Dashboard or icons set as home screen in iphone - iphone

hey guys,
I was looking around how I could make dashboard or icons set in iphone, i was looking a lot on the internet but i didn't find the answer. I meant dashboard as home screen in iphone

You'd probably want to look at the Three20 library, developed to support the development of the Facebook iOS app. This library will give you the possibility of creating a dashboard like the one in the home screen of the Facebook app.
You can find the source code and documentation at the official GitHub repository, lots of info at the project home page, and an example of the Launcher component (probably this is what you need) at this page.


How to link to page inside a flutter app?

When I click on the link I created on the website; If the application is installed, I want it to open and go to the page I want in the application, if the application is not installed, I want it to go to the app store or play store. I searched a lot but couldn't find it. Can you help me.
enter image description here
The solution for you would be deep linking or custom scheme. Them are practically, the same thing. Here you can find a link how to use them:
This is exactly what Firebase Dynamic links was created for.
You can configure urls to redirect based on whether the user has the app installed or not.

How to install a Progressive Web App on a mobile device?

Im using an iPhone to browser thru various PWA demos online.
Is the installation as simple as adding the URL to the Home Screen?
Well, as of today, iOS lacks proper support for PWAs, so you won't get any PWA-specific benefits of adding the Web app that is a PWA to the Home Screen on your iPhone. Basically, yes, you will have a shortcut on your Home Screen, but it wouldn't give you any Service Worker capabilities and also your users will never be prompted to add the app to the Home Screen automatically.
On iOS there is only a non-standard Apple solution with meta tags available that allows you to customize the appearance of your website when added to the Home Screen to some extent. See Apple docs.
See What Web Can Do and caniuse.
UPDATE Jun 2018: As of Safari 11.3, iOS supports PWA installation and Service Worker features. However it does not prompt for installation, so the only way to "install" a PWA is to use good old "add to home screen" menu link. Also, it still does not support Service Worker-based Push messaging.

Jquerymobile HTML5 Iphone App Add to Home screen

I'm creating a Mobile App with JQM and JSP I'm using Bookmark bubble to do this, but I just want to ensure I understand what is happening behind the scenes here.
Is the static HTML generated by my JSP saved locally on the iPhone?
Does clicking on the APP always get fresh info from my online server or does it cache?
I'm assuming it still uses Safari to render? And just hides the toolbar etc?
If instead of hosting this online, I packaged it as an Apple App and it went on App store,
would the device still use safari to render it?
Documentation is at: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/SafariJSDatabaseGuide/OfflineApplicationCache/OfflineApplicationCache.html
It's possible to cache the page(s) locally.

How to make web site that is compatible to mobile(Blackberry,Android,iPhone) screen sizes?

Hi I am developing a site for desktop.The site renders the contents for desktop size.But when I see it in mobile the content is not properly rendered.
How can I make a site that fits all mobile screen sizes say Blackberry,Android,iPhone, etc. Can anybody mention any articles. I know only HTML. Thanks in advance.
I remember looking into myself a while ago and finding this video tutorial on net-tuts+ to be a good starting point
It is hard to make a single site that looks good on both mobile and desktop. Resolution is not the only problem, the very way the user interacts with you site changes on a mobile device. That said, the typical thing to do is to have a mobile style sheet which is loaded for mobile, and a desktop sheet for desktop. You might even go so far as to limit some of your content on mobile to make the page lighter.
I found http://mobiforge.com to be a good source of info.

iPhone Screenshot on the App Store in a WordPress website?

Inside my site where I show my iPhone Apps, I would like to show iOS screenshots like in the App Store. Is there any wordpress plug-ins or ways to emulate this behavior?
There's a great Jquery plug-in called Infinite Carousel 2 you could use. It has nothing to do with WordPress, but it would embed just fine in a page. The way I'm using it isn't exactly what you're looking for, but the plug-in supports exactly what you need by telling it you want 2 images displayed side-by-side, or 3, or whatever, something more like this.
Do you mean the screenshots like how they are all horizantal because if not all you have to do is add the image of the app that you took from the app store.