Jstree dblclick binding problem [duplicate] - jstree

I try to use good lib jstree but i have some strange problem with dblclick binding.
Here is my code
themes: {
url: "http://mywork/shinframework/shinfw/themes/redmond/css/jstree/default/style.css"
"plugins" : ["themes","html_data","ui","crrm","hotkeys", "core"],
$("#basic_html").bind("dblclick.jstree", function (e, data) {
When this code runs and i make dblclick for some node i can see 2 alerts. The first is object -right, the second is undefined - BUT i want receive data information.
Please, if some specialist solve this problem give me right way for correct use dblclick and receive "data" information about node who is i clicked.

I recommend this approach . . .
$("#basic_html li").live("dblclick", function (data) {
//this object is jsTree node that was double clicked
First, you usually only need to know if the li was clicked so monitoring the event on the li will give you everything you need. Secondly, use live or delegate for the event binding so you can manipulate the tree without breaking the event.
Once you have the node that was double clicked (the this object) you can then use the built-in functions like this . . .
if (!jsAll.is_selected(this)) { return false; } //cancel operation if dbl-clicked node not selected
Where . . .
jsAll = $.jstree._reference("basic_html")

$("#basic_html").bind("dblclick.jstree", function (event) {
var node = $(event.target).closest("li");//that was the node you double click
that's the code you want.


how to respond to user expanding a node?

I guess the answer is expand - but the expand-event does not seem to fire.
But let me start at the beginning: I have a nice tree and I'd like to use jBox to display information about certain nodes. I noticed that this worked only for nodes that were visible when the tree was created, but it did not work for nodes under collapsed nodes. So I thought I could use expandand assign an event-handler that would call jBoxto create the tooltips. But it did not work. I added a console.log to the `expand-handler and noticed that it never logged.
Am I specifying it incorrectly?
Fiddle here. The "SD"-Node has some items in it which should have a tooltip attached to the (i)-icon.
It doesn't fire because you are passing in a string:
"expand": "function(event, data) {...}"
You need to remove the double quotes, so that it is a function:
"expand": function(event, data) {...}
See updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pgh52m4w/3/
The same counts for the event "dblclick". Remove the double quotes there too.
Also, it is encouraged to use the .attach() method when attaching jBox. The attach method will check if this jBox was already attached to the element and only attaches it if it wasn't.
See the updated fiddle. I created a variable for the tooltip and reattach it in the expand event:
$(function() {
var treei = $("#tree").fancytree({
expand: function () {
myTooltip && myTooltip.attach(); // Reattaching Tooltip
// ...
var myTooltip = new jBox("Tooltip", { // get tooltips showing
attach: '[data-jbox-content]',
getTitle: "data-jbox-title",
getContent: "data-jbox-content"

sap.m.TileContainer scrollIntoView issue

I have an XML view that contains a TileContainer which is bound to a model that is used to create StandardTiles. The XML snippet is:
<TileContainer id="tilelist" tiles="{Applications}">
<StandardTile name="{ID}" icon="{Icon}" title="{Name}" press="doNavigation" info="{Description}"
number="{path : 'Number', formatter: 'linxas.com.fiori.launchpad.util.Formatter.formatUsingURL'}"
This is working perfectly, the correct tiles are getting displayed etc. When I click on a tile, there is navigation that occurs and I want to "remember" which tile was clicked (by index) so when returning I can scroll to that tile. This is done on the tile's press event handler (doNavigation function) and stores the index in sessionStorage. This is also working properly.
doNavigation : function (evt) {
if (sessionStorage && this.getView().byId('tilelist')) {
sessionStorage.setItem("selected_tile", this.getView().byId('tilelist').indexOfTile(evt.getSource()));
The proper value is stored. So when navigating back, within the onAfterRendering function of the page that contains the TileContainer I have the following code. It is attempting to see if there is a "selected_tile" value stored in sessionStorage, if so it calls scollIntoView passing in the tile index. The issue is that this code is executed, but doesn't work and I suspect it is because at the time of calling this function, the TileContainer's tiles aggregation is returning 0 length.
onAfterRendering : function (evt) {
var theList = this.getView().byId("tilelist");
if (sessionStorage && theList) {
var tile_index = sessionStorage.getItem("selected_tile");
console.log(tile_index + " of " + theList.getTiles().length);
if (tile_index) {
theList.scrollIntoView(+tile_index, true);
My console output looks something like this (based on the tile that was clicked):
5 of 0
Any help would be appreciated. I assume that there is somewhere else that I need to execute this last bit of code as the TileContainer does not seem to be finished processing its tiles at this point, at least that is my assumption of why the tiles aggregation is 0.
Are you using Routing in your project?
If yes, you can try to register a method to handle the routePatternMatched event of the router. This method will be called after the onAfterRendering method - if the proper route pattern is matched.
To achieve this, just create the following:
onInit: function() {
sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this).getRoute("NameOfYourCurrentRoute").attachPatternMatched(this._routePatternMatched, this);
_routePatternMatched: function(oEvent) {
//do your stuff here
Hopefully the TileList is ready at this point to navigate to the correct tile.

can't tap on item in google autocomplete list on mobile

I'm making a mobile-app using Phonegap and HTML. Now I'm using the google maps/places autocomplete feature. The problem is: if I run it in my browser on my computer everything works fine and I choose a suggestion to use out of the autocomplete list - if I deploy it on my mobile I still get suggestions but I'm not able to tap one. It seems the "suggestion-overlay" is just ignored and I can tap on the page. Is there a possibility to put focus on the list of suggestions or something that way ?
Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
There is indeed a conflict with FastClick and PAC. I found that I needed to add the needsclick class to both the pac-item and all its children.
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
There is currently a pull request on github, but this hasn't been merged yet.
However, you can simply use this patched version of fastclick.
The patch adds the excludeNode option which let's you exclude DOM nodes handled by fastclick via regex. This is how I used it to make google autocomplete work with fastclick:
FastClick.attach(document.body, {
excludeNode: '^pac-'
This reply may be too late. But might be helpful for others.
I had the same issue and after debugging for hours, I found out this issue was because of adding "FastClick" library. After removing this, it worked as usual.
So for having fastClick and google suggestions, I have added this code in geo autocomplete
jQuery.fn.addGeoComplete = function(e){
var input = this;
$(input).attr("autocomplete" , "off");
var id = input.attr("id");
$(input).on("keypress", function(e){
var input = this;
var defaultBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(37.2555, -121.9245),
new google.maps.LatLng(37.2555, -121.9245));
var options = {
bounds: defaultBounds,
mapkey: "xxx"
//Fix for fastclick issue
var g_autocomplete = $("body > .pac-container").filter(":visible");
g_autocomplete.bind('DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved', function(event) {
$(".pac-item", this).addClass("needsclick");
//End of fix
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(document.getElementById(id), options);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
//Handle place selection
if you are using Framework 7, it has a custom implementation of FastClicks. Instead of the needsclick class, F7 has no-fastclick. The function below is how it is implemented in F7:
function targetNeedsFastClick(el) {
var $el = $(el);
if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && el.type === 'file') return false;
if ($el.hasClass('no-fastclick') || $el.parents('.no-fastclick').length > 0) return false;
return true;
So as suggested in other comments, you will only have to add the .no-fastclick class to .pac-item and in all its children
I was having the same problem,
I realized what the problem was that probably the focusout event of pac-container happens before the tap event of the pac-item (only in phonegap built-in browser).
The only way I could solve this, is to add padding-bottom to the input when it is focused and change the top attribute of the pac-container, so that the pac-container resides within the borders of the input.
Therefore when user clicks on item in list the focusout event is not fired.
It's dirty, but it works
worked perfectly for me :
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
Configuration: Cordova / iOS iphone 5

Jstree : dblclick binding parameter data is undefined

I try to use good lib jstree but i have some strange problem with dblclick binding.
Here is my code
themes: {
url: "http://mywork/shinframework/shinfw/themes/redmond/css/jstree/default/style.css"
"plugins" : ["themes","html_data","ui","crrm","hotkeys", "core"],
$("#basic_html").bind("dblclick.jstree", function (e, data) {
When this code runs and i make dblclick for some node i can see 2 alerts. The first is object -right, the second is undefined - BUT i want receive data information.
Please, if some specialist solve this problem give me right way for correct use dblclick and receive "data" information about node who is i clicked.
I recommend this approach . . .
$("#basic_html li").live("dblclick", function (data) {
//this object is jsTree node that was double clicked
First, you usually only need to know if the li was clicked so monitoring the event on the li will give you everything you need. Secondly, use live or delegate for the event binding so you can manipulate the tree without breaking the event.
Once you have the node that was double clicked (the this object) you can then use the built-in functions like this . . .
if (!jsAll.is_selected(this)) { return false; } //cancel operation if dbl-clicked node not selected
Where . . .
jsAll = $.jstree._reference("basic_html")
$("#basic_html").bind("dblclick.jstree", function (event) {
var node = $(event.target).closest("li");//that was the node you double click
that's the code you want.

jquery selection with .not()

I have some troubles with jQuery.
I have a set of Divs with .square classes. Only one of them is supposed to have an .active class. This .active class may be activated/de-activated onClick.
Here is my code :
jQuery().ready(function() {
$(".square").not(".active").click(function() {
// some action here...
$('.square.active').click(function() {
My problem is that the first function si called, even if I click on an active .square, as if the selector was not working. In fact, this seems to be due to the addClass('active') line...
Would you have an idea how to fix this ?
Just to give something different from the other answers. Lonesomeday is correct in saying the function is bound to whatever they are at the start. This doesn't change.
The following code uses the live method of jQuery to keep on top of things. Live will always handle whatever the selector is referencing so it continually updates if you change your class. You can also dynamically add new divs with the square class and they will automatically have the handler too.
$(".square:not(.active)").live('click', function() {
$('.square.active').live('click', function() {
Example working: http://jsfiddle.net/jonathon/mxY3Y/
Note: I'm not saying this is how I would do it (depends exactly on your requirement) but it is just another way to look at things.
This is because the function is bound to elements that don't have the active class when you create them. You should bind to all .square elements and take differing actions depending on whether the element has the class active:
var clicked = $(this);
if (clicked.hasClass('active')) {
} else {