Using POST as a workaround for the URL character limit - rest

If you have an API and support the POST operation only because of URL length limitations and the passing of complex parameters in the request, can you still say that you have a RESTful architecture?
What the above basically implies is that for this particular (read-only) API, there is no semantic difference between a GET and a POST, so what can be done with a GET can also be done with a POST (but not vice versa due to the limitations).
Would this still make the style of the architecture a RESTful one?

Technically you are not violating any constraints. However you are severely reducing the self-descriptiveness of requests. This will result in the loss of the ability to cache responses. Being able to cache responses is an essential feature that is needed to build effective REST systems.

You will definitely lose functionality HTTP provides for GET requests. Proxies for instance make certain assumptions about GET requests (idempotence, cachability).
There's nothing wrong with POST perse, but maybe the REPORT method is more appropriate.

So the question here is about restful architecture not for restful web services.If we go by the information given on Wiki-RestfulArch-Constraints , Yes it is.

The term Representational State Transfer was introduced and defined in 2000 by Roy Fielding in his doctoral dissertation. Section 6.3 explains how to apply REST to HTTP:
Fielding does not claim that the use of POST is forbidden.
Wikipedia also mentions POST as a legal HTTP operation for RESTful web services:

Why don't you simply switch to including a body in the GET instead of using the query string?
The RFC says the following:
A server SHOULD
read and forward a message-body on any request; if the request method
does not include defined semantics for an entity-body, then the
message-body SHOULD be ignored when handling the request
Theres nothing in the specification that says that a body cannot be included in any of the methods. And all proxies, servers etc are obliged to include the body. It's up to the handler (you) to ignore the body or not.
As for the GET method, nothing states that it can not include a body.
This means that you can use a GET body as long as your web server supports it.


If an API only provides POST requests functions, is it RESTful?

I'm not sure I understand correctly the notion of RESTful API. If I understand correctly, such an API should provide functions you can trigger with GET, POST, PUT & DELETE requests. My question is: if an API only provides POST requests functions, is it still RESTful?
You should probably watch this lecture and read this article.
REST a such has nothing to do with how much of available HTTP methods you use. So, the quick answer is: yes, it could be considered "restful" (whatever that actually means).
Buuut ... it most likely - isn't. And it has nothing to do with the abuse of POST calls.
The main indicator for this magical "RESTfulness" has nothing really to do with how you make the HTTP request (methods and pretty URLs are pointless worthless as a determining factor).
What matters is the returned data and whether, by looking at this data, you can learn about other resources and actions, that are related the resource in any given endpoint. It's basically about the discover-ability.
REST is a misused term for some time and the community especially at Stackoverflow doesn't even care about its actual intention, the decoupling of clients from server APIs in a distributed system.
Client and server achieve the decoupling by following certain recommendations like avoiding stateful connections where client state is stored at and managed by the server, using unique identifiers for resources (URIs) and further nice-to-have features like cacheability to reduce the workload both server and clients have to perform. While Fieldings dissertation lists 6 constraints, he later on explained some further rules applications following the REST architectural style have to follow and the benefits the system gains by following these. Among these are:
The API should not depend on any single communication protocol and adhere to and not violate the underlying protocol used. Altough REST is used via HTTP most of the time, it is not restricted to this protocol.
Strong focus on resources and their presentation via media-types.
Clients should not have initial knowledge or assumptions on the available resources or their returned state ("typed" resource) in an API but learn them on the fly via issued requests and analyzed responses. This gives the server the opportunity to move arround or rename resources easily without breaking a client implementation.
So, basically, if you limit yourself only to HTTP you somehow already violate the general idea REST tries to impose.
As #tereško mentioned the Richardson maturity model I want to clarify that this model is rather nonsense in the scope of REST. Even if level 3 is reached it does not mean that this architecture follows REST. And any application that hasn't reached level 3 isn't following this architectural style anyways. Note that an application that only partially follows REST isn't actually following it. It's like either properly or not at all.
In regards to RESTful (the dissertation doesn't contain this term) usually one regards a JSON based API exposed via HTTP as such.
To your actual question:
Based on this quote
... such an API should provide functions you can trigger with GET, POST, PUT & DELETE requests
in terms of REST architectural style I'd say NO as you basically use such an API for RPC calls (a relaxed probably JSON based SOAP if you will), limit yourself to HTTP only and do not use the semantics of the underlying HTTP protocol fully; if you follow the JSON based HTTP API crowd the answer is probably it depends on who you ask as there is no precise definition of the term "RESTful" IMO. I'd say no here as well if you trigger functions rather than resources on the server.
Yes. Restful has some guidelines you should follow. As long as you use HTTP verbs correctly and good practices with regards to URLs naming having only POSTs would be OK. If, on the other hand, a POST request in your application can also delete a record, then I would not call it Restful.

Does RESTFul mean URL shouldn't contain parameters

I've heard about the conception RESTFul for a long time but I always can't understand it clearly.
I've read the links below:
What are RESTful web services?
What exactly is RESTful programming?
As my understanding, RESTFul means that the URL shouldn't contain any verb, meaning that an URL represents an unique resource. And also, the method GET shouldn't modify any resource and we should use POST to do so.
But I still have a question.
For example, if we want to search a user by his name, we can design the URL like this:
Or like this:
Can you tell me which one is RESTFul?
When you are using rest - you are accessing resources through URI's and you can set actions on these resources through the HTTP request types.
There are different parameters that you can pass through REST request , there can be resource identifiers (That are usually passed through the URI - in your case the is more restfull) or things like filters when you want to search, for example
In this post you can find more about best practices in passing parameters in rest:
REST API Best practices: Where to put parameters?
REST, to start with, is not a protocol but just an architectural style that when followed correctly decouples clients from server APIs and thus make them tolerant to changes done on the serverside. It should therefore be regarded as a design approach for distributed systems.
The difference between a protocol and an architectural style is simply that the former one defines a rule set a server or client has to follow. It should be defined as precise as possible to reduce ambiguity and thus reduce the likelihood of incompatible implementations by different vendors. The latter one just contains suggestions how to design the overall application and/or message flow and outlining the benefits one gains by adhering to the design.
By that definition, REST is a generalization of the interaction style used for browsing Web content. A Web browser is able to make use of multiple protocols such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, ... and different flavors of it while remaining independant of any server specific implementation though being capable of interacting with it as the communication is done according to the rules of the protocol used. REST does follow this approach by building up on the same protocols (most often just HTTP) which an application implementing the RESTful architeturce approach should adhere to as well to stay compatible with other users of that protocol.
Similar to a Web browser, which does not care whether the URI string contains any semantical structure, REST doesn't care how the URI is designed or if the resource is named after a verb either. Both will use the URI just to invoke a resource on the server providing the resource. A RESTful client should thus not expect a certain URI to return a certain type (= typed resources). Though how will a client know what an invoked URI will return? The keywords here are content-negotiation and media-types.
The format exchanged by both, Web browser and REST, is negotiated between client and server. While for typical Web browsers the representation is probably one of the HTML variants (i.e. XHTML, HTML 5, ...) it is not limited to it. Your browser is probably capable of processing other media types as well, i.e. pictures, videos, PDF, ... As REST is just a generalization of this idea it also should not limit itself to just XML or JSON.
Media types are thus some kind of guildlines of how to process and interpret data received in a representation format outlined by the media type. It should define the syntax and semantics of a received payload i.e. like text/html, which defines that a received representation will have a case-insensitive <html token (<xhtml in case of XHTML) near the beginning of the content and that fragment identifiers (# character in URIs) are according to URI semantics and that certain tags like A, IMG or others may define a name attribute which act as a target for anchors. It may also define a more thorough description of the syntax and how to interpret it like in case of text/vcard (vCard) (or one of its variants like application/vcard+json (jCard) or application/vcard+xml (xCard)).
As media types are one of the most important parts of the RESTful design, most effort has to be put into its creation. A client that can't deduct the next possible actions from the media type needs some out-of-band information which often is hardcoded into the client and thus couples it tightly to the API itself. If the API will change in future, the chances that the client will stop working once the changes are applied on the server are fairly high (depending on the changes).
I hope I could shed some light on the idea behind REST and that the design of URI is not of relevance to a true RESTful client/API as the client might deduct what to do with that URI based on some relation name returned for the URI and the media-type which might state that a relation name such as order can be invoked to trigger a new order with the API rather than having the client to analyze something like or http:/
Further information and reasons why RESTful APIs should follow the design closely can be found in Roy Fielding famous blog post which explains some of the constraints an API should adhere to if it follows the RESTful approach.
REST resource is a noun, no notion of behavior should be in the uri, we use verbs to indicate action we are doing. Basically there are only two types of resources: Instance and Collections. So good practise is to use plurals in the uri: users instead of user: GET - fetch collection of all users GET - fetch instance of a concrete user POST - create of a new user
REST is not a strict standard (but a list of 6 constraints) says nothing about how search feature should be implemented. But definetely your first option /users?name=test seems preferable for me: tt is straightforward and this is a huge benefit.
As alternative you may want to investigate OData protocol - it is a standard to make queryable apis. OData-like solution would be:
/users?$filter=name eq 'test'
Also Facebook APIs is a good source for inspiration.
Hope this helps

Super simple definition/explanation of "REST" [duplicate]

Looking for clear and concise explanations of this concept.
A RESTful application is an application that exposes its state and functionality as a set of resources that the clients can manipulate and conforms to a certain set of principles:
All resources are uniquely addressable, usually through URIs; other addressing can also be used, though.
All resources can be manipulated through a constrained set of well-known actions, usually CRUD (create, read, update, delete), represented most often through the HTTP's POST, GET, PUT and DELETE; it can be a different set or a subset though - for example, some implementations limit that set to read and modify only (GET and PUT) for example
The data for all resources is transferred through any of a constrained number of well-known representations, usually HTML, XML or JSON;
The communication between the client and the application is performed over a stateless protocol that allows for multiple layered intermediaries that can reroute and cache the requests and response packets transparently for the client and the application.
The Wikipedia article pointed by Tim Scott gives more details about the origin of REST, detailed principles, examples and so on.
The best explanation I found is in this REST tutorial.
REST by way of an example:
POST /user
The server responds:
200 OK
Location: /user/123
In the future, you can then retrieve the user information:
GET /user/123
The server responds:
200 OK
To update:
PUT /user/123
Frankly, the answer depends on context. REST and RESTful have meanings depending on what language or framework you're using or what you're trying to accomplish. Since you've tagged your question under "web services" I'll answer in the context of RESTful web services, which is still a broad category.
RESTful web services can mean anything from a strict REST interpretation, where all actions are done in a strict "RESTful" manner, to a protocol that is plain XML, meaning its not SOAP or XMLRPC. In the latter case, this is a misnomer: such a REST protocol is really a "plain old XML" (or "POX") protocol. While REST protocols usually use XML and as such are POX protocols, this doesn't necessarily have to be the case, and the inverse is not true (a just because a protocol uses XML doesn't make it RESTful).
Without further ado, a truly RESTful API consists of actions taken on objects, represented by the HTTP method used and the URL of that object. The actions are about the data and not about what the method does. For example, CRUD actions (create, read, update, and delete) can map to a certain set of URLs and actions. Lets say you are interacting with a photo API.
To create a photo, you'd send data via a POST request to /photos. It would let you know where the photo is via the Location header, e.g. /photos/12345
To view a photo, you'd use GET /photos/12345
To update a photo, you'd send data via a PUT request to /photos/12345.
To delete a photo, you'd use DELETE /photos/12345
To get a list of photos, you'd use GET /photos.
Other actions might be implemented, like the ability to copy photos via a COPY request.
In this way, the HTTP method you're using maps directly to the intent of your call, instead of sending the action you wish to take as part of the API. To contrast, a non-RESTful API might use many more URLs and only use the GET and POST actions. So, in this example, you might see:
To create a photo, send a POST to /photos/create
To view a photo, send a GET to /photos/view/12345
To update a photo, send a POST to /photos/update/12345
To delete a photo, send a GET to /photos/delete/12345
To get a list of photos, send a GET to /photos/list
You'll note how in this case the URLs are different and the methods are chosen only out of technical necessity: to send data, you must use a POST, while all other requests use GET.
Just a few points:
RESTFul doesn't depend on the framework you use. It depends on the architectural style it describes. If you don't follow the constraints, you're not RESTful. The constraints are defined in half a page of Chapter 5 of Roy Fielding's document, I encourage you to go and read it.
The identifier is opaque and does not cary any information beyond the identification of a resource. It's a nmae, not input data, just names. as far as the client is concerned, it has no logic or value beyond knowing how to build querystrings from a form tag. If your client builds its own URIs using a schema you've decided up-front, you're not restful.
The use or not use of all the http verbs is not really the constraint, and it's perfectly acceptable to design an architecture that only supports POST.
Caching, high decoupling, lack of session state and layered architecture are the points few talk about but the most important to the success of a RESTful architecture.
If you don't spend most of your time crafting your document format, you're probably not doing REST.
It means using names to identify both commands and parameters.
Instead of names being mere handles or monikers, the name itself contains information. Specifically, information about what is being requested, parameters for the request, etc..
Names are not "roots" but rather actions plus input data.
I've learned the most from reading the articles published on and the RESTful Web Services book (
Disclaimer: I am associated with, but this recommendation is based on my own learning experience.

Splitting hairs with REST: Does a standard JSON REST API violate HATEOAS?

I was doing some reading on REST this morning and I came across the HATEOAS principle ("hypermedia as the engine of application state").
Quoting the REST Wikipedia page:
Clients make state transitions only through actions that are dynamically identified within hypermedia by the server (e.g. by hyperlinks within hypertext). Except for simple fixed entry points to the application, a client does not assume that any particular actions will be available for any particular resources beyond those described in representations previously received from the server.
And Roy Fielding's blog:
...if the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API. Period.
I read this as: The client may only request state changes based on the actions made available from the body of the response from the server (the hypertext).
In an HTML world, this makes perfect sense. The client should only be able to request state changes (new actions/pages) based on the links made available to them through the hypertext (HTML).
When the resource is represented in other ways - such as JSON, XML, YAML etc. This is not so apparent.
Let's take an example "REST" JSON API:
I create a new resource (a new comment for example) by sending a POST request to
/comments.json? # with params...
The server responds with:
# Headers
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
... Etc.
# Body
{"id":3,"name":"Bodacious","body":"An awesome comment","post_id":"1"}
I know that I can now access this comment at the URI returned in the header:
When I visit I see:
{"id":3,"name":"Bodacious","body":"An awesome comment","post_id":"1"}
Suppose the API's documentation tells me that I can delete this comment by sending a DELETE request to the same URI. This is fairly common amongst "REST" APIs.
The response from the server at GET doesn't tell me anything about being able to delete the comment by sending a DELETE request. All it shows me is the resource.
That I can also DELETE a comment with the same URL is something the client knows through out-of-band information (the documentation) and is not discovered and driven by the response from the server.
Here, the client is assuming that the DELETE action (and possible others) are available for this resource and this information has not been previously received from the server.
Have I misunderstood HATEOAS or am I right in saying than an API matching the above description would not, in the strict sense, be a REST API?
I'm aware 100% adherence to REST is not always possible or the most pragmatic way to go. I've posted this question purely to satisfy my own curiosity about the theory behind REST, not for advice on real world best-practice.
Jon Moore gave an excellent talk in Nov 2010 about the nuts and bolts of writing a truly RESTful (i.e. HATEOAS supporting) API and client. In the first part, he suggests the JSON is not a proper media type for REST because it lacks a commonly understood way of representing links and supported HTTP methods. He argues that good ol' XHTML is actually perfect for this since tools for parsing it (i.e. XPath) are readily available, it supports forms (think GET link templating and PUT, POST, and DELETE methods) and has a well-understood way of identifying hyperlinks, plus some other advantages mainly achieved through the ability to use the API with any standard web browser (eases the jobs for devs, QA, and support staff.)
The argument I'd always made prior to watching his talk is that JSON is so much lower of bandwidth consumer than any *ML language e.g. XML, HTML, XHTML. But by using terse XHTML where possible such as relative links instead of absolute ones (hinted at but not so evident in the example he uses throughout his talk), and by using gzip compression, this argument loses a lot of weight.
I realize efforts such as JSON-Schema and other RFC's are underway to try standardizing things in JSON, but in the meantime, Moore's talk convinced me to give XHTML a try.
JSON as a hypermedia type doesn't define an identifier for application flow. HTML has link and form tag that that guide a user through a process.
If your application is only concerned with PUT, POST, DELETE, GET on a resource, your documentation could easily explain that.
However, if it were more complicated like adding a rebuttal to a comment and that rebuttal was a different resource then the comment you would need hypermedia type that would guide the consumer create the rebuttal.
You could use HTML/XHTML, Create your own 'bodacious+json' or use something else. Here are all the different media types
I'm using HAL and it has a pretty active group. Here are links to it.
The book "Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node" goes deep into hypermedia and media types. It shows how to create a media type for a specific or general purpose in XML or JSON.
A RESTful solution would be to utilise the Allow-header to inform the client of the available methods/actions:
> GET /posts/1/comments/1 HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json
< {
< "name": "Bodacious",
< "body": "An awesome comment",
< "id": "1",
< "uri": "/posts/1/comments/1"
< }
Fielding's dissertation sets out two types of metadata: representation metadata; and resource metadata.
The Allow-header in HTTP/1.1 functions as resource metadata because it describes some property of a resource; i.e. the methods it allows.
By fully utilising the features provided by HTTP you eliminate the need for any out-of-bound information, and become more RESTful.
HATEOAS in a simple HTTP context describes how a client can navigate from one representation to another by following URIs using GET, whilst the Allow-header informs the client of the additional methods supported by the resource that generated the representation.
It's a neat design; the client asked for a representation, and additionally received a whole bunch of extra metadata about the resource that enables the efficient requesting of further representations.
I think the quote you have from the Wikipedia REST page is somewhat misleading in its choice of words and hasn't helped here (N.B. It has been improved since this question was asked).
All HTTP clients have to assume that a GET-method is likely to be available for the majority of resources. They do this because support for GET and HEAD are the minimum requirements for an HTTP/1.1 server. Without this assumption the web would not function. If a client can assume GET is available, then why not make other assumptions about common methods such as DELETE, or POST?
REST and HTTP aim to leverage the power of making assumptions about a basic set of methods in order to reduce the overall volume of requests on a network; if a request succeeds there's no need for further communication; but if a request fails with status '405 Method Not Allowed', then the client is immediately in receipt of the requests that could succeed via the Allow-header:
> ANNIHILATE /posts/1/comments/1 HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/json
< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
< Content-Type: application/json
If the basic set of HTTP/1.1 methods aren't enough then you are free to define your own. However, it would be RESTful to solve problems using the available features of HTTP before defining new methods or putting metadata into the message-body.
A fully discoverable JSON API that doesn't require any out-of-band knowledge as you put it so succinctly:
"That I can also DELETE a comment with the same URL is something the client knows through out-of-band information (the documentation) and is not discovered and driven by the response from the server." completely possible. It just requires a simple standard and a client that understands the standard. Check out hm-json and the hm-json Browser project:
As you can see in the demo, absolutely no out-of-band documentation is needed - only one entry point URI from which all other resources and their HTTP methods can be discovered by browsing.
By the way, HAL as mentioned in suing's answer is very, very close to your hypothetical requirements for HATEOAS. It's a great standard and it has a lot of cool ideas like embedded resources, but it has no way of informing the client about all available HTTP methods such as DELETE for a given resource.
Another solid (and new as of May 2013) attempt at resolving HATEOAS for JSON can be found here:
The premise of your question contains an often misunderstood aspect of REST – that the API response body entity be responsible for not only communicating the representational state of the requested resource but for also communicating the over-all state of the application the resource belongs to. These two things - resource state and application state are not the same thing.
The response entity body by definition provides you the state of the resource at a point in time. But a single resource is only one of many that comprises an application. Application state is the combined states of all in scope related resources – at any point in time – from the perspective of the application consumer - human or machine. To deliver this 'application state' a level 3 REST API make possible HATEOAS.
Since Hypertext is what most people mean when referring to the 'Hyper'media in HATEOAS, the special power of hypertext is it's ability to link to other media. Further, since most experience hypertext via HTTP/HTML this tends to lead many to think hyperlinks are only possible via an anchor tag or link tag within the body of a response entity - but this is not so.
If the transport protocol is HTTP then application state can and should be communicated via headers. Specifically, one or more 'Link' HEADERS with a 'rel' attribute to provide semantics. The Link HEADER along with the ALLOW header are the HTTP mechanisms for communicating what the next possible state transitions are and how to go about accessing them.
If you decide to not use these built-in mechanisms than your options are to try and communicate the application state by 'piggy-backing' on your resource state communication channel i.e. the response body, which leads to trying to devise some form of additional specification into the design of the resource itself.
When this is done - 'piggy-backing'- many run into content-type issues because the response body has to be specified by a MIME/Content-type like XML or JSON which means figuring out how to implement the HATEOAS mechanisms via some custom content-type specific format like custom XML tags or key:value pairs of nested object. You can do this, many do - e.g. see json-api suggestion above, but again HTTP already provides mechanisms for this.
I think it goes to us as humans always thinking we have to see or be able to click on these links as in the normal web use-case but we are talking about APIs that I can only assume are being built not for human consumption but for machine consumption - right? The fact that headers - which are there by the way as part of the response - are not visible in most human interfaces to HTTP i.e. browsers is not an issue with REST but rather an implementation limitation of the HTTP Agents on the market.
Hope this helps. BTW if you want a good human browser for APIs google 'Paw API Browser'

Give me a example of non-RESTful design?

I learned the term "RESTful" as a Rails developer. After reading wikipedia, also here and here.
I don't get it. It seems to me, Rails is only using a concise way to describe URLs. It seems to me every URI is RESTful, in it's designed scope.
For example, I think GET /delete?student_id=3 is RESTful in the scope the the application itself.
Can anybody tell me which constrict does it violate? Please refer the constrict from the REST definition.
A GET request should be idempotent and the request should not leave any side-effects on the server. Quoting from the HTTP spec sec 9.1.1:
In particular, the convention has been established that the GET and HEAD methods SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action other than retrieval. These methods ought to be considered "safe". This allows user agents to represent other methods, such as POST, PUT and DELETE, in a special way, so that the user is made aware of the fact that a possibly unsafe action is being requested.
Therefore GET /delete?student_id=3 already violates the idempotency assumption of the GET verb, since it will delete a record on the server.
A RESTful interface is a uniform interface, which in other words means that a GET is supposed to behave as required by the HTTP spec. And this is what the spec says:
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an
entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers
to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be
returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the
process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.
It seems to me, Rails is only using a
concise way to describe URLs. It seems
to me every URI is RESTful, in it's
designed scope.
URIs are neither RESTful or non-RESTful. REST is an architectural style for which you need to consider the overall application.
GET is the method for the retrieval request. If you want to put this in the context of the REST dissertation, if your GET request has side-effects, it will then break a few other constraints, for example regarding the cache.
You could also potentially design a RESTful system where a GET /delete?student_id=3 request gives you a representation telling you (or asking you to confirm) that you want to delete that student, so long as it doesn't actually perform the delete operation.
A GET should be safe to be RESTful, but obviously combined with a delete it is unsafe.
So it looks RESTful but doesn't act RESTful. So it fails the duck test.
See Section 5.1.5. Your example violates the uniform interface constraint. It does this by violating the HTTP spec.