How to retrive cellular network information from XCode, iPhone? - iphone

Is there any APIs available in which can provide me with the following details:
Signal Quality
Country Code
Network Code
Area Code
Cell ID
Base Station ID
GPRS Base Station ID
Signal Strength;
Max Signal Strength
But what I need if it is not available to retrive Signal Strength in dbm
Note: I can get this information manually by dialing 3001#12345# as shown in the following screen shot from my iPhone (Signal Strength showed in the upper left corner in dbm):

Apple has not officially provided any API to calculate the signal strength.
But you can refer to official Core Telephony framework (CTCarrier Class) to get some of the details such as Country Code,Network Code etc.


How to get raw ECG data with BLE

I'm currently working on a holter monitor. I can successfully show the heart rate (bpm) using the Heart Rate Measurement (0x2A37) characteristic of Bluetooth. But I want to show an ECG line graph so I need the raw heart data, with the voltage amounts specified. I can reach some other information such as RR-interval and sensor contact status (with this characteristic) but I don't know how to get the raw data itself. Is it possible that I'm missing a feature of this characteristic, or is there any other way I can get this data? I'm using an AD8232 heart monitor.
The GATT Heart Rate Service doesn't provide access to the raw signal (see Gatt specifications).
If you have access to the hardware platform you will have to write a custom service and characteristic that supports notification, and forward the data from the sensor onto this.
You'll then have to write the matching app-side code to get this data and convert it into a usable format.

How to post Advertisements from an IPhone Device which acts as iBeacon?

i want to know some details about iBeacons. Couple of days back i created a sample project where i turned my iOS Device into an iBeacon and i tracked down that iBeacon with another device, i am also getting the proximity distance between my Device and the beacon.
So my question is Is it possible to post some advertisements from my device which acting as iBeacon?
How to configure that?
All i wanted to know is how the iBeacon Configuration done to send the data?
Some one please help me out
An iBeacon "advertisement" is just a constant transmission of a four part identifier that signifies a unique device. It only contains four fields:
proximityUUID (a 16 byte UUID usually expressed in the form 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
major (a number from 0 to 65535)
minor (a number from 0 to 65535)
power (a number from 127 to -128)
That's it. You can't make an iBeacon send any more data than that. It doesn't matter if the device acting as an iBeacon is your phone, an iPad, a Mac computer, or a small battery-powered unit.
If you want to tie other data to an iBeacon, you have to do it through another channel, by some kind of lookup that matches the data up with the identifiers above. You can do this with a static lookup table in your app, a web service, or a CoreBluetooth communication channel. But you have to code that yourself.

Is there a way that I can get the SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) using CaptiveNetwork?

Is there a way that I can get the SNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio) of a wifi AP using CaptiveNetwork? If there isn't, is the Wifi device on the iPhone capable of doing so? Also, I can't seem to get the signal strength of any wifi AP using CaptiveNetwork. It only gives me SSID, BSSID and SSIDDATA. Thanks!
The answer is 'No' if using CaptiveNetwork.
However, if you do not plan to submit your app to Appstore, you could use the private API - Apple80211 on a jailbroken device.
You'll be able to obtain a bunch of info like RSSI, Rate, Channel etc as shown Here

Accessing network info in iPhone

Hi guys i want to access following info in my application
The received level network strength.
The received network signal quality.
network Cell ID.
The neighbor cells signal strength.
Is the mobile on GSM [2G] or on the UMTS [3G].
Mobile IMEI [international Mobile Equipment Identity].
Call events : a dropped call, a blocked call.
is it possible to access them.i don't want to submit app on app's for my person use .please suggest me some way.
You can use the SystemConfiguration framework to track the signal strength. You can check this sample code for more information:
Yes, It is possible. Check the UIDevice class refeence for more info

Is iPhone Proximity detection possible with Bluetooth?

Would it be possible to fill a building with 20 - 30 bluetooth devices that act as proximity detectors and write an app that can calculate location in the building based on distance from the current detected sensors.
I've looked at the GameKit API, but I don't see anything about calculating distance from devices.
Can someone point me in the direction of an Apple API, or a 3rd party API that can be used for this kind of application.
We don't get the low level BlueTooth or WiFi control that would be required to do this. So unless you jailbreak you can't.
Low level Bluetooth can provide RSSI and Trasmit power level at the maximum for any kind of proximity indications.
As I understand it is extremely difficult to calculate the distance from these reliably.
Location services is surprisingly good at estimating location even in a residential area with only secured wireless APs detectable. But how you would add your APs into that DB, I don't know.