How to grab a full memory dump of a large memory usage - windbg

I am hosting IIS based web service applications on Windows 2008 64-bit system running on a Quad core 8G machine. Ran into couple of instances when W3WP was running at 7.6G of memory usage. Nothing else was responding on the system including RDP. Right click on the process from the task manager and creating the dumps, froze the system and all its threads for a long time (close to 30minutes). When the freeze up occurred during off hours, we let the dump run for a while (ran close to 1 hour) but still dump didn't complete. In the interest of getting the system up, we had to kill IIS
Tried other tools like procexp, debug diag etc to create full memory dump and all have the same results
So, what tool does the community use to grab dump files quickly? Or without freezing all the threads? I realize latter might be a rhetorical question. But what are the options for generating such a large dump file without locking up the system for a long time?

IMO you shouldn't have to wait until the process memory grows to 8 GB. I am sure with something like 3 - 4 GB you should be able to detect the memory leak.
Procdump has an option based on memory threshold
-m Memory commit threshold in MB at which to create a dump of the process.
I would you this option to dump the memory of the process.
And also SSD would help in writing faster.

WPA a.k.a xperf ( is a powerfull tool, to diagnose the applications. You will get call stack of the culprit allocation. You dont have to collect the dump and it is no-invasive and does not load much in production systems
Complete step by step information is available here.


How to dump specific process to RAM file

I use DumpIt tool to dump RAM to raw file for forensic job. But it have a problem that, sometime I just want to dump specific process like cmd or notepad but not dump all current process.
my Dumpit program I used
Use Sysinternals ProcDump. It can take dumps manually or by condition (like high CPU usage or unhandled exception).
Also you can take a dump using Process manager (but need to be careful and use 32-bit process manager if your target process is 32 bit as well)

Mongodb hotfix KB2731284

I installed MongoDb on a windows server 2008 R2 and the hotfix KB2731284 is not installed, but I cannot restart the server easily.
In the hotfix description, I got this message "You run an application that uses the FlushViewOfFile() function to clean up memory-mapped files from the paged memory pool." (see
My question is, when the funtion FlushViewOfFile() is called? My application is just writing in a collection and get data from it. Do I risk to get some wrong behaviors?
I think you can run MongoDb without applying the Hotfix, but I would not recommend it. In long time you may run into problems. They have included some fixes in MongoDB to workaround the problem.
A detailed description of the problem can be found here and here.
See also this.
On Windows, Memory Mapped File flushes are synchronous operations. When the OS Virtual Memory Manager is asked to flush a memory mapped file, it makes a synchronous write request to the file cache manager in the OS. This causes large I/O stalls on Windows systems with high Disk IO latency, while on Linux the same writes are asynchronous.
The problem becomes critical on high-latency disk drives like Azure persistent storage (10ms). This behavior results in very long bg flush times, capping disk IOPS at 100. On low latency storage (local storage and AWS) the problem is not that visible.
On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 when applying the hotfix you get a better file allocation performance what is relevant for MongoDB

CPU usage of Jboss JVM goes upto 99% and stays there

I am doing load testing on my application using jmeter and I have a situation where the cpu usage by the applications jvm goes to 99% and it stays there. Application still work, I am able to login and do some activity. But, it’s understandably slower.
Details of environment:
Server: AMD Optrom, 2.20 Ghz, 8 Core, 64bit, 24 GB RAM. Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Application server: jboss-4.0.4.GA
JAVA: jdk1.6.0_25, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
JVM settings:
-Xms1G -Xmx10G -XX:MaxNewSize=3G -XX:MaxPermSize=12G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=1800000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=1800000
Database: MySql 5.6 (in a different machine)
Jmeter: 2.13
My scenario is that, I make 20 users of my application to log into it and perform normal activity that should not be bringing huge load. Some, minutes into the process, JVM of Jboss goes up and it never comes back. CPU usage will remain like that till JVM is killed.
To help better understand, here are few screen shots.
I found few post which had cup # 100%, but nothing there was same as my situation and could not find a solution.
Any suggestion on what’s to be done will be great.
To understand the root cause of the high CPU utilization, we need to check the CPU data and thread dumps at same time.
Capture 5-6 thread dumps at the time of the issue. Similarly capture CPU consumption thread-by-thread basis.
Generally the root cause of the CPU issue would be problems with threads like BLOCKED threads, long running threads, dead-lock, long running loops etc. That can be resolved by going through the stacks of the threads.

Stash out of memory

I set the max-memory to 2 gigabytes in the setenv.bat file but it still runs out of memory at about 800MB of java allocated memory.
Is this normal?
Running on Windows Server 2012.
It's not normal. Stash is usually pretty good about memory. You might want to raise a support ticket at:
They'll probably ask you to create a heap dump so they can see what might be causes problems.

mongodb flushing mmap takes around 20 secs with no updates being required

Hi One of our customers is running mongodb V2.2.3 on a 64 bit windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise.
We're currently seeing mmap flush times of over 20 seconds every minute.
What is confusing me is that it isn't doing any writes to the disk. (Disk write bytes is next to 0)
Our programme which access the data has been temporary turned off.
so all that is connected is a mongo shell.
Mongostat and mongotop aresn't showing anything
The database has 130 million records. There are 356 files for mmap.
Any sugestions on what could be causing this?
If your working set is significantly larger than memory, and MongoDB is constantly going to disk for reads (and not just the normal spikes when syncing writes to disk), then you really should be sharding to spread the data across multiple machines/instances.
Given the behaviour you have described and that you have a large number of files for mmap, I suspect the underlying performance issue is SERVER-12401 in the MongoDB Jira issue tracker:
On Windows, Memory Mapped File flushes are synchronous operations. When the OS Virtual Memory Manager is asked to flush a memory mapped file, it makes a synchronous write request to the file cache manager in the OS. This causes large I/O stalls on Windows systems with high Disk IO latency, while on Linux the same writes are asynchronous.
There are a few possible ways to improve the flush performance on Windows, including code changes in both the MongoDB server and the Windows O/S. There is some ongoing work to address these issues, now that the synchronous flushing behaviour on Windows has been confirmed.
If you are using higher latency local storage (for example, spinning disks) you may be able to mitigate the issue by upgrading to SSD or better spec'd drives.
I would suggest upvoting/watching SERVER-12401 and the related Jira issues for updates.
It would also be worth upgrading from MongoDB 2.2 to a newer version as 2.2 is now past end-of-life for updates. There have been two major production release branches since then, including significant improvements in general performance/features as well as Windows support.