FB is not defined on Firefox 4 - facebook

FB is not defined in Firefox 4 but works on lower Firefox versions, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari. I've tried async loading and the following solutions mentioned here
FB is not defined error in Firefox 4
How to workaround 'FB is not defined'?
I've also removed extensions that could trigger this such as AdBlock.
Anybody here experienced the same thing? I don't know what I could've missed... oh boy...
Also, I am experiencing many errors in Firefox 4 when I visit other websites... makes me wonder if the FB is not defined error is a Firefox bug or something...
I'd really appreciate any opinions or suggestions... Thanks!

It may not be the exact same problem but one thing that worked for me was to move the FB include right to the top of the head element.
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js" language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>


Dynamics 365/CRM Chrome Debugger not working correctly

I've spent more time on this than I care to admit but was hoping for some help in understanding the cause of the problem. I have a basic HTML web resource in Dynamics 365 (v9.1.0.9228) and in order to get the global context I must include the following:
<script src="ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script>
The problem is that when I do... the Chrome debugger loses its place in the document. The execution stops at the breakpoint(s) but the current line is not highlighted this means no way to step into/over the lines or indeed know what line we are on at any given point. I can see however that the code is being executed due to my output to console (See code in footer).
I have tested this across:
Multiple D365 online instances (v9.1.0.9228)
Multiple development machines running Chrome (v77.0.3865.90)
Literally stripped back the code to very basic HTML. Interestingly, this issue does not occur in IE? The only workaround I have found is rather than having inline JS within the head tags place it a separate file instead and reference from the HTML web resource, Chrome then seems to have no issues in stopping on right line and highlighting the correct line as we debug BUT only functions within that library. If the HTML web resource has inline script the issue will still be present within that scope.
<script type="text/javascript" src="ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function registerEvents() {
console.log("in registerEvents v2.0.3");
testButton = document.getElementById("test");
testButton.onclick = test;
function test() {
console.log("in Test v2.0.3");
<script type="text/javascript">
<p>In chrome debugger v2.0.3</p>
<button id="test">Test</button>
I would like to understand if I am doing something wrong here as it seems to be a bug within Chrome DevTools itself given this works on all other browsers when debugging? The actual code here is almost irrelevant as the issue occurs whenever "ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" is referenced, if we comment out that line the Chrome debugger works as expected.

GWTBootstrap3 components rendering incorrectly in IE11

My page elements should appear in all browsers as follows:
I can only achieve this in IE11 by having the dev tools open during page load, otherwise the page generates as the following:
no rounded corners on box elements
no column alignment (bootstrap class "col-lg-2" on
all label elements)
Legend formatting not added
general alignment off
no smooth accordion transition - open or closed
This issue is only with IE11, the site works in chrome, firefox and even Safari without any additional plumbing. I have found some IE fixes on SO, but so far none of them have worked:
*.html - add meta information to use Edge engine
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent">
<!--[if IE]>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">
... html continues with rest of head
*.js - to prevent undefined console from blocking processing
if(!window.console) {
I have been sure to use Ctrl F5 when reloading the page for testing, and have also restarted devmode to see if that makes a difference. I have also confirmed that the site is not running in compatibility mode by looking in the compatability settings.
Looking through the logs I can see that when the page loads with dev tools closed, the binding is carried out using user.agent=ie8, whilst with devtools open, the binding property is user.agent=gecko1_8. I thought IE11 should always use the gecko1_8 permutation - why could this not be happening?
(using GWT Version 2.7)
Not sure if this will be of any help.
We are using GWT (2.8, but I think it also worked with 2.7 in the past).
With GWT-Bootstrap3 (https://github.com/gwtbootstrap3/gwtbootstrap3) without any problems in IE11. I am not sure you are using the same bootstrap library ?
Anyway. We added the following line in our html file (as the first line of the head tag) :
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=10">
I can not really remember how I came up with this line, but the version history states : "It is now possible to use IE11 in compatibility mode"
So it has to do something with fixing something in IE-11, using GWT and bootstrap 3 :-)

GWT 2.7: Warn users they are using an unsupported browser

I recently upgraded my application to GWT 2.7 from GWT 2.5. This has caused me to drop support for IE6 and IE7.
I would like to provide users with IE6 or IE7 with a warning that their browser is outdated and will not work. At the moment if you go to the app with one of those browsers, you get a blank screen.
I know there are a couple ways that I could hack something together but I would rather use the GWT way, rather than some hack. Is there a GWT hook for unsupported browsers?
Option (hack) One
Drop this into my main.html:
if(document.documentMode === 6 || document.documentMode === 7){
Potential problem with this is that if someone is using a browser that GWT doesn't recognise and I don't recognise (mobile opera? Some other browser), they will still get a blank page.
Option (hack) Two
GWT looks for the compiled JS here:
When someone is using an unsupported browser the following is requested (and is not found):
It would be possible to create undefined.cache.js and put your unsupported browser code there. This is obviously a brittle solution and will break with future GWT updates.
Option Three
A recent patch (available in GWT 2.7) allows you to provide a default
permutation (e.g. safari) if GWT can not detect the browser and with
deferred binding you can display a warning that the provided app might not
work correctly as the browser is generally unsupported by GWT.
-- J.
I don't want to set a default permutation for unsupported browsers. I want the site to not work and to display a warning. So this solution doesn't really provide what I am looking for.
Similar Questions & Posts
The same question was asked for an eariler version of GWT in 2009. I hope that GWT has added some kind of hook or best practice in the last 6 years.
More info on setting a default (fallback) permutation
You should be able to use onLoadErrorFn for that: https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=8135
function gwtLoadError(errMsg) {
// GWT app couldn't load, reason in errorMsg
<meta name="gwt:onLoadErrorFn" content="gwtLoadError">
or possibly onPropertyErrorFn:
function gwtPropError(propName, allowedValues, actualValue) {
if (propName == 'user.agent') {
// unsupported browser
<meta name="gwt:onPropertyErrorFn" content="gwtPropError">
(I don't think user.agent.runtimeWarning would help in this case, but maybe have a look)
There is an easy way:
Conditional Comments
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<p>You are using an unsupportet browser. Please perform an update</p>
I think Option 3 may be the best one, but there is a problem: This will start the actual application (which still may be incompatible).
If this is an issue and you want a clear warning, you can rewrite the permutation selection script (You would need to update the script with the upcoming GWT releases)
You will need to copy this source:
You could add something like:
between line 90 and 91

Unexpected Token ILLEGAL only in Chrome, only on Refresh

Help me Stack Over-flow-nobi, you're my only hope.
I see lots of posts and questions about the 'Unexpected Token ILLEGAL' issue in chrome, but haven't found a solution for my own variety of the problem.
I'm building a Facebook tab that needs to be served https (Facebook policy). It's a page built in WordPress and I'm using the WordPress HTTPS plugin to force my particular page to render with HTTPS.
When I test with regular old HTTP, everything is fine (except for the "unsecure content" warnings, but that's another issue).
When I test with HTTPS, when the page loads the first time, it's okay, but if I hit REFRESH, then I get the ILLEGAL error. It's inconsistent - sometimes it balks on a different file, but something bad happens almost every time.
The page is at http://www.facebook.com/pages/TbkCreative-Leavens-VW-Beta/178151292291863?sk=app_363900450303117
screen shot of error on Chrome console http://tbkcreative.com/sandbox/leavens/files/2012/01/unexpected_token.png
Any insight? I'm banging my head against the wall on this one.
File this one under the red herrings and wild goose chases.
I'm using a plugin called GD Star Rating on this app. It includes a dynamic CSS file. It was being loaded in with:
<link rel='stylesheet' id='gdsr_style_main-css' href='https://tbkcreative.com/sandbox/leavens/wp-content/plugins/gd-star-rating/css/gdsr.css.php?t=1327595625&s=a10i10m20k20c05r05%23121620243046%23121620243240%23s1pchristmas%23s1pcrystal%23s1pdarkness%23s1poxygen%23s1goxygen_gif%23s1pplain%23s1ppumpkin%23s1psoft%23s1pstarrating%23s1pstarscape%23t1pclassical%23t1pstarrating%23t1gstarrating_gif%23lsgflower&o=off&ver=1.9.10' type='text/css' media='all' />
If I got rid of all of those query arguments, the problem went away. Ditto for if I just got rid of the file altogether. I didn't dig deeper to figure out exactly what was causing the issue, as I was just relieved to figure it out.
I don't understand why this file was causing javascript files down the pipe to be loaded incorrectly. I don't understand why it only happened in Chrome, accessing the page with HTTPS and when I hit refresh. Weird.
But fixed.

IE does not recognize my script

hello friends I have a big problem with internet explorer, I made a date validation using "select" with jquery, in Mozilla and crome works, but IE does nothing. Please I need help!
Your JS code calls for elements that aren't created in IE version less than 7 - thus it does nothing. See below:
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.createElement("#date-star-month option");
document.createElement("#date-star-year option");
document.createElement("#date-finish-month option");
document.createElement("#date-finish-year option");
This will not work in IE older than 7 - tested on 9, didn't work, until I ran IE9 in quasi-IE7 mode.
Additional pointers
Would be much easier to answer your question if you would be more specific.
Adding your code was a good move, do that from the start.
Too bad you didn't:
let us know what the validation function is supposed to do
on what browsers (with their versions) have you tested this
Also, if you state your intentions (why do you need that data validation, what it must do, etc.) you can get extra tips to achieve this in other (maybe better or easier) way.