slideshow using touch sequence for the next image - iphone

in xcode just doing the transition. set of image in the nsarray,like slide show. have to change the image using transition for right to left using touch

I think you have to describe your question briefly.You can use Page control for that.It may be more useful to you.
You can get sample code in below link ""

use the leftswiping gestures and right swiping gestures.


Make fix size round button as image in iphone sdk

I am developing an application in which I need to round button as image (as I uploaded).
It Show two corner are straight and the rest is in round shape. I tried withmybutton.layer.cornerRadius but make round whole image. I also tried to just make custom button but it leave extra space in button around image i need to fix size button as image show.
Please help me. Thanks in advance. Happy Day.
Here is a one good tutorial on this:
you can download code from here
Hope this helps
An alternate but not really a good one first add an imageView add this particular image over it than add an custom invisible button over the image by adjusting size of the button it will not cover the whole image though but still it will work fine...actually i did use this approach in one of my app :p
OBShapedButton might help. It's an open source UIButton subclass optimized for non-rectangular button shapes. If it still doesn't work, making your own buttons isn't that difficult either. Use a UIView and handle touches within the view. For eg, in touchesMoved:, set the active image and in touchesEnded:, handle the click event!

Looking to mimic the iPhone lock screen camera drag

I've been searching and searching on how apple makes the dragging motion on the lock screen to open the camera so clean. I'm trying to do a similar thing with an app where you drag from the bottom up to reveal a menu, but i cant quite get it right. Anyone know how to, or of any tutorials that show how to do this? Thanks in advance!
To follow up what's been mentioned by Hejazi I believe you can achieve this in 3 steps:
create a background rectangle with some corner radius (this is a property of CGRect).
create a top view, corresponding to the part you want to be able to slide. Attach a pan gesture to this view so you will be able to handle the animation for this view.
for the text part being highlighted I think you need another two views: I will apply a mask corresponding to the text to a view so you get some transparency only for the letters of your text and animate a white round view behind it.

Using PageControl?

I have an array and lets say I have 5 objects in it. The array just contains a string with an address to a picture. I would like to use the Page Control feature in the iPhone SDK to swipe Left and Right to change the picture. I already have the multitouch gestures in place all I need is to implement the Page Control so if I swipe left and then right it will take me back to the previous image.
Does anyone know of any good Page Control tutorials or sample code online that may be able to help me thought implementing the Page Control.
The UIPageControl isn't a control as much as it's just an indication of what "page" your on.
To do what you want, you need to set up a UIScrollView and add subviews for each image. It will require some math to figure out where each "page" starts and ends based on image dimensions and screen sizes.
Apple has some docs on using scroll views with page controls here.
Indeed, you need a UIScrollView along with the UIPageControl. You can find a good tutorial on how to make them work together here

iPhone hide portion of image in UIScrollView

I am brand new to iPhone app development. I am trying to create an image reader using UIScrollView. I need to focus a portion of an image and hide the rest. Till now I am only able to focus required part of an image but have no clue how to hide the rest. I had a suggestion that, I need to add four views at top, bottom, left and right. I need to hide those as per requirement. But, I was able to go no where with the suggestion. Can you please tell me how can I implement the functionality?
I don't understand what you really want to do. But if you think putting for views above I might suggest you use mask image for the same. Use alpha component.
Atlast I was successful in hiding part of an image. I used four views with background color and resized them according to the portion I need to display.

image Gallery in iPhone

I need to Create an Image Gallery that may be use concept of scrolling and paging together.
When I click on a button, it will open a new view in landscape mode. This view is for my Image Gallery..
It shows 5 Images:
Centered Large Image With its description on Bottom.
Next Coming image on left side, This image is slightly tilled at some angle, Without any description at bottom.
next to next coming image on left to 2nd image.
previous image on right side, This image is slightly tilled at some angle, Without any description at bottom.
Previous to Previous image on right of 4th image
Moreover, all images should be scrollable, like when I scroll 2nd image, it will move to Center and show its description and image which is already centered move to previous image.
Sorry for my confused English, here's an example of what I am trying to obtain.
I tried for basic code of paging and scrolling but unluckily nothing helpful.
Could you give me some pointers?
Check out flowcover (see this question: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone), which should get you started.
I think someone reported flowcover doesn't work on iOS 4.0, I haven't tried yet, ofcourse.
But, you can also take a look to this OpenFlow project, It will be help you I guess. Many people has builts their app on this library.