Raising an event after a keypress - krl

Aaron Frost's TweetPlus app has a useful feature in which the tweet functionality of the app lies dormant until the user presses Ctrl+Alt+T. At that time, a notify box pops up in the upper right corner to let the user tweet about the page they are on. I would like to do something similar.
Is there a way to use watch() to raise an event when the user presses a certain key combination?
Another possibility: Is there a way to raise an event directly with JavaScript, including sending event parameters? This way, I can set up a callback (perhaps using jQuery HotKeys) to raise the event.

Steve, here is my answer. Let me know if there are questions or feedback? http://www.40win.com/2011/05/08/jskeyboardevents/


Use facebook tracking pixel for registration success that does not redirect to success page

How do I set a facebook pixel event to track registration completion when my registration form completion redirects to my index page not to a registration success page?
Should I use a standard event or a custom event to achieve this, or, do I have to create an intermediate page that the registration form directs to and then redirects to index page?
Fire the Facebook Pixel event when the user clicks on the form submit with 'click' event listener. Standard versus Custom events is a separate issue, but I suggest sticking with Standard events where you can.
Stephen, you provided too few information.
Richy is right that in your case if you can't control where your user lands after submitting the form you should use onClick event to send a pixel event. You can easily validate the form in the code of the onClick event and send it when you're sure data is according to your expectations. You can even do additional requests to your back-end to check the data.
If you can change how your web-site work you can make a landing page where you'd fire an event if all the processing went right.
If you can also easily do it on your index page by loading it with some parameter in the URL that indicates it is visited after the form was submitted. There you can have a simple JS code snipped with condition in it to fire a pixel event if URL parameter is present or do it with Google Tag manager which is even simpler.
There are a couple of good standard events you can use like Subscribe or Submit Application, review them here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-pixel/reference#standard-events
You have countless options depending on what level of changes you can do to the site, you coding skills, CMS you use and precision you need.

Intalio: Difference between 4 ways of adding a form to a process

I made a form using Intalio's AJAX Widget tool but I was confused once I wanted to add the form to a user's pool.
I actually followed this tutorial from Intalio's website. In the 5th slide, they mentioned the ways of adding the form (initProcess, create and complete, notify, escalate):
but no further explanations were given.
So, I would like to know the differences between each one of these ways and when should I use one way and not the other.
You use the initProcess if that form will actually kick off a process. Doing so will show a new entry on the web site front end in the Workflow>Processes category. It's what you can see in slide 6. Connect the form to the process.
Use create and complete if you want to give a user or group of users a task to complete. This shows up in the Workflow>Tasks section on the website. It locks your process until a user completes the task or a deadline is hit.
Use notify if you want to send a form as a notification to a user. This shows up in the Workflow>Notifications section. User can only dismiss it. It does not lock you process. It basically just triggers the notification and moves on.
You can use escalate to reassign an existing form to another user or group. This basically sits between the create and complete part of the form, gets triggered by an external message/event and lets you reassign the form.
Hope this helps. Cheers.

Like button and privacy concern

I'm operating a website within the EU and nowadays there's no way without those social buttons all around (according to "them" "up there").
Recently there's a concern about the legality of this in the EU, notably the collection of user information sent to the US servers without explicit user consent.
There was a German report on golem.de, along with advice from a lawyer (sorry, German only) that it would be sufficient if the integrated like button would not automatically trigger an interaction with the US server per se, but only with user consent, i.e. manual interaction such as the click.
We currently use the official method of inclusion along with subscribing to the edge.create event to get some sense of its usage. But unfortunately this works by loading an iframe with content from Facebook, thus immediately sending data about the user without his consent, without him even clicking on it. I seek a way to avoid that.
Idea: Show a local image with a local href which starts loading the Facebook stuff only when user actually clicks on it.
The problems as I see them:
The user clicks on my DOM element and now I'd need to act like the real FB button was pressed, but how can I do that, since the real button isn't there? If I load the button, the user would see a second one, need to click again, etc. I'd need to load if off screen, fake the click, etc. Complicated and confusing.
The counter next to the likes would be missing. I'd need to find a way to get that information for the current URL (e.g. server side), smartly cache that data, and still be able to show that to the user. I have no idea where I would get that data.
Being within EU or not, law or not, since I started only recently looking into this (because my job demanded it), it got me the creeps when I realized how it really works. I'm a web paranoid, can't believe I'm alone.
Any ideas how to tackle the above problems?
For me, the ultimate solution is how the German news portal heise.de implemented it.
Unfortunately it's all in German, but their solution is to show a dummy picture before instead and allow the user to selectively allow it for the whole site. See the article in German or Google translation to English.
This created quite some user interested (German article, Google translation to English) and has already called Facebook (presumably from Germany) on the plan, as they wrote in their article, that it is against their policy to use their button in they way they did.
And now it hit Slashdot: Heise's 'Two Clicks For More Privacy' vs. Facebook
The edge.create callback doesn't include the user ID; it just notifies you of which Like button was clicked. Unless the user has given you their details some other way, there's no way to determine from Facebook who the user is from either the presence of a Like button or from the user Clicking on it.
Facebook's FAQ item about what information is collected by Facebook when users view Like buttons but don't interact with them is here: https://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=186325668085084
To answer your specific questions:
I'm not sure how to do this without it being a jarring user experience. Effectively, you're describing a solution where you want to offer Facebook Like functionality, but make the user click something first saying 'I want to see the Facebook Like buttons'
You can access the current Like count for any URL or object in the Graph API at https://graph.facebook.com/, for example, a call to https://graph.facebook.com/facebook returns the following information (in JSON format):
"id": "20531316728",
"name": "Facebook",
"picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/174597_20531316728_2866555_s.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/facebook",
"likes": 51545712,
"category": "Product/service",
"website": "http://www.facebook.com/\n",
"username": "facebook",
the likes field there isn't exactly the number which would be displayed on a Like button, but it's a good number to start from.
(The actual number on the Like button also includes other statistics, as mentioned on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ )

Facebook Like without Confirm?

I think I have the same issue as here, but can't quite get enough out of the answers over there.
I'm using a Like button (in an iframe on a Static XFBML page) to allow users to Like a YouTube video, with the intention that since the user clicks Like it shares it to their Wall.
What happens is that they click Like, it says "You like this", but nothing is posted, and then after a random short interval the Like button is replaced by a Confirm hyperlink.
What I really want is no "Confirm" stage because a) it's clunky and b) the user has probably left the page by then. I know there's at least one app that does it... Is this behaviour possible for me to code, and if so, how?
this is a feature of the like button, so as to avoid spamming website that cheat user on the like buttons. The "confirm" feature will be turn on for suspicious site. When your site is well received and get positive feedback, the "confirm" feature will be removed automatically.
In your case it's because you implemented it using an <iframe> - I've tried it before and the <iframe> is the cause.

Email Notification

How to write the jsp code for auto generate a notification for a user if the user have an email inside the inbox.
You keep a place on your page which is usually empty (Empty Picture) and if there is a notification's reason you show another picture in this space which indicates this.
Each time the page is reloaded this code will be run.
Should you want his more interactive like the notification you see on Stackoverflow when an answer is posted while you write your own answer, you will have to implement something like a watchdog which keeps asking the inobox state each priode of time and use Javascript functionality, if im not wrong ajax could be usuful here but im not really sure about this.