for each combo-selection

i have an combobox in a gridcolumn and the requirment is to show only nonselected values in the dropdown list for the next combo selection
One possibility is to use the superselectbox. If you want to customize the standard combobox, you can take a look at the superselectbox source code - it is actually extended combobox.

How to set up binding for an array with Gwittir and GWT?

I have an list of checkboxes on a GWT widget using Gwittir. I want to bind these checkbox values in my view to some values in my Model so that I can tell which ones are selected. How can I set up a binding to do this?
For a single value (one not in an array), I've been doing this:
Binding binding = new Binding();
new Binding(viewObj.getTextBox(),"value",modelObj,"textValue"));
But I don't know how to transition this to work for an array of items. Please help.
I ended up not using Gwittir for those parts which dealt with arrays of data. Instead I manually transferred the data from my view to my controller when the user clicked a button which would record the state of all the checkboxes in an array to an array of values in the controller.