iPhone Dev - How important is Project.pbxproj? - iphone

What does this file hold and how important is it to keep it "correct"?
I've seen people write scripts to just merge any change dealing with it and I've heard others merging it manually every time.
What is the correct way to handle it and why?

The project.pbxproj contains all of the metadata about your project that Xcode uses to build it; the settings, the file references, configuration, targeted platforms, etc...
I.e. it is a critically important.
There really isn't a great answer for this. Typically, teams will avoid conflict by limiting edits to the project to one team member at a time.
The Xcode team has put a lot of effort into making the file merge-friendly. In managing several large projects via svn, I've generally found that the merges are automatic and painless.
Until they aren't. And when they aren't, revert, merge changes by hand (i.e. make the changes in the project that conflicted), and move on.

Try my script xUnique.
What it does:
convert project.pbxproj to JSON format
Iterate all objects in JSON and give every UUID an absolute path, and create a new UUID using MD5 hex digest of the path
All elements in this json object is actually connected as a tree
We give a path attribute to every node of the tree using its unique attribute; this path is the absolute path to the root node,
Apply MD5 hex digest to the path for the node
Replace all old UUIDs with the MD5 hex digest and also remove unused UUIDs that are not in the current node tree and UUIDs in wrong format
Sort the project file inlcuding children, files, PBXFileReference and PBXBuildFile list and remove all duplicated entries in these lists
see sort_pbxproj method in xUnique.py if you want to know the implementation;
It's ported from my modified sort-Xcode-project-file, with some differences in ordering PBXFileReference and PBXBuildFile
With different options, you can use xUnique with more flexibility


VSCode how to clear workspaceState data globally?

I have implemented a backup per workspace functionality in my extension using workspaceState. Since the data can be sensitive - I'd like to clear all workspaceStates on extension deactivation/uninstall.
The ExtensionContext provides no ability to clear all extension related data across different workspaces with their workspaceStates.
So I've considered saving data on the ExtensionContext globalState, tagging each entry with a workspace id. Problem is that the workspace namespace doesn't provide a way to uniquely identify the current workspace. I thought about hashing workspace name and path but both of these things are changeable and any change will destroy the pointer to the data. This is exactly why I cant just write files to internal folders. The only other solution I have is to write the backup data directly to the workspace and I'd like to avoid that.
How does VSCode maintain the knowledge of which workspaceState belongs to which workspace? How can I tie data to the workspace but have access from anywhere else in VSCode?
Side note: You should avoid saving sensitive data in general. And if necessary, try to encrypt it.
I don't have the full answers but i was researching something similar (An extension I use crashes due to now invalid settings in the WorkspaceState).
I found the Storage for the Workspace state in this folder (windows):
In there, you find a lot of folders with hex-based names. Inside those folders, I always found 2 Files named state.vscdb and state.vscdb.backup.
There usually is a 3rd file called workspace.json which helps you figure out if you are in the correct workspace. (but you'd have to iterate through all the folders - maybe there is a way to figure out the folder name coming from the extension API?)
If you open the state.vscdb-file you find something that looks quite like a serialized object set in my eyes. It does have some Seperator chars of unknown function. But you also find full paths or names in there that clearly origin from different modules of VSC - Including the extensions.
I don't need to worry about the other cached stuff i'm just gonna delete the whole folder to fix my current issue. But I'm pretty sure, one can figure out the way the file is built and edit out your sensitive data if one has to.
The state.vscdb.backup-file looks pretty much like what the name is telling you: they probably just make a copy of the other file every few minutes so you have a fallback position.
To add to the conversation, there are two SQLite state databases:
Depending on how VS Code was launched you could have a Single Folder Workspace or a Multi-Folder Workspace that is global or local. Globally, the data lives here:
Linux: $HOME/.config/Code/
OS X: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/
Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\
Locally, the data will be in the .vscode folder of the current workspace.
In my situation:
I open a new workspace.
Set it up as I want it to start every time.
Makes copies of the two SQLite databases.
Copy over the databases before launching VS Code.
This leads to a clean VS Code state.
To see how workspace.id is generated check this link.

How do I lazy-load styles for prod, where output-hashing (for cache busting) is enabled

In .angular-cli.json, you can specify styles as input,output, lazy. If lazy, it will not include it in index.html (it is up to you). However, if --output-hashing is enabled (e.g. for production), it adds a hash value, so theme.scss becomes theme.6dc4d860143115033cae.bundle.css, not theme.bundle.css.
So, how do you know the actual filename? The only thing I can think of right now is, after the build find all .bundle. files, and create a json file that provides a map of the unhashed file name to the hashed, place that in assets, and load it as part of a service. But that seems a bit convoluted.
No need to worry about this anymore.
Output hashing was removed from lazy-loaded styles.
Here is the PR: https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/pull/11491

Remove/Add References and Compile antique VB6 application using Powershell

I've been given the task of researching whether one can use Powershell to automate the managing of References in VB6 application and then compile it's projects afterwards.
There are 3 projects. I requirement is to remove a specific reference in each project. Then, compile projects from bottom up (server > client > interface) and add reference back in along the way. (remove references, compile server.dll >add client reference to server.dll, compile client.dll > add interface reference to client.dll, compile interface.exe)
I'm thinking no, but I was still given the task of finding out for sure. Of course, where does one go to find this out? Why here of course, StackOverflow.
References are stored in the project .VBP files which are just text files. A given reference takes up exactly one line of the file.
For example, here is a reference to DAO database components:
Reference=*\G{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#5.0#0#C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\dao360.dll#Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
The most important info is everything to the left of the path which contains the GUID (i.e., the unique identifier of the library, more or less). The filespec and description text are unimportant as VB6 will update that to whatever it finds in the registry for the referenced DLL.
An alternate form of reference is for GUI controls, such as:
Object={BDC217C8-ED16-11CD-956C-0000C04E4C0A}#1.1#0; tabctl32.ocx
which for whatever reason never seem to have a path anyway. Most likely you will not need to modify this type of reference, because it would almost certainly break forms in the project which rely on them.
So in your Powershell script, the key task would be to either add or remove the individual reference lines mentioned in the question. Unless you are using no form of binary compatibility, the GUID will remain stable. Therefore, you could essentially hardcode the strings you need to add/remove.
Aside from all that, its worth thinking through why you need to take this approach at all. Normally to build a VB6 solution it is totally unnecessary to add/remove references along the way. Also depending on your choice of deployment techniques, you are probably using either project or binary compatibility which tends to keep the references stable.
Lastly, I'll mention that there are existing tools such as Kinook's Visual Build Pro which already know how to build groups of VB6 projects and if using a 3rd party tool like that is an option, could save you a lot of work.

How to deal with changing feature and product names in source code?

What is a good strategy for dealing with changing product and feature names in source code. Here's the situation I find myself in over and over again (most of you can relate?)...
Product name starts off as "DaBomb"
Major features are "Exploder", "Lantern" and "Flag".
Time passes, and the Feature names are changed to "Boom", "Lighthouse" and "MarkMan"
Time passes, and the product name changes to "DaChronic"
Blah, blah, blah...over and over and over
And now we have a large code base with 50 different names sprinkled around the directory tree and source files, most of which are obsolete. Only the veterans remember what each name means, the full etimologic history, etc.
What is the solution to this mess?
Clarification: I don't mean the names that customers see, I mean the names of directories, source files, classes, variables, etc. that the developers see where the changing product and feature names get woven into.
Given your clarification that you "don't mean the names that customers see, [you] mean the names of directories, source files, classes, variables, etc. that the developers see", yeah, this can be an annoying problem.
The way teams I've been on have coped with best when we've had a policy of always using only one name for each thing in the code base. If the name changes later on we either stay with the old name in the code, or we migrate all instances of the old name to the new name. The important thing is to never start using the new name in the code unless all instance of the old name have been migrated. That way you only ever have to keep 2 names for something in your head: the "old name", used in the code, and the name everyone else uses.
We've also often chosen a very generic/descriptive name for things when starting out if we know the "brand name" is likely to change.
I consider renaming to better naming conventions just another form of refactoring. Create a branch, perform the renames, run unit/integration tests, commit, merge, repeat. It's all about process control to keep consistency in the project.
The solution to the mess is to not create it in the first place. Once a code path is named, there's rarely a good reason to change it and never a good reason to use a new name alongside the old one. When "Exploder" becomes "Boom", you have two choices: Either keep using Exploder exclusively, and never mention Boom anywhere, or change all instances of Exploder to Boom and then continue on using Boom exclusively and never mention Exploder again.
If you're using both Exploder and Boom in the same code base, you're doing it wrong.
Also, I know you clarified that you're not talking about the user-visible names, but, if you start out working with your own internal names which are relevant to what the code does and completely independent of what marketing wants to call the product/feature, then this is much less likely to become an issue. If you're already referring to Exploder internally as TNT, then what difference does it make if Exploder gets changed to Boom?
How do you deal with Localization? Same thing; same method.
We use an internal and and external name. It could be as simple as a static variable definition like
public static final String EXPLODER = "Boom";
And in code you'll always use the reference to EXPLODER. Same for path names and the like - hard coding those paths at different places is a no-go anyway. If some guys starts digging through internal stuff (like JS sources or ini files or whatever), who cares if they discover Exploder?
Just use internal names, and ignore changes to marketing/official names: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/208578/55472.

Xcode - exclude files in a custom configuration - better way?

I'm trying to come up with a way to make it easy to switch out our "mock" data services and our live ones. Basically, we'll have live servers with real web services, but for whatever reason, a developer may want to load data from static files (file urls).
I figured I would solve this problem by creating categories that override the methods that fetch the data, thus leaving original code untouched (it has no concept of the "mock" data). I don't want to litter my code with #ifdef.
I can put an #ifdef at the very beginning of each file that has categories in it, and I can set a custom flag in the configuration settings, but I'd rather just have a way to include or exclude the files depending on the configuration. Is that possible? How do you solve this problem?
See http://lists.apple.com/archives/xcode-users/2009/Jun/msg00153.html
The trick is to define EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES in the configuration you want to exclude the files from, and set the value of that custom build setting to a list of the file names (or a pattern that matches those, and only those, file names).
I would recommend creating two targets one of which has the mock categories included and another one which does not.
When you want to test, just build the target containing the mock categories. Everything else can remain identical.
If you would like to add a file but do not wont to compile it. Go to (for all your targets) project>build phases>compile source and take out the file that you do not want to compile.