Highlight current menu item lift - lift

How can I determine the page I am currently on in Lift?
In django, for example, in my base template I had simple checks like these:
<li {% ifequal main_navigation "home" %} class="selected"{%endifequal%}>
<li {% ifequal main_navigation "risk"%}class="selected"{%endifequal%}>
<li {% ifequal main_navigation "contact" %}class="selected"{%endifequal%}>
here, the if determines what the context variable main_navigation is set to.

I'm assuming you're using the sitemap for your menu.
When rendering the menu with the Menu.builder snippet you can use additional parameters to further tweak the menu. This example will render only the first level of the menu and adds class current to the menu item if it's the current page.
designer friendly example:
<div class="lift:Menu.builder?level=0;expand=false;li_item:class=current"></div>
<lift:Menu.builder li_item:class="selected" level="0" expand="false" />
for more details see the lift wiki: http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/liftweb/SiteMap

If you use Lift's SiteMap and Menu functionality, I think this is taken care of automatically. You can read about it here: http://simply.liftweb.net/index-3.2.html#toc-Subsection-3.2
To answer your broader question, within a Snippet (not a template), you can use LiftRules.context, which returns an HTTPContext including a path attribute.


Ionic sortable list with options on drop place

I was wondering if there's someone who can give me something to start for the following situation:
We have a sortable list (standard ionic) where I need some options on the drop place. I'll try to explain it with an example.
<li>list item 1</li>
<li>list item 2</li>
<li>list item 3</li>
<li name="dropplace">
<span name="option1"></span>
<span name="option2"></span>
<span name="option3"></span>
<li>list item 4</li>
depending on which option the user drops the list item, another actions needs to happen.
I don't know how to begin on the following:
- when dragging, create the drop place with the options
- link the dragging list item to one of the options when hovering
- Do an action when dropping on one of the options
Thanks in advance!
I'm quite sure Ionic does not provide a sortable widget out of the box. You can use this one, for example, which is basically an AngularJS wrapper around jQuery Sortable Widget. You'll be able to capture the drop event easily and to perform whatever other tasks you need.

Scala | Lift | How to make across menu

<div class="lift:Menu.builder"/>
menu on website is vertically, any ideas because i cant found anywhere, how to make menu across ?
This is more a CSS question than a Lift question. The HTML produced for the menu looks something like this:
<div class="column span-6 colborder sidebar">
<hr class="space" />
<li> <span>Home</span></li>
<li> Login</li>
<li> Sign Up</li>
<li> Lost Password</li>
<li> Search</li>
I.e., about as vanilla as possible, so it's very easy to add some CSS to create a horizontal menu out of the list—see for example the "Horizontal lists" examples on Listamatic.
It would be simplest just to add the CSS code to the header in src/main/webapp/templates-hidden/default.html, but you could also use your own separate CSS file without too much fuss.

Typo3: adding elements inside an list item <LI>

Im trying to get something like this:
<h3>Some header</h3>
<p>Some text</p>
inside a Text element, but when I try to apply the blocktype to the content of the <li>, it applies it to the whole content.
Im using rtehtmlarea. What can I do?
Strange - this works in my installation. You should check the RTE configuration in page TSconfig. I assume something like this:
RTE.default.proc {
allowTagsOutside = img,hr,[your Tags]
Another suggestion is: Disable the Rich Text Editor (there is a checkbox below the textarea), enter your tags, then enable it again. The tag structure should be preserved.
If not, drop me a line, I will post my RTE configuration.
If you need a waterproof solution, try playing around with your RTE.default typoscript.

jQtouch toggal checkbox change default position to On

I am using jQtouch for my iPhone application,
I need to check box filed, in jQtouch we have the code below like this.
Toggle The <span class="toggle"><input type="checkbox"/></span>
By using this code we can display the
On-Off image, in the it will be by default off position.
But I need the 'On' position by default.
can you some one help me out for this.
The simplest solution is to add "checked" to the <input> tag:
Toggle The <span class="toggle"><input type="checkbox" checked/></span>
IF you want to handle programmaticaly:
$('toggle input[type="checkbox"]').attr('checked', true)
If you put that in your .Ready() (or page loaded function) the checkbox will be checked by default.
I would recommend that you give the Checkbox an id so that you can specify exactly which you want to change:
Toggle The <span class="toggle"><input id="myCheckbox" type="checkbox"/></span>
Then use:
$('#myCheckbox').attr('checked', true)

Bullets and numbering within reports

How do you add a bullet list and stylized numbered list using JasperReports?
Add static text (or a text field).
Set Markup in the Properties panel to: html
Use the following HTML markup in the text:
<li>bulleted item 1</li>
<li>bulleted item 2</li>
<li>ordered item 1</li>
<li>ordered item 2</li>
The problem starts, where we want to do automatic numbering without CSS styles. I solved this by implementing own JRDataSource.