how to reference controller function from another controller - entity-framework

Trying to learn ASP MVC coming from Linux/LAMP background (in other words I'm a newb) ...
For some reason I can't seem to use a function defined in a controller in another controller.
Here's the function in my MessagesController.cs file:
public List<Message> GetMessagesById(string username)
return db.Messages.Where(p => p.user == username).ToList();
When I try to reference it:
using LemonadeTrader.Models;
using LemonadeTrader.Controllers; // added this to pull the Messages::getMesssagesById
ViewBag.messages = lemondb.Messages.GetMessagesById(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
I get something along the lines of lemondb.Messages does not contain a method called GetMesssagesById.
How do I reference it?

You shouldn't be linking controller methods like this, not to mention that controllers shouldn't be performing data access directly. I would recommend you externalizing this function into a separate class/repository which could be used by both controllers.
public class MessagesRepository
public List<Message> GetMessagesById(string username)
return db.Messages.Where(p => p.user == username).ToList();
and then:
public class FooController: Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var db = new MessagesRepository()
ViewBag.messages = db.GetMessagesById(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
return View();
public class BarController: Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var db = new MessagesRepository()
ViewBag.messages = db.GetMessagesById(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
return View();
OK, that's the first step. This code could be improved by decoupling the controllers from the repository by introducing an abstraction for this repository:
public interface IMessagesRepository
List<Message> GetMessagesById(string username);
public class MessagesRepository: IMessagesRepository
public List<Message> GetMessagesById(string username)
return db.Messages.Where(p => p.user == username).ToList();
then you could use constructor injection for those controllers:
public class FooController: Controller
private readonly IMessagesRepository _repository;
public class FooController(IMessagesRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.messages = _repository.GetMessagesById(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
return View();
public class BarController: Controller
private readonly IMessagesRepository _repository;
public class BarController(IMessagesRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.messages = _repository.GetMessagesById(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString());
return View();
finally you would configure your DI framework to pass the corresponding implementation into those controllers.
I would also recommend you replacing this ViewBag with a strongly typed view model:
public class MyViewModel
public List<Message> Messages { get; set; }
and then:
public ActionResult Index()
var model = new MyViewModel
Messages = _repository.GetMessagesById(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString())
return View(model);

Place GetMessageById (and all other methods needed for accessing messages) to separate class and use the class everywhere you need to get Message data.
MessageService service = new MessageService();
ViewBag.messages = service.GetMessagesById(...);


With LightInject, how can I pass arguments to child dependencies without registering a bunch of factories?

In the code below, I am trying to inject a ViewModel into a View, while the ViewModel requires a Model to wrap and another service that is in the container. The Model is not registered as it is not really a "service".
How do I:
a) not have to provide the IService instance as an argument (let the container resolve it),
b) not have to register a factory for my ViewModels (there will be many)
So what I'm really asking the container to do is treat my Model (that I pass as an argument) as if it were a registered "service" for the duration of this call to GetInstance.
If this is not possible with LightInject, are there any containers out there that have something like this?
public static class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new LightInject.ServiceContainer();
var service = new Service1();
// Have to register the factory
container.Register<IService, PersonModel, PersonViewModel>(
(f, s, p) => new PersonViewModel(s, p));
var person = new PersonModel(); // this is contextual -- not a service.
object view = CreateView(container, typeof(View), service, person);
// ultimate desired code:
//var view = container.GetInstance(typeof(View), new object[] { person });
private static object CreateView(ServiceContainer container, Type viewType, IService service, object model)
var ctor = viewType.GetConstructors()[0];
var parameters = new List<object>();
foreach (var param in ctor.GetParameters())
var attr = param.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModelAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
if (model != null && attr != null)
parameters.Add(container.GetInstance(param.ParameterType, new object[] { service, model }));
return Activator.CreateInstance(viewType, parameters.ToArray());
public interface IService
public class Service1 : IService
public class PersonModel
public class PersonViewModel
public PersonModel PersonModel { get; set; }
public PersonViewModel(IService service, [Model] PersonModel person)
PersonModel = person;
public class View
public PersonViewModel PersonViewModel { get; set; }
public View(PersonViewModel vm)
PersonViewModel = vm;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class ModelAttribute : Attribute
I have solved the issues with a combination of techniques...
a) use a Scope and register the ViewModel and View with PerScopeLifetime.
b) use a "ModelTracker" registered with a factory to allow an instance not created by the container to be injected (since models will be created by client code or a DbContext).
This combination also allows me to not register a factory for every ViewModel type -- but instead use the built-in mass registration functions (like RegisterAssembly).
public static class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new LightInject.ServiceContainer();
container.RegisterInstance<IService>(new Service1());
container.Register<View>(new PerScopeLifetime());
container.Register<PersonViewModel>(new PerScopeLifetime());
container.Register<ModelTracker>(new PerScopeLifetime());
container.Register<PersonModel>((f) => (PersonModel)f.GetInstance<ModelTracker>().Instance);
using (var scope = container.BeginScope())
var tracker = scope.GetInstance<ModelTracker>();
tracker.Instance = new PersonModel() { Name = "person1" };
var view = scope.GetInstance<View>();
public class ModelTracker
public object Instance { get; set; }
public class PersonModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public class PersonViewModel
private readonly IService service;
private readonly PersonModel person;
public PersonViewModel(IService service, PersonModel person)
this.service = service;
this.person = person;
public class View
public PersonViewModel PersonViewModel { get; set; }
public View(PersonViewModel vm)
PersonViewModel = vm;
public interface IService { }
public class Service1 : IService { }

How do I resolve a WebAPI dependency in Autofac that requires a parameter from the route?

I am struggling with wiring dependencies through autofac in my WebApi 2 project. I have a following interface and class that i'd like to inject in my GET and POST controller actions,
public interface IRepository
IContext Context
void SomeOperation();
public MyRepository : IRepository
IContext _context;
public MyRepository(IContext context)
_context = context;
public Context
return _context;
public void SomeOperation
// Perform some operation using _context;
I 'd like IRepository to be injected in controller like this,
public class MyController : ApiController
private readonly IRepository _repo;
public ApplicationsController(IRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
// GET: api/v1/Contexts({contextId})
public IHttpActionResult Get(string contextId)
IContext object to be injected in MyRepository has to be fetched from a factory, something like this
public class ContextFactory
Hashtable contextMap;
IContext Get(string contextId)
if contextMap.Contains(contextId)
return contextMap[contextId].Value;
IContextConfiguration configuration = ContextConfigurationFactory.Get(contextId);
IContext context = new ConcreteContext(configuration);
contextMap.Add[contextId, context];
return context;
I am not sure how to wire all the classes and convert logic in factory classes by injecting relationships through Autofac so that context id passed in url is passed to ContextConfigurationFactory.Get and instantiate ConcreteContext object when not found in hash and eventually Autofac injecting right context object in MyRepository before passing it on to Get action in the controller.
Let's simplify this a bit. What you're trying to do is:
Get the context ID from a route parameter.
Use that route parameter in the factory to create a context.
The rest seems pretty much peripheral - the repository, the controller, all that. The crux of the question is that you need to get a route parameter into your factory.
Given that, let's put together some simplified code:
public class ContextFactory
public IContext Get(string contextId)
return new Context(contextId);
public interface IContext
string Id { get; }
public class Context : IContext
public Context(string id)
this.Id = id;
public string Id { get; private set; }
That's basically what you have:
An IContext interface that things need.
A ContextFactory that is basically responsible for building these things.
A Context concrete implementation of IContext that is built by the factory.
I would probably do something like this:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register(ctx =>
var routeData = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData;
var id = routeData.Values["contextId"] as string;
var factory = ctx.Resolve<ContextFactory>();
return factory.Get(id);
Now when you resolve IContext it will use your factory, get the current context ID from route data, and pass it through the factory.
I will leave the following for you to look into:
What happens if the route parameter isn't there? (Autofac won't let you return null.)
What happens if the route parameter has invalid data?
The route parameter is pretty hackable, is this a security risk?
...and so on.

How can I achieve the following using IOC?

I want to use IOC with my service and I want to instead inject a class not an interface in the constructor as below in the services layer but I do not want to create a new object from the calling layer like var service = new InvoiceService(new ChangeInvoiceDueDateCommand()) instead I want to create something like this from my controller in MVC where the IInvoiceService is injected into the controller constructor but the problem I see is that
public InvoiceController(IInvoiceService invoiceService, IMapper mapper)
_invoiceService = invoiceService;
_mapper = mapper;
and then called like this
public ActionResult ChangeInvoiceDueDate(InvoiceChangeDueDateViewModel invoiceChangeDueDateViewModel )
var request = _mapper.Map<InvoiceChangeDueDateViewModel, ChangeInvoiceDuedateRequest>(invoiceChangeDueDateViewModel);
InvoiceChangeDueDateResponse response = _invoiceService.ChangeDueDate(request);
return View();
Service Layer
public class InvoiceService : IInvoiceService
private readonly ChangeInvoiceDueDateCommand _changeInvoiceDueDateCommand;
public InvoiceService(ChangeInvoiceDueDateCommand changeInvoiceDueDateCommand)
_changeInvoiceDueDateCommand = changeInvoiceDueDateCommand;
public InvoiceChangeDueDateResponse ChangeDueDate(ChangeInvoiceDuedateRequest invoiceChangeDueDateRequest)
return new InvoiceChangeDueDateResponse {Status = new Status()};
public class ChangeInvoiceDueDateCommand : ICommand<ChangeInvoiceDuedateRequest>
private readonly IRepository<Invoice> _invoiceRepository;
readonly InvoiceDueDateChangeValidator _validator;
public ChangeInvoiceDueDateCommand(IRepository<Invoice> invoiceRepository)
_invoiceRepository = invoiceRepository;
_validator = new InvoiceDueDateChangeValidator();
public void Execute(ChangeInvoiceDuedateRequest request)
if (_validator.IsDuedateValid(request.NewDuedate))
Invoice invoice = _invoiceRepository.GetById(request.Id);
throw new InvalidDueDateException();
public interface ICommand<T> where T : IRequest
void Execute(T request);
public interface IRequest
int Id { get; set; }
I worked it out. It was just a Windsor syntax issue. It ended up being as simple as registering the Command using the container.Register(Component.For<ChangeInvoiceDueDateCommand>());

What's DataService Best practice using Entity Framework and Repository and UnitOfWork Patterns

I'm using EF and MVVM pattern. My question is about the Data Access Layer. in DAL I have the following classes:
MyObjectContext which is technically the standard ObjectContext now, but some Unit-of-work methods will be added to it later.
Repository<TModel> which handles the most needed queries (such as Add, GetAll, ...) on different ObjectSets.
A bunch of DataServices which make use of repositories to provide a higher level of data access for Core.
The project I'm working on is a business application with about 100 EntitySets so far, and there are times when a single interaction of a user can involve up to 20 different EntitySets (updating most of them). I currently add .Include(params string[]) to my queries to prevent ObjectContextDisposedException but it doesn't seem to be a reliable solution.
The question is should I create an instance of MyObjectContext (and therefore Repository) in each of DataService methods (like the following codes, it seems to me that the ability of Unit of work would be useless in this case) or should I create it outside of DataService and pass it to the DataServices through their constructors (or directly to each of the DataService methods) to handle a bunch of database actions (different tables and queries) together. And how?
Here's what MyObjectContext looks like:
public class MyObjectContext : ObjectContext, IUnitOfWork
public MyObjectContext()
: base("name=EdmContainer", "EdmContainer")
ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
#region IUnitOfWork Members
public void Commit()
This is how Repository looks like:
public class Repository<TModel>
private readonly SoheilEdmContext _context;
public Repository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
if (unitOfWork == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("unitOfWork");
_context = unitOfWork as SoheilEdmContext;
public TModel FirstOrDefault(Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> where)
return _context.CreateObjectSet<TModel>().FirstOrDefault(where);
public void Add(TModel entity)
And this is how a common DataService looks like:
public class JobDataService : IDataService<Job>
#region IDataService<Job> Members
public Job GetSingle(int id)
Job model = null;
using (var context = new MyObjectContext())
var repos = new Repository<Job>(context);
model = repos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
return model;
public IEnumerable<Job> GetAll()
using (var context = new MyObjectContext())
var repos = new Repository<Job>(context);
var models = repos.GetAll();
return models;
public IEnumerable<Job> GetActives()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public int AddModel(Job model)
using (var context = new MyObjectContext())
var repos = new Repository<Job>(context);
public void UpdateModel(Job model)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void DeleteModel(Job model)
using (var context = new MyObjectContext())
var repos = new Repository<Job>(context);
var model = repos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.Id);
if (model == null) return;
Any kind of idea or insight would be appreciated.
You can create an instance of MyObjectContext in each service, like JobDataService, however, it makes your code messy and it is hard to maintain. Create instance of MyObjectContext outside of DataService is better. What you have now, if you have 100 EntitySets, you have to create 100 DataServices. That is because the use of "Repository Pattern" and "UnitOfWork" here is not efficient. I would suggest doing the following:
public class MyObjectContext : ObjectContext
public MyObjectContext() : base("name=EdmContainer", "EdmContainer")
ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
#region IUnitOfWork Members
public void Commit()
Generic Repository
public interface IRepository<TModel> where TModel : class
void Add(TModel entity);
IEnumerable<TModel> GetAll();
// Do some more implement
public class Repository<TModel> : IRepository<TModel> where TModel : class
private readonly ObjectContext _context;
public Repository(ObjectContext context)
_context = context;
public virtual void Add(TModel entity)
public virtual IEnumerable<TModel> GetAll()
return _context.CreateObjectSet<TModel>();
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
IRepository<Job> Jobs { get; }
IRepository<User> Users { get;}
void Commit();
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
private readonly SoheilEdmContext _context;
private readonly IRepository<Job> _jobRepository;
private readonly IRepository<User> _userRepository;
public UnitOfWork(SoheilEdmContext context)
_context = context;
_jobRepository = new Repository<Job>(_context);
_userRepository = new Repository<User>(_context);
public IRepository<Job> Jobs{get { return _jobRepository; }}
public IRepository<User> Users{get { return _userRepository; }}
public void Commit(){_context.Commit();}
public void Dispose()
if (_context != null)
public interface IDataService
IEnumerable<Job> GetAll();
public class DataService : IDataService
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public DataService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public IEnumerable<Job> GetAll()
return _unitOfWork.Jobs.GetAll();
Here I used interface for implementing everything, if you want to do the same, you need to use IoC Container. I used the "Simple Injector", you can find it here:
Simple Injector
One more suggestion, if you feel like you have too many I/O operations to implement, like database access, querying data, etc., you should consider using Asynchronous. Below is a good video on Asynchronous.
How to Build ASP.NET Web Applications Using Async

testing controller using MOQ calling repository

I'm very new to Mocking. In the below example i'm using Moq and trying to create a _companyRepository. However the second test has a null ref. ie Company is not instantiated.
Assert.AreEqual(viewModel.Company.Name, "MyCompany");
Think i'm missing something silly here.
public class ErrorControllerTest
private Mock<ICompanyRepository> _companyRepository;
public ErrorController CreateErrorController()
_companyRepository = new Mock<ICompanyRepository>();
_companyRepository.Setup(c => c.Get(2)).Returns(new Company {Name = "MyCompany"});
return new ErrorController(_companyRepository.Object);
public void Test()
var controller = CreateErrorController();
controller.Test(""); // action is called
var viewModel = (ErrorViewModel)controller.ViewData.Model;
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(controller.ViewData.Model, typeof(ErrorViewModel));
Assert.AreEqual(viewModel.Company.Name, "MyCompany");
public class ErrorController : Controller
private readonly ICompanyRepository _companyRepository;
public ErrorController(ICompanyRepository companyRepository)
_companyRepository = companyRepository;
public ActionResult Test()
var company = _companyRepository.Get(2);
var viewModel = new ErrorViewModel
Company = company
return View(viewModel);
this works.... Guess i didn't compile everything. Very dumb.
Tho am i doing this the right way. Appreciate any comments.