It is possible to use a iPod Touch 4 to develop iOS app running and published for both iPhone and iPod Touch? - iphone

I want to develop app and games on IOS platform。
Can I use a iPod Touch 4 to develop games for iPhone and iPod Touch? ( leave out the hardware difference, like GPS or phone call )
If it could, when I complete my app and debugged with iPod Touch, is it has some limit to publish my app in Apple App Store?

You can use an iPod Touch to do the hardware debugging (as long as you aren't using iPhone specific hardware), there is no requirement for an iPhone, you can also use the simulator to help debug. Apple has no limitation on requiring you to debug on an iPhone.
In Short, Yes you can develop without testing on an iPhone and publish to the app store with no issues.

Yes, you technically could use whatever you want. Just make sure your build settings are set properly/


Need Help Regarding Submission of Iphone app without having an iphone but i have a ipod touch

I m very new to Iphone development and started making iPhone apps and not having an iPhone,
so I'm considering buying an iPod touch,
now the question is : 1. Can i test my iphone apps in ipod touch and Submit to itunes store ?
2.Can i Create a Developer Account without having an iphone(with ipod)?
I have no idea how to test the app on the device and/or get the app onto the app store. so kindle help me.
1) Yes you can test your app in iPod touch..but note that some features are available for only iPhone that are not available on iPod(call..etc..).so i will suggest you buy a phone rather than iPod
2)Can i Create a Developer Account without having an iphone(with iPod)? .-- Yes you can won't have any issue with that
Absolutely you can use iPod touch! Unless of course you are using features that are only available on the iPhone device. In xCode just instead of the simulator select the device. You might have to open the organizer and then set the device as the development device. All this is performed with a single click of a button in xCode 4.X.

App ONLY for iPhone

My app has been rejected 2 times because its only a iPhone app, the second time i uploaded it i was pretty sure i had changed the build settings to iPhone only, but i guess not. On Targeted Device Family: I have iPhone, i guess that makes it iPhone/iPod Touch.
What if i want my app to work only on the iPhone, thats it. Apple called me on the phone, told me about the problem, and then i reuploaded it, i guess i didnt really fix the problem. can someone help me? Thanks, Jacob
Do you mean iPhone only application or iOS application which doesn't include iPad? Apple wouldn't reject an app if it was released on iPod Touch as well as iPhone (and I've seen examples where functionality doesn't even work on the iPod Touch but it was allowed through anyway).
I suspect that you have built the app for iPad at some point and then removed it, but not removed it properly? This would then create an iPad version which would do nothing when loading and that could be the rejection reason.
What exactly did Apple send you in their response email, they are usually very good with a reason for rejection.
Take a look at page 90 in the iOS Application Programming Guide provided by Apple on
You can set a UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in your Info.plist file for telephony (I don't see one for vibration).
Since the iPod Touch doesn't have telephony capabilities this should restrict the app to iPhone only.
To me, it sounds like you have have an app that relies on vibration and are supporting both the iPhone and iPod touch, which doesn't support vibration. You need to disable support for the iPod touch, and then Apple will accept your app.

deploy iphone app on ipod

i implemented an application for iPhone, i just wanted to know that can i deploy iPhone app on iPod device via Xcode?
is it good idea or not?
my application needs internet connection every time, because to perform any operation app have to make request to web-server and web-server will response.
thank you in advance
To install an app to an iOS device, (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) you will need to purchase a developer certificate from Apple. You will need to be a member, visit iOS Dev Center to join. The membership cost $99 for a year and you can deploy/test your app on 100 devices. After your testing, you can submit your app to "App Store."
It makes no difference if you use an iPhone or an iPod, so long as your app doesn't use any features that only the iPhone has (vibrate, making calls, etc). They run the same OS, and so any app that you can install on an iPhone you can also install on an iPod.
Edit I'm assuming you mean iPod Touch...

What should I buy iPad or iPhone 4 for iPhone SDK 4?

Now, I'm developing on iPhone SDK3 and iPodTouch 2G. iPodTouch 2G can't do full function of iOS4. I want to change iPhone SDK4 development.In july, iPhone 4 and iPad will available in singapore. So, What should I buy iPad or iPhone 4 for iPhone SDK 4 ?
What different between iPad API and iPhone 4 API ?
How about market ?
Can I write iPhone app with iPad ?
Each version of the OS has the same API for all devices, but some of them don't support all all features. For example, the UIImagePickerController allows the user to select a photo. On an iPhone, they can take a picture with the camera or pick an existing photo from their Photo Library. With iPad and iPod Touch, there is no camera, so the user could only pick a picture from their Photo Library.
If you are relying on hardware features such as camera, compass, gyroscope, accelerometer for your application, you'd need a device that has this feature as the emulator does not them.
iPhone 4 has all of the hardware features of all iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad devices. Buying an iPhone 4 with or without contract is going to cost some money, but if you're developing an application you can recover the cost with sales of your app or iAd revenue.
If your application does not need specific hardware, then the best choice for you is going to depend on cost and whether you will use the device each day. A second-hand iPhone 3GS will do almost all iOS 4.0 features except front-facing camera and gyroscope.
The iPad runs iOS 3.2 currently. Apple has said that 4.0 won't be available for the iPad until "Fall" (aka Autumn). So if you want to test 4.0 apps in July on a real device (not just the simulator), you'll need an iPhone 3GS or 4.
I'm not experiences in ObjectiveC but I guess it really depends of what you want to do. You can do everything in the emulator so I guess you want the real devices to do proper testing over your applications. The only difference between both is that iPad doesn't have the new 6 axis acelerometer and doesn't have frontal camera. Apart from that the API should be the same (removing the support for phone calls oviously). I dont know what apple is going to do about games and so on but I guess the solution will be the same than between 3gs Iphone and IPad. Since the Ipad screen resolution is still bigger than the new Iphone one, you should be able to run any iPhone application (even the new ones) in your IPad (unless they use frontal camera or any other functionality not present in the iPad).
In resume, If you only want the device for development I whould buy an IPad since you can develop and test IPad and IPhone applications, so it is much more versatile. If you have an IPhone forget about testing IPad apps since you have not enough resolution.
Hope it helps.

Iphone and Ipod touch share the same SDK?

Means all the applications on the apple store can be both used in iphone and ipod touch, is it right?
yes. app store applications are compatible with both the devices.