How can Coffescript access functions from other assets? - coffeescript

So I have two controllers, hotels and videos. I want the to be able to access functions created in but I get a "is not defined" error.
I'm new to CoffeeScript so any clues would be appreciated.

CoffeeScript will compile your coffee to JS wrapped in a self-executing function with the scope of the window (function{}).call(this);
So in you can write something like:
#getVideo: (id) ->
and the getVideo function will be bound to the window object.

CoffeScript runs inside an anonymous function, so declared funcitons in the same file, aren't exported as global functions.
Try something like this to declare global functions:
window.myFunction = ->
//some code

During compilation, CoffeeScript wraps your code in an anonymous function and applies it. You have to export your public interface in the expected manner for your environment.
(exports || window).publicMethod = (foo, bar) -> foo + bar
You then require using require() in node.js and by referencing the window object in the browser.
There are other ways to do this in the browser. Look into RequireJS.

Indeed you can use either the top-level window variable, or the exports object provide through CommonJS. Please note, you can also give access to complete controllers instead of just functions.
See the sections 'Lexical Scoping and Variable Safety' and '"text/coffeescript" Script Tags' at


Calling function in swift application from dependent module

I have a Swift application that uses a module, and I need to call a global function that is in the application from the module, is this possible?
To perhaps explain a little better, this is a test app structure:
CallbackTestApp contains a function foo(), I would like to call it from Module1 or File, will swift allow this?
edit #1
More details have been requested on what is the background of my issue, hopefully, this will not turn out to be an XY situation.
There's a tool developed by my company that process the application source* code and in some places add function call (ignore the why etc, have to be generic here.). Those function calls are exactly to foo() which then does some magic (btw, no return value and no arguments are allowed), if the application does not use modules or if modules are excluded from the processing then all is fine (Linker does not complain that the function is not defined), if there are modules then nothing works since I did not found a way to inject foo() (yet).
*Not exactly the source code, actually the bitcode is processed, the tool get the source, use llvm toolchain to generate bitcode, do some more magic and then add the call to foo() by generating it's mangled name and adding a swiftcall
Not actually sure those additional details will help.

Variable inside a macro

How do I create variables inside of a macro? I've created a macro library with some macros and now I am trying to figure out how to create a local variable that exists inside a macro for the lifetime of the macro. Perhaps theres a way to store that data somewhere else?
While editing the Macro, use the Inputs collection of the Details panel to create a dummy variable of the required type.
Do not check the By-Ref checkbox.
Leave it unconnected when calling the Macro.
Use the variable like any other variable.
If you are not using latent functions like delay or timeline, use functions instead.
I create function libraries anytime I need code reuse.

Find indirect calls to specific built-in MATLAB function

What do I want?
I am looking for a way to detect all points in my code where a specific function is called.
Why do I want it?
Some examples:
Some output comes out sorted or randomized, and I want to know where this happens
I am considering to change/overload a function and want to know in which part of my code this could have impact
What have I tried?
I tried placing a breakpoint in the file that was called. This only works for non builtin functions which are called from short running code that always executes everything.
I tried 'find files', this way I can easily find direct calls to sort but it is not so easy to find a call to sort invoked by unique for example.
I have tried depfun, it tells me:
whether something will be called
from where non-builtin functions will be called
I thought of overloading the builtin function, but feels like a last resort for me as I am afraid to make a mess. | Edit: Also it probably won't help due to function precedence.
The question
What is the best way to track all potential (in)direct function calls from a specific function to a specific (built-in)function.
I don't exactly understand your use case, but I guess most of the information you want can be obtained using dbstack, which gives you the call-stack of all the parent functions calling a certain function. I think the easiest way is to overload built-in functions something like this (I tried to overload min):
function varargout = min(varargin)
% print info before function call
disp('Wrapped function called with inputs:')
[stack,I] = dbstack();
disp('Call stack:')
for i=1:length(stack)
fprintf('level %i: called from line %i in file %s\n', ...
i, stack(i).line, stack(i).file);
% call original function
[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('min', varargin{:});
% print info after function call
disp('Result of wrapped function:')
I tried to test this, but I could not make it work unfortunately, matlab keeps on using the original function, even after playing a lot with addpath. Not sure what I did wrong there, but I hope this gets you started ...
Built-in functions take precedence over functions in local folder or in path. There are two ways you can overload a built-in for direct calls from your own code. By putting your function in a private folder under the same directory where your other MATLAB functions are. This is easier if you are not already using private folder. You can rename your private folder once you are done investigating.
Another way is to use packages and importing them. You put all your override functions in a folder (e.g. +do_not_use). Then in the function where you suspect built-in calls are made add the line "import do_not_use.*;". This will make calls go to the functions in +do_not_use directory first. Once you are done checking you can use "clear import" to clear all imports. This is not easy to use if you have too many functions and do not know in which function you need to add import.
In addition to this, for each of the function you need to follow Bas Swinckels answer for the function body.
Function precedence order.
Those two methods does not work for indirect calls which are not from your own code. For indirect calls I can only think of one way where you create your own class based on built-in type. For example, if you work only on double precision types, you need to create your own class which inherits from double and override the methods you want to detect. Then pass this class as input to your code. Your code should work fine (assuming you are not using class(x) to decide code paths) since the new class should behave like a double data type. This option will not work if your output data is not created from your input data. See subclassing built-in types.
Did you try depfun?
The doc shows results similar to the ones you request.
doc depfun:
[list, builtins, classes, prob_files, prob_sym, eval_strings, called_from, java_classes] = depfun('fun') creates additional cell arrays or structure arrays containing information about any problems with the depfun search and about where the functions in list are invoked. The additional outputs are ...
Looks to me you could just filter the results for your function.
Though need to warn you - usually it takes forever to analyze code.

Why the heck is Rails 3.1 / Sprockets 2 / CoffeeScript adding extra code?

Working with Rails 3.1 (rc5), and I'm noticing that any coffeescript file I include rails (or sprockets) is adding in initializing javascript at the top and bottom. In other words, a blank file gets outputted looking like this:
(function() {
This is irritating because it screws up my javascript scope (unless I really don't know what I'm doing). I generally separate all of my javascript classes into separate files and I believe that having that function code wrapping my classes just puts them out of scope from one another. Or, atleast, I can't seem to access them as I am continually getting undefined errors.
Is there a way to override this? It seems like this file in sprockets has to do with adding this code:
I understand that wrapping everything in a function might seem like an added convenience as then nothing is ran until DOM is loaded, but as far as I can tell it just messes up my scope.
Are you intending to put your objects into the global scope? I think CoffeeScript usually wraps code in anonymous functions so that it doesn't accidentally leak variables into the global scope. If there's not a way to turn it off, your best bet would probably be to specifically add anything you want to be in the global scope to the window object:
window.myGlobal = myGlobal;
It seems to be a javascript best practice these days to put code inside a function scope and be explicit about adding objects to the global scope, and it's something I usually see CoffeeScript do automatically.
You don't want to put everything into the global scope. You want a module or module like system where you can namespace things so you don't colide with other libraries. Have a read of

How to resolve bindings during execution with embedded Python?

I'm embedding Python into a C++ application. I plan to use PyEval_EvalCode to execute Python code, but instead of providing the locals and globals as dictionaries, I'm looking for a way to have my program resolve symbol references dynamically.
For example, let's say my Python code consists of the following expression:
bear + lion * bunny
Instead of placing bear, lion and bunny and their associated objects into the dictionaries that I'm passing to PyEval_EvalCode, I'd like the Python interpreter to call back my program and request these named objects.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
By providing the locals and globals dictionaries, you are providing the environment in which the evaled code is executed. That effectively provides you with an interface to map names to objects defined in the C++ app.
Can you clarify why you do not want to use the dictionaries?
Another thing you could do is process the string in C++ and do string substitution before you eval the code....
Possibly. I've never tried this but in theory you might be able to implement a small extension class in C++ that overrides the __getattr__ method (probably via the tp_as_mapping or tp_getattro function pointers of PyTypeObject). Pass an instance of this as locals and/or globals to PyEval_EvalCode and your C++ method should be asked to resolve your lions, tigers, & bears for you.