MongoDB without the Database? - mongodb

Is it possible to use MongoDB without the database part? As really for my application what would be ideal is to just keep the database in memory, and not actually require a database server. The use case for this is to pretty much wrap a selector/query engine around a series of documents that only exist in memory temporarily - once the session is over, we can don't care for the documents anymore.
Thanks guys, the application is in Node.js. If MongoDB can't do this, do you have any recommendations?

As far as I know that's not possible, but you could easily create a new collection per session and drop it when the session finishes.

You could use Memcached.
Here is a side=-by-side comparison of the two

You could try running MongoDB with the following option, which effectively stops it from flushing data to disk. Of course, if you don't have enough RAM, the OS may decide to do precisely that.
--syncdelay 0

MongoDB without the database is nothing. What you want is Memcached or something built on top of Memcached...or you use MongoDB with a RAM disk as database directory. But as far as you gave us information: there is nothing in your app where you are using MongoDB specific functionality....the right tool for each task....appearantly you are using the wrong tool.


Choosing DB for my big table

I have a table with something like 60gb in my DB (using ram memory) that I want to get out to other DB... It's only one table with two columns (ID and text). And the only thing that iam doing on this DB is simple write and read request (1 object each time by id). This DB should get a lot of read and write request (web application). Iam wondering should I use mongodb or elastic or maybe there are something better for me?
Sounds like a key-value store problem. Though both MongoDB and Elasticsearch should work well for it too. What are you using now — Redis or Memcached maybe?
Do you know the size of the value (text)?
I assume you have (at least) one other datastore for other workloads in your system. Maybe you can use the same for multiple tasks? Reusing operational knowledge is definitely a win.
Other than that there is not enough information to make a hard argument for any system IMO.

MongoDB disk space reclamation

I am familiar both with the MongoDB repairDatabase and compact commands, but these both seem to lock the database and/or collection. Is there another way to reclaim deleted disk space without essentially shutting down the database? What are best practices in this area? Thanks!
Best practice would probably depend on your schema and what your application does. Here's my use case, perhaps you can learn something... My application is storing very large amounts of time stamped data samples. Deleting data from a very large store is a very expensive operation, this gets more complicated when you try doing this on live systems. MongoDB had several issues in the past with reclaiming the disk space back to OS and we had to dance around this, not sure how good it works now. But what we did solved everything for good - we partitioned the data in such way so that we could dispose of old stuff by simply dumping entire database. Dropping mongodb database is a very cheap and efficient operation, almost instantaneous even when you drop a TB. Note that dropping collection is not as effective as dropping database, this was actually a key to the solution. For doing this we had to redesign the schema.. Your case of course could be different, but the lesson learned is that deleting data from large storage is very expensive.
The best method currently is to run a Master Slave Setup.
Shutdown 1 mongod instance and let it resync.
More details here: Reducing MongoDB database file size

understand MongoDB cache system

This is a basic question, but very important, and i am not sure to really get the point.
On the official documentation we can read
MongoDB keeps all of the most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all queries from memory.
The part i am not sure to understand is
If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM
what does mean "indexes" here?
For example, if i update a model, then i query it, because i have updated it, it's now in RAM so it will come from the memory, but this is not very clear in my mind.
How can we be sure that datas we query will come from the memory or not? I understand that MongoDB uses the free memory to cache datas about the memory which is free on the moment, but does someone could explain further the global behavior ?
In which case could it be better to use a variable in our node server which store datas than trust the MongoDB cache system?
How do you globally advise to use MongoDB for huge traffic?
Note: This was written back in 2013 when MongoDB was still quite young, it didn't have the features it does today, while this answer still holds true for mmap, it does not for the other storage technologies MongoDB now implements, such as WiredTiger, or Percona.
A good place to start to understand exactly what is an index:
After you have brushed up on that you will udersand why they are so good, however, skipping forward to some of the more intricate questions.
How can we be sure that datas we query will come from the memory or not?
One way is to look at the yields field on any query explain(). This will tell you how many times the reader yielded its lock because data was not in RAM.
Another more indepth way is to look on programs like mongostat and other such programs. These programs will tell you about what page faults (when data needs to be paged into RAM from disk) are happening on your mongod.
I understand that MongoDB uses the free memory to cache datas about the memory which is free on the moment, but does someone could explain further the global behavior ?
This is actually incorrect. It is easier to just say that MongoDB does this but in reality it does not. It is in fact the OS and its own paging algorithms, usually the LRU, that does this for MongoDB. MongoDB does cache index plans for a certain period of time though so that it doesn't have to constantly keep checking and testing for indexes.
In which case could it be better to use a variable in our node server which store datas than trust the MongoDB cache system?
Not sure how you expect that to work...I mean the two do quite different things and if you intend to read your data from MongoDB into your application on startup into that var then I definitely would not recommend it.
Besides OS algorithms for memory management are extremely mature and fast, so it is ok.
How do you globally advise to use MongoDB for huge traffic?
Hmm, this is such a huge question. Really I would recommend you Google a little in this subject but as the documentation states you need to ensure your working set fits into RAM for one.
Here is a good starting point: What does it mean to fit "working set" into RAM for MongoDB?
MongoDB attempts to keep entire collections in memory: it memory-maps each collection page. For everything to be in memory, both the data pages, and the indices that reference them, must be kept in memory.
If MongoDB returns a record, you can rest assured that it is now in memory (whether it was before your query or not).
MongoDB doesn't keep a "cache" of records in the same way that, say, a web browser does. When you commit a change, both the memory and the disk are updated.
Mongo is great when matched to the appropriate use cases. It is very high performance if you have sufficient server memory to cache everything, and declines rapidly past that point. Many, many high-volume websites use MongoDB: it's a good thing that memory is so cheap, now.

ElasticSearch vs. MongoDB for Caching User Data

Up to this point, I have been using MongoDB (Node.js + Mongoose) to save posts which belong to a user, so that I can later retrieve them to display in a stream (just like Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
It recently became necessary to allow the user to deeply search his stream; MongoDB's search was insufficient, so I implemented ElasticSearch on my servers (Amazon EC2 m1.large instances running CentOS, FWIW).
My question: I'm now in a position that I'm duplicating the data between MongoDB (where the user's stream is cached) and ElasticSearch (where it is searched).
Is there any disadvantage to moving my cache ENTIRELY into ElasticSearch, getting rid of the MongoDB all together? It seems a waste to double the storage, and there's no other place that I'm accessing this data (it is only used when presenting/searching the stream of posts).
Specifically, I want to make sure I'm not overlooking anything re: performance. I like the idea of reducing MongoDB as a bottleneck, yet I worry about the memory overhead of ElasticSearch. MongoDB runs on its own server in my cloud setup, whereas ElasticSearch is running on the same instances as node.js. This means I would have MORE ElasticSearch servers (the node.js servers are in an auto-scaling array), but they each are not DEDICATED servers (unlike MongoDB).
The only big obstacle to using ES as a "primary datasource" is that there isn't a good backup mechanism right now. The ES team is working on it and expect it to be out by the end of the year, but in the mean time, you'll have to implement your own backup scripts.
As far as performance, it's really hard to say because almost every situation is unique. ES benefits from memory - so more is always better. In particular, sorts/filters/facets/geo all like to eat memory. If you aren't doing much in the way of faceting, for example, you may be fine with less memory.
ES doesn't need to run on a dedicated node...but it will happily use as many resources as you give it.
Another option is to use just the elastic search indexes. You can choose to not save data in a readable format, so you search in ES and then retrieve documents from MongoDB to your user as needed.
The question bellow comments exactly on that.
Storing only selected fields and not storing _all in pyes/elasticsearch

Is Memcache recommended when using MongoDB?

I would like to know if Memcache is recommended when using a NoSQL database like mongoDB.
The concept of using memcache stems from the idea that you have "extra RAM" sitting around somewhere. Both MongoDB and MySQL (and most DBs) will take every meg of RAM that they can get.
In the case of the very common MySQL / Memcache, it is very well documented that using Memcache is more about reducing query load on the server than it is about speeding up queries. A good memcache implementation basically just tries to keep the most common data in memory so that the database server can churn away on bigger stuff.
In fact, it's been my experience that use of memcache generally becomes a reliance on memcache to maintain system performance.
So back to the original question, where do you have extra RAM?
If you have extra RAM on web servers, you may be able to use Memcache. Of course, you could also run Mongo locally on the web server. Just slave the data you need from the master.
If you have extra RAM on other computers, then there's not really a point in using memcache. Just add more nodes to your MongoDB replica set or shard. This is where MongoDB actually shines. Because of sharding / replication, you can add more RAM to Mongo Horizontally to increase performance. With SQL it's very difficult to "just add more servers" because joins don't scale very well. But with Mongo, it's quite possible to simply "add more nodes" to a problem.
MongoDB stores everything in memory anyway and works in a similar vein, being a key-value based system, however I believe MongoDB is more flexible, as it allows for storing BSON objects within themselves.
(Just for clarification, MongoDB uses BSON, a specialised form of JSON, for storing all its data, which includes objects within objects.)
At first no. If you run into performance problems later add a caching layer (memcache). But you won't gain anything if you're going to use Redis for example, as Redis already stores everything in memory.
The answer would depend on your use cases.
In general, accessing RAM is orders of magnitude faster than accessing disk.
Even the fastest SSD drives are about 100 times slower to access than RAM.
Now, I don't know if Mongo has a caching system in place (most likely it does), or what the eviction policy is, but as a programmer i would prefer a cache where i can store/retrieve and delete items at will. Therefore i would prefer using a caching solution even with Mongo.
In summary, it really depends what you are using these solutions for. There is no one answer to cover all possible uses.