MongoDB: Calling Count() vs tracking counts in a collection - mongodb

I am moving our messaging system to MongoDB and am curious what approach to take with respect to various stats, like number of messages per user etc. In MS SQL database I have a table where I have different counts per user and they get updated by trigger on corresponding tables, so I can for example know how many unread messages UserA has without calling an expensive SELECT Count(*) operation.
Is count function in MongoDB also expensive?
I started reading about map/reduce but my site is high load, so statistics has to update in real time, and my understanding is that map/reduce is time consuming operation.
What would be the best (performance-wise) approach on gathering various aggregate counts in MongoDB?

If you've got a lot of data, then I'd stick with the same approach and increment an aggregate counter whenever a new message is added for a user, using a collection something like this:
userid: 123,
messages: 10
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) there are no triggers in MongoDB, so you'd increment the counter from your application logic:
db.counts.update( { userid: 123 }, { $inc: { messages: 1 } } )
This'll give you the best performance, and you'd probably also put an index on the userid field for fast lookups:
db.counts.ensureIndex( { userid: 1 } )

Mongodb good fit for the data denormaliztion. And if your site is high load then you need to precalculate almost everything, so use $inc for incrementing messages count, no doubt.


How do I resolve this design constraint in mongo db w.r.t to performance?

Currently I have something as below.
Collection1 - system
_id: system_id,
... system fields
system_name: ,
system_site: ,
system_group: ,
device_errors: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
I have 2K unique error codes.
I have an error collection as below.
_id: error_id,
I have got a use case where each each system|burt combination can have unique error_description because error has some system data.
I am confused how to handle this in this scenario.
One system can have many errors.
One error can be part of multiple systems.
Now, how to maintain the unique details of a burt specific to a system? I thought of having a nested field instead array in system collection. I am wondering about the scalability.
Any suggestion?
error_desc:unique system1
error_Description: unique
If I store like above in another collection, API request has to make three calls and form the response.
1. Find all errors for set of systems
2. Find top 50 burts from point1
3. For top 50 burts, find error desc
Combine all three call responses and reply to the user?
I am not thinking it is best as we need to make 3 data source calls to respond a request.
I have already tried flatten structure with redundant data.
... system1_info
... error1_info
... system2_info
... error1_info
... system1_info
... error2_info
... system10_info
... error1200_info
Here, I am using many aggregation as below in single query
1. Match
2. Group error
3. Sort
4. total count of errors - another group
5. Project
I feel it is a heavier query than the approach1[actual question].
Let's say I have 2k errors, 20million systems = I have totally 40million doc.
In worst case each system has 2k errors. My query should support more than 1 system. Let's say I have to query for 25k systems.
25k systems * 2k errors => match result
Apply all the mentioned above operations
Then slice to 100[For pagination]
If I go with relational model like without redundancy, I will get 25k systems, then i have to query for only 2k errors = It is very less operation than above aggregation.
Presumably the set of possible errors does not change very frequently. Cache it in the application.

query too large issue with mongodb

let's say we have a collection of users and each user is followed by another user. if I want to find the users that are NOT following me, I need to do something like:
db.users.find({_id: { $nin : followers_ids } } ) ;
if the amount of followers_ids is huge, let's say 100k users, mongodb will start saying the query is too large, plus sending a big amount of data over the network to make the query is not good neither. what are the best practices to accomplish this query without sending all this ids over the network ?.
I recommend that you limit the number of query Results to Reduce Network Demand. According to the Docs,
MongoDB cursors return results in groups of multiple documents. If you know the number of results you want, you can reduce the demand on network resources by issuing the limit() method.
This is typically used in conjunction with sort operations. For
example, if you need only 50 results from your query to the users
collection, you would issue the following command:
db.users.find({$nin : followers_ids}).sort( { timestamp : -1 } ).limit(50)
You can then use the cursor to get retrieve more user documents as needed.
Recommendation to Restructure Followers Schema
I would recommend that you restructure your user documents if the followers will grow to a large amount. Currently user schema may be as such:
_id: ObjectId("123"),
username: "jobs",
email: "",
followers: [
The good thing about the schema is whenever this user does anything all of the users you need to notify is right here inside of the document. The downside is that if you needed to find everyone a user is following you will have to query the entire users collection. Also your user document will become larger and more volatile as the followers grow.
You may want to further normalize your followers. You can keep a collection that matches followee to followers with documents that look like this:
_id: ObjectId("123"),//Followee's "_id"
followers: [
This will keep your user documents slender, but will take an extra query to get the followers. As the "followers" array changes in size, you can enable the userPowerOf2Sizes allocation strategy to reduce fragmentation and moves.

mongodb mapreduce groupby twice

I am new to mongodb and try to count how many distinct login users per day from existing collection. The data in collection looks like following
_id: xxxxxx,
properties: {
uuid: '4b5b5c2e208811e3b5a722000a97015e',
time: ISODate("2014-12-13T00:00:00Z"),
type: 'login'
Due to my limited knowledge, what I figure out so far is group by day first, output the data to a tmp collection and use this tmp collection to do anther map reduce and output the result to a final collection. This solution will get my collections bigger which I do not really like it. Does anyone can help me out or any good/more complex tutorials that I can follow? thanks
Rather than a map reduce, I would suggest an Aggregation. You can think of an aggregation as somewhat like a linux pipe, in that you can pass the results of one operation to the next. With this strategy, you can perform 2 consecutive groups and never have to write anything to the database.
Take a look at this question for more details on the specifics.

MongoDB - Query embbeded documents

I've a collection named Events. Each Eventdocument have a collection of Participants as embbeded documents.
Now is my question.. is there a way to query an Event and get all Participants thats ex. Age > 18?
When you query a collection in MongoDB, by default it returns the entire document which matches the query. You could slice it and retrieve a single subdocument if you want.
If all you want is the Participants who are older than 18, it would probably be best to do one of two things:
Store them in a subdocument inside of the event document called "Over18" or something. Insert them into that document (and possibly the other if you want) and then when you query the collection, you can instruct the database to only return the "Over18" subdocument. The downside to this is that you store your participants in two different subdocuments and you will have to figure out their age before inserting. This may or may not be feasible depending on your application. If you need to be able to check on arbitrary ages (i.e. sometimes its 18 but sometimes its 21 or 25, etc) then this will not work.
Query the collection and retreive the Participants subdocument and then filter it in your application code. Despite what some people may believe, this isnt terrible because you dont want your database to be doing too much work all the time. Offloading the computations to your application could actually benefit your database because it now can spend more time querying and less time filtering. It leads to better scalability in the long run.
Short answer: no. I tried to do the same a couple of months back, but mongoDB does not support it (at least in version <= 1.8). The same question has been asked in their Google Group for sure. You can either store the participants as a separate collection or get the whole documents and then filter them on the client. Far from ideal, I know. I'm still trying to figure out the best way around this limitation.
For future reference: This will be possible in MongoDB 2.2 using the new aggregation framework, by aggregating like this:
{ $unwind: '$participants' },
{ $match: {'age': {$gte: 18}}},
{ $project: {participants: 1}
This will return a list of n documents where n is the number of participants > 18 where each entry looks like this (note that the "participants" array field now holds a single entry instead):
_id: objectIdOfTheEvent,
participants: { firstName: 'only one', lastName: 'participant'}
It could probably even be flattened on the server to return a list of participants. See the officcial documentation for more information.

MongoDB / NOSQL: Best approach to handling read/unread status on messages

Suppose you have a large number of users (M) and a large number of documents (N) and you want each user to be able to mark each document as read or unread (just like any email system). What's the best way to represent this in MongoDB? Or any other document database?
There are several questions on StackOverflow asking this question for relational databases but I didn't see any with recommendations for document databases:
What's the most efficient way to remember read/unread status across multiple items?
Implementing an efficient system of "unread comments" counters
Typically the answers involve a table listing everything a user has read: (i.e. tuples of user id, document id) with some possible optimizations for a cut off date allowing mark-all-as-read to wipe the database and start again knowing that anything prior to that date is 'read'.
So, MongoDB / NOSQL experts, what approaches have you seen in practice to this problem and how did they perform?
_id: messagePrefs_uniqueId,
type: 'prefs',
timestamp: unix_timestamp
ownerId: receipientId,
messageId: messageId,
read: true / false,
_id: message_uniqueId,
timestamp: unix_timestamp
type: 'message',
contents: 'this is the message',
senderId: senderId,
recipients: [receipientId1,receipientId2]
Say you have 3 messages you want to retrieve preferences for, you can get them via something like:
messageId : { $in : [messageId1,messageId2,messageId3]},
ownerId: receipientId,
If all you need is read/unread you could use this with MongoDB's upsert capabilities, so you are not creating prefs for each message unless the user actually reads it, then basically you create the prefs object with your own unique id and upsert it into MongoDB. If you want more flexibility(like say tags or folders) you'll probably want to make the pref for each recipient of the message. For example you could add:
tags: ['inbox','tech stuff']
to the prefs object and then to get all the prefs of all the messages tagged with 'tech stuff' you'd go something like:
db.messages.find({type: 'prefs', ownerId: recipientId, tags: 'tech stuff'})
You could then use the messageIds you find within the prefs to query and find all the messages that correspond:
db.messages.find((type:'message', _id: { $in : [array of messageIds from prefs]}})
It might be a little tricky if you want to do something like counting how many messages each 'tag' contains efficiently. If it's only a handful of tags you can just add .count() to the end of your query for each query. If it's hundreds or thousands then you might do better with a map/reduce server side script or maybe an object that keeps track of message counts per tag per user.
If you're only storing a simple boolean value, like read/unread, another method is to embedded an array in each Document that contains a list of the Users who have read it.
_id: 'document#42',
read_by: ['user#83', 'user#2702']
You should then be able to index that field, making for fast queries for Documents-read-by-User and Users-who-read-Document.
db.documents.find({read_by: 'user#83'})
db.documents.find({_id: 'document#42}, {read_by: 1})
However, I find that I'm usually querying for all Documents that have not been read by a particular User, and I can't think of any solution that can make use of the index in this case. I suspect it's not possible to make this fast without having both read_by and unread_by arrays, so that every User is included in every Document (or join table), but that would have a large storage cost.