Get all object properties from delegate array - iphone

I am successfully retrieving an array from my delegate, however I am struggling to get all of the objects properties, so in my AppDelegate:
arrayOne = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *tempArray1 = [self myArray];
// Add names to arrayOne
for (MyInfo *info in tempArray1) {
I then retrieve this in my MainView:
cell.textLabel.text = [delegate.currentlyUsedArray objectAtIndex:row];
This works fine, but myArray contains other properties such as: info.age and info.height — how do I get these to another textLabel? Do I have to do the same approach as above or is there a more efficeint way?

Why can't you just add info to the array.
for (MyInfo *info in tempArray1) {
[arrayOne addObject:info];
and later where you are setting it.
MyInfo *info = (MyInfo*)[delegate.currentlyUsedArray objectAtIndex:row];
cell.textLabel.text =;
// Other fields should also accessible directly such as info.age and info.height.

You can make method of appDelegate myArray public and get your info values right from where you need it, in this case in cellForRowAtIndexPath: method.

Following Zapko's answer, your code in MainView would look like this to access the various properties of a MyInfo object in the myArray property of your delegate object:
cell.textLabel.text = [(MyInfo *)[delegate.myArray objectAtIndex:row] name];
cell.ageLabel.text = [(MyInfo *)[delegate.myArray objectAtIndex:row] age];
cell.heigtLabel.text = [(MyInfo *)[delegate.myArray objectAtIndex:row] height];


Inserting Objects into NSMutableArray

Currently, I have edited a delegate function that adds Exercise objects to an NSMutableArray. However, I would not like to add duplicate objects, instead, if the object is already in the array, i'd like to simply access that particular object.
Here is my code:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
NSString *str = cell.textLabel.text; // Retrieves the string of the selected cell.
Exercise *exerciseView = [[Exercise alloc] initWithExerciseName:str];
WorkoutManager *workoutManager = [WorkoutManager sharedInstance];
if (![[workoutManager exercises] containsObject:exerciseView]) {
[[workoutManager exercises] insertObject:exerciseView atIndex:0];
[self presentModalViewController:exerciseView animated:YES];
NSLog(#"%#", [workoutManager exercises]);
else {
[self presentModalViewController:exerciseView animated:YES];
NSLog(#"%#", [workoutManager exercises]);
I thought this would work, however, when I ran my code and NSLogged my array, it showed that when I clicked on the same cell, two seperate objects were created. Any help?
Each time you call
Exercise *exerciseView = [[Exercise alloc] initWithExerciseName:str];
it create a new (distinct) exerciseView object. So even though the exercise name may be the same as the name for an exercise object in your exercises list, it is a brand new object so when you call containsObject the result will always be false and your new object will be added to the array.
Perhaps you should store a list of the NSString exerciseName in your workout manager instead?
I would say this is your culprit:
Exercise *exerciseView = [[Exercise alloc] initWithExerciseName:str];
You're creating a new object each time so technically, it's not in the array. The containsObject method is just iterating through the array and calling isEqual on each object. I haven't tested this but theoretically, in your custom Exercise object, you could override the isEqual method to compare the exercise name properties and return true if they match. See, EVERYTHING has to match up when you are using containsObject so even if all the properties are the same, the objectid is not.
Easy fix without having to see your Exercise implementation:
Exercise *exerciseView = nil;
For(Exercise *exercise in [[WorkoutManager sharedInstance] exercises]){
if(exercise.exerciseName == str) {
exerciseView = exercise;
if(exerciseView == nil) {
exerciseView = [[Exercise alloc] initWithExerciseName:str];
[[workoutManager exercises] insertObject:exerciseView atIndex:0];
[self presentModalViewController:exerciseView animated:YES];
Hope this helps explain WHY its happening. I didn't test this code since there are some missing pieces but you should get the idea. Have fun!
WorkoutManager *workoutManager = [WorkoutManager sharedInstance];
Exercise *temp = [[Exercise alloc] initWithExerciseName:str];
for(id temp1 in workoutManager)
if( [temp isKindOfClass:[Exercise class]])
// You Can Access your same object here if array has already same object
[temp release];
[workoutManager release];
Hope, this will help you....

Populating NSDictionary and NSArrays for Model data

I'm trying to create an NSDictionary full of arrays in the implementation file of my model but my code hasn't worked yet. I want to create arrays that are lists of types of dogs and cats and then add those arrays to a dictionary with keys called DOG and CAT. Here is my code:
#implementation wordDictionary
#synthesize catList = _catList;
#synthesize dogList = _dogList;
#synthesize standardDictionary =_standardDictionary;
- (void)setCatList:(NSMutableArray *)catList
self.catList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"lion", #"puma", #"snow leopard", nil];
- (void)setDogList:(NSMutableArray *)dogList
self.dogList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"pit bull", #"pug", #"chihuahua", nil];
-(void)setStandardDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)standardDictionary
[self.standardDictionary setObject: _catList forKey:#"CAT"];
[self.standardDictionary setObject: _dogList forKey:#"DOG"];
- (NSString*)selectKey
NSInteger keyCount = [[self.standardDictionary allKeys] count];
NSInteger randomKeyIndex = arc4random() % keyCount;
NSString *randomKey = [[self.standardDictionary allKeys] objectAtIndex:randomKeyIndex];
return randomKey;
This code is the model. The model is hooked up to my view controller such that when a user taps a button, the NSString returned from randomKey is displayed in a label on the screen. So the text will read either CAT or DOG. Here's the code for that:
- (IBAction)changeGreeting:(UIButton*)sender {
NSString *chosenKey = [self.dictionary selectKey];
NSString *labelText = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", chosenKey];
self.label.text = labelText;
Unfortunately when I tap the button on the simulator I get an error message saying: Thread 1:EXC_ARITHMETIC (code=EXC_1386_DIV, subcode=0x0) at NSInteger randomKeyIndex = arc4random() % keyCount; and it appears that I'm getting it because neither my NSArray nor my NSDictionary have any objects inside of them.
Does anyone have any idea why my NSArray and NSDictionary haven't been populated?
Thanks very much.
The simple answer is that there isn't any code here that calls the methods to set the arrays or dictionary.
But the real underlying issue is that there are a couple of bad 'patterns' going on here that you should fix:
In your setter methods (setCatList:, setDogList:, setStandardDictionary:) you're not setting the properties in question to the values that are passed in. For example, you should be setting catList to the passed in "catList" variable.
- (void)setCatList:(NSMutableArray *)catList
if (_catList != catList) {
[_catList release];
_catList = [catList retain];
Then you should have some kind of "setup" happening, usually in a method in the view controller like viewDidLoad:
[wordDictionary setCatList:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"lion", #"puma", #"snow leopard", nil]];
// and more for the other two setters
Alternately, you can set these default values in the init for the wordDictionary class:
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self setCatList:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"lion", #"puma", #"snow leopard", nil]];
return self;
The former is better in most cases, but you may have a good reason to pre-populate your model for all instances of the class.
Assuming you called setCatList:, setDogList: and setStandardDictionary: before. Probably that causing is this :
NSString *chosenKey = [self.dictionary selectKey];
change into this :
NSString *chosenKey = [self selectKey];
I'm trying to make your life easier. no need to create your object if you don't need the most.
- (NSMutableArray*)getCatList
return [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"lion", #"puma", #"snow leopard", nil];
- (NSMutableArray*)getDogList
return [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"pit bull", #"pug", #"chihuahua", nil];
NSMutableDictionary *standardDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[standardDictionary setObject:[self getCatList] forKey:#"CAT"];
[standardDictionary setObject:[self getDogList] forKey:#"DOG"];
return [standardDictionary autorelease];
- (NSString*)selectKey
NSMutableDictionary *standardDictionary = [self getStandardDictionary];
NSInteger keyCount = [[standardDictionary allKeys] count];
NSInteger randomKeyIndex = arc4random() % keyCount;
NSString *randomKey = [[standardDictionary allKeys] objectAtIndex:randomKeyIndex];
return randomKey;
- (IBAction)changeGreeting:(UIButton*)sender {
// NSString *chosenKey = [self selectKey];
//NSString *labelText = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#", chosenKey];
self.label.text = [self selectKey]; //no need to convert it to NSString again
Two things to consider:
I don't see you calling these:
You use self.catList and self.dogList, but neither of those are synthesized, instead you have beatList and meList synthesized
Change the synthesizes to the catList and dogList, and make sure you call the set list methods, and then you should make some progress.

how pass array value on other class for display data in iphone

Hi friends thank for helping to me
I have doubt when i pass one array value for display on other controller class in tableView so I get nil value on that controller how to take array value on that class of other controller for display purpose
my lstAirports is a array which created on Airport.h and my Airport.h is simple class is not delegate the code of this class:
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
loginStatus = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: [webData mutableBytes] length:[webData length] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[connection release];
NSString *regexString = #"Stations\\[""(.*)""\\] = new Station\\((.*)new Array\\((.*)\\)\\);";
matchArray = [loginStatus arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:regexString];
//NSLog(#"matchArray: %#", matchArray);
lstAirports = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[matchArray count]];
for (int i = 0; i < [matchArray count]; i++) {
airport *air=[[airport alloc]init];
NSString *temp=[[matchArray objectAtIndex: i] objectAtIndex: 1];
NSString *newString=[temp stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#""];
arrParts=[newString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
air.Code =[arrParts objectAtIndex:0];
//air.Code = [[matchArray objectAtIndex: i] objectAtIndex: 1];
NSLog(#"air.Code: %#\n",air.Code);
temp=[[matchArray objectAtIndex: i] objectAtIndex: 2];
newString=[temp stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#""];
arrParts=[newString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
air.Name=[arrParts objectAtIndex:2];
NSLog(#"air.Name: %#\n",air.Name);
//destination airports
temp=[[matchArray objectAtIndex: i] objectAtIndex: 3];
newString=[temp stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"" withString:#""];
arrParts=[newString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
air.DestinationAirports =arrParts;
NSLog(#"air.DestinationAirports: %#\n",air.DestinationAirports);
[lstAirports addObject: air];
NSLog(#"lstAirports: %#\n",lstAirports);
//NSString *str=
//[air release];
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
[loginStatus release];
//[lstAirports release];
[webData release];
// [window release];
When I pass this array on my `Odselectioncontroller.m` then I get nil value of array where I am wrong friends please help me out this is my controller class code
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
// Return the number of rows in the section.
return obj.lstAirports.count;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
static NSString *CellIdentifier = #"Cell";
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];
airport *a=(airport*)[obj.lstAirports objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.textLabel.text =a.Name;
and `Airport` is other class where i am create name property for fetch value name from array in yhis class
You are always creating new instance of your Airports class obj which will return you nil value always.
If you want to pass a array from one to other then you can do it by two ways-
make your array global by using extern keyword.
you can define a array in second class as a property and then can set it.
for more you can refer this -
Passing data between classes using Objective-C
DO one thing declare the NSMutable Array in AppDelegate and synthesize the array and using this array to store objects in any class and use this array to display in any class directly by using appDelegate.ArrayName Hope it helps You :)
Here you can do like,
Airport.h class as Sigleton and use .
Declare a Array in APPDelegate and access it in you needed class by sharedObject mechanism
Either you can pass the array using an array object which is synthesized in the class. Another option is to have a method(which takes a NSArray object as parameter) in the class you want to populate and call the method on your first class passing the array as parameter.
Your code also requires a slight change in the dealloc method. Its advised not to call [super dealloc]; before releasing the objects of the class. Always call [super dealloc]; at the end after releasing all objects.

Objective-C iPhone - Ordering data within multiple sections of a UITableView dataSource

For the purpose of asking this question about ordering. The following MyObject class returns an instance with random generated category names.
I use the following dataSource methods:
numberOfSections accessed with [dataSource count].
titleForSection accessed with [[dataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] valueForKey:#"categoryName"].
numberOfRowsInSection accessed with [[[dataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] valueForKey:#"myObjects"] count].
And finally, the MyObject for each row is accessed with [[[dataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] valueForKey:#"myObjects"] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] on the cellForRowAtIndexPath method.
I use the following code to create a dataSource that displays 9 section categories, however I'm a little stuck on the ordering of these categories and the data within. Assume there's an NSDate property as part of the MyObject class.
Question: How would I go about using this to display the records in descending order?
- (void)createDatasource
NSInteger numberOfObjects = 10;
NSMutableArray *objects = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:numberOfObjects];
NSMutableArray *categories = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:numberOfObjects];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObjects; i++)
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[objects addObject:obj];
[categories addObject:obj.category];
[obj release];
NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithArray:categories];
NSMutableArray *dataSource = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[set count]];
for (NSString *categoryString in set)
NSMutableDictionary *mainItem = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:nil, #"categoryName", nil, #"myObjects", nil];
NSMutableArray *mainItemMyObjects = [NSMutableArray array];
[mainItem setValue:categoryString forKey:#"categoryName"];
for (MyObject *obj in objects)
if ([obj.category isEqualToString:categoryString])
[mainItemMyObjects addObject:obj];
[mainItem setValue:mainItemMyObjects forKey:#"myObjects"];
[dataSource addObject:mainItem];
[mainItem release];
NSLog (#"objects = %#\ncategories = %#\nset = %#\ndatasource = %#", objects, categories, set, dataSource);
Easiest would be to sort your arrays, using NSMutableArray's sorting mutators or NSArray's sorting methods. Otherwise you'd have to construct some sort of mapping from input indices to dataSource indices for use by the various data source methods.
Edit Requested sample code for sorting, something like this should work. I assume you are wanting to sort everything by a property named date on the MyObject.
// First, sort the myObject mutable array in each category
for (NSDictionary *d in dataSource) {
[[d valueForKey:#"myObjects"] sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id o1, id o2){
// Compare dates. NSDate's 'compare:' would do ascending order, so if we just
// reverse the order of comparison they'll come out descending.
return [[o2 date] compare:[o1 date]];
// Second, sort the categories by the earliest dated object they contain
[dataSource sortUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id o1, id o2){
// Extract the first object from each category's array, which must be the
// earliest it contains due to the previous sort.
MyObject *myObject1 = [[o1 valueForKey:#"myObjects"] objectAtIndex:0];
MyObject *myObject2 = [[o2 valueForKey:#"myObjects"] objectAtIndex:0];
// Compare dates, as above.
return [[myObject2 date] compare:[myObject1 date]];

Strange behaviour when setting property in iPhone app

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
PushOnStackViewController *vc = [[PushOnStackViewController alloc] init];
vc.key = [self.keys objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
in the init method of the PushOnStackViewController class I have
- (id)init {
self.navigationItem.title = key;
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"texts" ofType:#"plist"]];
self.keys = [dict objectForKey:key];
[dict release];
NSLog(#"%#", self.key);
NSLog(#"%i", [self.keys count]);
return self;
But why can't I access the self.key? It returns null, even though it has been set(it is a string).
When I access it in viewDidLoad it returns the correct value...anything I haven't read, or am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks in advance.
You can't access self.key inside the -init function because at that point it hasn't been set yet. you are setting it afterwards:
PushOnStackViewController *vc = [[PushOnStackViewController alloc] init]; // init runs here.
vc.key = [self.keys objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; // but you don't set the key property until here.
You might try adding a "key" parameter to the init function, like so:
-(id)initWithKey:(NSString*)key {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.key = key;
return self;
Your init method is called before you set the property. Get rid of that init method and move your code into viewDidLoad to ensure that it's called after you've done all the property setup.
Don't create new init method for a UIViewController unless you know what you're doing. It's much easier to create a property (like you've done) and access that property inside the viewDidLoad method.