How pass the variable form config file form one plugin to another in Symfony? - plugins

I am new to Symfony 1.4
And I have a project in which I have 2 plugins. In first plugin named myPlugin1 I have the config folder and in him the app.yml file, in which I have set a predefined "variable" like that:
prepaid: 10
What I need is to pass this "variable" in a class from my other plugin, myPlugin2, which actually handle the payments costs.
How can I pass this "variable" to my class?
Can I do this like that? Or this can be used only in current plugin?

the actual call must be:
The starting prefix is related to the configuration file name. Source here.

I have found finally how to do it. Is like that:
$myarray = sfConfig::get('all_carriage_cost');
$thevalue = $myarray['cost'];
Here is the source.


testcase failed when getting variable output from bot using botium box

I am using botium-box. I have the following convo file:
Here the date is a variable and changes everyday so I have to change it everyday in convo file otherwise the testcase is failing.
I have tried few solutions:
setting SCRIPTING_ENABLE_MEMORY to true in advance settings and using
placeholder for variables. For eg.
I tried setting INTENT_CONFIDENCE to 70 in advance settings and using
in convo file. For eg:
I tried INTENT_CONFIDENCE directly in convo file without setting it in advance capabilities. For eg.
I tried using %s in place of variable. For eg.
Testcases are still failing. Is it a bug? Do I have to change any Botium settings? How can I do partial matching of responses?
Solution 1 should be working (see here and here). If it doesn't work, please attach log file for analysis.
Options 2 and 3 are for something totally different (verification of intent resolution confidence), and Option 4 is not a Botium feature.
What you can try as well: Botium by default does substring matching for assertions, so your convo file could look something like this:
what is the date today ?
Today is

Eclipse Plugin Development: Adding items to a working set with the path of the item?

I'm an eclipse plugin development newbie looking for pointers to get me started on a particular project.
I am trying to build an eclipse plugin that will automatically construct a working set from a text file that simply consists of a list of file path names. The files/items need not share any parent directories. The rough idea is represented in the following diagram:
I am not asking for the solution to this task. That's the over-arching goal. To achieve that goal, I want to conquer some smaller goals first.
With that in mind, here's the smaller goal I'm currently trying to tackle:
In Eclipse, how can I prompt the user for a single file's path, and then add that file to an existing working set?
I'm not sure where to start. Should I work directly off of the existing org.eclipse.ui.workingSets extension point? Or should I use a collection of other extension points? How do I convert strings into something that can be added to a working set? Do I write code that directly modifies the workingsets.xml file?
Even with a much simpler goal, I still feel quite overwhelmed with the vastness of eclipse extension options. There are probably many ways to go about implementing something like this, but I just need one to get started.
Thanks a bunch!
To manipulate working sets you use the working set manager interface IWorkingSetManager. Get this with:
IWorkingSetManager manager = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getWorkingSetManager();
From this you can get a particular working by name with:
IWorkingSet workingSet = manager.getWorkingSet("name");
The contents of a working set is an array of IAdaptable objects:
IAdaptable [] contents = workingSet.getElements();
You add to the contents by adding to this array and setting the contents:
IAdaptable [] newContents
.... get new array with old contents + new contents
A lot of Eclipse objects implement IAdaptable, for a file in the workspace you would use IFile. You can use dialogs such as ResourceSelectionDialog to select resources from the workspace.

How to get the solution name in vsix project templates?

I'm creating a VS template through vsix. I can get the project name using $safeprojectname$ parameter of replacementdictionary. Like the way, is it possible to get the solution name? I can get the solution name in add-in using dte object. But how to do it in templates?
Use $SpecificSolutionName$, I think.
Use $specifiedsolutionname$ (lower case). this is the name of the Solution.

How to map urls?

I would like to map pages such domain/content/myProject/home.html to domain/home.html. /content/myProject/ is not needed. I have the following code:
String newpath = getResourceResolver().map(page.getPath());
this does not change anything. newpath is stay page.getPath()
how to solve this issue?
Answering as this question as it remains unanswered. Here is an example of how the etc mappings should look like:
Trick is you add 2 entries to sling:internalRedirect as / and /content/example/
AEM first tries to resolve resources with first entry '/'. So non page URLs like /etc/designs, /content/dam etc will be addressed by the first entry. If it is unable to resolve using the first one, it uses the second entry to resolve the page.
This is also the adobe recommended way for URL shortening compared to other techniques like apache redirect.
You need to create map in etc.Then Resource Resolver will take care of trimming the path .
In a standard installation of AEM you can find the folder:
This is the structure used when defining mappings for the HTTP protocol. Other folders (sling:Folder) can be created under /etc/map for any other protocols that you want to map.
Configuring an Internal Redirect to /content
To create the mapping that prefixes any request to http://localhost:4503/ with /content:
Using CRXDE navigate to /etc/map/http.
Create a new node:
Type sling:Mapping
This node type is intended for such mappings, though its use is not mandatory.
Name localhost_any
Click Save All.
Add the following properties to this node:
Name sling:match
Type String
Value localhost.4503/
Name sling:internalRedirect
Type String
Value /content/
Click Save All.
This will handle a request such as:
as if:
had been requested.
You can refer here for further documentation

Jenkins How can i upload a text file and use it as a parameter

I have a txt file that is holding a string inside, I want to be able to use this string in one of my scripts, so I'm wondering if there is a way to set the content of the file as one of the build properties or parameters which I'll be able to use in my scripts it should be the same as using one of the build environment properties.
For example : ${JOB_NAME} which is holding the the job name, so in the same way I want to access the content of the file which is holding some value inside.
Is it possible?
You can upload a file from your computer to the workspace through the File parameter of the job.
You can use Extended Choice plugin parameter, to read value(s) from a file and display them in a dropdown/radio-button/checkbox for the user to select, dynamically, every time the build is triggered.
You can use EnvInject plugin to read value(s) from a file and inject them into the build as environment variables, so that they can be used by the rest of the build steps/scripts.
Your question is very unclear on what your are trying to do. Pick one of the 3 methods above based on what you need, or clarify your question.