Drupal 6: altering the profile form - forms

I've added several fields to user profile using the standard profile tool. Now I want to validate data entered by a user; for example, I added a field called "email" and I want to let the users enter only valid emails to this field.
How can I achieve this?

You can select the field type "email" for profile fields that will automatically validate, but if you wish to do it manually, use hook_form_alter to add a validation callback to the form. Here's an article that covers the concept - http://befused.com/drupal/additional-validation-function


How to populate fields of an online form

I created a custom record (child of Inventory item) and an online form.
The final goal it's to send a link to a user (not a netsuite user) to display the different informations of this custom record. The user will be able to update some values and submit the form.
I saw it's possible to link a script file to this form, but I need the ID of the record to load it and populate every field of the form.
With normal forms, we have the internalid of the record as an URL param but in this case there is nothing in the URL .
Do you know any way to achieve that ?
A solution for the final goal could be:
Create an empty Suitelet (provides external link for User). Or refer to step 4 for contents.
Stored on the Custom record or via script (created in step 3) you can add to the external link, to include the record type and id as url parameters (&recordtype=customrecord&recid=12345). Be sure to avoid reserved parameter names.
Create a UserEvent, Client, or Scheduled Script to send email to User based on your requirements (in the email include the custom external suitelet link). User will click on the link and land on a NetSuite looking webpage (not requiring credentials).
Modify empty Suitelet. Suitelet should when context.request.method===GET: get parameters, load record(s), get data from record(s), create form, display data to User, display fields for User to enter data, add submit and refresh/cancel button, write/display the form with all fields. Upon submission (when context.request.method is not GET) you can use record.submit method to update the custom record(s).
NetSuite Suite Answer Id 74607 has a Sample Custom Form Suitelet Script from that can be very helpful.

How to get existing value from form to another magento 1.9

I have two different forms , one including user information and the second one have a grid. What I need to do is to get the email from first form to use it in the controller of the 2nd, there is a way or I need to get the value again from database?
you can try sending the email value through ajax when it is set to the other controller by adding parameters in the url or u can store email in a table(hope both tables are for same product or customer) and load it in other form using the id.
Hope it helps....

How to validate wicket form sequencly

I am new to wicket framework. currently i have a task to validate the form fields one by one (sequence). but By default Wicket shows error messages together in a one place in the form. I want the field to be validated sequential is there any components ? Or Please guide me in the right direction what i should do ?
For EX:
if i consider LoginPage which contains username,password with out entering anything if i submit the form . that should show first field username required even password not entered also. once i fill username next it should check password entered or not so like this sequential validation possible?
You can use a ComponentFeedbackMessageFilter to show feedback messages for each component separately.
Please read "Displaying feedback messages and filtering them":

Sitecore - WFFM : Link contact facet with user profile field

I'm working on a Sitecore 8 Update 2 site.
I'm also using the web forms for marketers.
I've set up a login and register form using WFFM. I was able to link fields on the form with the fields of the user profile ( the one used in User Management )
However when i want to make a "Update Contact Details" i can't link the fields on the form with the profile fields as before. Now i have to select a "contact facet". I added one of these and WFFM picked up on this, so now i can link the field on the form with a facet.
The last link i'm missing is linking this facet ( stored in Analytics - MongoDB ) to the profile field.
Does anyone know how to achieve this ?
Bonus: This started off as a slighty different question, you can read more about this issue here:
How to update sitecore user with webforms for marketers ( Update Contact Details )
First you need to add the Create User Save Action and setup the email address as the username.
Then you need to add the User login Save Action straight after that. This is because the Update Contact Details Save action only applies to logged in users.
Then you can use the Update Contact Details Save Action. This action will create data in MongoDB under the logged in user name - so if you go to the Identifiers collection MongoDB a new entry will be created (See screen shot below).
So in short the aspnet_membership data and the MongoDB data is linked via the username in WFFM. In aspnet_users - UserName and in MongoDB by way of an identifier. You can't mix the MongoDB and aspnet_profile data they belong in two separate places.
So once you have created this user in WFFM you could call up their details using the analytics API using the identifier:
var personalInfo = Tracker.Current.Contact.GetFacet<IContactPersonalInfo>("Personal");
Hope that makes sense :)

Code to Prevent Form repetition based on Name & DOB

I'm a joomla Developer, want a PHP code to avoid user from filling the form more than once. i.e., as he/she enters the name & DOB, if there is already a record in DB of same name & DOB an automatic message should be generated preventing the user from filling the form twice
If you mean that the user is not logged in, then starts entering the form data, then the only way to accomplish what you want is to use AJAX to validate the name and DOB as soon as they are entered. There is a registration extension that has AJAX validation that you could probably modify to suit your needs.