APNS provider that parses data to send - iphone

I would like to create a service that parses data from a feed and then sends notifications to subscribed units.
And I'm note sure how to approach this problem. Would be thankful for any advice.

If you're going to be sending less than 1,000,000 push messages per month (greater than that amount you would have to pay), I'd look into UrbanAirship . They have something called a feed feature that does this:
Urban Airship has a feature where we
will monitor an RSS or Atom feed and
send a push notification when a new
entry is published. We allow you to
set up a template to extract items
from the feed to dynamically generate
push notifications with content from
the new entry. You can easily set this
up from the interface at
https://go.urbanairship.com/ , but
this API allows you to
programmatically create them.
So, that might work for you. Or, you can look into setting up your own server that runs a script, parsing your feeds. Then you can use Easy APNs to send the messages yourself. I'm using it and it works perfectly for my needs. For me the learning cure was steep because I'd never done anything besides Obj-C, but it ended up being quite easy to learn.


How to send push notification when data changes from API

I'm currently creating an iOS application in Swift that fetches data from a third party API and then displaying it on the screen.
One of the features includes enabling push notification so that the user gets a push notification if there's a change in the API data.
However, I'm struggling to figure out how to implement the push notification side of it so that I can constantly monitor the API data and then send out a push notification when there's a change in the data.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do this? I've previously used Firebase to implement push notifications but the push was triggered from a user action. I was wondering whether there's something similar I can utilise in Firebase or if there's any other recommendations?
Thank you!
You may be able to use cloud functions. If you're monitoring the data client side you can perhaps make a call to a cloud function to send a push notification.
Or you may want to look into local notifications. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish so it's tough to really say, but as far as a direction goes I would recommend checking out cloud functions and local notifications to see if either one solves your needs.
Now that I know more what you're looking for I would check out this article here. It will explain about Background App Refresh. Here's an excerpt from the article.
When the system calls your app delegate’s application(_:performFetchWithCompletionHandler:) method, configure a URLSession object to download any new data. The system waits until network and power conditions are good, so you should be able to retrieve adequate amounts of data quickly. When you finish updating your app, call the completion handler and provide an accurate result of your outcome, which can include saying that no new data was available.
So in the application(_:performFetchWithCompletionHandler:) method you would want to:
Download the new data
Compare it to old data and see if there's been a change
And then probably I would just display a Local Notification to the user.
I think that would be the easiest way with your current architecture and without having to write any server side code.

Creating event reminders

I am working on an ionic project. It is based on medication managing.And I want to remind the user about their medications. I am new to this and can some one give me a sample code, link or something to create reminders.
I would recommend taking a look at Local Notifications, they are notifications that can be scheduled on the device without the need for a server. It is commonly used for things like reminders. You can also choose to do this using a server with Push Notifications, but that doesn't seem necessary in your situation.
For starters, take a look at the documentation for Local Notifications, see if it works for your use case.

Best way to handle events in ecommerce store

I have the ecommerce store.
I faced automatization problems as my business growing.
My website is written in PHP on Kohana Framework.
I want to automize many processes, but do not know where to dig deeper.
When order is recieved I want to fire the event "order.recieved". This event knows that my system needs to fire subevents and other actions:
to log inventrory changes asynchronously;
send to the procurement module out-of-stock products and their quantity;
to recreate sliced inventory table asynchronously;
send real-time message to crm system that order is recieved;
send sms to the client with message "We will call you soon";
Solutions I have in my head:
1) I think the simplest way is to rewrite my application on Laravel framework with it's event dispatcher.
I want use fifo (First In, First Out) for the inventory change;
I need digging to the code to know how many events I have in my system, when they are used,
2) Use AMQP Middleware like RabbitMQ.
I need digging to the code to know where exactly message is sent;
Maybe It can be solved with some event dispatcher, but ->;
Again, I need digging to the code to know how many events I have in my system, when they are used
Are php workers/consumers good to handle messages? Or I need to use python, nodejs?
I need to have many php workers/consumers. I think PHP is not good to handle this.
3) Use some webhooks management system.
4) Study more and use some bpm engine. Only one thing I know right now I can benefit using business rule engine for complex discounts.
What solution I need to take and get deeper with it?

Send link to update DB with Data

In our iPhone app , we offer email templates populated with DB. also user can create their own templates.
Say for example , i have my own templates created over 500 entries to use
here i need to know the possibility on the below things since my client asks me.
If i want to to send my templates stored into my DB to myfriend who uses the same application.( So my friend does not have to create the templets on his own , he can use mine)
Can that user be able to load those template details ( DB information ) into his app? (like posting the db contents to server and the same content can be loaded into his app using link)
I think it cant be done but i would like to know opinions and views to convey this to my superior.
Thanks a lot
This could help: How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?
Okay, well.. It's possible to do what you are trying to do.
You would need to
Serialize the data that's stored in the DB
Figure out a way to send this data to the server/as an attachment in an email over to your friend.
So from that point of view,
Doing the first is pretty simple. If its all just string content, you can serialize it into an XML/JSON. There are a lot of ways out there that converts objects into strings or bytes to send them over the network anywhere you please.
The second needs support from the server. You would need a server that can identify the applications from one another. ie. yours from that of your friend's. It should then be made to handle the serialized content you are planning to send over and then figure out a way to send it to the friend. maybe a push notification? You could possibly look at Urban Airship or some such offering for doing this incase you dont have an existing server.
Or, you can cut yourself all the work and see if your workflow can fit into this

Creating a constantly updating feed like Twitter

I'd like to have something in my app that is just like Twitter but not Twitter. Basically it will be a place people can submit messages and do not need an account. They only way they can submit is through the app. I want other app users to see the submitted messages nearly immediate. I believe push notification can do that sort of work but do I need push notification for this? How does Twitter do it?
-- EDIT --
After reading some of the responses, push might be what I need. People will be submitting messages to my server often. If someone is watching the feed, they might see one new message per minute depending on the query they are using. I'm thinking to go with a MySQL database, (which allows switching to cheaper non Windows servers w/o much hassle) and push notification. Are there any reasons those won't work for my scenario?
You only need push notification if you want the app to be able to receive new messages while closed.
Here's a rough description of one way to do this:
Your app sends a message via HTTP Post to your server.
Your server stores the message in a database, using the iPhones unique ID as an identifier.
Your app connects to the server frequently, asking for new messages.
If there are any new ones, the server hands the message to the app, which displays it.
This is approximately what twitter/iphone twitter apps do.
Your choices are fairly binary:
Use push notification
Use Polling
With Push Notification:
You control when you contact your users... Heavy Load means you can slow updates down to avoid taxing your infrastructure
Contrariwise, you have to push to clients that may not even be there anymore (And thus may need some sort of register model), high load may mean that clients don't get immediate update
You can leverage things like Amazon's EC2 to give you more processing power
Unless you're out of capacity, users are almost certain to be receiving updates as they happen
To pick up messages missed while offline, the SERVER needs to know what message was last successfully received, store older messages and forward many all at once
If you choose to use polling:
You must have a stable address to be polled
You need the ability to have lots of quick query connections checking for new data, then returning that data if required.
If your application becomes popular enough you may find you don't have enough resources
If your resources are taxed your application will go down, rather then just slow down
You don't need to register clients and keep track of their on/offline state
Parallelizing on the fly is a bit trickier
To pick up older messages, the CLIENT needs to know when they last received a message and then request the server send any message since that time
Both can be fast, but they come with different bandwidth and processing profiles. I prefer push for everything that's real-time.
Might want to take a look at XMPP.
Twitter doesn't really push events out to the iPhone in realtime. It's more like polling by the various clients.
If you really want instantaneous for the last mile you'll want to use push.
Twitter uses lots of servers and raid arrays to handle the load of millions of people posting 140 character messages. Twitter clients log in and request a list of updates for all of the people the user is following within a certain time frame.
Push wouldn't be a good candidate for this because it does not persist the "tweets". It is simply a notification mechanism. There is a text messaging app on the App Store (called Ping!) that relies completely on push notification for sending text messages. This seems to work fine, but if the developers are keeping track of the messages, it is all done on their servers. In their case push makes sense as you want to alert the user of a new message. In the case of a twitter clone, however, it would probably just annoy users if they got a new notification every time someone tweeted.
In the end you're better off just implementing it server side and then developing an iPhone client that logs in and retrieves the latest tweets for the people the user is following.