insert chinese handwriting keyboard into view of app - iphone

i would like to sort of embed the chinese handwriting keyboard into a view in my app. That is to say, i don't want it connected to the real keyboard. In fact, I don't even want it visible to the user. I'd like the user to simply be able to handwrite in the center of a blank screen, and have a chinese character output on the screen after completion. is this even possible?

The only way you could support handwriting would be to write a view which never became firstResponder (preventing the keyboard from appearing), userInteractionEnabled=YES (to get touches), and uses the touchesMoved to draw the characters as the user moves their finger.
You can implement a custom keyboard by returning a custom keyboard UIView from the inputView property on UITextView and similar text input views.


iPhone Keyboard Adjust In View

I've been searching, but haven't quite found a complete answer, and the Apple docs aren't much help.
I have an application with a UIView that has a lot of text fields on it, ranging from the top of the view to the bottom. When the user clicks the first UITextField the keyboard pops up. The keyboard has three buttons above it, previous, next, and done on a toolbar InputAccessoryView.
Basically, let's say there are 6 UITextField boxes that space from the top of the view to the bottom. When the user gets past the third text field, the keyboard blocks the bottom three. How do I have the view adjust up when putting text in the bottom three text fields?
You need to place your textfields into a UIScrollView, and either translate the view above the keyboard when it is active and away when it is down, or another solution such as always having the keyboard up on that page, which'll save you the setFrame calls on your UIView/UIScrollView depending on what the keyboard is doing.
This will further help:
How to adjust the view position when the keyboard opens in iPhone?

Does Control in IPhone has Lost Focus Action?

In we have that sort of thing right.
However, in beginning IPhone development, by David Mark, the way the author implement removing keyboard when a user tap outside the text box is by turning the whole view into a control and then create an IBaction for that view being touch.
Why not the text box touch up outside or touch down outside? Is this the normal way?
Yes it is the normal way of doing out of focus. Or you can implement UITextFieldDelegate metod textFieldShouldReturn. Where you call resignFirstResponder for a particular text field.

How Add my iPhone application on international keybord?

I want to create one keyboard application that is not in iPhone international keyboard, but I don't know how I add this application to international keyboard, I want to do one work like emoji application, but my app is not emotion!
Thanks for your help.
Your application can display a custom keyboard from any TextView or TextField by returning a custom UIView (that would be your keyboard) from the inputView property on those text input views. There is no existing keyboard to inherit from, so you'll have to implement everything your self.

UITextView with "Done" button *and* "Return" key?

I use a UITextView for multiline text entry in my iPhone app, and I have set the "Return" key to display "Done." I've also set up the return key to disable first responder status, so that hitting "done" actually exits the UITextView. However, I also want to enable users to be able to enter multiline text into the UITextView, i.e. to be able to use the "Return" key. Is there any way to make this work on the iPhone/iPad's UI?
I've been struggling with this issue for 5 years waiting for apple to wake up and create some sort of solution for the textfield multiline responding to done button until I decided to create one myself.
there you go:UITextField multiline with hide keyboard option
It'll be time consuming but you could create your own keyboard with both these keys (this can be done by specifiying the Input View for the UITextView ).
Another alternative could be having a button that sits just above the keyboard that would dismiss the keyboard. You can use the UITextView's Input Accessory View which allows you to create a view that sits on top of the keyboard. See here for more information (I'm aware this document is for iPad but it works for all iOS devices - also just to note, both these require iOS 3.2 or greater).
This should only need to be done on the iphone because the iPad keyboard already comes with a dismiss keyboard button as well as a return button.

Custom Number Pad UIKeyboard

How would I go about creating a custom number pad like what is used in 'Tipulator' and other apps.
I know how you can customize UIKeyboard, but their number pad doesn't look at all like the default number pad. Is it even a UIKeyboard or a separate UIView?
I've been working with keyboards for quite a time. I would say that the easiness of this depends on what your target text input view is. If is a UITextView then we are fine, if is UITextField you might have some problems because you don't have access to current cursor text position like un UITextView.
(You might check UITextView and UITextViewDelegate methods)
If you just want to set a string and don't mind current cursor text position, then you don't need a keyboard. (I think this is the case of Tipulator)
BTW: I just saw Tipulator in youtube and there is no necessity of a keyboard for doing that.
Judging by the looks: It's a custom UIView subclass. Basically, it's just a panel with 11 buttons on it, so it should be rather easy to do.