cometd setup: using dojo and apache - cometd

Can some body point out how to set up a server and client for cometd application.
i have dojo, and appache server ..
when i browsed through , came across jetty server. Im not sure whether both apache and jetty servers are needed to set the server side.

have a look here:
the servlet should work on Tomcat as well as Jetty. It's just that the cometd implementation was done by Jetty people. But it's a standard servlet.

Have a look at the example that i have built it for jboss : Cometd-struts2 example on jboss


Which Application Server is used by Quarkus Internally?

Like Spring Boot uses Apache Tomcat, Undertow and Jetty and i have worked on an assignment of same. So just trying to map understanding.
What application server is used by Quarkus?
I have created an application in server and found Jboss libaries, Arjuna Libraries for transaction
which is used by Jboss servers or wildfly servers. But i am not sure whether it is based on Jboss.
Can anyone please clarify?
In short, Quarkus can be thought of as its own application server. However, it is comprised of many open source libraries that have been around for a while, such as:
Undertow for the Servlet/Websocket engine
Netty for the network IO layer
Hibernate for JPA
The full set of extensions can be found on the Quarkus Starter website.

Applet Web service client, with Eclipse Indigo using Apache CXF,

I'm trying to consume a web service within an applet.
For that objective i've tried Apache and Apache2, both with good results
but the problem is that the jar dependencies are far too fat for my application
(the jar for axis or axis2 are over 1.5MB, and the applet is less than 200KB)
So i will try consuming the web service with Apache CXF, hoping that the jars
are at least a bit smaller.
Using eclipse one creates an empty project and in the main classes implements
the applet and blah blah, but to create the web service one must use the web service
I've used this wizard before, to consume the web service using Axis, but the moment i choose other options i get this message:
****The Apache CXF 2.x Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the client project****
What i´m missing?
I've already installed, CXF 2.x runtime, and the Tomcat 7 Server, and of course the Eclipse Web Tools.
This question How to generate web service client with Apache CXF in Eclipse Helios?
shows a very hard solution and it´s one year old!
is there any other way to consume webservices within an applet?
ksoap2 has no documentation on complex webservices, and ksoap2-android
Sorry for a boring question, but any help is greatly apreciated
Apache CXF 2-x Web service runtime Tomcat Server not support client
The Apache CXF 2.x Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the client project
Answer: If you see above error during creating web service client in eclipse using Apache CXF means you are using java project to generate the client from WSDL. Latest version of JAX-WS supports Dynamic Web Module v2.5 and up. So create client using apache CXF first you need to create Dynamic web project.
Once dynamic project created then open web service client wizard to create client from WSDL and issue should be resolved.

Embedding Felix in Tomcat

I am a newbie to OSGi, started using felix. I am at present well versed with the concept of bundles, service etc. I have a requirement where I can embed Felix into Tomcat, I tried googling the same but was unable to find a relevant solution for my purpose.
What I exactly need is..
Till now I used to deploy my web app bundles into embedded http jetty service/PAX web.. installed inside Felix, but now I want to put Felix into Apache Tomcat/any other application server, so that whenever my tomcat starts up I need my felix instance up and running, and at the same time should be able to deploy/install/start my bundles through felix.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to consider the Apache Sling Launchpad subproject. This creates a WAR file which can be deployed into any servlet container and which launches the Apache Felix framework as the OSGi framework.
See also the Sling Launchpad and Embedding Sling for more information.

how do you setup apache web server in netbeans 6.8?

I'd like to debug PHP apps, but I want to setup Apache web server (httpd.exe).
I right clicked SERVERS, Add Server..., then noticed there is no option for httpd.exe, just for Glashfiish, JBoss, Apache Tomcat, and some other servers.
So, how can I add Apache Web Server (right from within the IDE just like other servers), and then properly debug PHP apps?
NetBeans does not have a plugin to integrate the IDE with the Apache HTTP server directly.
The servers that are listed in the 'Add Server' dialog are all Java EE servers. Since Apache is not a Java EE server, it is appropriate that it does not appear in that list.
That said, there are a number of articles about the ins and outs of doing PHP development with NetBeans and Apache.
It looks like you do not need to 'register' the httpd in NetBeans. The PHP development plugins are supposed to take care of doing the right thing for you.
Check it here

How do you setup JNDI for GWT (2.0) Hosted Mode?

How do you setup a JNDI server on GWT's hosted mode (they seem to use an embedded Jetty server)?
You can switch to any external Java server and use it without problems with GWT (I'm assuming here that you already have a working configuration and you don't want to migrate it to GWT's embedded Jetty, which may or may not prove to be difficult). For more details see the good docs.