Entity Framework only with stored procedures - entity-framework

i have a question about the reasonableness of using entity framework only with stored procedures in our scenario.
We plan to have an N-tier architecutre, with UI, BusinessLayer (BLL), DataAccessLayer(DAL) and a BusinessObjectDefinitions(BOD) layer. The BOD layer is known by all other layers and the results from executes queries in the DAL should be transformed into Objects (definied in the BOD) before passing into the BLL.
We will only use stored procedures for all CRUD methods.
So in case of a select stored procedure, we would add a function import, create a complex type and when we execute the function, we tranform the values of the complex type into a class of BOD and pass that to the BLL.
So basicly, we have no Entities in the Model, just Complex types, that are transformed into Business Objects.
I'm not sure if that all makes sense, since in my opinion, we lose a lot of the benefit, EF offers.
Or am i totally wrong?

I would not use EF if all I was just using was stored procs.
Personally, I'd look at something like PetaPoco, Massive or even just straight Ado.Net
Here's an example of PetaPoco consuming SPs and outputting custom types

I disagree with both of the existing answers here. Petapoco is great, but I think the EF still offers a number of advantages.
Petapoco works great (maybe even better than the EF) for executing simple stored procedures that read a single entity or a list of entities. However, once you've read the data and need to begin modifying it, I feel this is where the EF is the clear winner.
To insert/update data with petapoco you'll need to manually call the insert/update stored procedure using:
db.Execute("EXEC spName #param1 = 1, #param2 = 2")
Manually constructing the stored procedure call and declaring all the parameters gets old very fast when the insert/update stored procedures insert rows with more than just a couple of columns. This gets even worse when calling update stored procedures that implement optimistic concurrency (i.e. passing in the original values as parameters).
You also run the risk of making a typo in your in-lined stored procedure call, which very likely will not be caught until runtime.
Now compare this to the entity framework: In the EF I would simply map my stored procedure to my entity in the edmx. There's less risk of a typo, since the entity framework tools will automatically generate the mapping by analyzing my stored procedure.
The entity framework also will handle optimistic concurrency without any problems. Finally, when it comes time to save my changes the only step is to call:

I agree, if you rely on stored procedures for all CRUD methods, then there is no need to use EF.

I use EF to map stored procedure calls as our DAL. It saves time in writing your DAL by mapping the functions. We are not using LINQ to SQL as much, as our DBA does not want direct data table access.


Possible to call a stored procedure on a Table-Per-Hierarchy table in EF Core 3.1?

I'm moving from EF Core 2.2 to 3.1. One breaking change (#15392) was that it no longer composed over stored procedures, so you had to add 'AsEnumerable'. That usually works, but I have a stored procedure call on a TPH table where that fails:
My call to the SPROC is:
SqlParameter authorizedUserID_p =
new SqlParameter("#authorizedUserID", authorizedUser.ID);
IEnumerable<Post> query =
context.Posts.FromSqlRaw<Post>("Post.USP_ReadPost #ID, #AuthorizedUserID",
parameters: new[]{ parentID_p, authorizedUserID_p }
Post targetPost = query.ToList<Post>().FirstOrDefault<Post>();
And it produces this error, recommending using AsEnumberable (which I'm already using above):
System.InvalidOperationException: FromSqlRaw or FromSqlInterpolated was called with non-composable SQL and with a query composing over it.
Consider calling AsEnumerable after the FromSqlRaw or FromSqlInterpolated method to perform the composition on the client side.
I believe the reason is because my Posts table is Table-per-hiearchy, as other calls to SPROCS in the same application are working fine. Would appreciate any help possible!
This is yet another issue introduced by EFC 3, tracked by #18232: Impossible to use stored procedures related to entities that inherits another one.
The reason is that SP calls are not composable, and EF Core always try to compose SQL for TPH base entities in order to add discriminator condition. Similar to Global Query Filters, but there you can at least use IgnoreQueryFilters, while here you have no option.
The good news is that it's already fixed in EFC repository. The bad news is that it won't be released until EFC 5.0.
Since AsEnumerable() doesn't help, all you can do is to wait for EFC 5.0. Or, if possible, convert SPs like this to TVF (table valued functions) which are composable. In general, use scalar functions or stored procedures with output parameter(s) for non query returning calls (to be executed with ExecuteSql*), and table valued functions for single query returning calls (to be used with FromSql*). Note that currently EFC does not support multiple query returning stored procedures anyway.

Performance when executing stored procedure using DbContext

Is there a performance difference when executing stored procedures from Entity Framework? I tried to do some testing, but I get similar results, so I want to make sure I decide to use better approach.
One way it to add the stored procedure in EDM, and second way is to call
content.Database.SqlQuery("sp_Name", params)

Returning anonymous types from stored procedure

I have an existing database with a set of stored procedures. I am redesigning the application layer without making changes to database objects. One of the difficulties I am faced with is there are many stored procedures which are similar to each other in that they query the same tables but return different combinations of columns.
I am neither able to return partially filled entities nor I could find a way to return anonymous types from stored procedures using Entity Framework 4.1 (and SQL Server 2008 R2). This is forcing me to define too many complex types one per stored procedure although underlying table structure is the same.
My questions are :
Please suggest solutions for minimising number of entities / complex types which can be implemented using EF and without making changes to database objects.
Also, is it possible to return partially filled entities? This would enable me to reuse entities. I am not planning to use object tracking features.
How can we return anonymous types from stored procedures outputs? This is also good enough for me since in most cases I am going to return the data to client in JSON format
You won't be able to return anonymous types - those are typically restricted to the scope of the method they're defined inside of.
Returning partially filled types isn't possible per se - but you could do this:
in your database layer, call the stored procedure in question; it will return a specific complex type to match its "signature"
using something like AutoMapper, you could easily copy those returned fields in the complex type into an entity of your system, thus getting a "partially filled" entity
return that entity from your database layer to the application to be used
You won't be able to avoid having lots of complex types just for the sake of getting the return values from the stored procedures - but you'll keep those locked away inside your database layer, they won't "leak out" into your entire application.
Just use System.Data.DataTable like good old days.

Entity Framework Table Per Type Performance

So it turns out that I am the last person to discover the fundamental floor that exists in Microsoft's Entity Framework when implementing TPT (Table Per Type) inheritance.
Having built a prototype with 3 sub classes, the base table/class consisting of 20+ columns and the child tables consisting of ~10 columns, everything worked beautifully and I continued to work on the rest of the application having proved the concept. Now the time has come to add the other 20 sub types and OMG, I've just started looking the SQL being generated on a simple select, even though I'm only interested in accessing the fields on the base class.
This page has a wonderful description of the problem.
Has anyone gone into production using TPT and EF, are there any workarounds that will mean that I won't have to:
a) Convert the schema to TPH (which goes against everything I try to achieve with my DB design - urrrgghh!)?
b) rewrite with another ORM?
The way I see it, I should be able to add a reference to a Stored Procedure from within EF (probably using EFExtensions) that has the the TSQL that selects only the fields I need, even using the code generated by EF for the monster UNION/JOIN inside the SP would prevent the SQL being generated every time a call is made - not something I would intend to do, but you get the idea.
The killer I've found, is that when I'm selecting a list of entities linked to the base table (but the entity I'm selecting is not a subclass table), and I want to filter by the pk of the Base table, and I do .Include("BaseClassTableName") to allow me to filter using x=>x.BaseClass.PK == 1 and access other properties, it performs the mother SQL generation here too.
I can't use EF4 as I'm limited to the .net 2.0 runtimes with 3.5 SP1 installed.
Has anyone got any experience of getting out of this mess?
This seems a bit confused. You're talking about TPH, but when you say:
The way I see it, I should be able to add a reference to a Stored Procedure from within EF (probably using EFExtensions) that has the the TSQL that selects only the fields I need, even using the code generated by EF for the monster UNION/JOIN inside the SP would prevent the SQL being generated every time a call is made - not something I would intend to do, but you get the idea.
Well, that's Table per Concrete Class mapping (using a proc rather than a table, but still, the mapping is TPC...). The EF supports TPC, but the designer doesn't. You can do it in code-first if you get the CTP.
Your preferred solution of using a proc will cause performance problems if you restrict queries, like this:
var q = from c in Context.SomeChild
where c.SomeAssociation.Foo == foo
select c;
The DB optimizer can't see through the proc implementation, so you get a full scan of the results.
So before you tell yourself that this will fix your results, double-check that assumption.
Note that you can always specify custom SQL for any mapping strategy with ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery.
However, before you do any of this, consider that, as RPM1984 points out, your design seems to overuse inheritance. I like this quote from NHibernate in Action
[A]sk yourself whether it might be better to remodel inheritance as delegation in the object model. Complex inheritance is often best avoided for all sorts of reasons unrelated to persistence or ORM. [Your ORM] acts as a buffer between the object and relational models, but that doesn't mean you can completely ignore persistence concerns when designing your object model.
We've hit this same problem and are considering porting our DAL from EF4 to LLBLGen because of this.
In the meantime, we've used compiled queries to alleviate some of the pain:
Compiled Queries (LINQ to Entities)
This strategy doesn't prevent the mammoth queries, but the time it takes to generate the query (which can be huge) is only done once.
You'll can use compiled queries with Includes() as such:
static readonly Func<AdventureWorksEntities, int, Subcomponent> subcomponentWithDetailsCompiledQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<AdventureWorksEntities, int, Subcomponent>(
(ctx, id) => ctx.Subcomponents
.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == id));
public Subcomponent GetSubcomponentWithDetails(int id)
return subcomponentWithDetailsCompiledQuery.Invoke(ObjectContext, id);

design advice : Entity Framework useful with stored procedures?

I am new to .NET and early in the design process of a front-end application for a database, and looking for some advice.
I am not sure I get it...
The DB is very strongly normalized, but provides lots of stored procedures to abstract the logical model (ex. Select sproc returns one data set from multiple tables closely reflecting the business object, Insert/Update sprocs to multiple tables, etc..)
How should I design the DAL ?
I'm not sure what the benefit of the Entity Framework is in this context.
When generated, it reflects the normalized DB schema rather than an abstraction of it.
Or if I map the sprocs to generate it (which requires some work since the T-SQL in the sprocs is dynamic and with joins), I get the business objects alright but can't see the benefit of it : the entities represent to a single 'abstract' table, and not a set of entities with Datarelations, the sprocs handles the calls to multiple tables. It seems more work to map the generated change events to the sprocs than to call the sprocs directly.
What am I missing ?
You can do this with the EF, but the designer won't help you; it doesn't know how to derive an entity type from a stored proc signature. You would need to write the EDMX by hand. CTP 4 code-first may be easier, but I've never tried it.
After some research, I think I'm starting to be on the right track.
The following articles were very helpful :
Entity Framework Modeling: Table Per Hierarchy Inheritance
see also : Entity Framework Modeling : Entity Splitting
To be clear, what I wanted was to abstract the DB schema in the EF model.
(I didn't want any entity representing 'nothing', like a many-to-many relationship).
Besides these modeling techniques, I used views to generate the EF model, and added sprocs for CRUD.
As I said, I am a beginner. Let me know if I am on a wrong track...