"for" loop inside a Text::Template template - perl

I'm trying to use perl Text::Template for short templates and so far failed to get it to iterate over an array.
Here is a short test program I wrote to demonstrate what I'm trying to do:
use Text::Template;
my $template = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => <<'__EOT__');
array[0]: { $array[0] }
{ foreach my $i (#array) { }
print $template->fill_in(HASH => { array => [qw(item1 item2)]});
According to the Text::Template manual I expected this to print:
array[0]: item1
But instead it prints
array[0]: item1
(i.e. the output of the first line outside the loop and an empty line).
I couldn't find anywhere on the web any example of someone actually using a loop inside a template, though the documentation says it should "just work".
What am I missing?

my $template = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => <<'__EOT__', DELIMITERS => [qw(<% %>)],);
Pick different delimiters. The documentation advises you to do so several times for various reasons, mostly for being easier to work with because Perl code also uses {} braces. It also says:
Because the parsing of templates is simplified by the absence of backslash escapes, using alternative DELIMITERS may speed up the parsing process by 20-25%. This shows that my original choice of { and } was very bad.
Just {$i} does not work here because it is in void context. The documentation says:
The result of the last statement executed will be evaluted in scalar context; the result of this statement is a string, which is interpolated into the template in place of the program fragment itself.
Rewrite it with the $OUT variable:
<% foreach my $i (#array) {
$OUT .= $i
} %>
The documentation says:
Anything you append to this variable will appear in the output of the template. Also, if you use $OUT in a program fragment, the normal behavior, of replacing the fragment with its return value, is disabled; instead the fragment is replaced with the value of $OUT.
<% $OUT .= $_ for #array %>
Same result, but shorter.

A couple of experiments indicate that this:
{ stuff }
Is turned into (effectively) something like this pseudo-perl:
my $x = eval(stuff);
$template =~ s/{ stuff }/$x/;
So the "stuff" needs to be an expression so that it returns something to put into the template. Your "stuff" is a foreach loop which doesn't have a value so your template doesn't do anything interesting.
If you look at the tests for Text::Template (always go to the test suite for examples, the test suites for CPAN packages are invaluable for learning how things work), you'll see things like this:
{ $t = ''; foreach $n (1 .. 20) { $t .= $n . ' ' } $t }
Note the way $t is being used. That indicates that you want something more like this for your template:
array[0]: { $array[0] }
{ $t = ''; foreach my $i (#array) { $t .= "\t$i\n" } }
There's also the $OUT special variable which can take the place of $t above. The documentation for CPAN packages is generally pretty good and well worth reading, you'll miss it when you work in other languages.


Find Favicons in HTML using Perl

I'm trying to look for favicons (and variants) for a given URL using Perl (I'd like to avoid using an external service such as Google's favicon finder). There's a CPAN module, WWW::Favicon, but it hasn't been updated in over a decade -- a decade in which now important variants such as "apple-touch-icon" have come to replace the venerable "ico" file.
I thought I found the solution in WWW::Mechanize, since it can list all of the links in a given URL, including <link> header tags. However, I cannot seem to find a clean way to use the "find_link" method to search for the rel attribute.
For example, I tried using 'rel' as the search term, hoping maybe it was in there despite not being mentioned in the documentation, but it doesn't work. This code returns an error about an invalid "link-finding parameter."
my $results = $mech->find_link( 'rel' => "apple-touch-icon" );
use Data::Dumper;
say STDERR Dumper $results;
I also tried using other link-finding parameters, but none of them seem to be suited to searching out a rel attribute.
The only way I could figure out how to do it is by iterating through all links and looking for a rel attribute like this:
my $results = $mech->find_all_links( );
foreach my $result (#{ $results }) {
my $attrs = $result->attrs();
#'tag' => "apple-touch-icon"
foreach my $attr (sort keys %{ $attrs }) {
if ($attrs->{'rel'} =~ /^apple-touch-icon.*$/) {
say STDERR "I found it:" . $result->url();
# Add tests for other types of icons here.
# E.g. "mask-icon" and "shortcut icon."
That works, but it seems messy. Is there a better way?
Here's how I'd do it with Mojo::DOM. Once you fetch an HTML page, use dom to do all the parsing. From that, use a CSS selector to find the interesting nodes:
link[rel*=icon i][href]
This CSS selector looks for link tags that have the rel and href tags at the same time. Additionally, I require that the value in rel contain (*=) "icon", case insensitively (the i). If you want to assume that all nodes will have the href, just leave off [href].
Once I have the list of links, I extract just the value in href and turn that list into an array reference (although I could do the rest with Mojo::Collection methods):
use v5.10;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new->max_redirects(3);
my $results = $ua->get( shift )
->find( 'link[rel*=icon i][href]' )
->map( attr => 'href' )
say join "\n", #$results;
That works pretty well so far:
$ perl mojo.pl https://www.perl.org
$ perl mojo.pl https://www.microsoft.com
$ perl mojo.pl https://leanpub.com/mojo_web_clients
Now, the problem comes if you find more interesting cases that you can't easily write a selector for. Suppose not all of the rel values have "icon" in them. You can get a little more fancy by specifying multiple selectors separated by commas so you don't have to use the experimental case insensitivity flag:
link[rel*=icon][href], link[rel*=ICON][href]
or different values in rel:
link[rel="shortcut icon"][href], link[rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"][href]
Line up as many of those as you like.
But, you could also filter your results without the selectors. Use Mojo::Collection's grep to pick out the nodes that you want:
my %Interesting = ...;
my $results = $ua->get( shift )
->find( '...' )
->grep( sub { exists $Interesting{ $_->attr('rel') } } )
->map( attr => 'href' )
I have a lot more examples of Mojo::DOM in Mojo Web Clients, and I think I'll go add this example now.
The problem is very easy to solve with:
assistance of any module allowing to load webpage
define $regex for all possible favicon variations
look for <link rel="$regex" href="icon_address" ...>
The script has default YouTube url embedded in the code
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use HTTP::Tiny;
my $url = shift || 'https://www.youtube.com/';
my $icons = get_favicon($url);
say for #{$icons};
sub get_favicon {
my $url = shift;
my #lookup = (
'shortcut icon',
'alternative icon'
my $re = join('|',#lookup);
my $html = load_page($url);
my #icons = ($html =~ /<link rel="(?:$re)" href="(.*?)"/gmsi);
return \#icons;
sub load_page {
my $url = shift;
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get($url);
my $html;
if ($response->{success}) {
$html = $response->{content};
} else {
say 'ERROR: Could not extract webpage';
say 'Status: ' . $response->{status};
say 'Reason: ' . $response->{reason};
return $html;
Run as script.pl
Run as script.pl "http://www.microsoft.com/"
Run as script.pl "http://finance.yahoo.com/"

Perl Plucene Index Search

Fooling around more with the Perl Plucene module and, having created my index, I am now trying to search it and return results.
My code to create the index is here...chances are you can skip this and read on:
use Plucene::Document;
use Plucene::Document::Field;
use Plucene::Index::Writer;
use Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer;
use Plucene::Search::HitCollector;
use Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher;
use Plucene::QueryParser;
use Try::Tiny;
my $content = $ARGV[0];
my $doc = Plucene::Document->new;
my $i=0;
$doc->add(Plucene::Document::Field->Text(content => $content));
my $analyzer = Plucene::Analysis::SimpleAnalyzer->new();
if (!(-d "solutions" )) {
$i = 1;
if ($i)
my $writer = Plucene::Index::Writer->new("solutions", $analyzer, 1); #Third param is 1 if creating new index, 0 if adding to existing
my $doc_count = $writer->doc_count;
undef $writer; # close
my $writer = Plucene::Index::Writer->new("solutions", $analyzer, 0);
my $doc_count = $writer->doc_count;
undef $writer; # close
It creates a folder called "solutions" and various files to it...I'm assuming indexed files for the doc I created. Now I'd like to search my index...but I'm not coming up with anything. Here is my attempt, guided by the Plucene::Simple examples of CPAN. This is after I ran the above with the param "lol" from the command line.
use Plucene::Simple;
my $plucy = Plucene::Simple->open("solutions");
my #ids = $plucy->search("content : lol");
print $_;
Nothing is printed, sadly )-=. I feel like querying the index should be simple, but perhaps my own stupidity is limiting my ability to do this.
Three things I discovered in time:
Plucene is a grossly inefficient proof-of-concept and the Java implementation of Lucene is BY FAR the way to go if you are going to use this tool. Here is some proof: http://www.kinosearch.com/kinosearch/benchmarks.html
Lucy is a superior choice that does the same thing and has more documentation and community (as per the comment on the question).
How to do what I asked in this problem.
I will share two scripts - one to import a file into a new Plucene index and one to search through that index and retrieve it. A truly working example of Plucene...can't really find it easily on the Internet. Also, I had tremendous trouble CPAN-ing these modules...so I ended up going to the CPAN site (just Google), getting the tar's and putting them in my Perl lib (I'm on Strawberry Perl, Windows 7) myself, however haphazard. Then I would try to run them and CPAN all the dependencies that it cried for. This is a sloppy way to do things...but it's how I did them and now it works.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Plucene::Simple;
my $content_1 = $ARGV[0];
my $content_2 = $ARGV[1];
my %documents;
%documents = (
"".$content_2 => {
content => $content_1
print $content_1;
my $index = Plucene::Simple->open( "solutions" );
for my $id (keys %documents)
$index->add($id => $documents{$id});
So what does this do...you call the script with two command line arguments of your choosing - it creates a key-value pair of the form "second argument" => "first argument". Think of this like the XMLs in the tutorial at the apache site (http://lucene.apache.org/solr/api/doc-files/tutorial.html). The second argument is the field name.
Anywho, this will make a folder in the directory the script was run in - in that folder will be files made by lucene - THIS IS YOUR INDEX!! All we need to do now is search that index using the power of Lucene, something made easy by Plucene. The script is the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Plucene::Simple;
my $content_1 = $ARGV[0];
my $index = Plucene::Simple->open( "solutions" );
my (#ids, $error);
my $query = $content_1;
#ids = $index->search($query);
print $_."---seperator---";
You run this script by calling it from the command line with ONE argument - for example's sake let it be the same first argument as you called the previous script. If you do that you will see that it prints your second argument from the example before! So you have retrieved that value! And given that you have other key-value pairs with the same value, this will print those too! With "---seperator---" between them!

What does "CODE" means for variable?

In perl I wanted to debug some module code, so I temporarily added the following line to such source code:
print $${${$${$$h[1]{$j}}{proxy_cache}}{$e}}{'fetch_handler'}{'ownerDocument'}
...and it prints:
What "CODE" means? I expected HASH(0x???????). I am pretty new in Perl, so please explain me this, as goooooogling for +Perl +CODE is not helpful :)
I was looking for url of ownerDocument information, btw.
I am trying to use module WWW::Scripter for my needs and I already found several bugs that author of this module (Father Chrysostomos) already fixed based on my inputs.
Now I'm "debugging" some issues with images that are created dynamically in JavaScript (for example ((new Image()).src='http://...'), as those images are now not included in $w->images results.
If you take a look at sub update_html in module source [http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/SPROUT/WWW-Scripter-0.026/lib/WWW/Scripter.pm], there is a line that starts with
$h && $h->eval($self, $code ...
This is a section that I need to debug. I am trying to "search" for new images in DOM after script is evaluated. I was able to find image elements pretty easy, but now I am trying to find information to which document they belong to, as I need to get them with correct referer information. Some images are created within frames, iframes, scripts, etc. If incorrect referer information is used, then it may lead to incorrect response, as most of such (new Image()).src='http://...' images are used for tracking with cookies, not for real image content. To get correct content of document, all these special images need to be properly processed and without correct referer it does not work...
It's a code reference, e.g.:
my $var = sub { ... };
print "$var\n";
This is a bit too long for a comment, but it's not a direct answer to your question.
I wanted to figure out your data structure, which I fully realize you might not control. I'm curious why you have to deal with that, and if you have any hair, or sanity, left.
The multiple references are a bit painful, but it also reminds me of stupid things I used to do with references and that I even presented at the first Perl Conference.
When I first started using references, I thought, stupidly, that every time that I wanted to pass a reference I had to take a reference, even if the thing was already a reference. I'd end up with something ugly like $$$$ref:
my $string = 'Buster';
some_sub( \$string );
sub some_sub {
my $ref = shift;
some_other_sub( \$ref );
sub some_other_sub {
my $ref = shift;
yet_another_sub( \$ref );
sub yet_another_sub {
my $ref = shift;
print "$$$$ref\n"; #fuuuuugly!
This gets even worse when you start taking to references to aggregates, which is what I think is happening in your data structure. Since a reference to a reference is just a scalar, as is the original reference, you can't dereference it by lining up subscripts. Hence, all of the $${ } in your line.
I couldn't see what was happening until I started from the inside out, and even then I just used trial and error until I got things that worked.
The first level is an array reference that contains a hash reference at index 1. That's not so hard or ugly:
my $j = 'foo';
my $e = 'baz';
my $h = [];
$h->[1] = { foo => 'bar' }; # to get to $$h[1]{$j}
print "1: $h->[1]{$j}\n";
The next level is a bit weird. To get $${ ... }{proxy_cache}, you need a reference to a hash reference:
$h->[1] = {
foo => \ { proxy_cache => 'duck' } # ref to hash reference
print "2. $${ $$h[1]{$j} }{proxy_cache}\n";
I'm not sure how you are building this data structure, but you should look for places where you already have a hash reference and not take another ref. That's the stupid thing I was doing in my youth. It might look like this:
sub some_sub {
my $hash = shift;
$h->[1] = {
foo => \ $hash # don't do that!
The next part isn't that bad. It's just a regular hash reference as the value (instead of duck):
$h->[1] = {
foo => \ { proxy_cache => { $e => 'quux' } }
print "3. ${ $${ $$h[1]{$j} }{proxy_cache} }{$e}\n";
The next level is another reference to a hash reference:
$h->[1] = {
foo => \ {
proxy_cache => {
$e => \ { fetch_handler => 'zap' }
print "4. $${ ${ $${ $$h[1]{$j} }{proxy_cache} }{$e} }{'fetch_handler'}\n";
Finally, I get to the last key, ownerDocument, and assign a subroutine reference:
$h->[1] = {
foo => \ {
proxy_cache => {
$e => \ { fetch_handler => {
ownerDocument => sub { print "Buster\n" },
print "5. $${ ${ $${ $$h[1]{$j} }{proxy_cache} }{$e} }{'fetch_handler'}{'ownerDocument'}\n";
The output is the CODE(0x.......) that you've already seen.
I wanted to simplify that, but there's not much to remove because of those pesky non-aggregate references. This removes only three non-whitespace of characters to line up the {$e} key:
print "6. ";
print $${ $${ $h->[1]{$j} }{proxy_cache}{$e} }{'fetch_handler'}{'ownerDocument'};
print "\n";

What is the idiomatic way in Perl to determine whether a string variable matches a string in a list?

Part of the specification says "Some names are special, e.g. Hughie, Dewey, Louis, and Donald. Other names may be added over the lifetime of the project at arbitrary times. Whenever you input one of those names, play quack.wav."
I could write ...
while (<>) {
if ($_ =~ /Hughie|Dewey|Louis/) {
quack() ;
elsif ($_ =~ /Donald/ {
quack() ;
you_re_fired_apprentice() ; # Easter egg don't tell QA
... but though untaxing to implement, it looks WTF-y: Where's the binary search? What if there were a sudden stupendous increase in the number of duck names? It would not scale at all!
I could create empty files using those names in a temporary directory, and then use the "file exists" API, but that seems roundabout, and I would have to be sure they were deleted at the end.
Surely there is a better way?
You could write that, but you should write this:
my %ducks = map {$_ => 1} qw(Hughie Dewey Louis);
while (<>) {
if ($ducks{$_}) {
quack() ;
elsif ($_ eq 'Donald') {
quack() ;
you_re_fired_apprentice() ; # Easter egg don't tell QA
Creating the hash takes a little bit of time, but not more than O(n). Lookup with a hash is O(1) though, so it is much more efficient than sequential search (via grep or a regex with alternation) assuming you will be checking for more than one or two items.
By the way, the regex that you have will match the words anywhere in the search string. You need to add start and end anchors if you want an exact match.
Alternatively, you could use smart matching
my #ducks = qw(Hughie Dewey Louis);
my $name = 'Dewey';
say 'smart match' if $name ~~ #ducks;
This is what is used by switch statements, so you could write
given ($name) {
when (#ducks) {
when ('Donald') {
you_re_fired_apprentice(); # Easter egg don't tell QA
As mentioned, hashes are the way to go for this. This is sort of what OOP looked like before OOP.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %duck_action = (
Donald => sub {quack(); you_re_fired_apprentice()},
Hughie => sub {quack()},
Dewie => sub {quack()},
Louis => sub {quack()},
for my $duck (qw( Hughie Dewie Donald Louis Porkie )) {
print "$duck: ";
my $action = $duck_action{$duck} || &no_such_duck;
sub quack {
print "Quack!\n";
sub you_re_fired_apprentice {
print "You're fired!\n";
sub no_such_duck {
print "No such duck!\n";
You can use a Perl Hash. See also How can I represent sets in Perl? and Representing Sets in Perl.
Using hashes to implement a set is not exactly pretty, but it should be fast.
To find a string in a list, you could also use any in List::MoreUtils
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
my #ducks = qw(Hughie Dewey Louis);
my $name = 'Dewey';
say 'any' if any {$name eq $_} #ducks;
If you're tied to using an array rather than a hash, you can use perl's grep function to search the array for a string.
#specialnames = qw(Hughie Dewey Louis);
while (my $value = <>) {
if (grep {$value eq $_}, #specialnames) {
quack() ;
elsif ($_ =~ /Donald/ {
quack() ;
you_re_fired_apprentice() ; # Easter egg don't tell QA
This does scale a lot worse than a hash, and might even scale worse than copying the array into a hash and then doing hash lookups.

IO::Lambda in Perl

I've been offloaded some maintenance tasks on a couple of Perl scripts. One of the requirements is to download a couple of dozen files (HTTP) in parallel. I went looking on CPAN for the easiest solution and found this module called IO::Lambda::HTTP.
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no experience with functional programming (and beginner-level Perl experience), so while I see that all of the examples work as documented, I can't really modify any of them to suit my needs.
For example, the sample that comes with the module:
# $Id: parallel.pl,v 1.7 2008/05/06 20:41:33 dk Exp $
# This example fetches two pages in parallel, one with http/1.0 another with
# http/1.1 . The idea is to demonstrate three different ways of doing so, by
# using object API, and explicit and implicit loop unrolling
use lib qw(./lib);
use HTTP::Request;
use IO::Lambda qw(:lambda);
use IO::Lambda::HTTP qw(http_request);
use LWP::ConnCache;
my $a = HTTP::Request-> new(
GET => "http://www.perl.com/",
$a-> protocol('HTTP/1.1');
$a-> headers-> header( Host => $a-> uri-> host);
my #chain = (
HTTP::Request-> new(GET => "http://www.perl.com/"),
sub report
my ( $result) = #_;
if ( ref($result) and ref($result) eq 'HTTP::Response') {
print "good:", length($result-> content), "\n";
} else {
print "bad:$result\n";
# print $result-> content;
my $style;
#$style = 'object';
#$style = 'explicit';
$style = 'implicit';
# $IO::Lambda::DEBUG++; # uncomment this to see that it indeed goes parallel
if ( $style eq 'object') {
## object API, all references and bindings are explicit
sub handle {
my $master = IO::Lambda-> new;
for ( #chain) {
my $lambda = IO::Lambda::HTTP-> new( $_ );
$master-> watch_lambda( $lambda, \&handle);
run IO::Lambda;
} elsif ( $style eq 'explicit') {
# Functional API, based on context() calls. context is
# $obj and whatever arguments the current call needs, a RPN of sorts.
# The context though is not stack in this analogy, because it stays
# as is in the callback
# Explicit loop unrolling - we know that we have exactly 2 steps
# It's not practical in this case, but it is when a (network) protocol
# relies on precise series of reads and writes
this lambda {
context $chain[0];
http_request \&report;
context $chain[1];
http_request \&report;
this-> wait;
} else {
# implicit loop - we don't know how many states we need
# also, use 'tail'
this lambda {
context map { IO::Lambda::HTTP-> new( $_, async_dns => 1 ) } #chain;
tails { report $_ for #_ };
this-> wait;
Works as advertised, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to modify either the 'object' or 'implicit' examples to be limited to N parallel instances like the following from IO::Lambda's synopsis:
# http://search.cpan.org/~karasik/IO-Lambda/lib/IO/Lambda.pm
# crawl for all urls in parallel, but keep 10 parallel connections max
print par(10)-> wait(map { http($_) } #hosts);
Can someone show me an example of what the lambda code would look like given the above constraint (e.g limit to N instances)?
Also, what's the best way to start learning functional programming? It seems totally alien to me.
There are good other options than IO::Lambda for this task, for example AnyEvent::HTTP. See this previous SO question.
Even though I'm familiar with functional programming, the above IO::Lambda sample code looks rather hard to understand to me.