Return value handling of init message - iphone

I understand that the return value of UIColor initWithRed needs to be handled,
(see my previous question for reference.)
Now my question is, why would
UIView *myUIView = [UIView alloc];
[myUIView initWithFrame:myCGRect];
worked successfully. I didn't handle the return value that initWithFrame returns!
Or did I just get it all wrong?

alloc and init has the same return value in this case. The init method just modifies the object created by alloc, so it returns the same object as alloc.

This will almost always not be a problem. (For UIView it won't be)
It is acceptable for an object to return something different from init, however, so as a practice you should use the value returned from that.
UIView *myUIView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:myCGRect];


property assign

If I have one property like this, what is the diference of assign the value of the property of the first mode and the second mode?
#interface Prueba : NSObject{
CustomeClass *_cclass;
#property(nonatomic, retain)CustomeClass *cclass;
#implementation Prueba
#synthesize cclass = _cclass
- (void)config{
// 1 This
self.cclass = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
// 2 This or
CustomeClass *cc = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
self.cclass = cc;
[cc release];
Your first example gives you an object with a retain count of two (wrong), whereas your second example gives you an object with retain count of one (right). The second method is preferred in non-ARC projects. Alternatively, you could also do either set the ivar yourself (which I don't like because you're not using the setter):
_cclass = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
or use the setter as your examples do, but do an autorelease (which I don't like because you shouldn't defer your releases unless you have to):
self.cclass = [[[CustomeClass alloc] init] autorelease];
In your non-ARC project, your original second example is best (using a pointer, using your property's setter, then releasing your pointer), because for KVO you want to get in the habit of using the setter:
CustomeClass *cc = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
self.cclass = cc;
[cc release];
There is no difference in the result except that in the second method you create an additional pointer. In both versions self.cclass will hold your object just fine.
The problem is that when you only release the object in your second mode, in the first mode you'll have a memory leak. Since the retainCount of an object is +1 when you allocate it, you assign a +1 object through your setter. This means, that you actually bump up the retainCount again. Now if you don't release the object after assigning it to your property, once it gets released from there the retainCount will only be reduced by 1. Thus letting an object with a retainCount of +1 float around in the memory, lost forever.
But because you are already asking about a better version, I want to introduce lazy instantiation to you. What you can do, is that you overwrite the getter method of the property in question and check if it has been allocated yet. If not, you allocate it inside your getter method and then return it. It would look something like this:
- (CustomeClass*) cclass
_cclass = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
return _cclass;
With this method you assign a +1 retained object to an internal variable, thus bypassing the setter and not increasing the retainCount. Also it's memory friendly, because you object only gets instantiated when you really need it. Now when you set your property to nil or some new object, the old object will be properly deallocated.
In response to Robert Ryan's comment I want to add the following:
This does not break KVO, or interfere with the assigned qualifies for your properties. If your property is marked as assign or weak, then lazy instantiation doesn't really make sense. If it's marked as retain or strong this way of instantiating an object is perfectly fine, especially when it is a property which you would assign anyway inside a config method.
Regarding KVO: the value which is assigned inside the getter can be seen as the initial/default value, so KVO still works. It will trigger when you use the setter to assign something else to the property. You wouldn't want KVO to trigger because of a default value, would you?

Return customized UIButton in method?

I have a method that takes a UIButton, modifies its properties and returns a UIButton. However, it doesn't ever seem to be initialized. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong with the memory management here, but don't exactly know how to fix it. No runtime errors occur.
It is called like so...
newGameBtn = [self customButtonFromButton:newGameBtn
withText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"NEW GAME"]
withBorderColor:[UIColor orangeColor]
[dashboardContainer addSubview:newGameBtn];
The method is defined as follows...
- (UIButton*) customButtonFromButton:(UIButton*)button withText:(NSString*)text withFontSize:(int)fontSize withBorderColor:(UIColor*)borderColor isSilent:(BOOL)isSilent {
button = [[[UIButton alloc] init] autorelease];
// Set properties from parameters
// Other conditional custom stuff here
return button;
NOTE: newGameBtn is of type UIButton* and is initialized with:
newGameBtn = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom] retain];
Another option might be to subclass UIButton, but I figured I'd try to fix this since I've already walked down this path.
You should use +[UIButton buttonWithType:] when creating buttons to get a properly initialized button.
Most classes are not properly initialized by the default -[NSObject init] method. So please look at the class reference, or superclass reference, for a usable initialization method.
In this case you should also set a frame.
You don't modify this button with your method, you're creating a completely new one with alloc-init!
If you want to change the button in your first argument just remove the first line of your method

Calling -initWithFrame: on super class

Can someone help me understanding as why do we call an initialization method on super first before initializing. I came across a piece of code in a subclass of UIView and wanted to know that here myMethod is always getting called that means I am not getting the frame set in UIView, then why are we doing this and using an if condition.
self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 100)];
if(self != nil) {
[self myMethod:data];
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
return self;
Let's say I have a UIView subclass called SpinningView. The code to create spinningView would look like this:
SpinningView *spinner = [[SpinningView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 20.0)]
Now let's take a look at the implementation of SpinningView's -initWithFrame: method
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self)
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
return self;
The first line is simple assignment. We're assigning ourselves to the result of UIView's implementation of -initWithFrame:
We use the if statement to see if self is even valid. If it's not we just return it. If it is, we configure it.
This is simply calling the constructor of the super class (in this case UIView).
You need to call UIView's constructor to make sure that all the variables you don't see from your subclass is set up properly, and that's what you do with [super init] (or in this case initWithFrame:).
There are a few other reasons why it looks like this.
First of all [super init] might return nil. Perhaps something went wrong initializing things in the code of the superclass. The check for self != nil makes sure you don't use the object when something is already wrong with the object. It might even have been released by the super constructor.
In other cases the super constructor might actually return a different object altogether. Examples of this happening is with class clusters or when you implement a singleton.
To summarize:
Always call the designated constructor (i.e. init-method).
Always use the standard construct of if ((self = [super init])) { /* own init */ } return self;
Sometimes it looks different, but only for special reasons. If in doubt, always use (2).
Apple's documentation has a lot more info on this is you're interested.
Also, when overriding constructors like this, remember that there might be more than one constructor. For instance, if you add the view using Interface Builder, that view will be initialized using "initWithCoder:" instead. All constructors begin with "init" though.

Class method to return autoreleased object

I have been following the iPhone development videos on iTunes U and so far so good. I think I understood things well enough.
The thing is that on the examples they provide they never create custom class methods just like those that you use on some Foundation classes (like [NSString string]) so I'm not sure as to how I should go about creating my own class method to return an autoreleased instance of my class.
I do know how to create a retained object using an instance method but I'd rather use a class method because I prefer it, I'm just not sure if this implementation would be the most appropriate to return an autoreleased object:
+ (PhotoViewController*)initWithImageView:(UIImageView*)imageView
PhotoViewController *toreturn = [[PhotoViewController alloc] init];
toreturn.imageview = imageView;
[toreturn autorelease];
return toreturn;
Thanks a lot for any help you may provide.
A class method can return either a retained or autoreleased object as you wish, and your code returns an autoreleased object perfectly appropriately.
However you should probably name your method differently. Since your method begins with init, that implies it is initialising an alloced object (and should therefore be an instance method rather than a class method). I'd suggest naming the method photoViewControllerWithImageView: if it's going to return an autoreleased object.
Also, I'd probably write it as return [toreturn autorelease]; but I guess that's a style preference of mine.
I think it's a good practice to check whether toreturn is nil or not before accessing imageview property.

Custom UIButton Memory Management in dealloc

I am hoping to clarify the processes going on here.
I have created a subclass of UIButton whose init method looks like this:
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title frame:(CGRect)btnFrame {
self = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[self setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
self.frame = btnFrame;
return self;
In my view controller I am creating one of these buttons and adding it as a subview:
myButton = [[CustomButton alloc] initWithTitle:#"Title" frame:someFrame];
[self.view addSubview:myButton];
In the view controller's dealloc method I log the retain count of my button:
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"RC: %d", [myButton retainCount]); //RC = 2
[super dealloc];
NSLog(#"RC: %d", [myButton retainCount]); //RC = 1
The way I understand it, myButton is not actually retained, even though I invoked it using alloc, because in my subclass I created an autorelease button (using buttonWithType:).
In dealloc, does this mean that, when dealloc is called the superview releases the button and its retain count goes down to 1? The button has not yet been autoreleased?
Or do I need to get that retain count down to zero after calling [super dealloc]?
This deserves two answers.... one for the specific question and one for how memory is managed when the instance is replaced in -init (this one).
Initializers are an odd bird in the Objective-C memory management world. In effect, you are managing self. On entry, self is retained. On exit, you are expected to return either a retained object -- doesn't have to be the same object as self -- or nil.
So, breaking the standard idiom of [[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease] down:
id x = [Foo alloc]; // allocates instance with RC +1
x = [x init]; // RC is preserved, but x may differ
[x autorelease]; // RC -1 (sometime in future)
Note that all retain counts [RC] are expressed as deltas.
Thus, in the init method, you typically don't change the retain count of self at all!
However, if you want to return some other object, you need to release self and retain whatever you are going to return (whether allocated then or previously allocated somewhere else, say when an object is retrieved from a cache).
Specifically, with everything blown out into individual expressions because this answer is being overly pedantic:
- init {
[self release];
self = nil;
id newObject = [SomeClass alloc];
newObject = [newObject init];
if (newObject) {
self = newObject;
... initialize self here, if that is your fancy ...
return self;
This is more than a little bit tricky. I have summarized my answer in 5 parts:
Creating a custom init method that returns a different object
WARNING: beware of illegal memory access!
How to properly transfer ownership of the button to its parent view
Specific answers to specific questions
A suggestion for improvement
Part 1 : Creating a custom init method that returns a different object:
This is an example of a very special case, namely that the object returned from -initWithTitle:frame: is not the same "object" that was sent the message in the first place.
Normally speaking, the process goes like this:
instance = [Class alloc];
[instance init];
[instance release];
Of course, the alloc and init calls are usually grouped together into one line of code. The key thing to notice here is that the "object" (nothing more than an allocated block of memory at this point) which receives the call to init has already been allocated. If you return a different object (as in your example), you are responsible for releasing that original block of memory.
The next step would be to return a new object that has the proper retain count. Since you are using a factory method (+buttonWithType:), the resulting object has been autoreleased, and you must retain it to set the proper retain count.
Edit: A proper -init method should explicitly test to make sure that it is working with a properly initialized object before it does anything else with that object. This test was missing from my answer, but present in bbum's answer.
Here is how your init method should look:
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title frame:(CGRect)btnFrame {
[self release]; // discard the original "self"
self = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
if (self == nil) { return nil; }
[self retain]; // set the proper retain count
[self setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
self.frame = btnFrame;
return self;
Part 2: WARNING: beware of illegal memory access!
If you are allocating an instance of CustomButton, and then replacing it with an instance of UIButton, you could easily cause some very subtle memory errors. Let's say CustomButton has some ivars:
#class CustomButton : UIButton
int someVar;
int someOtherVar;
Now, when you replace the allocated CustomButton with an instance of UIButton in your custom init... method, you are returning a block of memory that is too small to hold a CustomButton, but your code will continue to treat this block of code as if it is a full-sized CustomButton. Uh oh.
For example, the following code is now very, very bad:
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title frame:(CGRect)btnFrame {
[self release]; // discard the original "self"
self = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[self retain]; // set the proper retain count
someOtherVar = 10; // danger, Will Robinson!
return self;
Part 3: How to properly transfer ownership of the button to its parent view:
As for your view controller's dealloc method, you will have to call [myButton release] if you have initialized the button as shown. This is to follow the rule that you must release anything that you alloc, retain or copy. A better way to deal with this issue is to let the controller's view take ownership of that button (which it does automatically when you add the button as a subview):
myButton = [[CustomButton alloc] initWithTitle:#"Title"
frame:someFrame]; // RC = 1
[self.view addSubview:myButton]; // RC = 2
[myButton release]; // RC = 1
Now, you never have to worry about releasing that button again. The view owns it, and will release it when the view itself is deallocated.
Part 4: Specific answers to specific questions:
Q: The way I understand it, myButton is not actually retained, even though I invoked it using alloc, because in my subclass I created an autorelease button (using buttonWithType:).
Q: In dealloc, does this mean that, when dealloc is called the superview releases the button and its retain count goes down to 1? The button has not yet been autoreleased?
Also correct.
Q: Or do I need to get that retain count down to zero after calling [super dealloc]?
Sort of :) The retain count may or may not drop down to zero at the point when you log it. Autoreleased objects may still have a retain count of one, since they effectively belong to the autorelease pool for the current run loop. For that matter, the view itself may still belong to a window which has not yet been released. The only thing you really need to worry about is balancing out your own memory management. See Apple's memory management guide for details. From the point of view of your viewController, you have allocated the button once, so you must release it exactly once. When it comes to your custom init... method, things get a little bit trickier, but the principle is the same. A block of memory has been allocated, so it must be released (part 1), and, (part 2) init should return an object with a retain count of one (to be properly released later on).
Part 5: A suggestion for improvement:
You could avoid most of the custom initializer mess by simply creating your own factory method in the same spirit as the one provided by UIButton:
+ (id)buttonWithTitle:(NSString *)title frame:(CGRect)btnFrame {
UIButton * button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[button setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
button.frame = btnFrame;
return button;
Note that this approach can still result in memory access errors as identified in part 2
Do not call retainCount
The absolute retain count of an object is next to useless. There are always better ways to reason about memory management in your application.
Your initWithTitle:frame: method is allocating and returning an instance of UIButton, not an instance of the subclass. If that is what you want, there is no need for a subclass at all.
If you really want an instance of a subclass of UIButton, that is going to be more difficult. A quick google search and a read of the documentation indicates that UIButton really isn't intended to be subclassed.
I just tried:
#interface FooButton:UIButton
#implementation FooButton
FooButton *f = [FooButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure];
NSLog(#"%#", f);
And it printed:
<UIButton: 0x9d03fa0; frame = (0 0; 29 31); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x9d040a0>>
I.e. the sole method to be used to create UIButton instances quite explicitly does not allocate via [self class]. You could go down the path of trying to initialize the instance by hand ala UIView or UIControl, but that is likely a lot of trouble.
What are you trying to do?