MPMediaItemCollection Delete selected que/collection? - iphone

I am currently looking at Apple's AddMusic example and playing around with it before I start rewriting it into my application.
I noticed that it makes its own little playlist of the songs qued. I want to use the swipe action on the table view to remove songs that a use clicked by mistake.
I have implemented the swipe action but can't work out a way to delete that specific row?
Any idea would be great, below is the code to add it. I tried doing the reverse with no luck. If it's not possible how should I go about it?
MainViewController *mainViewController = (MainViewController *) self.delegate;
MPMediaItemCollection *currentQueue = mainViewController.userMediaItemCollection;
MPMediaItem *anItem = (MPMediaItem *)[currentQueue.items objectAtIndex: row];

An MPMediaItemCollection is immutable, ie. you can't change the items. You need to create a new one with all items less the one you want to remove. See below:
NSArray* items = [currentQueue items];
NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[items count]];
[array addObjectsFromArray:items];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:row];
MPMediaItemCollection* newCollection = [MPMediaItemCollection collectionWithItems:array];
Be careful to not create an empty collection. It's not allowed and the MPMediaItemCollection will raise an exception.


Display JSON as List in ViewController (Not in TableView)

I am producing a JSON string that I need to parse out and display onto the page. My JSON string outputs information about the contents of a CD like this:
[{"song_name":"Song 1","artist":"John","price":"$1"},
{"song_name":"Song 2","artist":"Anna","price":"$2"},
{"song_name":"Song 3","artist":"Ryan","price":"$3"}]
I would like to display the contents in my viewController in a list format displaying the song_name, artist, and price. I do not want to use a tableView to display this information, but would rather just have a list displayed. How might I go about doing this? I would assume that I need to use NSJSONSerialization, but have only used that for a tableView in the past. Thank you!
In addition to other answers, you can use only one label, just create NSMutableString (for dynamicly adding tracks info) with #"\n" between tracks info, pass it to label.text and set UILabel's property numberOfLines to 0
Follow these steps:
Parse the JSON and store the key-value pair(NSDictionary of CDs) in an NSArray (say infoArray)
Add a UIScrollview as a subview on your viewController's view.
Allocate UILabels dynamically, depending on infoArray count. Looking at your data I believe you can initialize labels with static frames i.e your y can remain static.
Add the text from the infoArray on this label.
Still, I would suggest use UITableView only. It is much simpler and a better approach
You make an array of dictionaries using NSJSONSerialization indeed, then you parse this array one by one and create a view of every dictionary. You're probably best of using a method for this:
-(UIView *) listView: (NSString *)songName andArtist:(NSString *)artist andPrice:(NSString *)price andIndex:(int)viewIndex {
//create your view here and do anything you want
UIView *subView = [[UIView alloc] init] autoRelease];
subView.frame = CGRectMake(0, viewIndex * 70, self.view.frame.width, 70);
//add labels and other stuff
// return the view
return subView;
The you add it to the current view by setting different Y values so they appear underneath each other by using the viewIndex of the former method... So if you have an array it goes something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < [array count]; i++) {
NSDictionary *dict = [array objectAtIndex:i];
NSString *songName = [dict valueForKey:#"song_name"];
NSString *artist = [dict valueForKey:#"artist"];
NSString *price = [dict valueForKey:#"price"];
UIView *tempView = [self listView:songName andArtist:artist andPrice:price andIndex:i];
[self.view addSubView:tempView];
You have to add it all to a scrollview otherwise you will run into the problem of to many rows on the page. Google for UIScrollView if you don't know how.
But I would recommend against this approach.. Tableviews are there with a reason. They are made for this stuff. Because the also provide for scrolling, drawing and refreshing. If you can, use them!

How to store NSTimeInterval values into a NSMutableArray?

I have a requirement where i have a Video that is played using MPMediaPlayerController. Along with the video i have two buttons where i need to capture the current playback time when the button are clicked and store all the relevant clicks individually. I am able to get the current playback time of the video using "currentPlaybackTime" property which returns NSTimeInterval. But can someone help me in how to store all the NSTimeInterval values into an NSMutableDictionary. I have tried the following ways:
-(void)onClickOfGood {
NSLog(#"The current playback time in good:%g",moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime);
currentPlaybackTime = moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime;
//NSArray *arrayContainsGoodClicks = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:currentPlaybackTime, nil ];
NSNumber *goodTimeIntervals = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:currentPlaybackTime];
NSMutableArray *arrayContainsGoodClicks = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:goodTimeIntervals,nil ];
NSLog(#"The total count of Array is: %i",[arrayContainsGoodClicks count]);}
But everytime after the click of good button i am getting the Array count as only 1. Can someone please throw a light on where i am going wrong?
But everytime after the click of good button i am getting the Array count as only 1.
This is not surprising, considering that you are creating a brand-new NSMutableArray on the previous line.
To fix this, you need to make NSMutableArray *arrayContainsGoodClicks an instance variable (AKA ivar), initialize it to [NSMutableArray array] in your designated initializer, and then use
[arrayContainsGoodClicks addObject:goodTimeIntervals];
to add objects to the array.
If you are looking to use NSMutableDictionary instead, the strategy would be identical, except you would need to decide on an object that you would like to use as unique keys to your NSDictionary. Also remember that NSMutableDictionary is not ordered, so you might need to take care of sorting each time you display your dictionary items to users.
You need to create arrayContainsGoodClicks only once (in init method for example) and then add value to this array in your button handler:
NSMutableArray *arrayContainsGoodClicks;
//.m - init
arrayContainsGoodClicks = [NSMutableArray array];
//.m - button handler
[arrayContainsGoodClicks addObject:goodTimeIntervals];
You need to create your array and store it as a ivar.
#property (retain, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *clicksArray;
#synthesize clicksArray;
Now in your -init method create the array like..
self.clicksArray = [NSMutableArray array];
And add the object to the array each time so your -onClickOfGood would become something like...
[self.clicksArray addObject: goodTimeIntervals];
NSLog(#"The total count of Array is: %i",[self.clicksArray count]);

Iphone tableView index position/setting

Sorry if I missed anything about this but I have a table view with 2 large sections and an index to navigate between sections:
- (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
NSMutableArray *listArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
listArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:[#"S|H"componentsSeparatedByString:#"|"]];
return listArray;}
Since I only have 2 sections the top index "S" is at the top and "H" is at the extreme bottom of the screen.
Is there any way to reposition those two index letters to be located at the center? (or at least near each other)
I don't think so - positioning the labels is really up to the OS, and finally it meets user expectation.
Your code leaks an NSMutableArray though, as you first alloc/init an array, and then reassign the variable to another array.
Also, arrayWithArray: is overkill here.
Make it
NSArray *listArray = [#"S|H"componentsSeparatedByString:#"|"];
or better yet
NSArray *listArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"S", #"H", nil];

Hide UIToolbar UIBarButtonItems

I have a UIToolbar that I set up using IB with three buttons, left, middle and right. In some situations I would like to not display the middle button. Does anybody know of a way to hide a specific button on inside a UIToolBar? There is no hide property, all I can find is setEnable but this still leaves the button causing users to wonder what its purpose is. I would like to only display it in situations that it actually has a use.
Thanks in advance!
Reset the items:
-(void)setItems:(NSArray *)items animated:(BOOL)animated
You can get the current items using the items property, then just remove the one you don't want to show and pass in the new NSArray.
As you can see, you can also animate it to make it clear to the user.
Rather than guessing at the index, I added an IBOutlet for the UIBarButtonItem and then removed it by name:
NSMutableArray *toolBarButtons = [self._toolbar.items mutableCopy];
[toolBarButtons removeObject:self._selectButton]; // right button
[self._toolbar setItems:toolBarButtons];
And of course it helps to connect the outlets in the designer :)
This is how i did it.. too much headache but its the best i could come up with :
NSArray *toolBarArray = toolBar.items;
NSMutableArray *newToolBarArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:toolBarArray];
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:2];
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:1];
//remove whatever buttons you want to.
NSArray *finalTabBarArray =[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:newToolBarArray, nil];
[toolBar setItems:[finalTabBarArray objectAtIndex:0] animated:NO];
I know it is quite old thread for but those who look this page for solution, here you go :
With iOS7, you can use this approach to show/hide your toolbar button :
if(// your code Condition)
{ self.toolbarBtn1.enabled = YES;
self.toolbarBtn1.tintColor = nil; }
{ self.toolbarBtn1.enabled = NO;
self.toolbarBtn1.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor]; }
This does not work here because the array you are sending with setItem is not what the function expects.
I had to replace the line:
NSArray *finalTabBarArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:newToolBarArray, nil];
with this one:
NSArray *finalTabBarArray = [newToolBarArray copy];
Then it works perfectly.
Mohit's answer is one that I have used, but you dont need to specifically make it a NSArray that the toolbar sets. You can just set the array of items as a NSMutableArray. No real advantage that I am aware off but its a few lines less code. And that way you can take the array and move about UIButton objects as you would any other array with objects and then just reset the toolbar with that mutable array.
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:2];
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:1];
[toolBar setItems:newToolBarArray];

iPhone - Sort UITableView by Array Index

I have an UITableView set up with a NSArray with 10 indexes. Right now, the first cell on the uitableview is the first index, the second cell is the second index, and so on so forth. Is there any way to make it so that the first cell displays the latest index? Maybe through some code in the uitableview delegate because I am adding data to the NSArray. What that means is that there aren't 10 indexes right off the bat.
If anyone as an answer, help is much appreciated.
Each time that you get a new item of data, you add it to the start of your array, not to the end. Then just call [self.tableView reloadData] and it should just work.
You can use insertObject:atIndex: to add to the start of the array:
[myArray insertObject:newData atIndex:0];
(see here for docs)
Somewhere in your code you're probably doing something like this (where items is your NSArray object):
cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
Instead, do:
cell.textLabel.text = [items objectAtIndex:([items count] - 1) - indexPath.row];